Wednesday, May 14, 2008 

Discovering An Effective Fitness Training Program

It's incredible if you really thought about it but most people treat their prized sports car better then there own bodies. They shop around for the best deal possible and then fork over a lot of hard earned cash for the sports car of their dreams. The car goes into the shop for the slightest concern. These same people won't do the same for their own bodies. Shouldn't you give the same focus to your own health?

Some Facts About Physical Appearance and Lifespan

In this country the average life span of men and women is right around 80 years, give or take a few years. The painful truth is, a significant number of men and women look and feel this age long before they get there. The signs are there in their physical appearance:

- Sagging dry skin

- Posture is unsightly

- Unsteady walk (i.e. overweight)

- Joints that ache

Can you just imagine what a person's inside is like if they have all of those outer appearances? Chances are it's even worse:

- Conditions such as diabetes, nervous tension

- Inefficient heart


There you have it! Some of the positive reasons for engaging in a fitness training program now. It has been said that an "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". If you understand that last statement then you will get started on your fitness training program today. All it takes is a decision on your part and then the requisite follow through. If you need any ideas on where to get started then check this article's resource box.

James Redder is a advocate of an effective Fitness Training Program. If you liked the fitness exercise tips mentioned in this article, why not get the digital dynamite that will assist you now? Click here to grab this guide now: Turbulence Training.


Eliminate Belly Fat By Doing Stomach Exercises

Summers over? Thats good isnt it? If you missed out all the summer fun because of the belly fat that you couldn't manage to lose, dont be sad. Now we have three more seasons before the next summer arrives. What does that mean? It means that you have three seasons for you to do your stomach exercises regularly and hope that by next summer youll have that flat stomach that youve been dreaming of all your life. Imagine this, even if you do one stomach exercise for 5 minutes a day before summer comes, do you think that youll get that flat stomach you desire eventually? Believe me, its doable.

Now is the time for renewal and for new beginnings. Summer is a season where half dressed males and females flaunt what theyve got, with bare midriffs and lean tummies. Stop! Halt! Do you dare go out in your bathing suit next summer? Or are you worried about that unsightly little (or so youd like to think) bulge where your tummy used to be? Dont fret! There are several stomach exercises that can help you get your tummy back into shape in no time. Here are two stomach exercises that are very good and effective (if done faithfully) that will help you get that lean stomach that you can flaunt. Before you start, do remember to consult with a pro and always start with a good warm up session to avoid any injury.

The Hip Lift

For this exercise you will need a mat or a towel. First lie on your back on a flat surface, like the floor. Make sure the mat or towel cushions your spine. Now place your arms beside you with the palms facing up toward the ceiling. Lift your legs up into the air at a ninety degree angle with your torso. This means that the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling. Keep your legs as straight as possible and try not to bend your knees. Now, while contracting your stomach muscles and pulling your bellybutton towards your spine, try slowly lifting your hips to a few inches off the floor. Now hold this position. Make sure your legs are still straight. Slowly lower your hips back to the starting position. You can try this a few times every day.

The Seated Torso Twist

For this stomach exercise, you begin with a sitting position. First, bend your knees so that your feet are flat against the floor. Place your feet slightly apart (about hip width). Put your arms straight out in front of you with your fingers interlocking. Now contract your stomach muscles and slowly lean back to about forty-five degrees. While still holding this contraction, rotate your torso to the right as far as you can comfortably. Remember to use your stomach muscles to control your movement. You dont want your arms to lead this movement, but need to have your upper body moving. One you have rotated to as far as you can, rotate back to the starting position in the center. Now repeat the movement and rotate to the left side. Keep in mind that you need to go slow. Never allow the momentum to twist you and make sure your movements are controlled.

Okay, now it's your turn to flaunt your flat stomach to the world.

Juzaily Ramli and Tommy Lehmann own a blog that provides free stomach exercises for all. Feel like losing some of that stomach fat but don't have the time to do it? See how you too can benefit from their page on stomach exercises for busy people.


6 Ways to Stick to Your Weight Loss Workout

Weight loss will be yours this year! Provided you don't drop out of your fat loss program, of course. So what can you do to keep your motivation to exercise and workout and stick to your nutrition program, rather than dropping out like last year?

Let us help you. Here are some tips that will keep your motivation and commitment high longer than ever before.

And don't think I'm singling you out. About 50% of people (seems like more!) fail at their exercise resolutions.

1) Our first tip? Don't get too sore!

Don't overdo it the first week back. Stick to just one set per exercise, and don't try running 6 days per week for 30 minutes. That will just give you shin splints. Instead, just focus on being consistent and moderate in the gym, and focus on your nutrition changes instead. Your nutrition is where you will see the biggest impact immediately anyways.

2) Avoid intimidating training environments.

You don't like gyms? Exercise at home. You can do a lot with your bodyweight only. Add a set of adjustable dumbbells and you have your own gym at home. You don't need fancy machines, you just need the ability to train consistently. There are dozens of exercises you can do at home. Plus, you'll save a lot of time.

3) Cut your workout time in half.

You don't need to train for 90 minutes per day. You don't even need an hour. You can get a lot of work done in 20 minutes. If you workout at home, you've also cut the drive time down. So what are you waiting for? Clear 20 minutes from your schedule and be consistent.

4) Don't get bored.

Change your workout every 4 weeks.

5) Avoid the dreaded plateau.

First of all, are you properly recording these three things?

a) Your body composition

b) Your food intake

c) Your training

If not, then how do you know if you are progressing or if you are really being consistent?

6) Workout with a partner.

Not only will it give you a reason not to cancel, but you will also have more motivation and an even greater chance of succeeding.

Here's why: In one study, researchers found that subjects that brought a workout partner also lost more weight if the workout partner successfully lost weight.

Feed off each other's motivation and success and this will be the year you stick to your resolutions.

Workout hard, fast, and lose fat!

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit


Dieting Tips - A Good Diet Plan And Tasty Dieting Food

Are you looking for a healthy way to lose unwanted pounds? Are you tired of yo-yo dieting? Do you want dieting tips and some healthy and tasty dieting foods? Low carb dieting got you down?

Dieting is a complex and sometimes confusing topic with information galore provided from every corner of the internet and beyond.

I personally won't provide you with all kinds of statistics but rather some dieting tips that I have picked up over the years of struggling with weight gain and weight loss.

Dieting plans really shouldn't be that complex but for millions of people being overweight can be the difference between becoming ill sooner or living a long healthy life.

Here are some dieting tips that can help put your dieting plan into action fast.

Dieting Tip #1

Recognize your position now.

Take an inventory of where you stand today. Take a picture, get accurate measurements (Medical practitioners can provide accurate measurements and also determine your suitability for a weight management program).

This is important as you can accurately gauge your success by setting a point in time to reference it from. Next, decide what you want to achieve. Again, your medical practitioner would be a great source of advice to determine a healthy weight. BMI (Body Mass Index) is sometimes used to gauge your ideal healthy weight; but it can be misleading and dishearten you. Take the time to see your doctor!

Dieting Tip #2

Clean out all your junk food and decide and confirm that your eating patterns will change.

Throwing out those cookies and ice cream will afford a sense of control over your cravings and also empower you to realize that you ARE in control.

Selecting dieting foods that are healthy and will help you reach your goals is more important than the 3 dollars spent on solidified sugar junk. Throw it out. Better yet - Don't buy it.

Dieting Tip #3

When at the grocery store shopping for your dieting foods - usually you can get all of the necessary (and healthy) foods from around the perimeter of the store. Start by getting those items first. You can then venture into the lanes of temptation and get the other necessities there.

Good healthy diet foods include lots of fruits and vegetables such as:

  • Arugula
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Collard Greens
  • Bok Choy
  • Endive
  • Peppers
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli

Lean Protein:

  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Lean Beef


  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Shrimp

Nuts and Seeds:

  • Almonds
  • Pecans
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Nut butters


  • Flaxseed oil
  • Virgin cold pressed olive oils
  • Coconut oil

Stay away from foods that contain high levels of sugar. For example by simply cutting out soda pop from your daily consumption and switching to a bottle of 'life sustaining water' you can ultimately prevent gaining 15 pounds per year.

These are just a few of the healthy diet foods that you can eat that will help you with dieting plan.

Another excellent diet food that is packed with fiber and also provides a steady source of energy is oatmeal. With a bit of sliced apple or banana it makes a tasty quick breakfast that keeps the cravings away and helps stabilize blood sugar to keep you from crashing before lunch time.

Dieting Tip #4

Eat frequent meals.

Small 200-calorie meals can provide a metabolic boost by continually using calories to digest foods and also keep your overall calorie consumption down by not allowing you to be in starvation mode. When you've gotten to the point where you find yourself starving your body decides that food is 'hard to find'. Your body will store it for when it's really needed. Unfortunately it isn't stored as muscle!

Try to have 5-6 snack-sized meals a day. For example: It can consist of a chicken breast and some quickly made frozen vegetables with a bit of lemon juice to add some zing. This low calorie, high protein meal will satisfy your hunger and not spike your blood sugar like a high carb meal will.

High carb meals will cause fat to be deposited due to a release of insulin, which attempts to balance your blood sugar. Without getting too technical, it is wise to keep blood sugar levels stable as it keeps you feeling good and is good for your body.

Healthy dieting plans must have healthy dieting foods. Plain and simple. There is no magic or secrets here. The reasons diets fail is because we set ourselves up for failure. A healthy dieting plan really should be considered one that enables the individual to maintain that diet plan for indefinitely.

Eating clean as some call it allows for cheat days where you can indulge in the foods that you love. However, eating should consist of healthy foods that nourish and complement the body.

I have lost numerous pounds only to gain them back quickly by entertaining all kinds of hair brained diet plans.

In summary, simply creating a dieting plan and sticking to it is the #1 way to get thin fast and stay that way. Dieting Tip #1 is likely the most important part. If you aren't going to adhere to the plan then what to eat, when to eat it and everything else... is all for nothing.

Learn more about credit repair, how to boost your FICO fast and tips to improve your credit rating.


Weight Loss

Weight loss is one subject that never seems to go out of style. There are many ways to lose weight. Many people choose basic quick ways method even though they know that the pounds creep back on for a few reasons. The drive to lose weight fast is strong but the need to keep the pounds off is even stronger.

One of the easiest is by cleansing your system. I don't mean that this is simply by any stretch of the imagination but it is pretty effective. Extra pounds hold extra toxins in our systems.

These approach take`s quite bit of the will power and you basic will also find that there are many more things that you can't eat than there are things that you can. In order to lose weight fast fast you also really want to start basic cut out all those breads, pastas, all the junk stuff and also even the fruit. You may be surprised by the elimination of fruit but bear with me.

Fruit contains a lot of sugar. The sugar is also very natural and also usually very good if you start burn off. If you start cut these source of the sugar out the diet you will start quick to lose weight fast. This means you may also want to cut out vegetables that have lot sugar include peas, corn, carrot. These type of food can be reintroduced basic in a few days.

You might be wondering what on earth is left for you to eat. Your lose weight fast diet is strict and consists of lean proteins, preferably the soy protein. If you take inside 25 grams of all soy proteins each and every day and also keep sugars at bay you will lose weight fast. In addition you want to consume lots of green leafy vegetables.

Water and exercise should be a regular part of your daily routine. If you stomach eating and lean protein for 1 week or 2 week along with getting in at least 64 ounces water and also plenty of the good exercise wee will definitely lose the weight quick. This doesn't sound very appealing it works extremely well if now want drop pounds quickly.

The initial quick weight loss will not be a maintained if you now start go back into your old ways fast away but you basic can start your diet off with a real kick if you choose this method. Of course, you want to consult your doctor if you want to lose weight fast. This is the first step in any weight reduction program.

About author Sindre

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Weight loss more here


Exercises For Losing Weight

I have been asked a thousand times if there are exercises I can do to lose weight. My answer is always the same, yes and no. If you are trying to lose weight there are many different variables involved and you must combine these in order to effectively lose weight while at the same time build muscle tone. If your main goal is to just lose weight than you need to start by following a healthy diet and start a cardiovascular exercise program. By combining the two you can jumpstart your weight loss goals and get healthier in the process.

Cardiovascular exercises will not only get you in shape but will also increase your metabolic rate. When you increase your metabolic rate you will turn on the natural fat burning engine in your body.

Provided you have clearance from your doctor and don't have any health problems that will preclude you from exercising you can start with a few basic exercises to get you on your way.

The first thing you should do is to start a daily walking program. Get off the couch put on your sneakers and take a nice healthy walk. Start off with a slow walk and go as far as you can go before you get fatigued. Try and increase the distance and intensity of the walk till you are easily walking one to two miles at a time. When you reach this level you can add light hand weights and also light leg weights to help increase your strength and stamina.

I have seen people make incredible gains in both strength and weight loss by simply starting a daily walking routine. They are burning fat by raising their metabolic rate and at the same time avoiding the temptation to eat because they are seeing immediate results.

In addition to starting a walking program and eating healthy you can begin to incorporate some resistance exercises. Some resistance exercise could include pushups, crunches, jumping jacks and lunges. Perform three to five sets of each and twelve to fifteen repetitions. You can do these every day until you reach a plateau and feel you need to increase the intensity and or duration.

If you are determined to get in shape and lose fat then you must make a commitment to follow through. I've seen too many people start an exercise and fat lose program with the best intentions only to get bored and lose interest. You must keep it interesting and keep challenging yourself. You need to find a program that works for you and keeps you excited about achieving your goals.

Good Luck and remember being fit is a way of life.

Kevin has been training for over thirty years and has written many articles on training and muscle building. Don't even think about buying any more supplements, resorting to drugs or giving up until you read this revealing, no-holds barred muscle building report.


Walking Sense - Make the Most of Your Walking Workouts

It seems simple. You pull on a pair of tennis shoes and head outdoors. Everyone thinks they know what walking is and how to do it. Besides the amazing health benefits to walking, there can be more to walking besides putting one foot in front of the other. To make the most of your workout and reduce incidences of muscle and joint pain, consider these walking mistakes to avoid:

#1. Overstriding: Knowing the correct way to walking can improve your health and help you to walk faster and more smoothly. On the other hand, walking the wrong way will lead to wasted effort and even injury. As a walker, it's natural to try to walk faster and lengthen your stride with the forward foot. This method causes walkers to strike the ground hard with their feet, resulting in a clumsy gait, sore shins, and muscle fatigue.

The cure for overstriding comes as result of pushing with the back of the leg and foot. When walking fast, aim for shorter, quicker steps. Think of pushing off your foot with a rolling-through motion of your back foot and leg. The correct stride should be a lengthening of your stride, which will result in faster feet.

#2.Wrong Shoes: A good walking shoe is necessary to avoid injuries such as plantar fasciitis, muscle pulls and knee problems. Walking shoes should be lightweight with flexible soles that will allow you to easily roll through each step. Shoes should also be replaced every 500 miles (or every year), as the cushioning and support will degrade. Walking shoes should also be larger than your dress shoes if you walk more than 30 minutes or more for exercise. Athletic shoe store associates can help to size a right-fitting walking shoe for you.

#3. Flapping and Slapping Feet: It's a natural tendency to flatten your foot out prematurely while walking if you're not conscious of rolling through each step with your forward foot - from heel to toe. Heavy shoes or weak shins can contribute to the problem. Again, it's important to wear flexible shoes that bend at the ball of the feet and feature a low heel. To strengthen your shins, try toe raises by standing on a stair facing upstairs and let your heels hang over the edge. Dip the heels down and raise them up 10-20 times. Prior to your walking workout, warm up the heels by walking on them for 30 seconds.

#4. No Arms: Perhaps you've seen someone walking with their arms still at their sides, or even swinging them without bending. Besides looking strange, this method will lead to swelling in the hands. Normal walking motion requires the arms to move as a counterbalance to the legs. A walker adds power and speed when using the arms correctly. Make sure you bend your arms at a 90 degree angle and let them swing naturally back and forth, opposite the leg motion.

#5. Chicken Wing: This is Walking Workout 101, not the Chicken Dance. If you're swinging your arms from side to side, crossing the center of your body, you may be a Chicken Wing offender. Remember that your arms should swing back and forth and elbows should be close to your body. Hands should not cross the center line or come up past your breasts. A correct arm swing allows you to concentrate power from your rear leg rather than wasting motion in front of your body.

#6. Leaning: You find yourself leaning back or forward more than 5 degrees. Or perhaps you have a sway back. Maybe you thought leaning equals good form. Leaning forward or backward while walking can result in lower back pain and will inhibit your speed and technique.

The proper position for good walking is to stand up straight but relax the shoulders. Keep your chin up and parallel to the ground. Your stomach and behind should also be tucked in as you walk. To keep from swaying your back, make sure your stomach or backside are not pushed out forward or back. Stomach- and back-strengthening exercises are very beneficial for standing straighter.

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Are All Saturated Fats Unhealthy?

Nope! Surprisingly, there are healthy fatty foods that you can eat...

And I know all about the confusing information out there -- it just drives me nuts. Tons of people say no this, no that and the real truth of the matter is you don't know what their actual agenda is...

So today, I am going to ask you to open up your mind because some of what I say is going to be contrary to the politically correct media and nutritional advice that is being dispense...

And yeah, many of the advice is being dispensed by doctors, so-called health experts and the granddaddy of them all -- the mass media.

The way I figure it out is all the usual suspects above treat everyone like you and me like mushrooms. Shovel manure over us and keep us in the dark with confusing and conflicting information.

To start with, we absolutely NEED healthy fats in our daily diet! It is so vitally important to our overall health. Did you know that fats are critically needed for all the cell membranes in our body? However, if you eat the processed foods that contains chemically altered fats -- guess what? Your cells ain't gonna be happy...

It means your cellular functions won't work right. It means your body has to work harder to find the right fats to repair and maintain the cells. It means you have greater risk of degenerative diseases.

You need healthy fats for creating energy, for breaking down vitamins and minerals. And so on and on...

In short, FATS are absolutely, critically needed for a lots of important functions in your body -- and if you listen the one of the most dangerous advice you hear from all those so-called health experts listed above... about following a restricted fat diet or even a no-fat diet...

Don't do it! You are putting yourself in great danger! It is one of the most unbelievable piece of garbage information about health that I have ever heard!

And if you think about it, or even followed that advice for a period of time... did you lose your body fat? I'm guessing no.

And no wonder... fat is also critical to digesting your food intake. You NEED healthy fats to lose body fat, to become lean and healthy. To be disease-free.

So don't fall for that clap trap. It is utter nonsense and I think the whole reasoning behind that is the hysteria that if you have excess body fat, restricting your fat intake will force your body to use up the internal fat. That simply isn't true.

Let's use some hard, cold facts. There is a researcher by the name of Dr. Mary Enig who is a P.H.D., and one of the leading experts on fats -- she said that there is very little scientific evidence supporting the theory that high fat diets is bad for us.

Let's use a real world example. Hundreds of years ago... the Pacific Islanders had a typical diet of mostly coconuts. As you know, Coconuts is saturated fats. And in spite of getting 75% to 66% of their total daily calories in Coconuts, these Pacific Islanders enjoyed a very healthy life -- free from heart diseases and obesity.

But modern Pacific Islanders eat typical western diets that are unhealthy and many of them are obese or fat... but that is another story for another time.

My point is, even if you eat a diet that is mostly saturated fats -- you would be healthier than anyone who followed a no-fat diet.

Another example would be the traditional diets of Eskimos. Their diet has the same proportion of fat as the Pacific Islanders did because they ate whale blubber, seal fat, and cold water fish. And Eskimos were famous for health and longevity!

I can also point to tribes in Africa -- the Masai tribes and Samburu tribes -- they ate a diet of whole milk, blood and meet. These folks enjoyed low body fat.

And don't forget about the Mediterranean diets which is very high in fats from Olive oil?

And then you can compare all the groups mentioned above with the North Americans -- a lot of them eat unhealthy western diets with little or unhealthy fats.

And guess which group is overweight and obese?

I think it is pretty clear from the evidence I pointed out above that many of the so-called experts who promote no-fat or low -fat diets don't know what they are talking about...

In fact, they say if you repeat it often enough... it must be true.

But we aren't sheep and we are much smarter then them... So we are going to look at the list of healthy fat choices that you can incorporate into your diet:

Coconut fat. Although it is 92% saturated fats, it is one of the healthiest natural fats you can consume. It is also an excellent cooking oil because saturated fats are more stable and don't oxidize as easily as the unsaturated fats do. Which can create free-radicals which can damage your body. Good sources of coconut fat is coconut milk, coconut oil or fresh coconuts.

My favorite source of oil -- extra virgin olive oil! It contains 16% saturated oils and 71% unsaturated oils. Extra virgin olive oil is from the first pressing of the olives and has a higher percentage of free-radical fights -- antioxidants. Unlike a lot of the other cooking oils, industrial solvents weren't used to extract the extra virgin olive oils. So it is much healthier for us!

Chocolate! More specifically, bittersweet chocolate which contains over 70% cocoa fats. It has lots of antioxidants and the cocoa butter contains about 59% saturated fats. This is important -- even though some folks prefer milk chocolates -- that chocolate isn't as beneficial as the dark, bittersweet chocolates. Milk chocolate has more sugar and corn sweetener which isn't good for you.

Avocados! One of my most favorite ingredients for my scrambled eggs in the morning. Avocados on the other hand is mostly monosaturated fats but it still has 25% saturated fats. But you can use avocados in your sandwich and salads.

Fish with high fat contents. I try to stick with wild caught fish such as salmon, sardines, herring and trout. They tend to have healthier diets and are much healthier sources of fats for us. Wild caught fish is a great source of Omega 3 which is important for our diets. And I'll have to talk about that another time.

Nuts! I love 'em. I like to snack on mixed nuts and dried fruits. No peanuts though... Nuts are a great source of healthy fats plus minerals. Try to avoid any nuts that were roasted in oil. Use the ones that are either raw or dry roasted.

Seeds! Sunflower, pumpkin and flax seeds. All are good but flax seeds are famous for having a high ratio of omega 3. I like to sprinkle fresh ground flax seeds in my yogurt and fruit for a well-balanced meal. And for the guys -- big health tip -- eat a handful of pumpkins (or pepitas) seeds each day. It may be beneficial to keeping away a swollen prostate.

Of course I should list the fatty foods that you should absolutely stay away from. Don't touch these with a ten foot pole!

Hydrogenated oils. These are the trans fats that you have no business putting into your body. Look at your processed food labels. If this ingredient is listed -- I suggest you toss those in the trash and never buy them again!

Deep fried foods. Come on here! Sure it tastes good but it is really, really bad for you. In fact, I would say that french fries is probably one of the worst foods you can ever eat. It is pure glucose and contains trans fat oils. And all of that goes straight to your love handles. So just say no to fried foods.

Homogenized milk and butter. Raw milk fat is great for you but the pasteurizing process ruins it. And turns milk fat into something potentially dangerous for your body. Raw milk is hard to find so I would stick with skim milk and cultured organic butter.

Now you know enough to be dangerous... so go now and eat some healthy saturated fat...

If you are looking for an effective workout program no matter if you are a beginner or at an advanced fitness level... that is guaranteed to get you in the best shape of your life... then be sure to head over here to find out how you can transform your body into one that will be slim, toned and muscular here:

Turbulence Training Program


Phentermine - Do You Get It

Phentermine is one of the most popular diet pills in the world for its powerful hunger-killing effects and the energy boost you'll feel when you take it. Yet, it's also one of the most misunderstood diet pills you can buy.

Most people think Phentermine is a cure-all' for their weight problem. Some even take it just to lose a few pounds. Unbelievable! Phentermine is intended for obesity sufferers with a BMI of at least 27 points.

One of the problems Phentermine users face is rebound weight gain. You may know this as the infamous yo-yo' dieting trend that affects more than 90% of people using Phentermine - and chances are that if you're reading this, you've lost weight only to gain it back again. But what can you do about it?

There is no diet pill in the world that will help you lose weight AND keep it off forever.

Everyone is missing the point, and I'm here to share it - right now. Here goes...

Phentermine is a tool, and if you use it to change your habits while you're losing weight, I promise you will never gain the weight back. See, when you use Phentermine, you won't want, so the pounds will drop off like never before. That sounds great, doesn't it? But unless you get expert help to improve your eating and exercise habits, you will start eating badly again when you stop taking the pill, and that will put you straight back onto the path toward obesity.

I may tell it like it is' but do not get me wrong. There is hope. Actually, it's almost guaranteed that you will succeed if you make good use of the time you're taking Phentermine. Since you won't suffer from cravings or low energy, you'll be able to eat the right foods and start light fat-burning exercise 3-5 days a week.

If you feel a bit lost right now, that's ok. You're not alone in this. I'm here to guide you through weight loss with Phentermine until you succeed. All you need to do is sign up for my free Phentermine weight loss course, where I'll teach you step-by-step how lose weight and keep it off forever.


Lose Weight By Simply Walking

Imagine being able to lose weight simply by walking.

It's true. By adding this natural and inexpensive exercise to your agenda, you can lose weight and keep it off. The key is to be persistent, stick to a regular program and make it interesting.

Just this morning, I caught Sanjay Gupta of CNN talking about this very subject. Research has proven that walking as little as once a week is enough to at least keep you from gaining as much weight as you would otherwise.

Do you have a dog? Maybe you should get one.

Sanjay's research revealed that people with dogs are even more likely to lose weight by walking than people who walk without a dog. Not exactly sure why that is, but my suspicion is that an active dog forces you to take that walk whether you want to or not. Besides, dogs make walking a far more interesting and creative adventure.

I've always had dogs, but I didn't walk much with my last one. And guess what? For the first time in my life I gained weight. Since getting my new dog, who happens to be a Belgian Shepherd so you can imagine how active he is, I've shed a few pounds.

Recently, we discovered a new park that actually has exercise stops. That's where you are given various stationary "equipment" and a sign with instructions on how to use them. For instance, you can do chin ups on a raised bar. You can walk the balance beam. You can do step-ups. You can do 10 pushups. You can climb up and over a 4 or 5 foot wall.

Of course, you can do sit-ups, abs crunches, and various stretches, too.

Obviously your dog can't do most of those exercises, but he probably doesn't need to. You do.

There are a number of reasons why it's good to take advantage of those exercise stations.

  1. They take the boredom out of just walking
  2. They give you a more complete workout
  3. They boost your heart rate more so than walking
  4. They will help sculpt your body
  5. They help you to lose weight

The best way to exercise to lose weight is to walk in intervals of fast walking and slow walking. You can even add short jogs if you like. You do this by alternating and giving each variation one or two minutes, and repeat the cycle 10-15 times. This type of exercising, called interval training, helps boost your metabolism while giving you a good fitness workout.

When you add in those exercise stations, your magnify your results.

Believe it or not, you will reach the point that you will look forward to taking these walks. On your very first day, you will come back feeling revived and energized. You will breathe easier. Your mind will be clearer.

And you will feel less stressed, which makes walking the perfect end to a day at work.

If you want to learn more weight loss and fitness exercise routines, download your free copy of The Original 4-Week Bodyweight Turbulence Training Workout.


Weight Loss Ads Every Where

If you are interested in weight loss then I'm sure that you have tried many different things to assist you in your battle of the bulge. As modern consumers we are bombarded with all sorts of gimmicks to help us when it comes to loosing weight. It has been shown that there are indeed a lot of fads and diets that don't work.

Have you wasted money on these fads and gimmicks? Many people have and have had little or no effect and in some cases even failed miserably.

We are continually bombarded on television with advertisements for different weight loss products. What works and what doesn't is one of the biggest questions any consumer can ask themselves, before they part with their hard earned money. Don't be sucked in by clever marketing that makes you feel as though you simply must buy the product because it's a miracle product. I am sure some of you have many different gizmo's and gadgets under your bed that you only ever used a few times before falling back into your old habits.

When it comes to loosing weight there are a few proven methods that work and its like finding a needle in a haystack with all the advertising companies telling you that this is the only thing that works. Don't believe a word of it. I found the answer to the great question on the Internet and it doesn't cost a fortune.

All you have to do if you want to find out about weight loss is to do your research from the comfort of your own home. Make sure you educate yourself about everything you can to do with loosing weight. There are many web sites around that offer products but there are also sites that are just dedicated to this subject, they are the ones that you should look for.

If you want to get the best ideas about diets and fitness programs to do with weight take my advice and do your research first. You will save yourself a lot of heartache when it comes to deciding exactly what sort of goals you want to achieve. Always read as much as you can and make sure that you consult a doctor before you engage in any sort of diet or calorie controlled program.

Exercise programs and fad's come an go like the range of gadgets that claim to assist you in achieving your goals, as previously stated don't be sucked in and find out for yourself.

When you have finally worked out what is the best weight loss regime for you I am sure that you will be so happy you did as much research as possible, that's what I did and I have now lost kilo's just by making sure I had all the facts first and it didn't cost me a cent.

After all is said and done go out and enjoy the new you and always make sure the advice you have regarding loosing weight is reputable I am sure you will enjoy the new you.

Di Amarosi is a professional writer for Weight loss file, a website dedicated to helping people with weight loss, for more tips and Ideas visit


Meditation for Weight Loss

Meditation is a process, a journey, rather than a goal or a destination. It basically consists of paying attention to your breathing and letting go of distracting thoughts. It sounds simple but sometimes it takes years and years of practice to accomplish this quieting of the mind. The process does have many benefits. It allows your mind to become calm and your mind and body to become deeply relaxed, resulting in a reduction of stress, a clearer mind, increased concentration, sharper focus and enhanced memory.

"So, how can this help me lose weight?" You ask.

For starters, it reduces stress and, therefore, reduces cortisol, a chemical byproduct of stress that tends to help the body produce blood sugar from proteins and use the excess glucose for fat production. Cortisol is also believed to increase the desire for and consumption of high-fat foods which you will want to avoid.

Meditation also allows you to reach a level of relaxation that allows your subconscious mind to retain and act upon suggestions about staying in control of food and eating, to increase metabolism, to love exercise and to shed those excess pounds.

And meditation sets up a mindset of relaxation and a feeling of well-being for the day which makes it easier to stay on the program you have chosen to help you create that slender, healthy body you desire.

How do you start meditating? Ten meditation techniques are listed below to help you get started.

Meditation Technique #1 Be Consistent

Choose one time of day that you can easily work into your schedule. The benefit of meditating at the same time each day is that your biorhythms will naturally adjust to it as a habit, like waking, eating and falling asleep. Your nervous system will grow accustomed to meditating at a particular time allowing you to enter deep meditative states more easily.

Make sure your phone is turned off. If you have children, set aside a time when they're at school or asleep.

Meditation Technique #2 Create Your Space Create a boundary between you and the outside world even if you're only meditating for ten minutes.

Meditation Technique #3 Where to Meditate?

Reserve a special place in your home to meditate. It can be as simple as setting aside a comfortable chair or pillow, or an entire room if you have the space. Place a candle, flowers, or any special items that have spiritual meaning for you on a table as an altar.

Creating a place that is reserved for meditation helps because Spiritual Energies gather in the place where you meditate; making it easier each time you sit in the same spot. Like going to a temple, church, or place of worship, with regular practice all you will need to do is sit in that place to feel settled, calm, and relaxed.

It can take many months of meditation to attain theta levels consistently during your meditation practice. Sacred Ground helps you to achieve those levels sooner, so that you can begin to experience the life-changing benefits. Whether you're a new meditator, or are experienced, let Sacred Ground take you to your inner world.

Meditation Technique #4 Create a Reverent Atmosphere

Invent your own soothing ritual before you meditate. Maybe it's at night after a bath, or at dawn before the rest of the world is awake. Light a candle, take a few deep breaths, and dedicate your meditation to the unfoldment of your highest potential. Say a prayer, chant or burn some incense if you wish. A tranquil and reverent atmosphere helps to induce a meditative state. Some people find Meditation Music helpful.

Meditation Technique #5 Position Yourself for Meditation

Sit with your spine straight. Use pillows behind your back for support if needed. It's important to have your spine straight so energy can travel freely up and down your spine. You may sit cross-legged or on a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor. You can also lie down, placing a pillow under your knees. If you tend to fall asleep when meditating, it's best to sit up so you can stay awake.

Tip: Theta is the frequency of meditation. Because theta is right on the edge of delta, associated with sleep, it's common for beginning meditators to drift into a nap instead of meditation. If you fall asleep easily when meditating try using Brain Power. It harmonically layers theta waves with very high beta frequencies to keep you awake and alert.

Meditation Technique #6 How Long Should I Meditate?

How long you meditate each day depends on you. A good beginning is 10 to 15 minutes per day. You might find that you naturally expand your meditation time by adding five minutes here and there. Another way to expand the time you meditate is to set a goal of adding five minutes each week until you adopt a natural rhythm of twenty to thirty minutes. One of the pitfalls of beginning meditators is to be too ambitious. Trust your intuition and start off with an amount of time that feels comfortable for you.

Advanced meditators usually spend an hour per day in meditation. If you can gradually work up to forty or sixty minutes the better your progress will be. Consistency brings remarkable long-term benefits.

The key is to do it every day. The effects of meditation are cumulative. Richard Davidson, a professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin says, "Modern neuroscience is showing that our minds are as plastic as our bodies. Meditation can help you train your mind in the same way exercise can train your body." Therefore, each and every minute you meditate you're enhancing the biochemistry of your brain, building muscles that increase your mental, emotional and spiritual potential.

Meditation Technique #6 Sit, Breathe and Relax

When you meditate, take long slow deep breaths. Send the breath deep into your abdomen and then breathe out. Each time you breathe in imagine cleansing energy infusing your body. When you breathe out, ask your body to let go of tension and stress.

Tip: To quiet a busy mind count each exhalation, starting with one going up until ten, then begin the cycle all over again. If you forget where you are, go back to one and begin again. Do this for ten minutes to slow down mental activity. In the beginning many thoughts will come and go. When you notice you are thinking, bring your attention back to your breath. Linger on the peaceful space that lies between your thoughts. In time the space will expand.

Meditation Technique #7 Relax with a Body Scan

A body scan calms your nervous system, releases tension and helps you feel embodied - sometimes we spend so much time in our heads that we forget we have a body. Practicing this exercise for five or ten minutes is a meditation in itself. It's also a wonderful way to settle down before you meditate.

To begin, direct your consciousness to explore your left foot. Feel the physical sensations inside and around your foot. Then move your consciousness up your left leg, to your knee, thigh and into your left hip. Imagine traveling through the arteries, tissues and bones. You might come across energy blocks or areas of numbness. You might feel tingling vibrations, as the cells come alive from your conscious attention. Observe the sensations. Experiment with how you can tell muscles to relax and let go simply by directing your will.

Do the same with the right foot and leg up into your right hip. Direct your awareness to the root chakra area - abdomen and buttocks. Next explore your stomach, heart and chest, traveling up to your throat. Then move down to your left hand, feel the sensations in each of your fingers, and travel up your arm to your left shoulder. Repeat with the right side. Explore your neck and throat; notice how you can relax and expand your throat. Travel into your brain, let your face and jaw relax. Allow the muscles around your scalp, temples and forehead to soften and relax.

Tip: EEG (electroencephalogram) research has revealed that when the forehead, temples and scalp are relaxed, theta activity moves more easily into the frontal cortex. When those muscles relax you are able to go deeper into a meditative state.

Meditation Technique #8 How to Deal with the Mind

Gain the benefits of meditation even if you're a new meditator. Balance your Chakras, become positive and reduce anxiety; strengthen your immune system, and develop your creativity, just by listening to Deep Meditation.

The first goal of meditation is to notice and quiet random thoughts. In his book, Learn to Meditate, David Fontana, Ph.D. says, "By watching your thoughts and learning to identify them as distractions you have begun the path of meditation."

As you practice meditation you'll become aware of how your mind runs around in circles with many different thoughts and memories. At first your mind will be like a chatterbox, shifting from one concern to another, this is natural. You might catch yourself thinking about work or solving problems. You might worry about something that hasn't happened yet or remember things you forgot, like paying your credit card bill.

Meditation Technique #9

Label Your Thoughts Observe the quality of your thoughts and then label them. "These are busy, work thoughts," "These thoughts are negative and limiting," or "Here we go again with my To Do list." Then gently return your attention to your breath and expand into the space between your thoughts.

Each time you identify the quality of your thoughts, you are making enormous strides in meditation that will inevitably unfold in your life. In time you will become a keen observer of your inner world. You'll notice when you've fallen into negative thinking and you'll learn to redirect your attention to thoughts that expand and enhance your sense of self.

The highest level of thought is positive. Positive thoughts soothe your nervous system and encourage states of wholeness and well being. If negative emotions arise, such as anger, regret, fear or sorrow, label them and then gently shift your attention to something positive.

Meditation Technique #9

Meditate Upon Your Divine Self

A powerful practice is to meditate upon your divine self, the self who holds vast potential and gifts. Use your imagination to discover the magnificent being within. Drink from the well of knowledge that will multiply your joy and fulfillment in life. Exploring and contacting your divine nature is what meditation is all about. Guided Meditations that will help you create nurturing states of being and contact your higher self: Guided Meditation, Retrieve Your Destiny, Fulfill Your Heart's Desire, Living Prayer.

Meditation Technique #10

Finish with Feeling At the end of your meditation session, just sit for a moment, feeling the energies moving in your body. This pause before you leap back into the world allows you to integrate the meditation session into your daily life.

To get started meditating check out the Center for Meditation & Transformation experience a free online guided meditation, visit the reading room and learn more about meditation.

Kelly Howell, founder of Brain Sync is internationally acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and mind expansion. Her clinically proven, Brain Wave Audio Technology is used in hospitals, biofeedback clinics and by physicians and psychologists throughout the world. For more see


High Protein Diets And Weight Loss!

The reason why most diets do not work is due to the body's conservation capacity. During a diet, the body protects itself against what it perceives as starvation. It does this by cannibalizing the lean muscle tissue that uses up calories.

Diets that take off more than two pounds in a week primarily remove the water and lean tissue from the body. Diets that are based on water pills (diuretics) do this directly, but the same effects are felt by most low-carbohydrate diets.

Many high protein diets usually produce weight loss for some time. This is because the body only uses as much protein as needed and the rest is changed to ammonia, which must be cleared from the body. The liver produces the amino acids required to convert this ammonia into urea, which is then passed out in the urine. Urea and ammonia are toxic to the body and are said to be hard on the kidneys and liver.

People lose weight rapidly because of loss of water as the kidneys draw moisture from the tissues in order to flush these protein waste products from the body. This means, the body chooses the lesser of the evils and forfeits necessary hydration to get rid of the toxins.

The reason we put on weight once the diet ends is because the desiccated tissues are quickly rehydrated and the lost weight regained.

The result of a high protein diet is that it makes the dieter feel tired and the burning of calories reduces. Since the body is trying to prevent starvation, it starts to use up tissues that burn calories, which are the lean muscle tissues - instead of the fat that the dieter actually wants to lose.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn

fat at the same time, visit

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training


Is Turbulence Training True?

Are you a busy person? Locking for a physical training? Don't have any time to attend? Did you try turbulence training? If you are busy person turbulence training will work for you. Why I say is because this training is built to save time while gaining muscle plus losing weight. That's why turbulence training is special and has been the topic of well known fitness trainers for several years.

This exercise uses physical training and mental training and by this users can lose weight faster and half the time is need to the ratio of your normal exercising time. Due to this unique feature turbulence training has been the best fitness training product among the best known fitness trainers.

Even if you are fat, thin, normal of any kind, this product will bring what it promises. What it promises is to loss fat while gaining muscle. Women have a separate section to do their exercises as convenient to them. Therefore both men and women can benefit from this.

Less time is another key benefit in turbulence training. This means if you take one hour to do your exercises an seven days of a week, only half an hour is needed and one 3 days of a week is enough. So school children's, businessmen and hard working mother can benefit from this exercising program.

Even if you eat high calorie foods after benefiting from turbulence training you won't gain weight but lose weight more and more. Plus the writer recommends eating more so you can gain more muscles.

Another benefit in buying turbulence training if you get some bonus items. This will help you to keep your weight constant and gain muscle faster. Also this product is recommended for everyone, and It is guaranteed that you will lose weight for sure.

If you are looking for a success story on how one person used the Turbulence training program to lose the fat right off, then click the link below.

Turbulence Training


5 Easy and Effective Steps to Reduce Belly Fat

A excess of fat in the midsection has been linked to a number of debilitating illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, certain cancers, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. Many people find it increasingly difficult to lose weight as they age, and most men tend to gain weight around the midsection first. However, by following the five steps outlined below, its possible to reduce belly fat, lose weight, decrease the risk of certain diseases, and increase your overall quality of life.

1. Eat healthier meals

Research suggests that a diet rich with omega-3 fats can reduce the production of adrenaline, which is a stress hormone that contributes to belly fat. Omega-3s can be found in foods such as fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Also be sure to get the right amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals, and avoid processed foods and those that are high in animal fat.

2. Get enough exercise

A combination of aerobics and stomach-toning exercises coupled with a healthy diet will help tighten abdominal muscles and reduce belly fat. Exercise for at least 20, if not 30, minutes a day for the best results. Many people are surprised to learn that traditional sit-ups really arent the best way to reduce belly fat. Exercises such as pelvic lifts and tilts are much better for toning and strengthening weak or flabby abdominal muscles.

3. Strength train

Incorporate strength training into your exercise routine to help reduce belly fat. Regular weight lifting is beneficial because muscles burn calories. The more muscles your body has, the more calories it will be able to burn. Muscles also take up roughly a third of the amount of space that fat does, which helps us to not only feel better, but look better as well. Fitness trainers recommend strength training only every other day to allow the muscles a chance to rest and to avoid injury.

4. Limit stress

A hormone called cortisol is released during periods of stress and then remains at an elevated level. The fat in the abdomen acts differently from fat cells found in other parts of the body mainly due to the large blood supply in this particular area. The abdominal region also has more receptors to stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. All of these factors make it easier for fat to be stored here and settle around the abdominal area.

Try to limit your levels of tension by incorporating stress relieving activities into your daily schedule. At some point during the full 24 hours of each and every day, its imperative to make time for yourself in order for good mental and physical health. Read, talk a walk, listen to music, talk to a friend, soak in the bath, or simply nap or meditate for a few minutes each day. Research has shown that reducing stress does have a positive impact on the bodys ability to reduce belly fat.

5. Be patient

This final step to reduce excess belly fat is just as important as the other four. The extra fat that youve accumulated around your midsection didnt appear overnight, and likewise, it wont disappear that quickly either. By fretting and worrying about plateaus or stalls in weight loss, you may actually cause yourself to gain weight due to the extra stress on the body.

Find out how you can easily and quickly lose weight with Nutrisystem visit Fast Easy at


How Fast Do You Want To Lose Weight? - Awesome Weight Loss Tips You Can Use Today

A better question, how fast can you lose weight? Before dieting or starting to lose weight you should always consult a physician to ensure your health and safety. After that is done, you can be on your way to losing weight. The following article will give you some nice tips on how to lose weight fast.

Weight loss is a normal thing that many people want to do to make themselves feel better, get healthy, and several other reasons. What many people don't know is what steps to take to lose weight. It is not like you can wake up one morning and decide that you are going to lose 5 pounds this week. You need a plan. Here are some great tips for losing weight fast.

How fast can you lose weight using the following methods?

1. Start drinking more water than usual.

2. This one is good. Increase your metabolism. How? Instead of eating three large meals per day, eat 4 or 5 smaller meals.

3. Run, Walk, or Swim. Do this 3 times per week for about 30 minutes.

There you have it. A simple process to help you lose weight. So the answer to the question, how fast can you lose weight? It all depends on your personal motivation, situation, free time, and many other factors. The only way you are going to succeed is if you are motivated. It is a slower process than some things but it works and if you stick to it you will see results.

For more information and an awesome free tips guide, visit below:

For a Free guide on How Fast Can You Lose Weight visit:


How To Lose Your Beer Belly Fast

We all know that having a beer belly isn't very attractive. In fact, surveys show that it's a huge turnoff for women and men alike. A lot of people who suddenly find themselves with a beer belly fail to do anything about it since they believe that it cannot be helped. This is a shame because there are ways in which even someone was is totally out of shape can lose a beer belly.

Many people don't do anything about their beer belly because they believe that it'll take a lot of exercise in order to reduce it. While I'm totally in favor of exercising (being a sports junkie myself), it is possible to lose your beer belly with very little exercise, but with the right diet. And you know what? The diet doesn't even need to be that restrictive, it just needs to be structured in the right way.

If you want to lose your beer belly in a way which is mostly based on proper nutrition, I recommend that you use the Calorie Shifting Diet, also known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Since it has very little exercise, it may not develop your abs muscles, but it can help you to lose your beer belly.

The reasons I recommend this diet are the following:

1. It has a high success rates for men and women in any age group or fitness level.

2. It's very easy to use.

3. It's not a restrictive diet which makes you suffer while doing it. In fact, you get to choose much of the food, and you eat 4 meals each day.

4. It has a diet generating software which means that you know exactly what to eat and when.

I know this may sound too good to be true, and, like anything else, this doesn't work for 100% of the people. But it works for most of them. It can be the way for you to lose your beer belly.

What makes this diet work isn't the amount of calories that you eat, it's the way these calories are spread out throughout the days and weeks in which you use this diet. Fat Loss 4 Idiots, is based on Calorie Shifting, a revolutionary weight loss method in which a person can manipulate his/her metabolic rate by shifting the types of calories that he or she eats throughout the day. In this way, our body burns a lot of calories fast and does so for a long time. It's perfect for losing your beer belly, since it basically helps you to shed your excess pounds.

To read more about this diet and to see user testimonials, click this link: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviews

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back


6 Foods That Help You Lose Weight Fast

Changing your diet to include the following 6 foods will help you lose weight fast. These foods will not make you lose weight by simply eating them (there's contrasting views about whether such foods even exist) but they will ensure that your metabolic rate and energy levels stay up which means that it'll be easier to lose fat.

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

1. High fiber food. Fiber has the ability to make you feel full and is highly nutritious, though it doesn't really contain a lot of calories. It helps the body and especially the intestinal system to function a lot better. To get a good dose of fiber make sure to eat vegetables, fruit, and unprocessed grains and cereals.

2. Lean protein. Our muscle tissue has a direct bearing on our metabolic rate. The more lean muscle tissue we have the faster we burn calories. As our muscles are made of protein, it's imperative that we eat enough of it in our diet. Good sources of lean protein are chicken, turkey, egg whites, tuna, and salmon.

3. Good Fats. Yes I said fats. Even if we want to lose weight our body still needs fat in order to function properly. But there's a huge difference between good and bad fat. In order to get good fat we should eat walnuts, almonds, flax seeds and other nuts, olive oil, avocados, and coconut. Remember, no fat isn't healthy and is bad for long term weight loss goals.

4. Snacks. This isn't a specific food but I had to include it because snacking can actually help you to lose weight. It has been shown that it's better to eat 5-6 meals or snacks each day than 3 square meals. Our body handles food better when it's in small doses. Snacking also keeps our blood sugar levels constant and helps the body burn fat faster.

5. Herbal tea. Drinking a hot beverage like tea helps you to lose weight faster for a number of reasons. First, drinking a hot beverage is a slow business meaning that it takes your mind off eating. Second, herbal tea has soothing affects on us which help to avoid craving and it's another way to increase our water intake. It also contains a lot of antioxidants which help to slow down the aging process.

6. Water. Most people don't consider water as food, but it's highly important to your weight loss efforts. Drinking enough water helps to stave off your hunger and also assists in all bodily functions, including the metabolism. Drink 8-12 glasses each day. You will look and feel much better.

Click here for more fitness and diet tips, as well as 2 free ebooks

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Calorie Shifting Diet

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks Or Less


How to Get Rid Of Love Handles - 3 Extreme Exercises to Get Rid Of Those Love Handles

"How to get rid of love handles?" Why do you ask such a question? How hard are you will to work to get rid of those love handles?

If you are willing to work hard to get rid of your love handles, then read on. If not, do skip this article.

Have you ever seen any body having sexy waistline and slim abs but also has flabby arms or fat chest or fat thighs?

I don't think so. Then why don't you understand the only way to get rid of those love handles is if you manage to get rid of overall body fat.

I am going to show you three extreme exercises to fire up your metabolism to a whole new level. These metabolism boosters will help you get rid of love handles faster than you could imagine.

-- Deadlifts.

This is one of the best exercises to blast your metabolism off the roof. This multi joint movement exercises will use many muscle fibers from your legs to your abs to your shoulders and arms, causing a traumatic effect for the entire body to work together.

-- Clean and Press

This too has similar effects like Deadlifts, but it is much more advanced and uses the momentum of your body to move the weight. With this momentum exercise, you will be able to hear your heart pounding real hard. This really is an excellent exercise to get rid of love handles.

-- Sandbag kickboxing.

Of course you will have to consider it at a very advanced stage because sandbag kickboxing is not only a strength workout, but it is a high intense cardio workout at the same time.

With every controlled kick and punch to the sandbag, you make use of a larger distance in your movements and also make the most use of momentum.

All leads to extreme fat loss levels, and in other words, a shortcut to get rid of those love handles.

If you want to make sure you found this information useful, try using at least one of these exercises in your strength training workouts, and you are guaranteed to get rid of love handles in less than a month.

Learn how to lose love handles in the fastest time possible with complete fat loss routines that are effective for fat loss by visiting the links below;

Fat Burning Furnace Program

Mike Geary's Truth About Six Pack Abs

Turbulence Training Workout


Are You Fat, Broke, & Sick? Here's Why

What's worse, getting paid less because you are overweight, or not getting paid at all because you're sick from being overweight and can't make it into work?

I'm sure you wouldn't want either option, but the bad news is that many overweight people are dealing with both situations.

A study from Europe, published in the prestigious journal, Obesity, found being overweight and obese were accurate predictors of sick days from work.

Obese individuals were found to have more long sickness-related absences from work even in young men and women. Chronic obesity resulted in the longest sick leaves, particularly in men.

In order to avoid missing work and sacrificing profits, it's a good idea to control your weight with exercise and nutrition. I truly believe nutrition is the most important factor in determining fat loss, and in terms of improving your health.

Fortunately, it's easy to eat for fat loss and health. Stick to...

1) Whole, natural foods, avoiding any processed foods that come in a bag or a box

2) Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day

3) Don't avoid healthy fats, so eat almonds, walnuts, fish, and olive oil to get healthy mono- and poly-unsaturated fats.

4) Substitute green tea and water in place of sodas, juices, and other high- calorie beverages.

5) Exercise with strength training and short interval training workouts. Don't waste your time on long cardio workouts that just leave you weaker and hurt from overuse injuries. Strengthen your body the right way.

This simple nutrition guideline will keep you lean and alert at work, so that you won't miss any crucial workdays due to illness.

Obesity 15:1554-1564 (2007)
BMI, Obesity, and Sickness Absence in the Whitehall II Study
Jane E. Ferrie*, et al.

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Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked bodysculpting workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Craig Ballantynes fast fat burning workouts help you lose fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's home exercise programs help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

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