Saturday, May 10, 2008 


Everyone is in competition nowadays to look good and live healthy. So to look good usually they go for dieting with the aim of losing weight as personality with overweight is not pleasing.

People diet for many reasons. Some are at an unhealthy weight and need to pay closer attention to their eating and exercise habits. Some play sports and want to be in top physical condition. Others may think they would look and feel better if they lost a few pounds. Lots of people feel pressured to lose weight and try different types of diets. But if you really need to lose weight, improving your eating habits and exercising will help you more than any diet. Dieting could be a solution if done in a right manner. Unhealthy Dieting, especially extreme food-intake reduction and rapid weight loss, can have the following side effects:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Prolonged hunger
  • Sinus
  • Muscle loss
  • Blood shot eyes
  • Gall bladder diseases
  • Acidosis
  • Rashes
  • Irritability
  • Fainting
The best way to diet is to eat a wide variety of enough food to meet your body needs. Aim to eat more fruits and veggies, cut back on meats high in fat (like burgers and hot dogs), greasy fried foods, and sweets, and drink more water instead of sugary drinks like sports drinks or sodas. Great Dieting Tips to loose weight safely:
  • Eat less. More often.
  • Do not eat right before going to bed.
  • Kick the sugar habit.
  • Shop with calories in mind.
  • Reduce the amount of breads, chips, crackers, and salty snacks you eat.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Drink milk, including fat-free or low-fat milk.
  • Drink plenty of water (at least four to six 8-ounce glasses a day).
  • Eat lean, high-protein foods, like lean meat, chicken, fish, or beans.
  • Eat whole grains (like whole-wheat bread or pasta), which provide fiber, B vitamins, and iron.
  • Eat breakfast.
  • Choose smaller portions at fast-food restaurants.
  • Stay away from fad diets you might lose a few pounds temporarily, but if you do not focus on changing your habits, you will probably just gain it back when you go back to your usual way of eating.
  • Do not take diet pills.
  • Avoid seeing foods as "good" or "bad" or eliminating entire groups of foods, like dairy. If you eliminate entire food groups, you may miss out on important nutrients, like calcium
  • If you choose to become a vegetarian, talk to your doctor or dietitian about how to make nutritious vegetarian choices.

Author is running a health information site where information on several diseases like allergies, blood disorders, cancer, childrens health, digestive disorder, liver diseases etc. and tips on dieting, nutrition and improving lifestyle has been provided. Find some useful articles on dieting here-


Weight Loss Consequences, Physical or Emotional?

Have you ever considered following a weight loss process, if you have then chances are that most people tell you about how simple, easy, and utterly accessible it is; however you will hardly hear about the negative consequences that it may provoke in your physical and mental self, which is why this article is meant to be a source of information for all of those people who are not quite sure of their decision yet, and have to learn about the various weight loss consequences that they can expect.

First of all let me tell you that weight loss is truly simple, it is just a matter of willpower and dedication, that is it. Just lay back on the amount of calories you take, practice some exercise, and dedicate yourself to your body a little more than you used to. However the weight loss consequences for following these advices are not always so easy to handle, they mean cutting off your favorite drinks, meals and deserts. It also means that you will have less time to do the things that you enjoy the most, and here is exactly where these weight loss consequences come into play.

You will probably feel depressed for a while when following a weight loss method, especially if you do not start seeing results fast. What happens is that you start thinking if all that sacrifice is really worth it, seeing that you have only lost a few pounds, what's the point of all these weight loss efforts anyway? But you need to be consistent, if you drop your efforts by the moment you start thinking about that, then you will lose all progress, which means that your weight loss motivation will be as good as gone.

Weight loss consequences are not physical at all; some people suffer from different minor problems at first, but only those who follow a starving diet or an overwhelming weight loss exercise routine. If you take your time and pace yourself, there is no possible danger that you may suffer, but the weight loss consequences may present themselves in the form of mental problems.

In order to avoid these weight loss consequences, just remember that you are following the process in order to become a healthier person, remember the very reasons why you decided to follow the methods in the first place, and have a lot of faith in the upcoming results, I can guarantee that they will be worth your time.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below.

Want to lose weight and gain lean muscle mass? Check out Body Building Resource for articles about muscle building, fat loss, diet and fitness. Also available are a muscle building eBook, DVDs, gym equipment and supplements. Go to


Weight Loss - Sleep Away Your Fat

For those of you who have been curious about how sleep effects your weigh loss process, here's some interesting information. According to a recent report published in the Journal Sleep, those who slept 6 hours or less and 9 hours or more put on more weight then those who slept 7 to 8 hours. Yet another reason to get sufficient sleep.

The published report went on to state that those who did not get enough sleep gained 4.4 lbs more then those who did get enough sleep; those who slept too much gained 1.58 lbs more than those who got the recommended amount of sleep. Even though sleeping longer isn't as bad to your weight as not getting enough sleep, you should think twice about sleeping all day when you're trying to lose weight.

As for the reason behind their findings, the report stated that the amount of sleep's effect on weight gain has to do with its effect on the body's hormone levels, especially those involved in controlling your appetite and giving you the feeling of fullness after a meal.

The report also stated that watching tv in bed is a bad habit as is ingesting alcohol, caffeine, and yes, chocolate too. And even though exercising is great for losing weight, it's not a good idea to exercise before you go to bed.

So if you want to lose weight, it pays to get enough sleep, but not too much. If you have trouble going to sleep, try something relaxing like taking a hot shower or reading a book

Are you tired of searching all over the internet for information and things you can do to burn fat quickly and easily? Then go to to find out more. Be certain to check out information on some of the hottest selling weight loss plans and while you're there, calculate your target heart rate zone so you can get the most out of your workout.


Fast Weight Loss Plan

Want a fast weight loss plan? It's easy to say goodbye quickly to 10 or 12 pounds of fat with these diet tips. Simply follow these tips and learn how to lose weight effectively.

The basics ..... eat plenty of good tasting, fresh, and healthy foods, fill up on vegetables, and keep your taste buds happy by eating lots of fruit. You should eat 3 small meals along with 3 small snacks each day.

No need to sacrifice! Just follow these simple guidelines to lose 10 or 12 pounds, or to give your weight loss efforts a boost when it seems to have screeched to a halt. Implement this balanced and flexible plan which shows you how to lose weight effectively.


Keep notes about everything you put into your mouth. No need to estimate calories. Just keep a record of what you eat and drink along with the approximate quantity. You will find that becoming aware of what you are eating helps you to plan healthy meals and snacks.


Cut your intake of all pure or added fats in half. Use half as much butter or spread on your bread, toast, muffins and potatoes; use half of your usual amount of mayonnaise or sauce on your salad; and use only half of the oil you normally put into the frying pan.


Eat treats containing sugar only three times per week. This includes the usual suspects: chocolate, ice cream, desserts, cake, pastries, and cookies.


Most meals should include a lower fat source of protein such as fish, chicken, cottage cheese, low fat yogurt, or beans. You can eat nuts, red meat, and eggs ..... just not every day.


Cheese and meat should be absent from at least one lunch and dinner every week. In order to increase fiber and reduce fat, those meals without cheese and meat can be built around whole grains, vegetables and beans.


Consume milk products containing reduced fat. Reduce from whole milk to 2% fat. Over time, reduce from 2% to 1%. Consume lower fat cheese and yogurt. Always read the labels to confirm that the yogurt you purchase does not contain sugar.


Eat a minimum of two servings of fruit every day as dessert or for snacks. Choose fruit that is in season.


Substitute water for sodas, juices, milk or alcohol. Do not drink diet soda because the sweet taste makes you crave sugar. Many people find that hot water with a slice of lemon can be very refreshing in the morning.


Include at least two servings of vegetables during lunch and dinner. You can have more servings of vegetables if you are still hungry.


Eat slowly in order to give your body time to understand that it is no longer hungry. This will reduce your tendency to eat too much.


Grated carrots are great for snacks and are much more filling than whole carrots.


The fiber in whole grains gives you a fuller feeling and will also help your digestion.


You can increase your fiber intake by choosing foods that need to be chewed. Chewing helps us to feel more satisfied. For example, eat some fruit instead of drinking juice. And always try to eat chunky soup instead of broth.


Plan your meals and snacks in advance. Plan your shopping in advance, too. Make your list and stick to it. Don't take the chance of loading up on high-calorie food when shopping while you are hungry.


Studies consistently prove that we eat more food while watching TV than we do when the TV is turned off. So, when you eat meals or snacks, leave the TV turned off.

Many of us are looking for a fast weight loss plan. We realize that a disciplined and consistent effort on our part is required. And, we appreciate the fact that most fast weight loss plans are doomed to failure. If you want an idiot-proof plan to LOSE 9 POUNDS IN 11 DAYS, go to

How To Get A Six Pack


The Secret To Permanent Weight Loss

AND SAVE MONEY IN THE PROCESS. The secret is simple and basic. Just three little words --- DON'T BUY IT! If you don't buy it, you won't eat it. If you don't eat it, you won't get fat. So your problem starts at the store or restaurant.

Since your diet starts at the store, were you ever taught how to shop for food? Probably not. The grocery store can destroy your diet and get into your pocketbook . First you need to check the layout of the store, ---where everything is. Leave the produce for last, so it will be as fresh as you can get it.

REMEMBER: 70% of the products are there just to take your money. Notice how many rows they have of soda, cereal, and snacks. Look what they've done to the potato--instant potatoes, mashed potatoes, french fries, tater tots, shoe string, chips, twice baked. Notice the shelves along the aisles. Everything is conveniently displayed close to your reach--a ploy by the store to buy those products. On the lower shelves are products aimed at kids. Look lower or higher, and you will find the same products--for less. If nature didn't make it, you don't need it. Stay away from processed and imitation foods. Try to stay away from canned food (you never know what's in the can). Stick with the fresh & frozen foods.

Check out the PACKAGES carefully. That box or package may not be full. 1 -Solids are measured by weight-- ounces, pounds. . 2 -Liquids are measured by volume-- gallon, quart, pint. 3- Price -5% of the price for the product is for the product it itself. 95% of the price is for; packaging, manufacturing, transportation, middlemen, salaries, insurance, utilities, etc. Let's say a gallon of milk cost $2.00. The milk is 10 cents, the rest is $1.90.

According to the FDA, LABELS must be specific and truthful. If the label says "Kraft Pasteurized Processed Cheese Food," it is not cheese. If it says "Breakfast Orange Drink"--it is not juice. Check out the nutritional values, particularly fat---stay away from saturated fat. INGREDIENTS must be listed in dominance order. If sugar or water is listed first, it is mostly sugar or water. The last ingredient is least significant. Anything after salt is of little use. Do you know what those ingredients are? Can you pronounce them? And you want to feed this to your family?

COUPONS are a gimmick to get you to buy something you don't need in the first place. Save 50 cents on chips, when you can save $3 if you didn't buy it. Do you ever find coupons for REAL food? Marketers know you need the basics. Nature didn't make snickers, it made nuts. Nature didn't make chips, it made potatoes. Nature didn't make soda pop, it made water and juice. Nature didn't make wieners, it made fish. Nature didn't make Snickers, it made raisins. Nature didn't make fritoes, it made corn. Our society is food oriented. On every corner there is a restaurant, fast food, and everything in between. You are bombarded with ads from the media. Your body knows what it needs. It knows when to stop eating apples, not candy. Once you start eating Mother Nature's diet you can lose weight, and feel much better about yourself Listen to your body.

Add exercise to your lifestyle, and you can add years to your life. Do something every day, even if its walking, climbing stairs, playing with the kids. A good exercise program should include aerobics (running, swimming, jump rope, fast dancing), endurance (working with weights), and flexibility ( calisthenics, yoga). Your body was meant to be used, not abused. You deserve it.

About The Author

Kathy Thompson, Writer, Speaker, Coach with 25 years of researching health and fitness. "The Secret to Permanent Weight Loss" Program is now available to help you live a happier, healthier, and longer life.

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