Sunday, May 25, 2008 

Weight Loss in Ten Minutes

Weight loss does not happen quickly for most people, but there is a critical point that becomes so motivating, success seems to be effortless and permanent.

This success has nothing to do with the latest supplement touted on infomercials. They may be helpful but they are not the reason people lose weight. New fangled gym equipment is not the secret either, although exercise is important and a convenient workout allows people to stick to a fitness routine. Pre-made diet meals are useful when pressed for time, but they are not the only ingredient in successful weight loss.

There is a critical point when someone truly desires to commit to a new health plan. For many people who have been overweight for years, being in shape is a long lost memory rather than a reality. The thought of beginning the challenge seems impossible. Over weight issues are so commonplace the underlying message is that it is the norm. When everything is super-sized the temptation is hard to refuse. Modern day diseases that are life-style related are now treated with maintenance drugs that ironically make it more difficult to lose weight. It is as if our culture is trying not to let us reach that critical point to welcome better health in our lives.

When people lose weight successfully and quickly there are two common denominators. They reach a point where they realize they were much too comfortable with their excuses and then they chose a manageable eating plan that did not leave them feeling deprived. Discovering these realizations helps people get past the indecision that prevents them from succeeding.

Of course, losing weight must be done in a safe manner. Although it takes a number of months to achieve weight loss, the benefits are felt immediately. The empowerment of a committed decision is just the beginning. A manageable weight loss plan restores someones energy level so there is a feeling of thin even if the scale doesnt reveal the goal weight yet.

Being able to replace an old mind set of impossibility with accomplishment is the greatest weight loss there is. If you can lose the weight of failure, the actual weight loss is easy.

Dr. Lisa Ann Homic is a chiropractor, mental health counselor, and wellness coach in Auburn, NY. She is author of The Numbers Dont Lie Diet & Happiness Doesnt Get Enough Attention: How Thought Sparks Ignite Your Life. Visit .


Natural Fast Weight Loss

Obesity is quickly becoming an epidemic with 65% of Americans being overweight. Men and women alike have tried to various diets with some degree of success, only to gain it all back or more. With the increase of our body fat is the increase in health risk from diabetes, high cholesterol, to heart disease.

With obesity on the rise people are taken notice, along with health gurus with new diets or pharmaceutical companies with a new pill to aid in weight loss. Let's not forget all the infomercials with the latest exercise equipment either. None of these are needed. You just need 3 things for natural fast weight loss: change in the food you eat, cardio and exercise.

First of all, this isn't a diet. It is a lifestyle change. As said before, most diets tend to fail because, once you are off of the diet, you think you can go back to how you lived and everything will be ok. Wrong. Unless you change things in your life and maintain it, it will all creep back and the diet was nothing but a waste of time.

So getting started the best thing to do is keep a diary of you daily intake of food. By doing so, you will see everything you eat and how it all adds up. Second, when you shop for food, try to stick to the outside of the grocery. All the processed food is usually contained in the middle of the grocery and along the outside, you'll usually find fruits, vegetables and breads. Of course, you may have to venture in for spices and other things of the like. If you do buy any, be careful of the processed foods you buy. As they are processed, they tend to lose nutritional value.

When keeping a diary, keep track mainly of the calories. It doesn't matter how it is added up, 3500 calories equals one pound added to the body. The more you put in the more you need to burn off. Sure to eat less helps, but eventually the body will take over thinking it is being starved and stores more of your intake as fat to preserve itself. The correct way to do it is to slowly decrease your intake and find ways to burn extra calories throughout the day.

This is where cardio comes in. Yes, most people hate to do it but it is necessary to burn extra calories to lose the excess weight. There are many options here you can choose. Running, bike ride, aerobics or a treadmill just to name a few. If you can find something you like then cardio will be easier for you, but you will need to do something if you want to lose the excess weight.

Lastly is exercise, and no cardio is not exercise. Here you must be careful depending on how you wanna look when you wanna loose the weight. Most men wouldn't mind wanting to add a little more muscle to their frame, but not most women. Adding muscle isn't necessarily a bad thing. Yes, muscle weighs more than fat, but burns more fat by increasing the bodies metabolism rate. For those who don't mind some added muscle, you could always try some kind of weight training program. For those just looking to tone up their body you can go with weights but keep the weight low and your reps high. Or you can try various band or cable exercises.

When keeping weight loss in mind, it isn't always the scale that is your judge. The mirror is a better tale of your weight loss. Losing the weight is one thing but looking good when it is gone is another.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Home Fitness.


Whey Protein and Weight Loss

Whey protein and weight loss might seem like water and oil; they just dont' go together. This is probably because for years protein supplements were the preferred choice of only elite bodybuilders. We pictured these athletes bulking up by adding extra protein to their diet.

Bodybuilders bulk up by lifting weights and not by consuming protein. If all you did was add more protein to your diet you would gain fat and not muscle. However, if you are eating the proper amount of lean protein as part of a balanced daily diet you can turn your body into a fat-burning machine.

Whey protein is found in many weight loss products and meal replacement food items. It is the whey protein isolates that are especially desirable for weight loss because of their low-fat and low-carbohydrate content. When you combine the proper amount of whey protein and a well-rounded exercise program you will build lean muscle mass. This muscle will burn more calories and start melting away your excess body fat.

You would probably agree with most other dieters that it is hunger that usually wins out over your desire to lose weight. Calorie-restricting diets have this very natural effect on our bodies. Severely reducing calories is never successful for long term weight loss. But hunger makes creating a moderate calorie deficit difficult. Whey protein has been shown to combat these feelings of hunger by promoting hormones responsible for appetite suppression. This can significantly contribute to your weight loss program by preventing late night snacking and even binge eating at the end of the day.

Whey protein and weight loss have also been linked because of whey protein's ability to prevent stress eating. Maybe you've eaten a handful of cookies and afterward realized that you weren't even hungry at the time. We've all done this and many times it is related to stress. That is why stress and obesity are closely related. Whey protein stimulates the production of a natural relaxation hormone, serotonin. Serotonin lowers anxiety levels and helps stop us from stress eating. For many people, this alone will help them lose weight and body fat.

We are well aware of the rise in obesity and diabetes. Whey protein and weight loss have been researched to determine if whey has an effect on insulin sensitivity. It does appear that whey protein improves insulin sensitivity and aids in weight loss through this mechanism.

If you are going to lose weight exercise will be an important part of the process. Whey protein helps you maximize the weight loss benefits of exercise. Research has shown that whey protein helps you gain lean muscle mass when you work out and this muscle increases your body's ability to burn fat.

Based on scientific research and the experience of many successful losers of body fat, a whey protein shake might be a great-tasting addition to your list of foods that will help you lose those extra 10 pounds.

Dr. Steve Tuggle is a practicing dentist, certified personal trainer (ACE, ACSM), certified wellness coach, life coach, ordained minister, and internet entrepreneur. You can learn more about how to improve your health and wellness at

For more information on whey protein and HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT visit


Weight Loss Diets: How to Make Them Work

As we all know, weight loss diets are big business. And looking at the statistics, it's easy to see why. Currently, an estimated 58 million American adults are overweight (BMI 25+), of whom an estimated 40 million are obese (BMI 30+), 9.6 million are seriously obese and 6 million suffer from super-obesity (BMI 40+). Worldwide statistics on overweight are equally alarming, as reflected in the new word "globesity". In China, the number of overweight people has risen from less than 10 percent to 15 percent in just three years. In Brazil and Colombia, the figure of overweight is about 40 percent - comparable with several European countries. Even sub-Saharan Africa is seeing an increase in obesity, especially among urban women. In all regions, obesity appears to escalate as income increases. And the higher the incidence of obesity, the higher the incidence of weight-related disease, including: type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders like insulin resistance, and cancers of the breast and colon.


Both the US Surgeon General and the Dietary Guidelines For Americans (2005) issued by the US Dept of Agriculture emphasise the need for calorie control and increased physical exercise to reduce the overweight epidemic, but evidence suggests that conventional diet methods do not provide significant weight reduction, due to poor compliance. Surveys show that annual weight loss resulting from convention diet and exercise programs averages less than 8 pounds per annum, while in a 4-year follow-up study of programs incorporating the use of obesity drugs, behavior modification, diet and exercise, the final average weight loss was 3 pounds. This apparent failure of conventional weight loss methods is often contrasted with the 30-40 percent average weight loss following bariatric surgery.


Fashion sells products, and weight loss diets are no exception. First we had low-fat diets, which were promoted as heart-friendly ways of reducing weight. Unfortunately, this message was interpreted by consumers as "all fats are bad, all carbs are good", and led to an unhealthy overconsumption of refined carbs. With the relaunch of Dr Atkins "New Diet Revolution", the fashion penduluum swung the other way. Now carbs were the enemy, not fat.
After Atkins came the South Beach Diet, which offered us a more moderate low-carb approach. Now, it is GI diets - based on foods with a lower glycemic response - that are high fashion and, being scientifically more beneficial, are likely to remain so for some time. However, while the food composition of diets may change, the basic law of weight loss remains unaltered: calorie expenditure must exceed calorie intake. To this extent, provided a diet is calorie-controlled and includes foods from all food groups, the exact composition of foods remains no more than a matter of personal taste.


When assessing the effectiveness of conventional dieting methods, due regard must be paid to general eating habits. In America at least, these do not appear to be helpful. Despite the mounting evidence of weight-related ill-health, social eating habits continue to develop in unhealthy directions. Value-for-money "supersizing" continues to attract customers, while fast-food sales continue to rise. And the continuing demand for "instant" food only inspires the food industry to produce more and more refined food options bulging with nutritional deficiency and calorie-overload. Is it any wonder that levels of diet-compliance among average dieters is so low? Meantime, an estimated 78 percent of Americans do not meet basic activity level recommendations, while 25 percent are completely sedentary.


If conventional diet programs remain less than perfect ways of tackling overweight in the face of engrained eating habits, it would be misleading to write them off completely. Not only does research data from the US National Weight Control Registry demonstrate that long term weight reduction is perfectly achievable, a number of diet programs, especially medically-supervised clinic-based programs, are consistently effective. What distinguishes these diets is the level of counseling support which subjects receive. Nowadays, this support can be provided in various ways, including: mandatory group meetings, one-on-one sessions, online forums or chat-rooms. And it seems to work. For example, according to recent studies, the average weight reduction for a 10-12 week clinic-based obesity program involving meal-replacement diets, exercise and counseling support is 5.5 pounds.


If getting proper support is one way of improving conventional diets, dieters need to rethink their approach. Instead of focusing attention on finding the optimal eating-plan, they need to look for programs offering optimal support. Weight Watchers is an obvious choice but diets organised around the workplace or other social groupings may also provide natural help. Online programs with forum support might also be considered. In any event, there is no substitute for a reliable dieting partner.


Given the fact that losing as little as 7-10 percent of body weight can improve many of the problems linked to being overweight, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, some obesity experts advocate a less formal approach to calorie control. They recommend adopting certain healthy habits rather than following a specific diet. An example might be a 200-calorie-a-day reduction achievable by taking a moderate 30 minute walk, and switching from (say) whole milk to skimmed milk. This saves 73,000 calories a year - the equivalent of 20 pounds of body fat. The commercial response to this approach is already visible in programs such as the "Three Hour Diet", which recommends regular eating to maintain a regular rate of calorie burning. Expect to see more weight loss programs like this, which emphasise specific habits.


Current levels of overweight and obesity require urgent attention. To be effective, conventional diet programs need to provide optimal support rather than optimal food composition, in order to facilitate diet compliance. For people who are unable or unwilling to follow a specific weight loss plan, making small but specific changes may be sufficient to achieve significant improvements in health.

Linda Smyth B.Sc., RD, aged 51, is a qualified dietitian and nutritional consultant. She is part of the editorial team at which provides a range of information about diet, nutrition and weight loss diets to more than 5 million visitors per year.

Calorie Chart


Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Avoid the Scam!

By now, you must have heard about the latest online diet called Fat Loss 4 Idiots. It's a very popular way to loose weight because you don't have to go to meetings, eat diet foods or take pills. Plus you can follow this guaranteed weight loss program right in the comfort and privacy of your home. The only person that will ever know that you're on a diet is you! And for some people, that can make or break their weight loss success.

I signed up for Fat loss 4 Idiots last year. I did loose 8 pounds in 11 days, but after that, I dropped the ball and couldn't make the commitment to keep on going. As part of my New Years Resolutions, I have started the diet again, and I fully expect to achieve the same results and more. I have promised to follow the 11 day plan over and over again until I hit my target weight.

So, the question is, is Fat Loss 4 Idiots a Scam? In my experience with the diet, the answer is definitely not! However, I have seen lots of buzz lately around the Internet with people attempting to share their menus from the Diet Generator with others who are not members. Of course this is obviously not fair to those of us that have paid to become members, but more importantly you are doing more damage than good to the person receiving the information. And Here are two Crucial Reasons Why...

First, The Fat Loss 4 Idiots way of eating is very personalized. It is totally tailor made to the individual. When someone signs up and initializes the Diet Generator for the first time They get to pick their favorite foods. This alone is essential for winning the dieting game. If a member gives their personalized 11 day Menu to someone else, then he or she might not like the foods that are on it. The probability of them sticking to the plan or enjoying the diet then becomes slim to none.

Second, don't let the user friendly Diet Generator fool you. It is a very sophisticated piece of software. If you have gone more than 1 round with the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet, then you will have noticed that even if you pick the same foods, your 11 day menu combinations are totally different. That is because the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Online Diet Generator uses food to stimulate the right hormones in your body to produce optimum weight loss. Therefore, the software must keep track of what combinations members have already eaten to assure the guaranteed results. That's why a New 11 Day Menu is generated every time.

The customer only pays once to sign up for the diet, but they can use the Online Generator as many times as they wish, until the weight loss goals are met. Do you see how someone could get sabotaged during their dieting plight if they were given the wrong information, the wrong combination of foods and the wrong sequence of meals? Members that do this are also jeopardizing the integrity of this incredible diet.

In the end, the Idiots Diet most definitely works, but the possibility of a Fat Loss 4 Idiots Scam does exist, so make sure that the information you get is directly from the website or customer service.

Find why diets don't work Fat Loss 4 Idiots Really Works Forget the Hype, you will get the truth here.


Natural Weight Loss is the Only Path to Permanent Ftiness

We as educated people need to start getting angry at all the junk aimed at us everyday. The average American sees thousands of ads each and every day for everything from diet pills to prescription drugs.

Most promise a quick cure for whatever ails us. The weight loss industry alone is estimated to be over $35 Billion dollars annually, so marketing and ads play a vital role in keeping us interested and buying.

Now we have come up with RLS, (restless leg syndrome). This will probably be a new "chronic condition" treated by an existing prescription drug, allowing it to continue generating profits longer

We need to start using our heads and understand what weight loss is and what it means. Losing weight alone is not the most important thing. We citizens of western countries are too fat. Losing fat and losing weight are two distinctly different things.

Also distinctly different is how we lose the weight / fat.

A pound of fat equals about 3500 calories. To burn 3500 calories you would need to reduce your daily caloric intake by 500 calories per day for one week, while remaining constant at your current activity level, or you could consume the same number of calories daily and exercise more to burn 500 calories per day. To burn 500 calories through exercise you would need to ride a stationary bike, as an example, for about 1 & hours per day at a rate of about 25 MPH average. Or you could do a combination of decreasing by 250 and burning 250.

The claims that you can "lose 30 pounds in 30 days" are weight not fat. To lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 days you would need to burn 105,000 calories in excess of what you eat, which I'm sure we all agree isn't likely.

Claims aimed at fast weight loss are telling you, you'll lose weight not fat. Fat is harmful to the body not weight per se.

Rapid weight loss through severely restricted caloric intake causes the body to react as if it were sick. It is conditioned to say "Oh Oh"; I'm in trouble I'd better conserve energy. I may not get more food for awhile.

Fat is stored energy. What the body then conserves is fat. It does exactly what you don't need or want it to do, it slows your metabolism, burns lean muscle mass for energy and conserves the fat.

The rapid weight loss that happens the first 30 days is water. Muscle contains about 3 times as much water as fat. So if you lose a pound of muscle you're losing 3 pounds of water with it.

That's why diets alone slow down, there's only so much water to get rid of.

You can't blame the ad agencies, or the diet program companies, people are being sold what they want to buy. They want a quick fix to a problem without sacrifice or change.

The truth is once you learn what the body needs and how it works there is no great need for sacrifice. You can eat nearly anything you want, just less of it, and exercise more.

We are just so conditioned to instant gratification, that we're always awaiting the next miracle drug to make us all look like Hollywood celebrities. The $35 billion is just giving us what we demand.

Obesity has grown by over 20% in the last decade, in spite of the fact we are spending $35 Billion a year on weight management products. Does that suggest to anyone maybe they aren't working?

Well it did to me so I did two years of research on the subject and was shocked at what I learned. It might do all of us some good to do the same research.

Natural weight lossand fitness information for real people. Learn how our everyday living environment impacts our health and wellness. Learn what to do about it.


8 Naturally Proven Weight Loss Tips

These days people are looking for natural weight loss diets that are proven to work. So many crash diets promise so much, but deliver so little. Losing weight has become a craving for average people who may have gotten caught in overeating or just indiscipline in their food intake.

My experience with weight loss diet pills are the temporary results and frustration of having the weight come back after getting off the diet just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are not something that will work with your body.

If you seriously want to lose weight and keep it off, you cannot follow these fad diets and their ridiculous claim of proven weight loss tips.

The ineffectiveness of these diets is always revealed in a short time and people are starting to get wise about these particular diets, and will head off in search of a new craze to satisfy their urge for weight loss success.

The real truth is that people are always searching for new weight loss tips because they want to lose pounds quickly, naturally and safely and they want immediate results.

To lose weight permanently and effectively it may be a rather slow progress for some people depending on metabolic rate and how much weight loss is needed.

Manufacturers today are bridging the gap between fact and fiction and are providing unique and easy ways for consumers to lose weight. One such product is the weight loss patch, which is determined to be safer than most weight loss products and provides a natural way to lose weight.

Weight Loss Tip 1
Never skip breakfast because you will be prone to binge on nonessential foods throughout the day.

Weight Loss Tip 2
Never eat anything for an hour before you go to bed.

Weight Loss Tip 3
Snacking while watching TV is not a healthy choice. This can become a habit and a bad on that will keep the weight on.

Weight Loss Tip 4
Instead of sugary treats like cookies and candy, substitute them with fruits like bananas, apples, watermelon, plums, peaches, and oranges.

Weight Loss Tip 5
Use honey for sweetener instead of sugar, and carob powder for chocolate in all recipes. They taste just as good if not better when used in moderation.

Weight Loss Tip 6
Eat your vegetables. Raw vegetables can take the place of cookies. A raw carrot is a good snack food. Eat a salad for dinner sometimes. This can even be very enjoyable.

Weight Loss Tip 7
Stay away from excessive high calorie foods. Instead of a high calorie salad dressing replace it with cottage cheese or yogurt to improve the salads taste and drop the pounds.

Weight Loss Tip 8
Exercise is the best tip of them all. Make sure you exercise at least twenty minutes each day for three to five days out of the week. Find something you like to do like biking or roller blading.

There is nothing between you and your weight loss goals except you. You owe it to yourself not to give up trying. If you want to lose weight and keep it off visit Cheryline Lawsons website at to learn about weight loss secrets revealed.


Valuable Weight Loss Information

Weight loss seems to be a sound that bores more people than attracting them. Almost everyone of us struggles to deal with overweight and keep ourselves trimmed and healthy. The frustration is due to the struggle one finds himself or herself in finding an exercise routine or diet plan.

More than keeping oneself fit and healthy, it is also about impressing others. You need to impress your potential partner to make him or her feel attracted to you, right? Staying healthy is the only real way to look healthy. If you have an abundance of health, you will have more time enjoying your life on your terms rather than spending time treating different body conditions.

While you look for a weight loss plan, make it a priority and accept weight loss is a way of achieving your fuller sense of belonging. Not all bodies are made alike. What a boring world if everything were just fine and perfect. We dont even bother thinking about the worth we have. If you have a bigger physique than you like, make it a learning process to like yourself as you are.

It will be a moment of truth, moment of enlightenment, and you will accept yourself as a worthy person, before trying to impress someone with a trimmed, carved out body. It has nothing to do with weight loss, but definitely has something to do with better emotional balance. Your thoughts will be healthier. If you have the highest levels of self acceptance and approval you can go to weight loss out of inspiration instead of desperation.

Ok, you first shun the thoughts of desperation. Once you identify yourself as a worthy person, you will be inspired to be a better person, both emotionally and physically. Dont judge yourself socially unfit simply because you are overweight. How can other people accept you when you dont care to accept yourself?

Once you see yourself as an inspired person, willing to take the bull by its horns, you will locate the right methods of weight loss, self improvement, emotional control etc. Then you will find and stick to healthy weight loss program and will stick to it.

Where to start from? It is to start right from your mind. When you start from the right place in the right way, you cant fail to reach your destination even if it is weight loss.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning weight loss. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Valuable Weight Loss Information


Steps For Weight Loss

You have to finish an important project in two hours, so you head to the vending machine for a high-calorie treat. You're stuck in traffic with an important meeting merely minutes away, and you start biting your nails. You know you should get to bed and get some sleep, but you can't seem to pull yourself away from the television. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you? If so, you are in the throes of stress relieving bad habits.

Habits are reoccurring, probably unconscious patterns of behavior. Everyone has habits. Positive habits provide structure, stability, and security. Good habits include healthy eating, exercising, journaling, or talking with a friend can relieve stress. Negative habits can be self-destructive, and have a negative pull on our self-esteem and self-worth. Bad habits often include stress eating to calm or alleviate stress.

Unfortunately bad habits serve a purpose in our lives. They are unhealthy coping strategies that have an immediate payoff. The short-term payoff includes alleviation of stress, calm our nerves, and provide a distraction or escape from a bothersome situation or feelings. The long-term impacts are weight gain, unattractive nails, and fatigue. When the long-term impacts interfere with your life, you need to change your habit. You need to find healthy coping strategies that provide the short-term payoff you need.

Your awareness and desire to change a life interrupting habit can be immediate. You make the decision that you are tired of a certain habit or behavior and you are committed to its replacement. Alternatively, you may have the desire to change a bad habit and need a step-by-step plan. If either of these happen to you, it's time to move forward with your habit replacement.

Step 1: Name it! Define the habit. Before you can make any change, you must identify for yourself the reason for the habit. What is the payoff to you with the habit? Bad habits usually serve a hidden purpose we don't recognize. They can serve as a buffer for uncomfortable emotions or even calm anxiety.

Step 2: Commit! Make a full commitment to changing this habit. Arm yourself with inspiration to sustain motivation. Motivation has levels. Prepare for those days when motivation is low and you're tempted to resort back to the bad habit. Whatever motivates and inspires you, make a fall-back plan to use those tools when you need a jolt of extra motivation in breaking the bad habit.

Step 3: Set short-term and long-term goals. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to lose 50 pounds? Break your goal of losing 50 pounds into small increments that are reasonable to accomplish. You don't want to become overwhelmed. You aren't going to lose 50 pounds in a mere two months.

Step 4: Identify and eliminate your triggers. Is a certain food item a problem for you? When you hit the door from work, do you ahead straight for the kitchen to reach for that comfort food to calm you from your day? If so, don't have that trigger food in your house. Have healthy snack alternatives readily available for you. Alternatively, grab the family and take a walk to connect after you come home. When quitting a bad habit, set up your surroundings to support you.

Step 5: Get support. Ask for support from your family and friends that are important to you. Changing a bad habit is more successful if you have a support system in place. If you want to lose weight, a very effective means of support is to hire a weight loss coach. A weight loss coach will provide the support you need. Your coach can assist you to create a program personal to you that will assist in changing your habits to support your goals.

Step 6: If you give up a bad habit that has provided you with a payoff, you need to replace it with a positive one. A good habit, like eating differently to lose weight, exercising or using relaxation techniques, can help you manage stress in a healthy way. If you want to cut back on eating late at night, replace it with a hobby such as word puzzles or counted cross-stitching to busy your hands. Replacing a bad habit with a new, positive habit is important to maximize your success. Before you know it, the bad habit will no longer appeal to you and the positive habit will be second nature and natural.

Step 7: Give yourself rewards. When you achieve a weight loss of 5 pounds, reward yourself. For 10 pounds, buy a magazine subscription that will support your new habit. For a larger weight loss of 20 pounds, reward yourself with a new outfit or pair of smaller jeans. You definitely deserve one as you keep to your goals and replacing a bad habit with a new, positive one. Remember to have your reward reflect your goal. For losing weight, reward yourself with non-food rewards.

Step 8: Accept plateaus. Recognize that plateaus are part of the process. Motivation is high as you start to change a habit. When a plateau occurs and nothing seems to happen. You might even want to return to the payoffs provided by the bad habit. However, plateaus are our way of adjusting and becoming accustomed to the new, positive habit. Your process will continue steadily with possible plateaus of adjustment. During a plateau, you can become discouraged and want to quit because you're not making the progress you want. If you expect this as a part of the transition, you'll be prepared to stay with your goal.

Step 9: Give credit to yourself for your decision to change a bad habit. Be kind to yourself. Having a bad habit isn't a judgment about you as a person. It means that you've created a bad habit that isn't working for you any longer. It is reflective that you're now aware of your desire to have a better, more fulfilled life and happier by replacing the bad habit. Acknowledge your own personal growth.

Bad habits such as compulsive overeating have payoffs. Recognize how a bad habit limits your life. Follow these steps to ditch a bad habit and step up to habits that allow you to reach your weight loss and maintain your weight loss goal.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.

Visit Cathy's website:


Setting Your Weight Loss Goal

One of the most common health problems today is being overweight. Weight problems significantly increase the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory problems, arthritis and many others. The question naturally arises how should we lose weight. Just as important is how do we prevent gaining it back.

Well, let me allow you in on a little secret. The answer is not by dieting. Americans are obsessed with dieting. The irony here is that it is this very obsession that prevents us from maintaining a healthy, stable weight. Another little secret is that fad diets are even worse. It is true that fad diets will help you lose weight, and in some cases very quickly. In the long run they will not have a lasting effect.

It is believed that as many as 90% of those dieting will regain the weight that they lost withing a year of losing it. It is not uncommon to gain even more weight than was lost in the first place. Dieting and fad diets can cause more problems than they cure. Some of these include headaches, insomnia, constipation, water retention, heart palpitation, nervousness, irritability, and stress on the digestive system. It should be evident that dieting or fad diets alone are not the solution.

To achieve your goal of losing weight and keeping it off, you should consider a multi-faceted approach.

Dieting without sufficient stomach and digestive strength will cause overexertion, dehydration and undernourishment. This leads to further weakening of the digestive tract. When this occurs weight loss will become very difficult. It is important to remember that we depend on our digestive system to absorb and assimilate nutrition. This in turn sustains the body's normal functions. One very important way to maintain our digestive integrity is to chew our food very well. It is helpful to sit while we eat. Last by not least, we should not eat 3 hours before bed.

Another important aspect of improving our health and losing weight is to maintain regular bowel movement. This does not suggest the use of laxatives which only weaken the digestive system. Regular bowel movements can be achieved by eating food rich in fiber (whole grains), chewing well, sufficient rest and regular exercise.

This next point is a big one and contrary to what you usually hear. Drinking too much water can cause water retention. The main characteristic of fluid deficiency is dryness. Water in and of itself does not do an adequate job. This results in dehydration. When you drink too much water the kidneys will become weak. In that case they are not able to deal with the excess fluid. This alone can cause bloating which in itself will contribute to excess body weight. You should drink only when thirsty and not gulp. You should also avoid soda, drinks with artificial sweetener and power drinks.

Here is another point contrary to popular belief. You should eat 3 meals per day, not several smaller ones. You can eat as much as you wish with the following caveats. Chew your food extremely well. You will be satisfied sooner. Up to 90% of digestion will take place in your mouth, thereby taking the burden off your digestive tract. Your food should be natural, consisting mostly of whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Avoid processed and prepared foods. Do not eat at least 3 hours before bed time.

You should exercise regularly. Obviously, this provides several benefits including the increase of your body's metabolism.

Chinese herbal supplements can be a great adjunct in your weight loss program. The good ones are all natural and do not have any serious side effects. One word of caution. There are several Chinese teas around at the moment that promise spectacular results. I have consulted with a Chinese doctor. He informs me that these teas, while harmless, provide no weight loss benefit.

There you have it. If you have a weight problem there is no time like the present. Now there are two things you have to do in order to accomplish your goals. Focus and take action.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting


10 Minute Weight Loss - A Miracle?

The miracle is not the weight loss by using the vibra trim machine for only 10 minutes daily. The miracle is that I could overcome all of the main stream beliefs about losing weight and see the vibra trim for what it is. The vibra trim is an technology advancement in weight loss/fitness. Not a another machine to take up space and gather dust in my home. It is the weight loss/fitness solution most of us seek for our lives. Most of us don't want the perfect body badly enough to spend the time, effort, or money, but we would like to look good and be healthy with ease and for all times.

The weight loss/fitness business is a big, big business. One of the reasons it is so big is that it does not work without a large amount of our effort and our desire. This effort continues to cost us money and time. We have not been able to do one thing at one cost and receive it benefits for years. The weight loss/fitness business is a renewal source of income for those who come up with a "new" trend to help you lose the weight you have gained back from the old "new" trend.

The weight loss is good. The increase flexibility, improved musical tone. and all of the other things are good but the best thing about vibra trim, is that I can easily continue this ten minute program for the rest of my life. Ten minutes is a very short time. Ten minutes is the time it takes to either shower, shave, or brush your teeth. I have made it part of my morning routine to get my exercise out of the way the way for the rest of my day. And I can easily find ten minutes in the morning.

You may be one of those people who say that they enjoy exercising for one to two hours daily. I often wonder if you really enjoy the exercise or do you get your satisfaction or enjoyment from the results.

Vibra trim is a one time investment. It will not continue costing us money monthly, such as gym fee, diet pills, special food packages, purchase of exercise equipment or clothes, or money spend on going and returning . These hidden cost are harder to recognize, but they do add up to a large investment of time and money.

The miracle is that I looked, I studied, and I decided to take another chance. So far this long shot is working. I am satisfied with the results and can see it going on for a long time with great ease. Easy weight- loss that is the miracle.

More information vibra trim studies of vibra trim Frequently Asked Questions of vibra trim


Weight Loss Speed Bumps

Have you ever thought of your diet as a road? Roads have bends, twists, and speed bumps along the way. Diets do as well. On your weight loss road, you're going to make choices that aren't on your diet. It isn't realistic to believe you're never going to make food choices that aren't on your diet. Diets are meant to be consistent not perfect. The key is to know there are speed bumps along the way and to move full speed ahead from them.

The key to success is what you do the majority of time. Dieting and losing weight isn't shining a spotlight on a single choice, a specific day or two. It is a zoom out perspective of what you do over the period of a few days, weeks, and months. We didn't become overweight with one bad choice or even "going for it" for a few days. We've become overweight through multiple unhealthy choices over a prolonged period of time. Don't let a bad choice derail you. Don't wait until the next day or the following Monday to begin again. When you make a bad choice, pick yourself up and begin again right then. You don't have to beat yourself for a bad choice but congratulate yourself for getting right back on track. That's a big reason to feel very proud of yourself.

Many of us expect perfection of ourselves when it comes to our weight loss program. When we go off track, we feel disappointed and discouraged. It's your consistent eating patterns over weeks and months that matter and add up to weight loss. Those few slips-ups are merely speed bumps in the road. When you get past the speed bump of a food slip up, put your pedal t the metal and move full speed ahead to continue your weight loss success. The occasional slip-ups do not determine your weight loss success.

When you find yourself getting back on track, here are some suggested strategies to stay on track:

* Eat only fruits and vegetables for between meal snacks.

Drink 64 ounces of water or 8 glasses per day. This will help you feel less hungry and your metabolism running efficiently and at its maximum.

* Do not skip meals to make up for an earlier calorie indulgence. Skipping meals only serves to slow down your metabolism.

Record your food and activity. Write down what you eating, even a taste of this or a bite of that.

* Sugar-free and fat-free choices count. These choices are not calorie-free. Make sure you're not eating excessive amounts of these types of foods and thinking they are free of calories.

* By exercising, you'll gain the feeling of control and being back on your diet track.

* Don't beat yourself up for choices you can't take back. Note why you made the food choices that you did and learn from them for the future. You can use these speed bumps as lessons for future choices.

The journey to weight loss success isn't determined with one choice. Zoom out in your perspective and know that your weight loss success comes in consistent healthy choices. Persistence with your weight loss plan is what is important. Look at your weight loss as a continual journey that has a few speed bumps along the way and has the most beautiful scenery that is your life. Enjoy!

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.

Visit Cathy's website:


Unique Weight Loss Tips

Read the Facts Yes, it sucks but paying attention to the nutrition facts on food is necessary to lose weight. Dont just assume what you are eating make sure you find out so you know exactly what you are consuming, otherwise youre flying blind. Reading the labels will enable you to be aware of the fats, calories, and other ingredients that may be contributing to your weight.

Join a Support Group on the Internet A huge factor when it comes to successful weight loss is having support. An online group is perfect because a) you will find others that are in the same boat as you and b) you, as well as others, can remain anonymous. Anonymity allows people to be more honest and open about their experiences and feelings.

Whats Your Exercise? Keep in mind that all exercises are not created equal. If you enjoy running, run. If yoga is your thing, enroll in a yoga class. Find the exercise that you enjoy and works for you. If you pick a routine or work out regiment that you hate, you will not stick to it.

Avoid Comparisons Comparing yourself to others can be a very dangerous road. Since everyone is different, everyone will lose weight differently. The diet your best friend lost fifty pounds on may not be the right one for you. When you start taking notice of others success and attributed habits, you will only become discourage. Identify your triggers and what will lead you to your personal success.

The Magic Pill Oh, if only! No one single pill will be responsible for your complete and total weight loss (or at least as much as you hope to lose). However, there are supplements out there that can enhance and expedite your weight loss; try an energy supplement or weight loss supplement that curbs hunger. Use in conjunction with your new diet and exercise routine.

Everyone Slips You wouldnt be human if you didnt. There are going to be nights you go out with friends or to a party and blow your diet. Dont fret just get yourself back on track the next day. Youre allowed to mess up every once in a great awhile (its really is inevitable), just dont let it happen repeatedly.


Does Chromium Picolinate Promote Weight Loss?

Chromium picolinate is sold as a standalone supplement or also included in diet pill compounds promoting weight loss. Proponents of chromium picolinate claim that it reduces insulin resistance, which increases weight loss. While it's well known that the chromium mineral is needed for glucose to be utilized by insulin, supplementation with chromium would really only be necessary if the subject were deficient in that mineral. As it stands, it is extremely rare for a person to be chromium deficient in a first-world country.

Chromium picolinate is the combination of chromium and picolinic acid. Purportedly, supplementation with chromium aids the body in burning fat over muscle when there is an energy deficit and fuel is needed.

Pouring over the research done in regards to chromium picolinate is no small task. While one study (Althuis MD, Jordan NE, Ludington EA, Wittes JT (2002). "Glucose and insulin responses to dietary chromium supplements: a meta-analysis". AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION 76 (1): 148-155.) claimed there was no significant difference in insulin resistance, another study cited that the first study was flawed.

I counted 10 more studies, found mainly through PubMed, that confirmed Chromium Picolinate's ability to decrease insulin resistance.

I then narrowed my search and looked only for Chromium Picolinate studies that researched weight loss specifically. There was one in particular that supported a change in body composition (it was not body weight or body mass index, but rather fat composition of the body). Just as quickly, I found another study stating that absolutely no change in body composition was found when supplementing with chromium picolinate.

At the end of the day, it'll be up to you to decide if you'd like to try supplementation. It is key to monitor your changes, measure carefully, and keep an open mind. Don't conclude that it will work (or won't) before you try it, or that's likely the result you'll get. Chromium picolinate remains a small unknown, though the tides are starting to turn in its favor apparently.

Cal Stevens is the author of his own diet pill comparison site - You can read a chromium picolinate review there as well.


Calorie Cycling - And Why It Works

Thanks to the weight loss industry, many people think that weight loss is a complex, overwhelming process.

It's not their fault - companies have spent millions of dollars trying to confuse dieters, so that they helplessly spend their money, hand-over-fist, in order to find the latest and greatest "cure".

But people who are able to get "out of the box" and learn about simple and proven weight loss methods tend to have the huge advantage. This is because once they realize that food and the patterns in which they eat is more powerful than any kind of weight loss pill or surgery... they have complete mastery over their body.

Once these people have a grasp of how to eat, they never again have to worry about gaining weight back or becoming fat ever again.

Because it's very, very easy!

All people have to do in order to lose weight is to shift their calories. That's it!

With typical low-calorie or low-carbohydrate diets, people eventually end up plateauing. Their bodies adjust to the diet, and weight loss halts.

The weight loss industry doesn't want to acknowledge this, though, because low calorie, low fat, and low carbohydrate products account for millions of dollars in revenue. People constantly switch up the amount of calories that they eat on a daily basis. They have low days and high days... and because their bodies never know what to expect, they can never adjust accordingly. Because of this, people continue to lose pounds upon pounds of weight.

Although bodybuilders and other body-conscious people have known about calorie cycling for decades, this is not popular to mainstream America because of the lack of money that people can make from it. With calorie cycling, there's no need for people to buy certain kinds of foods or restrict themselves in any kind of way... so there's not a lot of money in it for companies.

Rachel has lost 100 pounds herself, and is passionate about helping other people do it too. She has been featured in Woman's World, among others.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on her website at


A Great Weightloss Plan

Many times the decision to lose weight is made in haste, usually fueled by anger or frustration. How many people angrily or disgustedly go on a diet and try to cut back on their food intake, only to find themselves craving food and overeating not long after?

A lot can be accomplished with anger or the energy built up over time with the frustration of living with a weight problem. It's okay to be angry and to vent your frustration. We don't need to go into the many ways stress and all the things in our lives may make us believe we are justified in our anger. Justified or not, the real question is, what are you going to do to help yourself?

You'd love to lose weight, great! But you may not know exactly how to go about it. There is help, you know. Many people have lost weight and you can learn from their experiences. There are also information online as well.

As a clinical hypnotherapist I learned a lot by watching the many inventive ways people dealt with their weight and problem eating behavior. One thing I can tell you is that the ones who were the most successful had a plan and had talked to an expert or other people who had managed to lose weight and keep it off.

The most important point I could make would be the old saying, "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail." My weight loss clients who were the most successful had thought about their eating habits and made plans for how they would deal with different situations that made them eat more. A plan doesn't have to be elaborate, but it does have to identify your strengths and weaknesses and have steps you can take to manage both. If you're going to put the effort into losing weight, then you deserve a fighting chance. Give yourself a plan.

To learn more about successful weightloss plans, click here now. Take the free quiz to see how close you are to successfully losing weight and getting some free advice from an expert at... Take the Free weight loss evaluation and find out close you are to finally changing your unwanted eating behavior. The results may surprise you!

Wil Langford, R. Hy. is a clinical hypnotherapist and integrated energy therapist who has helped hundreds of people to lose weight and keep it off, safely and naturally.

Find Free Hypnosis Facts at... Free Hypnosis Facts


Losing Weight - Are Low Carb Diets The Best Way To Lose Fat

If the number of obese adults has increased in America over the recent years, there has also been a parallel growth in the number of people who diet. Some people say that dieting is probably the worst thing you can do to your body.

Some diet programs recommend foods that are low on carbs. While this may sound good at start and you may be able to lose a few pounds in the beginning, be warned that these are the foods that are low on nutrition as well. By living on a low-carb diet, you are depriving your body of the essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates that it needs in order to function properly.

On another level, when you deprive yourself of foods, you start to crave for them after a certain period of time. Food cravings lead to cheating and binge eating. You may fool yourself into believing that you won't ever eat the 'forbidden foods' except once, but slowly and surely, binge eating will turn into a habit and you will find that over time you have gained more weight than what you started with!

A better formula is to concentrate on raw foods and vegetables. Not only they are low on fat and carbohydrates, they also provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. Plus they are easy to digest. Also don't forget to drink a sufficient amount of water everyday. Water will fill your stomach and prevent you from over eating. An adult should drink at least eight glasses of water per day, and don't forget to drink a glass of water before and after your dinner!

Check Out The Web's #1 Diet & Weight Loss Review Site - You Can Begin To Lose Weight Now with Instant Downloads from Today's Top Fat Loss Diets! Decide Which Diet or Weight Loss Program Fits You The Best & Lose Weight Now:


How to Lose Weight Easily, Quickly and Effectively!

How to lose weight easily and quickly has become one of the most discussed topics in the world. In the United States alone, 58 million people are overweight, 40 million obese and 3 million morbidly obese. Weight lose is not something hard to accomplish - yet people think differently.

Our passive style of life and the lack of time are the two main causes. We do not walk to work - we take our car. Most of us work at the office - sitting down 8 hours of the day - then we are so tired mentally that a physical exercise is out of question - besides we need to spend some quality time with our family and/or friends. The food. The 15-30 minutes lunch break at work is certainly not enough time to eat properly. We don't only eat fast, which causes overeating; we also eat low quality food, mostly fast food and snacks, such as chips and chocolate bars.

So How To Lose Weight Easily?

You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.

You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself.

You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan. Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.

Losing weight and staying in shape is very important for our health. Did you know that:

-80% of type II diabetes related to obesity
-70% of cardiovascular disease related to obesity
-42% breast and colon cancer diagnosed among obese individuals
-30% of gall bladder surgery related to obesity
-26% of obese people having high blood pressure

Lose 9 lbs. every 11 days - You could lose 35 lbs. by Christmas!


The Second Secret To Successful Healthy Weight-Loss

It is the power that can make the unsuccessful successful in the battle of life,.., it is the power by which difficulties can be overcome.

The disorder and trouble that afflict us, or the lack that restricts our life, can never be overcome, save by a change of mind, habit of thought, and mental attitude. - Henry Thomas Hamblin

The Power of Thought, YOUR Power to Success.

Do you remember the first secret to healthy weight loss?

Do you know the second secret to successful weight loss?

I shall give you a hint: Action and constructive thinking.

Do you believe you are doomed to be overweight?

Do you believe you must struggle with your weight for the rest of your life?

I dont think so. Actually I know for a fact that it can be completely different.

With the right thought, a constructive and happy thought, we can overcome any obstacle, especially our weight problem.

Do you believe you are not ready to deal with this weight problem?

Would you rather wait to be left with no choice?

Dont wait for the worries and the fears of illness to take the decision for you. You will feel so blessed and powerful if your decision comes from a place of love, the love you have for yourself.

Do something special for yourself, not because you are afraid of some disastrous outcome but because you really want the change in your life.

Because you love yourself, you respect your body.

You deserve a healthy body and a healthy body weight.

You deserve it NOW.

Do you need to change your beliefs and your inner thoughts? Do you need to re-align yourself with belief and thoughts of success, successful weight loss and easy weight management?

You know the saying: Everything starts with a thought in our mind. Why not have our personal thoughts on our side?

By consistently changing your thought of failure to thought of success you can gradually transform anything to success.

For a few minutes everyday, take the time to relax and draw a mental picture of yourself already managing a healthy natural weight.

Draw this image as vividly as you can; everyday.

Add as many details as you can think of: the way you look, your posture, your feelings, your confidence, the clothes you wear.

Write it down. Nothing will make the picture more believable, more real, than writing down all the details you can think of.

Everyday add some more details until you have the whole picture written down.

See how good you feel when you think of successful weight management. Feel the emotion associated with the thought of having finally and permanently managed your weight.

Remember the thought and the emotion; they are your powerful allies.

Read your written picture everyday and have a motivation boost.

Wow, what a great feeling!

To your health and your ideal weight,

Isabelle Epstein
Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style
"3 Easy Steps to Healthy Weight Loss and Healthy Weight management"


Weight Loss While Living In A Society Of Bigger Is Better

We find ourselves living in a world of unhealthy foods today. Everything is much bigger portions and loaded with extremely high amounts of fat. Most of us don't have the time or money to really eat as healthy as we should and often find ourselves grabbing that quick burger or chicken combo from the local fast food joint. A definite way to gain extra pounds and create a host of health problems. Unfortunately, by the time we realize whats happened, it's just too late. We have already gained that extra weight and getting it off is a whole lots easier than putting it on.

As we get older, this problem of getting the extra pounds off is increasingly harder and harder. It can sometimes take several years to do so. Depending greatly on our methods of weight loss. We have to implement certain strategies and practices in our daily routines to accomplish this and keep the weight off. Keeping it off is usually a lot easier than getting it off or even getting started on a plan of exercise and changing our ways of eating. There are many, many diet plans and exercise regiments that aid us in both losing the weight and keeping the weight off out there today. But picking one that works and fits your lifestyle can be as hard as the original goal of losing the pounds. None of this is easy. There is help though.

Careful and close attention should be taken when thinking of starting any plan to lose weight. But, lots of patience and persistence also have to be in effect for you to be successful. It will never be easy to lose weight but as with many things in life, easy is not always the most rewarding.

In my link below I have nothing but the best products that will help you reach those all too important goals and deadlines. Remember, you are not alone in this quest. The solution is one click away.


7 Ways How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

It's pretty safe to assume that most people in the western world have been on a diet of some sort at some stage of their lives. Majority of people want to lose some weight from somewhere on their bodies, though the most common complaints are from women around their buttocks, hips, and thighs. Based on this, the question of how to lose weight fast and easy is widespread.

The problem with most diets though, is that they take so long. Who wants to be deprived of their favourite junk food, alcohol, and takeaway for months at a time? Who wants to be locked into regular exercise? The answer is easy: nobody.

So, for the couch potatoes of you who want to know how to lose weight fast and easy, here are seven tips to help make things faster and easier:

1. Drink lots of water. Water fills you up and cleans you out. In fact, the Chinese and Japanese swear by it. They even have a "water diet" which begins the day with drinking half a litre of water before you've even cleaned your teeth! If you get sick of water, you can always eat ice, which can take the edge off hunger for a while, and numbs your mouth so you don't want to eat any real food anyway!

2. Halve your portions. It stands to reason that if you don't consume as many calories, you won't need as much effort to burn them off. Most fad diets or short-term diets are based on a low consumption of calories, around 1300 a day, but who wants to count calories? Pile on your plate the way you normally would, but only eat half. You'll be surprised at how easy it is. You may even discover that you didn't 'need' such a big plate to fill you up in the first place.

3. Eat slowly. It has been proven that chewing your food more times and eating slowly results in you eating less, therefore consuming fewer calories. Most people, particularly if they're hungry, eat relatively quickly not giving their stomach a chance to feel full when it really is and ending up "over-eating" without intending to. By slowing down your eating habits, you can lose weight without even changing what you eat.

4. No fizzy drinks. Soft drinks are renowned for their high sugar content, which definitely means more calories to get rid of later. In addition, they don't actually quench your thirst, so you need to keep drinking them when you're thirsty. Replace each time you would normally have a fizzy drink, with water and see the difference!

5. Sleep early. When you are sleeping, you are not eating. When you sleep early, it means you eat earlier, which gives your body a good chance to digest the food properly.

6. Move more. It's not necessary to spend hours at the gym working out, however you do have to do is more exercise than you do now. It doesn't have to be set exercises though. It could just be walking from the parking lot to the supermarket, but parking further away or it could be walking up the stairs instead of taking the escalator. Small things which, done on a regular basis, make a big change.

7. Eat more often. This is probably the best tip of the "7 ways how to lose weight fast and easy". By eating little and often during the day, you will naturally speed up your metabolism, meaning you will burn calories more effectively. Of course, it doesn't mean eat a 3-course meal, 6 times a day,snacks such as raisins, an apple, celery or carrot sticks are good options and because you are eating continuously, you are less likely to stray towards foods you should be limiting.

So there you have it. These tips can show you how to lose weight fast and easy. All you have to do now is put them into action!

Get in touch with the industry experts at for more help. Steve Magill has written several articles with regard to the weight loss business. As a Fellow in the (FBAE) he is considered an expert consultant when it comes to helping people to lose weight.


Weight Loss Wreckers, Avoid These at All Costs (Part 2)

In the last part of this article we discussed about some activities that will make your weight loss efforts seem quite ineffective. You need to understand that these are not common knowledge, which is why people often find themselves incapable of preventing their execution. So, last time we discussed about the negative aspects that eating outside and eating a lot during dinner may cause to your weight loss efforts, this time around well discuss some other and even darker secrets that you should know in order to prevent your weight loss efforts wreck as a train would do if rammed into a solid wall.

Skipping meals

Yes, you read it correctly, and you probably even chuckled. How many times have you said to yourself Well, the fact is that I did not have time to grab some breakfast; so, Ill make it up during lunch and eat twice the amount I should. If this thought has ever crossed your mind, then you have made a terrible mistake. You should never, by any circumstances, skip a meal, but if you must, then you should never try to compensate this loss by ingesting a higher amount of food the next time you have the chance, this is the worst thing you could do to your weight loss efforts.

First of all you will need all the energy you may summon in order to make your body work harder when burning the excessive fat that you gather, and secondly, if you ingest a larger amount of food than your body is used to, then it wont be capable of eliminating the excessive amount of fat youre sending in, so be careful.

Bad habits during work

Well, most of us had no idea about this one in the past, but the truth is that sitting behind your desk, visiting the vending machine several times a day, filling your body with tons of soda, and practically doing nothing with your muscles, will eventually end up in a weight loss failure. Individually, these concepts seem to appear very obvious, but the truth is that most of them can not really be avoided if you work a lot. If your case happens to fall within this concept, then you should try packing your lunch from your home (healthy food, that is), and you could also try isometrics in order to reach your weight loss goals.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.

Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his weight loss obesity website for lots of articles about losing weight. Also check out the weight loss eBook that will give you tips for your weight loss problems.

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