Tuesday, May 13, 2008 

Drinking Enough Clean Water Produces Natural Weight Loss

Weight loss occurs in our body when the liver convert stored fat into usable energy. Drinking enough clean water allows the liver to naturally accomplish this ... causing our body to lose weight.

This biochemical fact applies to all of us.

How do we acquire excess fat in our body?

Nutrients are absorbed through our intestines. Carbohydrates and sugars are absorbed and processed more quickly than any other nutrients. Water is a necessary ingredient for the absorption process.

If we do not drink enough water... carbohydrates and sugars are absorbed and the other nutrients are just passed through our body without absorption... and the carbs and sugars are converted into fat and stored.

The body then calls for more nutrients ... since none have been absorbed ... causing us to eat more. If we eat more without drinking enough clean water.... the cycle continues and we gain weight. Drinking enough clean water will allow the intestines to absorb all of the nutrients we take in.. not just the carbs and sugars .. balancing the body's need for nutrients.. thus lowering the "craving"we get to eat.

The liver's main activity is to filter out wastes.. in conjunction with the kidneys... with water being the key ingredient in this function. If we do not drink enough clean water .. the liver has to spend more time filtering out the impurities we take in through the water ... such as chlorine, lead, agricultural and industrial contaminants..... and not have enough reserve to convert fat into energy.

Making sure the water we drink is clean will increase the capacity of the liver to convert the fat into energy.. naturally causing our body to lose weight.

So it is a cycle that is completely dependent on water to function in its full capacity.

Drinking enough clean water causes all of the nutrients to be absorbed through the intestines..not just the carbohydrates and sugars....which keeps our body in balance nutirionally. This cuts down on the body sending out signals that it is lacking in nutrients.. signals that come to us as "cravings".. causing us to eat more...causing more fats to be stored in the body.

Drinking enough clean water frees the liver up to do the work it is meant to do..filtering the toxins out of our body without the added stress of those added toxins taken in from the water we drink .. thus having the added capacity it is meant to have... to convert stored fat into energy... naturally causing weight loss.

Our body is made up of more than 70% water. If that water isn't clean water... can the body function as it was made to function?

Thnk of putting dirty oil into your car. It is something anyone would be crazy to do.

How can it not be the same thing with our body? To insure you are drinking clean water... simply use a water filter at the point of use.... your faucet. CLICK HERE to find the best buy in water filters ... in performance and economically.

You owe it to your body to give it enough clean water.



Lose Weight

With the growing number of people in America being overweight dieting is the number one thing on people's minds. There are so many new products on the market everyday. How do you know what to choose? You want something that is comfortable for your lifestyle and that also works.

Most people know or would agree that crash diets and pills do not produce long term weight loss. They are just a temporary fix. To keep weight off there has to be a lifestyle change involved. This can be such a slow process and we live in the time of wanting instant results.

Some suggestions to help you control your weight would be:

* Choose low-fat, low calorie foods
* Eat smaller portions
* Drink the required daily allowance of water that your body needs
* Get exercise

To maintain your weight you must burn as many calories as you take in. To lose weight you must burn more calories than you take in. This is the only way weight loss can be accomplished.

If you would like to learn how to lose weight without crash diets or pills go to my site by clicking the link below. You will also find more information about diet programs as well. You can look at all the sites on my blog and find something that is right for you.

Please feel free to reprint or distribute this entire article as long as you make sure the author's name, bio and website links are included in every instance.

B Berry writes on various download reviews and home business. To find out more information on how you can lose weight without diets or pills go to http://best-weight-loss-help.blogspot.com/ to see for yourself.


Recipes for Bariatric Surgery

A patient who has undergone bariatric surgery loses normal appetite for the first six weeks or so following the surgery. Dieticians prescribe special light diets to meet the nutritional demands of the patient. A quality diet assures proper healing and adequate nutrition.

Recipes for bariatric surgery patients are available from dieticians and health specialists. Almost all these recipes stress an ample dose of protein, which is essential for growth and repair of tissues. Protein-rich foods are lower in calories, and they can thus help maintain weight loss. The amount of required protein intake is calculated by a dietitian. Patients are usually given a couple of high-protein supplements daily. High-fat foods are best avoided since they can cause dumping syndrome and complicate the healing process. In addition to fat, sugar should also be avoided since it is difficult to digest. Recipes for bariatric surgery patients usually supplement sugar with honey. The quantity of food is kept low to avoid digestive problems.

Bariatric surgery involves some modifications on the stomach region. The patient is, therefore, restricted to a liquid diet for the first two weeks following the surgery. Only clear liquids such as diluted apple juice, sugar-free gelatin, and chicken or beef broth are included in the diet. Artificially sweetened, noncarbonated beverages are permitted for one or two days. Carbonated beverages are strictly prohibited because they release gas, causing bloating and pain. Clear liquids are gradually replaced by thicker liquids such as milk, yogurt, protein shakes, creamed soups, and sugar-free puddings.

Two weeks following the surgery, pureed food can be eaten. However, meals should be small and contain significant quantities of protein. By the fifth or sixth week, more variety can be added to the diet. The diet should now ideally contain fruits, vegetables, healthy carbohydrates, low-fat proteins, and heart-friendly fats. The normal appetite of a patient is usually restored six weeks following the surgery.

Special recipes are also prescribed for patients who are about to undergo bariatric surgery. The pre-surgery diet contains a high percentage of proteins and very low quantities of calories and carbohydrates. This diet is prescribed to decrease complication risks. The overall success rate of the surgery is increased by strictly following the prescribed diet.

Bariatric Surgery provides detailed information on Bariatric Surgery, Bariatric Surgery Cost, Bariatric Surgery Patients, Bariatric Surgery Centers and more. Bariatric Surgery is affiliated with Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery.


The Truth About Detox Dieting

Detox dieting is all the rage in the world of health and weight loss. It is all about taking your body to a new level with a clean diet that can clear your mind and give you more energy then ever thought possible. Our body is continually becoming overloaded with toxins from the earth. Even if you eat well, there are many system clogging substances as well that come in a lot of the foods that we eat. With everything we eat or breathe these substances are breaking down our body. A Detox diet can help eliminate these chemicals and help to clean out our bodies.

There are many substances in your body. One major substance is pesticides, additives, and preservatives. This comes from food that sits on the shelf for long periods of time, or produce that comes from other countries. The preservatives make the food look better but they aren't good for your body at all. All of these toxins travel through your liver which is already overused as it is.

Another substance that can hurt your body is trans fat which is the hydrogenated fat that is found in butter, chips, crackers, baked goods, and foods you find in restaurants. It is a fat that you really do not want to have in your body at all. More and more you find foods that are removing the trans fats but it can still be found in many foods on store shelves. It brings on heart problems, obesity, and artery blockage that can kill you.

Sugar is another thing that you do not want in your body. Sugar adds to obesity rates and it can even age your skin before it is ready. Refined sugars especially are bad for the skin and it helps to wrinkle your skin and give it a poor texture that makes you look old well before you are due to. Along the same lines, alcohol in your system also hinders your life expectancy and your body. Again, it taxes the liver which produces weight gain and shorter life spans.

Finally you have caffeine which is one of the most overused drugs in the world. People think that they need their coffee, whereas in reality the body doesn't need any caffeine at all. It can affect your bone density and again, it delivers bad substances to that liver which is what you need to live a long and healthy life.

By starting a diet full of fresh veggies, lean fish and poultry, and complex carbohydrates you can effectively change your life expectancy and help you to leave a much healthier life. You should also be adding a lot more omega-3 fatty acids which help your heart get stronger and help you control your weight much more effectively. It is hard to eat like that all the time though so there are special products on the market will let you "Detox" your body and give you the omega-3 fatty acids that you need. Omega's take the extracts from foods that you need in your body and brings them to you without having to eat many foods that you may not enjoy.

Another product you can try is a HGH releaser which is a supplement to reduce the affects of aging. It also helps to boost your growth hormone levels so that you feel as if you were young again. It speeds up your metabolism and betters your immune system. Obviously by adding water to your diet, it also gives you a purer way of adding much needed fluids. Once you eliminate all the bad foods and high sugar diets and add in the good carbs, good fats, and fiber, you are showing your body that you are taking care of it so that it will last for a long time to come.

For additional information on detox dieting, just click on the detox dieting link in this resource box.


Healthy Diet - Guidelines For A Healthy Diets

Let food be your medicine, and let medicine be your food. A good diet is essential for our health and well-being. Poor nutrition combined with excessive stress, drugs, pollution and a lack of exercise will inevitably lead to a compromised level of health and ultimately to serious disease.

Often individuals are completely unaware that they are operating below par because they have never experienced what it is like to feel healthy. They are accustomed to accepting their three colds every year, mysterious 'viruses', monthly, weekly or even daily headaches, irregular bowel movements, aching muscles and stiff, painful creaking joints. They expect to get extreme fatigue as a result of coping with the stresses and strains of modern life. Such individuals are opening up their bodies to the likelihood of more serious illnesses. Often it is only after the appearance of serious disease that an individual can be persuaded to change his or her diet. Eating habits are formed early in life and it is always so much easier to continue with old patterns of nutrition than it is to change. However, once a person has made the initial effort the benefits of the new nutritional regime rapidly become apparent.

A healthy balanced diet helps you to repair the damage to your body which may be the result of years of abuse. Regard it as an 'insurance policy' to promote good health. Prevention is always preferable to cure.

Guidelines for a healthy diet

For most people the ideal diet should consist of 70-80 per cent alkaline forming foods and only 20-30 per cent acid forming foods. The principal alkaline forming foods are fresh fruits and vegetables. Acid forming foods include all meat, grams, cheese, eggs, fish, coffee and tea.

Too much acid causes disease - the overproduction of mucus, tension in the nervous system, arthritis, rheumatism, respiratory problems, digestive disorders an so on. A high intake of alkaline forming foods can improve your health enormously.

If you do decide to change your diet, don't try to do it all at once. Change slowly. Dietary changes should never be drastic, otherwise too many toxins are released into the bloodstream making you feel uncomfortable and ill. Tackle one problem at a time - take one item, such as sugar, and eliminate it. Do not become too fanatical about what you eat. Try to follow these recommendations:

Increase your intake of fresh fruit. Fruit is a major source of vitamin C and contains many other vitamins, minerals and fibre. It is also low in fat and low in calories. Fruits are alkaline and excellent cleansers, especially apples, pears and grapes.

Increase your daily intake of fresh vegetables especially green leafy vegetables. Vegetables are low in fat and calories, provide us with fibre and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Raw or lightly cooked green vegetables or salads are particularly nutritious. Cooking destroys some of the nutrients, especially vitamin C. You should aim to have at least five portions of fruit and/or vegetables daily.

Eat more fibre - beans, pulses, cereals, such as wheat, oats, barley, corn, rice and rye (especially wholegrain) and fruits and vegetables. A diet high in fibre reduces constipation and other bowel problems and certain forms of cancer.

Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates and sugar. These are 'empty calories' containing little or no nutrition. Avoid sweets, cakes, biscuits, jams, marmalades, chocolates and fizzy drinks or squashes. Always check the label ingredients for sugar content.

Moderate your fat intake, especially saturated fat, which is associated with heart disease. If you eat meat buy only lean meat, and try to eat more fish. Cut down on high fat foods such as pastries, pies, sausages, preserved and tinned meats. Take dairy foods sparingly. Grill foods rather than frying them. When cooking choose an oil high in unsaturates such as vegetable and seed oils.

Reduce your salt intake in cooking and in foods. High intake are associated with high blood pressure.

Moderate your alcohol consumption.

Avoid chemical additives, such as preservatives and colouring. Eat fresh foods whenever possible.

Reduce your caffeine intake in coffee, tea and cola.

Take care with food combinations - try not to have protein and starch together at the same meal. Starch requires alkaline conditions for digestion whereas protein requires acid conditions. Both cannot be produced at the same time. Acid and alkaline neutralize each other, so if you eat both protein and starch together neither will be properly digested. This system of eating is known as 'food combining' or the 'Hay Diet'.

When cooking use only pottery, stainless steel, iron or glass. Never use bare aluminium, which is toxic to the nervous system. One pre senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease) has been linked with a high level of aluminium in the brain. Aluminium can also accumulate in the liver and affect the kidneys.

Avoid smoking, which has many harmful effects.

Take medical drugs only if essential.

Take regular physical exercise which is vital to good health. Try to have a brisk walk daily. Think positively! Positive emotions such as love, hope and laughter can block out the negative emotions such as fear and panic. Emotional nutrients such as love are vital for optimum health.

Get latest Natural remedies tips. For all type of herbal vaporizers and buy hgh for growth of muscle.


Weight Loss - World Famous Weight Reduction Tips

With the economy booming and markets soaring new heights a lot of people are striking it rich. With their bank balances bulging there is something else that is starting to bulge - Bellies. Yes Obesity is the single biggest problem faced by a major chunk of people. They just want to get rid of their excessive belly Fat and they very badly need weight reduction tips. And with the doctor's bills rising people are slowly coming in terms with the magnitude of their problem, because obesity is not a single entity.

Along with obesity come hordes of other problems and the ground fact is that people are searching for solutions. They want to know the ways and means by which they can reduce weight and they want quick results. There are no problems which do not have solutions. But first let us discuss the problems associated with excessive tummy fat.

No body likes to be a termed as a Fatso. People with shapely and sculpted bodies are always popular and find a lot of admirers. So a slim and trim body is a style statement in itself. It makes you more confident and helps you move up in life. Moreover apart from this along with fat bellies come a lot of health concerns. Fat people are more prone to heart attack, High blood pressure, chronic disorders, Bronchitis, Arthritis to name a few. The problems are many folds and the solution to all these problems is very simple. Just reduce weight. So here is how you go about reducing belly fat which is holding you back.

Firstly people add up a lot of calories buy eating stuff with lot of fat and remain unaware of the amount of calories they have consumed. So the easiest thing to do is to keep a check on the calories consumed. Avoid fatty stuff which forms a major chunk of almost all the junk food that we have. Refrain from fried food as it increases cholesterol levels in our body. Instead consume food rich in protein as it does not pile up layers of fat in our body. Consume more fruits, green vegetables and pulses.

Nothing helps to burn more belly fat than a bit of physical exercise. Even simple activities such as walking down the corner to your grocers nearby, some cycling, going for a swim if the weather permits or even playing your favorite sport along with healthy diet can make great weight reduction tips. In fact you can do something which interests you so that losing weight will not become so painful for you. You don't have to purchase fancy looking equipment or consume packets of weight reduction pills which will only add to your woes. So work hard play hard and bid good bye to all that tummy fat.

In fact there are methods that will help you lose your tummy fat fast and even help you to build your muscle. The combination of less known exercises and so called "impossible to lose fat" diet is working very well, but they have not been exposed widely. Visit World Famous Weight Reduction Tips to find out more about the methods.

Ivy is a mother of three. She never succeeded in losing weight by taking pills but she finally made it with traditional and natural methods. This used to be fat woman will expose the proven methods at How to lose weight naturally and healthily.


Trying To Lose Weight With Maximum Fat Loss? Here Are 3 Rules to Help You Lose Fat Easily

No one said that losing weight is very simple; if someone did then they have plainly lied to you! Weight Loss and Maximum Fat Loss involves making enormous changes in your lifestyle patterns, one of them being your diet. However, in the long run, you should focus not on your diet, but on the amount of calories you are actually storing inside yourself. You can get this amount by deducting the amount of your calorie intake from the amount of calories you burn off doing exercises. In this article I will tell you three surefire ways to put a check on your calorie intake in order to obtain maximum fat loss.

Rule #1 - Break up your large meal: The number one mistake that most overweight people make is that of eating a large meal at dinner time and then going hungry throughout the day. This will do you more harm than good and before you even know it, it will sabotage all your weight loss efforts. A far better option is to break up that large meal into several smaller meals and eat each small meal every couple of hours. Make sure that the gap between two meals is not too long, as starving can slow down your metabolic rate and as you might know, the slower your metabolic rate, the longer it will take for you to lose weight.

Rule #2 - Say 'No' To Beverages: Barring a few, most beverages are high on calorie count. You should never drink fizzy drinks or sodas or even fruit juices, not just because they won't help satiate your diet in any way, but more importantly, they will make you a lot fatter. You should replace those beverages with water, as water can actually help you lose weight! If you need more flavor than plain water, go ahead and squeeze in some fresh lemon, lime, or even an orange.

Rule #3 - Don't deprive yourself: Some weight loss experts would suggest that if you really want to shed the pounds, you will need to forget about the 'forbidden foods' that have made you overweight. What these experts fail to realize is that it is near impossible to forget about those tasty foods that we used to eat once. If you deprive yourself totally from these delicious foods, sooner or later you will cheat and munch on them. So it is far better to include a few of these 'forbidden foods' in your diet. Of course, you should eat these foods in small quantities, just to satiate your mind.

Check Out The Web's #1 Diet & Weight Loss Review Site - http://www.TopFatLossDiets.com You Can Begin To Lose Weight Now with Instant Downloads from Today's Top Fat Loss Diets! Decide Which Diet or Weight Loss Program Fits You The Best & Lose Weight Now: http://www.TopFatLossDiets.com


Best Way To Lose Fat - 3 Tips For Maximum Weight Loss

The new year is upon us and its time to get rid of the Christmas pounds! I'm going to tell you the best way to lose fat from those unwanted fat deposits. Losing fat is a very simple formula and needn't be complicated with fad diets. Read on and hopefully you can put some of these into action and lose some fat.

Tip #1 - Change Your Way Of Thinking

Losing weight is all about a lifestyle change. Things like the cabbage soup diet are only good from losing water. Sure you may lose half a stone of water weight - but we want to lose fat only! When something seems unbelievable it probably is, successfully losing weight and keeping it off is all about following a diet of wholesome clean food. If you want to keep trim all year round them I'm afraid the eating habits must last all year too, there is simply no other way.

Tip #2 - Fat Is Good For You

Yes you heard me right! I love fat, and so should you. It's a misconception pushed by the media that all fats are bad as they are quite the opposite! In fact nothing will speed up your fat lose progress more than consuming enough fat in your diet. The thing is, not all fats are good - the ones we want are known as Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), there are so many benefits to these its unbelievable! EFAs are found in oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocados among others.

Tip #3 - Get Active

Following a calorie restricted diet will allow you to lose weight but progress will be twice as fast if you exercise as well! Exercise needn't mean going to the gym 3 times a week. The gym is great but if you don't fancy it then just try to stay active. Instead of driving to work, walk. Instead of taking the elevator - take the stairs. Instead of parking right at the entrance to the store park at the other end and walk! All these things add up to burning lots and lots of calories and will burn the fat right off.

Are you fed up with not shifting those extra pounds fast enough? Start off on the right track by following guidance and support by people who have been there and succeeded... take a look at the FREE newsletter and a whole host of resources here http://guideonhowtoloseweight.blogspot.com


Weight Loss Products Treat The Whole Person

Okay, lets get the one, small bit of bad news out of the way first: There is no magic pill anywhere on the planet that will dissolve extra pounds and give you a healthy, toned body all by itself. Some effort on your part is required. Sorry.

We cant change our genetic structure if our ancestors are tall and thin, or short and compact, then were hard-wired for that kind of body shape, ourselves but we can change our diets and level of exercise to present ourselves to the world in the healthiest, most attractive light.

Take heart! The really good news is that the various health formulas found in many products give you a giant boost in your campaign to lose weight and get fit because they work with your body, in a totally natural way, to maximize even the smallest effort you make.

Quick, Healthy Meals - delicious protein shakes make it easy and quick to get the nutrition you need in a tasty shake. Different manufacturers have formulas that include a variety of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients to keep your body functioning at maximum efficiency, giving you stamina and energy to stay with your exercise program and other demands on your busy life. These shakes satisfy your hunger and help manage your weight.

Appetite Control Nothing destroys a diet like between-meal snacks. Its the one thing, above and beyond all other challenges, that spells DOOM to dieters.

Its the hardest subversive force to guard against, as well.

Who can blame us, after all? When we decide to go on a weight-loss diet, the first thing that happens is that our bodies rebel against the sudden reduction of fat- and sugar-intake by making us relentlessly crave the very things that will cause us to fail, keeping us overweight and unhealthy.

The powerful herbs available in well-designed snack bars deliver all-day snack control, while helping reduce carbohydrate absorption and maintain blood sugar levels at a steady, normal range.

Metabolism Boosters Metabolism is the rate at which your body uses energy. Using energy = burning calories, so you want your metabolism boosted to a higher, more effective rate. Some select supplements are designed to do just that with a powerful blend of green tea, yerba mat, cacao and 11 other herbs. This type of blend gives your energy level a great natural boost.

Antioxidant Boosters Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. While antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains and some meats, poultry and fish, most people don't get nearly enough of them in their daily diet.

There are many quality products designed by experts with naturally occurring elements and herbs to make your weight loss program quick, easy and highly effective.

Plan your personal diet & health regimen today with Herbalife ShapeWorks, ShapeWorks Weight Loss QuickStart, and Herbalife Snack Defense Good nutrition is the real secret to an attractive and healthy body.


Master Cleanse for Weight Loss

The Master Cleanse or Lemonade diet is more of a colon cleanse system that you are on for a period of 10 days. Just by getting rid of years of built up internal waste from your body, you will lose weight. The weight loss does have a little to do with the fasting you have to endure, but most of the weight loss happens from everything you are getting rid of from your body.

Think of it, you have many years of internal gunk such as plaque, phlegm, mucus and other waste that is basically stuck to your intestinal tract. By getting rid of this waste, you will not only lose weight, you will feel like a completely different person. You will definitely notice an increase of energy.

A lot of people want to do the Master cleanse for weight loss and the hardest part of doing it is the fasting you have to do. There is an electronic book called Master Cleanse Secrets that teaches you the exact recipe you should use, helps to get you past the first three days which is the hardest and gives you the steps you must follow when you finish the Master Cleanse. Most importantly, it will also give you some secrets to what foods you can cheat with without it affecting the Master Cleanse process as well as information that will help you deal with your food cravings.

You will feel and look years younger after finishing the Master Cleanse. You will not get sick as often and your metabolism will get back to normal so that you will be able to lose weight the way your body was meant to do without you having to go on very low calorie diets. This means that you will not have to starve yourself to lose weight.

Being healthy is what life is all about. If weight loss is what you're after and you feel that diets just are not working, then cleansing your body may be just what you need. Do your own research on colon cleansing programs and compare those with the Master Cleanse Secrets program to find out which program is best for you.

Learn about how you can start losing weight today using the Master Cleanse for Weight Loss Program. Another great weight loss program that is worth checking out as well is Fat Loss for Idiots


Swimming For Weight Loss

There are various forms of aerobic exercises which are considered beneficial in aiding weight loss. In fact not only are the beneficial in weight loss, at the same time they help to preserve this weight loss for a long period of time. They are also very significant in providing strength and stamina to the body.

The term 'aerobic' means 'with oxygen' and aerobic exercises are mainly concerned with the process of energy generation within the muscles of the body which is done with the usage of oxygen. It has been proved beyond doubt that aerobic exercises if adopted on a long term basis are extremely useful in facilitating weight loss. During aerobic exercising it is possible to lose weight as the glycogen within the body is broken down into glucose and in its absence the metabolism of fats is facilitated leading to weight loss.

Swimming is a form of aerobic exercise and it is not only a wonderful activity during the summer months but at the same time it is equally beneficial in aiding weight loss. Swimming aids in preserving a well toned body and while it is a good way to beat the heat during the scorching summer months, it is also to be mentioned here that the effects of swimming provide a dual purpose.

The act of swimming provides the benefits obtained form weight training and strength training as well the cardio benefits that can be obtained form running. Therefore it goes to prove how efficiently swimming can aid in losing weight. There are various other ways by which swimming can facilitate weight loss. It is known that obesity is detrimental to health and makes one susceptible to heart ailments, diabetes and cancer. Swimming greatly aids in the proper functioning of the lungs and the heart. Since most individuals enjoy this form of exercise, they are more often unaware of the fact that swimming is a rigorous form of exercise and increases an individual's workout level considerably. This in its turn therefore initiates weight loss.

Swimming offers a plethora of benefits to obese people. It is known that an individual's weight in water is about 1/10 th of his actual weight as measured on land. Therefore for obese individuals who find it difficult to carry out physical exercises on land, it is a more viable option as it makes it easier for them to carry their body weight. At the same time, it aids weight loss.

Many weight loss diets fail from lack of discipline.


Weight Loss Using Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil - Use It Externally

In support of other points of view, Coconut Oil is one of the best products available. You can obtain the maximum benefit of Coconut Oil when applied topically.

Let's face it, Coconut Oil does not taste that great. You can use it in place of butter and in salad dressings in place of other oils but, it has a heavy taste and may not be appreciated by the taste pallet. In addition to using it externally, getting used to using Coconut Oil internally will be most beneficial to your Weight Loss regimen. It will seem as if the extra subcutaneous tissue is just melting away. You will notice a favorable difference by the external use of Coconut Oil.

Use Coconut Oil that does not have any additives. I have found that the kind in the jar is best because it is hard when you use it and stays in the palm of your hand when you apply it to the targeted area. It also has a higher vitamin A and E content. It melts as you massage it in. Just think of it this way, as it melts into your skin so is the fat that you want melted away.

Best used externally, is when you just get done bathing. Your skin is already supple. Towel dry then apply the Coconut Oil starting at the face. Apply on the neck area then the shoulders and arms. Working your way down toward the feet, always using an upward stroke with the palm of your hand. This is a specific massage tactic that increases the flow of oxygen to the heart.

You don't need to use a lot, just enough. While applying the Coconut Oil, make sure you rub it into your skin well. The facial area is a different story; apply gently. Coconut Oil will help rehydrate your skin.

Coconut Oil is absorbent. In other words, it will absorb into the skin and not cause an oil affect on your clothes like petroleum products do. Use it in place of baby oil when removing makeup. Baby oil and other petroleum based products dehydrate the skin. Petroleum based products WILL increase the cause of wrinkles around the eyes and puffiness as it is non absorbent.

Have you ever had eye surgery for cosmetic purposes or know someone who has? Little did you know that when the surgeon cuts that little line at the corner of your eyes and squeezes out all that oil, that his work is basically done. And you paid the doc thousands of dollars to do it as you did it to yourself by using a non absorbent product. Because Coconut Oil is absorbent, it actually soaks through the dermis layer of the skin and thus causes the -melt fat- effect. In addition to using it internally you will feel the better for it.

Weight Loss or Not, using Coconut Oil WILL cause your skin to not just look hydrated but feel hydrated. Your overall body hydration inside and out will be greatly benefited. You WILL love your body for it and love yourself for using it in all aspects of your daily life in making Healthy Choices. The Tin Man needed lubrication, we do too. Coconut Oil is a wonderful addition to your Weight Loss Regimen

Coconut Oil Per Tablespoon

      weighs 13.6 grams
      contains 120 Calories
      11.8 grams Saturated Fat
      1.0 gram Unsaturated Fat
      12 milligrams Cholesterol
      13.6 grams Total Fats

I have used Herbs and other means of alternative Health Choices since I was a teenager. I Schooled at Dr. Christopher's School for Alternative Medicine for Master Herbalist. I believe the choices we make in our lives effect our overall Heath. Our Choices may not be the best choices but there is a Beautiful Earth that gives us the Remedies for what ails us.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review - Is It Hype, Fad or Outright Lies

Over the years I've gained and lost hundreds of pounds, I'm a chronic dieter who has difficulty sticking to a diet, and guess what? I'm not alone and I have a lot of company, especially here in America, but around the world also.

I stumbled across the "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" page by accident, the graphics caught my eye and I decided to look at a little deeper. Now let me be honest; I fully expected this to be just another hype filled offer, one I seen (in one form or another) hundreds of time. So with that skepticism in full force I looked the site over. Before I get down the "meat and potatoes" (excuse the pun) let me tell you that I love food, so when I saw the following quote...

"FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the FOOD that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day."

It did cause me to sit up and take notice. I was overweight at the time, needing to lose (at least) 25 pounds. My intention was to go on a low calorie diet...


The next quote that grabbed me was...

"Low Calorie Diets Don't Work"

So what am I going to do then... I love food, but low calories diets don't' work... I was in a real pickle (opps.. another pun). Well they went on to explain something that I already knew, but hadn't thought about; when you deprive your body of calories... it goes into survival mode and instead of giving up the weight (one can only dream) it hangs on tighter to every ounce of food burning less calories per day. Well that wasn't going to do me any good, I needed to burn calories, not store them as fat.

Well it seems that everything I was getting ready to do... this lousy little book said wouldn't work.

Low Fats Diets Do Not Work

And here everytime I go shopping I try to buy low fat milk, butter, lean cuts of beef, low fat all the way... Was I wrong again? It seems I was as weight loss statistics prove it out, overweight people (and I speaking for myself) buy low fat food, mainly so they can feel good about what they are eating, eating, eating. Yep, they simply eat more low fat food and continue to gain weight. Surely there had to be a way to ear right, lose weight and not feel miserable.

Speaking of miserable, I'd tried some of the low carb diets and my friends began not returning my calls. Seems my mood had changed and I was taking it out on them. Okay, I needed a change, I'll admit it and I was at least open to the possibility of what the creators of Fat Loss For Idiots had to say. And say it they did.

They told me that if I'd stick with their plan for eleven days, I could not only lose weight, but feel better and begin releasing "fat burning hormones". Now that sounded pretty neat and I continued to read, it would be wonderful indeed if I could eat, and the food itself did the job of weight loss; maybe this wasn't hype after all. Matter of fact these culinary experts (see I like them now) told me I'd be eating more than three times per day... not less! This I liked and then I learned that "food is not the enemy".

Now I could go on and on, and tell you the secret is "calorie shifting", something one of the diet guru guys figured out I guess. But that's not important, here's what is... IT WORKS! I gave in and bought the fat loss 4 idiots e-book, deciding to give it an honest try. Hey I could give up cake for eleven days... at least I hoped I could.

It was 3 o'clock in the morning when I ordered the book... it's a download so it doesn't matter where you live or what time it is, you can begin immediately. Anyway, I bought the book and decided I'd give it a real try for the next week or eleven days and see what happened.

Fat loss 4 idiots review - the final verdict

Well lo and behold, my pants got looser, and my friends started taking my calls again. I was losing weight, eating multiple times a day and loving it. If you're reading this and wondering if "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" is for you, don't be put off by the title. I'm no idiot, but I bought it, tried it, and I'm living proof that it works just like it says.

Visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review to find out how this program will work for you and how to get a free preview.

http://www.flatabsreviews.com - unbiased diet and fat loss program reviews


Weight Loss Infrared Saunas - How Can You Lose Weight Relaxing?

It might not make sense how you can sit back relax and lose weight. Well imagine you can get the effects of exercising without the exertion. Imagine you can get your heart pumping like your out for a brisk walk, yet there's no impact involved. That's exact how you can lose weight with infrared saunas.

Infrared saunas offer a slew of benefits, only one of which is weight loss, how ever the reason you can lose weight while using the sauna is tied into numerous other health benefits the body receives while relaxing.

It's all about Blood Flow and your Heart Rate

Thanks to the way infrared saunas warm the body the heat penetrates the deep tissues. Unlike just a steam room or wet sauna, the infrared energy possesses holistic healthy benefits. By warming the body and the deep tissue you receive more blood circulation. This increased blood circulation causes the heart to work harder.

Unlike short and fast energy exertions that burn sugars rather then fat, a stint for 20 minutes in an infrared sauna is similar to low impact cardio activity. Helping the body to burn fat while you reap all of the healthy benefits.

Detox Helps

Beyond the weight loss benefits from your increased heart rate there is also a detoxifying benefit. Your body pours out toxins in your sweat in an infrared sauna. Reducing the nasty chemicals and other substances that build up in our bodies. While these may not contribute directly to your weight, reducing levels of these items in your body will make it easier to drop pounds in other areas of your life such as dieting, and exercise.

To learn more about Infrared Saunas visit http://www.saunarelaxation.com a popular website people visit to learn more about home saunas.


Weight Loss And Setting Up A Weight Loss Plan

When you are looking to loose weight there are a few ways you can do it. I here in this article am going to give you some key vital tips to success when trying to loose weight.

Ok, rule number one. You must create a diet and exercise plan that you can stay focused on and keep up with. This is very important, many times people are looking to loose weight but then they feel or become distracted. There can be many reasons why a person becomes distracted.

Other personal arrangements.

What ever the case may be people become distracted it happens. Many time a person will say or set out a diet and exercise plan but then there is no follow through. There must be a call to action.

Now if you are overweight or if you are looking to loose a few pounds before this coming summer, you must get into a routine and stick to it.

Some things that you will need to keep track of when you are looking to loose weight and create a weight loss plan would be:

Daily calorie intake
Est. amount of time exercised
Food consumption chart (this chart will tally all of your food intake *all the specifics*)

These would be some of the things you will need to target and keep up with. Loosing weight is simple and 79% is all mental. There are some situations where loosing weight is not mental but for the most part loosing weight has to do with your state of mind.

Please see my resource box and visit the site below.

Access a step by step informational weight loss system that will have you shedding the pounds overnight (this report is free) http://www.successtoweightloss.info


Fastest Way To Lose Weight Naturally

Today i am going to tell you the fastest way of losing weight.The main thing is to start your weight loss program in a proper way.Always visit a weight loss expert before starting losing weight so that he can recommend you a program which suits your body type.Your weight loss goals should always be realistic it means that you should give yourself enough time for achievement of a specific goal.

Never put too much restrictions it means that you should not cut off a particular component from your diet for example fats.It is a myth that completely cutting of fat from your diet will give you fastest results your daily diet should contain small quantity of fats as your body needs some healthy fats for common metabolic processes in your body.The fastest way for losing weight is increasing your metabolic rate.How you can increase your metabolic rate?Your metabolic rate can be increased in many ways for example you should eat small frequent meals instead of three big meals.Try to find some information about yoga as there are some especial postures in yoga which stimulate the secretion of thyroid gland which is responsible for increasing our metabolic rate.

If you want to lose weight fast you have to drink plenty of water.Water works as a cleaner in your body as it washes out all the harmful toxins.If you will drink at least seven to eight glasses of water per day this will be a great help for you in losing some extra pounds.

There are many people online promising fast weight loss with the help of supplements ,pills and diet programs but i think that natural way is the fastest way of losing weight.The most important thing is that you should enjoy your program when you are trying to lose some extra pounds.Try to find some benefits of exercise and healthy diet this will be a great motivation for you.You can invite your friends to join you in your daily work out.You do not have to exercise intensely for losing weight.Moderate activity is key to success.

Jitesh Arora regularly writes about weight loss, diet and exercise.If you want to know some more tips to lose weight visit http://jitu-doctor123.blogspot.com


Slim Down Quickly

If you need to slim down quickly, because of an upcoming event such as a wedding, a holiday, or you need to meet the qualifications for a particular event or program, then following the calorie shifting diet plan will help you reach your goal, at the pace of about 9 pounds every 11 days.

The calorie shifting diet is by far one of the easiest crash diets you can follow. Unlike other crash diets which require you to reduce calories, carbohydrates, or to eat only one type of food while eliminating all others, this diet plan allows you to eat as much food as you desire at each meal until you are satisfied (but not too full).

Not only that, but while on this diet, you get to eat food from all four food groups. Even better than that, this diet requires you to eat four full meals each and every day, as long as those meals are spaced out by at least 2.5 to 3 hours.

Perhaps the most riveting feature of the calorie shifting diet is that you are required to take a mandatory 3-day break from your diet every 14 days, to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss you will have been experience. Now, if you need to slim down quickly and don't have the patience to wait 3 days before resuming this crash diet, rest assured that your net weight loss will be at least 20 pounds in one month, on average.

How does calorie shifting work? How is it possible to lose 20 pounds a month while eating plentiful foods from all of the major food groups, four times a day, every day? Simply put, calorie shifting is based on the premise that you can manipulate your body's metabolism at will and induce the burning of fat by shifting the types of calories that you consume, from meal to meal. Essentially, you are simulating a sustained nutritional deficit in your body that normally triggers your metabolism's "survival" response which causes it to tap into your body's fat reserves for energy. This is achieved by withholding and reintroducing certain nutrients into and from your diet on a rotational basis.

Do you need to slim down quickly? The Calorie Shifting Diet will get you to your goal! Lose 9 pounds in the next 11 days. Learn how at: http://www.CalorieShiftingDiet.info


Weight Loss - The Key To Losing Extra Weight

Many people put on the extra weight because they eat more calories than they burn off in a given day. But the secret to weight lose would always be to start burning more calories than you eat the faster you burn off the calories, the faster you lose those extra pounds.

The naturally small woman is the envy of every other woman, but many of us do not even understand why. While all of us regular Joes have to watch what we eat and exercise in order to maintain our sizes or to lose some of our current weight, the naturally small woman can sit at home all day long doing nothing at all and still keep small or petite. This is simply because she is one of those women with a higher metabolism rate than normal, and just by doing nothing at all she can naturally burn off as much calories as the woman who toils at her job for the entire day and then goes home to seek after the needs of her family.

The average woman on the other hand would have to work twice as hard as the woman with the higher metabolism to burn the same amount of calories. This means that in order to lose the same amount of weight, one woman would have to work twice as hard as the other woman. Likewise, the woman on the other end of the metabolism extreme would have the slowest metabolism of all, and would have to work the hardest out of all to lose some weight. The woman with the slowest metabolism is therefore the one who is likely to gain the most weight the fastest.

While the metabolism and the amount of work that we do influence the amount of calories that we burn, we also need to consider the amount of calories that we eat in the first place. You must remember that the key to losing weight is actually tipping the balance so the calorie scale so that you burn more than you eat. If you work harder but eat equally as hard, then you would continue to maintain the energy balance and not lose any of the extra weight that you might have! This is why many exercise programs advise you to go on diets once you have started exercising.

The bottom line therefore is that you have to burn more calories than you are eating in order to lose any weight. You can do this by either eating less calories or burning more calories. The best balance is a combination of both. In order to burn the calories, you have to exercise. The harder you exercise then the more calories you would burn and therefore the more weight that you would lose.

David Yu - writes about weight loss Get more Weight loss info on http://www.tip4lady.com

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