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According to the BMI chart, if you are overweight, you may be more at risk of developing disease. That should be reason enough to lose weight. Weight related conditions include:
Premature death
Cardiovascular disease
High blood pressure
High Cholesterol
Gallbladder Disease
Sleep apnea and breathing problems
Some cancers
Obesity can also cause irregular periods, complication with pregnancy, hirsutism (excessive body and facial hair), incontinence, depression, surgery complications and more.
If your health doesn't concern you, maybe your pocketbook does. By staying overweight, you may increase the amount of time spent visiting various healthcare professionals. Most of them don't work for free. Medications to treat these diseases can run into hundreds of dollars a month. Not to mention, you may have to take more time off work to care for your ailments. This means less income for you. And, you may notice that your health insurance premiums keep going up. It's because the amount being spent on healthcare keeps going up. A majority of which is related to treating problems that could be prevented by exercise and staying at a healthy weight. What a vicious cycle it is.
The annual cost associated with obesity and being overweight is staggering. The national cost of healthcare related to this is well over $100 Billion dollars. Diabetes and heart disease are among the fastest growing diseases that could easily be prevented in most people by staying at a healthy weight and exercising. Visit the NIDDK to get a breakdown of the costs associated with each disease that is related to being overweight.
By losing weight and starting a healthier way of life you can really save a lot of money. Eating healthier usually also means eating less. You may be able to save on the amount you spend on groceries and eating out each week too. Think of all the other things you could do with that money you'll be saving. It may require an initial investment to get the weight off but the rewards are well worth it.
Calculate your daily caloric needs and BMI for free and find many weight lossprograms at Order a free trial of Te-Lite today.
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I am on a mission to lose up to sixty pounds. I will not resort to an eating disorder and I am going to try and do it by good old fashioned exercise and watching what I eat! A lot of people have been asking for my specific plan, so here it is!!!!
I am going on a Juice fast for three to five days first. each day i will have approximately 1 C OJ 3-4 Cranberry juice 1 banana 1/2 an apple 1 necatarine a couple of handfuls of other fruits here and there all in the form of juice. I will do that for like 3-5 days. (if i can! I am hating it!) and when my stomach shrinks and all the toxins are out of my body i am going to start incorporating real food back into my diet. I will exclude any white flour, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial processed things like that. I am going to try and eat 40 percent ish raw... and then chicken and things like that. I also want to only eat whole grains and if i have bread i want to make it homemade to eliminate the preservatives. Just more natural foods.
Right now i have a coca cola addiction i am battling (hence the fast) and i food addiction that i am trying to overcome. it is all i can do right now not to go to the store and buy mac and cheese and all other kinds of crap. or mcdonalds. AHHH!!!
i plan on going from my previous diet of fast food, crap and pizza and three to four cokes a day to no cokes, and about 1200 calories a day until i lose my sixty lbs!
after my body adjusts to the diet, i will start exercising with yoga, pilates, walking and some interval training... and maybe later i will add weights.
With the holidays over and the New Year upon us, now is as good of time as any to actually begin your annual new year's resolution to shed some of those pounds. Not to simply make the resolution, or verbally commit to begin, but to get off your rear end and actually do something. Follow these simple suggestions and you will be well on your way to a new and improved you for 2008.
Exercise - Yes, I know exercise can be tedious, dull, and exhausting but that just means you are doing the wrong kind of exercise. Exercise is about doing physical activity that you enjoy and shouldn't be something that you dread. Choose something you enjoy doing such as tennis, dancing, or swimming. Otherwise, you will never stick with it.
Smaller Portions - Weight loss works very simply; you have to burn more calories than you consume. Coupled with exercise, eating smaller portions will allow you to start losing weight. Just because a restaurant serves you a specific portion certainly does not mean you have to eat the whole thing; take the leftovers home. A key to eating smaller portions is eating slower. This will keep you from overeating and your stomach can register when it is full.
Healthier Eating - Let's be honest; we are not going to eat super healthy every minute of everyday and nor should you. Restricting yourself from your favorite foods and desserts will only make you want them more. So you just need to be smarter about how much of your favorites you consume. Eat just one piece rather than half the pie. If you are forced to eat out at a fast-food restaurant or similar establishment, try a healthier option such as a salad. Cut back on sugar and replace your diet soda or energy drink with water.
Weight Loss Supplement - In conjunction with daily physical activity and more conscientious eating, a weight loss supplement such as Akavar 20/50 can be an effective weight loss tool. Akavar helps curb hunger and thus enables you to eat less calories so you can burn more calories.