7 Diet Secrets for Great Abs or Just Lose Weight
I have always heard that "abdominals are made in the kitchen, not in the gym," and there's a lot of truth to that. You can do as many reps of sit ups you want, but you can forget about set of 6-pack abs, or even looking like you are in shape, if you do not watch the food you eat.
- Drink plenty of water - you need to get 8 to 12 eight ounce glasses of water (plain water).
- Avoid white sugar and flour. They are highly refined and go into your blood stream quickly. This will cause your blood sugar to spike and fall, which will increase your cravings.
- Find your calorie maintenance level and stay 15 to 20 percent below that. If you want to use a more aggressive approach be careful. You do not want to keep the calories low for too long. If you take the aggressive approach you will want to increase calorie intake a couple of days a week to keep your metabolism from shifting into starvation mode.
- Eat 5-6 small meals instead of 2-3 big ones. Also spread the calories out over the whole day. Don't starve yourself all day and ping out in the evening. Too much of even good foods will cause the fat to stay on.
- Eat high quality lean protein with each meal.
- Get the majority of your carbs from a natural plant source.
- Keep fats to less than 30 percent of your calories. Remember you want as much of that 30% as possible to be from good oil sources (I.E. flax oil, fish and nuts). Some studies have indicated that these oils may actually help you loose the fat.
Alton Morris has struggled with weight problems his whole life. I have been actively researching an answer for several years now. Follow what I am learning at Weightloss Central