Sunday, June 8, 2008 

Green Tea, Weight Loss and You

An ever increasing number of people are choosing to add green tea to their weight loss program. This affordable product packs a punch you'll appreciate. Green tea is a great beverage to drink if you are on a weight loss program because it can help you live a healthier life. Some common beverage choices for people are:

  • coffee and cream which are high in calories - Some of the specialty coffees are very high in calories; caffeine or both and these little vises or pleasures can quickly add up and destroy your weight loss efforts.
  • soda - either diet or regular - Regular sodas add about 120 empty calories to your intake for every 12 ounce can you consume. Diet sodas are sweet and make your body think it is being given sugar which it gears up to digest but nothing is encountered but a chemical compound it does not know how to handle. The debate still rages on about the long term effects of diet soda but many believe this artificial concoction does not help with weight loss and may actually promote weight gain because your body was geared up for sugar it cannot find.
  • sports drinks - These beverages DO add electrolytes and vital fluid replacement but they are also very high in sugar and other alternatives might serve the average person better.

  • Green tea is a beverage substitute that helps you avoid unwanted calories and it also contains healthful substances like polyphenols and flavonoids. Green tea also contains a small amount of caffeine which may help you lose weight because it serves as a mild appetite suppressant.

    If you regularly drink green tea or take green tea supplements, you will be helping your body's thermogenesis process (increase your metabolic rate). This is the process by which the body burns fat and releases calories. The thermogenesis process is activated by the interaction of the caffeine and catechin polyphenols present in this tea. The standard advice of burning more calories than you consume still applies but this tea has been extensively studied and used and has proven that it can help increase your metabolic rate without increasing you heart rate as other plant based products can. No beverage or supplement is going to be a magic pill when it comes to weight loss. There is several thousand years of use and many scientific studies that show your overall health and your weight loss program may benefit from green tea.

    The article Green Tea and Weight Loss offers a little more information on this topic and Natural Remedies Products has other weight loss articles you may enjoy.


    Lose Weight Fast, And Naturally! Using 7-Keto

    "Lose 3 times more fat than dieting or exercise alone" We've all seen this or similar weight loss headlines before and wonder whether this is really possible. Is this just another ad or marketing trick? Well, maybe not!

    What is 7-Keto?

    7-Keto (3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone) is actually a natural substance which our body produces. The body produces less as we grow older and this causes the metabolism to slow down. Also known as 7-Keto Naturalean, made from plant sources, helps replace what the body has lost over time. By doing this, the metabolism increases and makes weight loss possible again.

    What research has been done?

    A double-blind trial was conducted where all the participants had to exercise for 45 minutes three times per week. They all had to have the same calorie intake per day. Each participant was given either 100mg of 7-Keto or a placebo twice daily. After 8 weeks, the participants on 7-Keto had lost significantly more weight than those on the placebo - that is, diet and exercise alone.

    What about these claims being made?

    The ingredient, Naturalean, is relatively new and has already been granted 5 US patents. In the US it is the only ingredient that permits the company to make the claim:

    "Lose 3 times more fat than dieting or exercise alone".

    It is apparently the only product which has been clinically proven to increase your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) whilst you are dieting.

    How to use 7-Keto

    Most supplement companies tend to suggest 25-50 mg per day. In recent studies, however, taking 100mg 7-Keto twice a day (a total of 200mg per day) was found to work more effectively. Thus, using 100-200mg daily could have more positive effects.

    How can I be sure that I get the genuine product?

    As with most products, one has to be aware that some counterfeit products are being sold as "the real thing"! 7-Keto is a patented product and therefore if it doesn't have the US patent number 5,296,481 (for weight loss) on the label, it is more than likely a counterfeit! Take care to buy the real thing!

    A reminder of the key features of 7-Keto

    • It replaces natural body 7-Ketos that tend to get less as one gets older
    • It speeds up weight loss despite not using any stimulants
    • 80-90% of weight loss is from actual loss of fat
    • 7-Keto has been awarded a US patent for weight loss
    • When used as directed, it is a safe product

    How 7-Keto can work for you?

    • You could lose 3 times more weight than dieting and exercise alone
    • It can be used day and night without the effect of stimulants (because it doesn't have any) - so no jitters or insomnia!
    • It enables long term weight loss from reduced amounts of body fat
    • Because scientific studies have been done (and are always ongoing) and the results are available (at least 5 independent studies), you can use it with confidence
    • You can be confident that the ingredients are all natural

    So then, all of us want to get rid of fat that really does nothing for our looks and stops us from getting those nice clothes. It would appear that 7-Keto will help you get rid of this unsightly fat and lose weight faster!

    Are there any risks?

    Being overweight or obese in itself puts one at a greater risk of developing serious health problems eg heart problems, diabetes, etc. The type of fat that is of much concern is "visceral fat" - also known as invisible fat as it surrounds our internal organs. It goes without saying that this can lead to serious problems health-wise. However, when starting any new diet plan, medication or supplement, it is very important to consult your regular doctor or healthcare professional who knows you and will be able to support you through your weight loss program. Take up the challenge and see results!

    Kim Duess is a successful Webmaster and also runs an online Weight Loss supplement business. This weight loss product is all natural and contains Slimaluma, 7-Keto, and Fucoxanthin.

    Article Reference:


    Weight Loss And Your Metabolism

    Most of us know that there is a connection between weight and metabolism. The question is how?

    It's commonly thought that a thin person has a high metabolism. Also, that someone who is heavy has a low metabolism. The truth is that there is more to it than your metabolism. Your metabolism is not the only factor in determining your weight.

    Your weight, to a large extent, is based on the balance of calories that are consumed versus the amount of calories burned. If you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. When you consume less, you lose weight. Therefore, metabolism is the mechanism that utilizes these calories and the scale that regulates your energy.

    In other words, your metabolism is the means by which you convert food into energy. Calories from carbs, fats and protein are combined with oxygen, which in turn releases the necessary energy for your body to function.

    Total energy expenditure is the number of calories which are burned each day. Total energy expenditure consists of three factors.

    1/ Basic Needs: Your body still requires energy even when at rest. The calories required to cover basic functions are the basal metabolic rate.

    Two thirds to three quarters of the calories used each day are from the basal metabolic rate. The energy required for basic functions remain fairly consistent and are not easily changed.

    2/ Food Processing. 10 percent of the calories used each day are for digestion, transporting and the storing of food consumed. The body's energy requirement to process food remains relatively constant.

    3/ Physical Activity. Any other activity that you perform accounts for the rest of the calories used. The number of calories burned is the direct result on the frequency, duration and the intensity of your activities.

    It seems logical to assume that being overweight is directly related to having a low metabolism. The truth is that it is uncommon for excess weight to be related to a low metabolism. It's also true that most weight problems are not related to a medical condition.

    Being overweight is most likely due to an energy imbalance. Simply put, you're consuming more calories than you need. In order to lose weight it's necessary to create an energy deficit by consuming fewer calories and to increase the amount of calories burned by physical activity.

    Many factors influence your calorie requirements. These include body size and type, age and sex.

    To function efficiently, larger bodies require more calories than do smaller bodies. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Therefore, the more muscle you have in relation to fat, the higher your basal metabolic rate.

    When we age, the amount of muscle decreases and fat will account for more of your weight. Also, metabolism slows with age. These changes will reduce your need for calories. Your ability to change your basal metabolism is limited. However, you can increase daily exercise and activity to build muscle tissue and burn more calories.

    Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

    Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.


    How To Lose Belly Fat The Fastest Way Possible - 3 Best Ways!

    Choose interval cardio instead boring regular aerobic exercise

    With interval cardio, you are boosting the metabolism to the new levels and you help to burn belly fat faster. This for of training will get you to the situation, where the metabolism is high, higher than normal and it's scientifically and practically tested.

    You can feel free to use this method with almost any cardiovascular workout. You will let the heart rate decrease and increase during the workout, for example you cycle with the exercises bike for 30 seconds at a normal speed. Following 30 seconds you cycle at a great speed. You can do this a couple of times or according to a specific time, such as 20 minutes.

    Tips: To achieve greater results, apply this method to a weight lifting combined with aerobic workout. The routine gets more complex and more interesting, while you are using more exercises, instead one in a particular workout session.

    Burn the belly fat with a proper diet plan

    An effective weight loss often depends on well planned diet. This may scare you, but I'm afraid to tell you this but it's so true. You can still have a world greatest exercise plan to lose belly fat and explosive interval cardiovascular routine. But if you are eating lot's of junk food, it's an obvious, that you won't get any results, because the belly will stack the excess amount of fat.

    Adjust your diet, so that you are burning more calories than you consume at long sight. It's true that sometimes you have to eat more, to prevent muscle loss. If the weight gain concern you most, then you should burn approximately 300-500 calories more than you consume. Sometimes less is better.

    Tips: Your eating habits should consist of small low-calorie meals five to six times per day. Stop eating carbohydrates about three hours before sleep. A protein that includes casein (milk), is useful to take before sleep, that way your body will stay anabolic and help you to burn the fat easier. Follow a certain calorie cycle 2 weeks at a time, such as burning 500 calories more than you consume and next 2 weeks burning as much as you consume.

    The multifaceted full-body workout is the key for weight loss

    How many are knowledgeable of the fact, that a direct ab exercises doesn't burn the fat from belly area. I'm not here to ignore the good old ab crunches and my favourite lower ab exercise leg raise. But when it's getting to the point, where the goal is to lose an excess amount of fat around the waist, you should focus on regular full body exercises, such as front squad, push ups and deadlift.

    After you have burned enough belly fat through basic exercises, then the ab exercises will show up. With ab exercises you are trying to strengthen the abdominal muscles and shape them to make it looks better.

    Tips: Many people fail to lose weight from belly area, just by hitting abs hard. Your abs may be somehow sexy, but who cares, if they are hidden under the thick fat layer. So remeber, exercise, exercise and once more exercises and you will lose some weight.

    Losing belly fat is very simple, when you know the truth. This information was just beginning, if you want to truly learn "how to lose belly fat" within 10 weeks and read my quick review of Internet best selling E-book, simply click here


    Easy Tips for Weight Loss

    There are thousands of "experts" out there trying to sell you their weight loss solution, which usually involves a huge calorie reduction in order to see results. It is impossible for me, having been in the fitness industry so many years, to justify starving yourself as a healthy practice. I am exercise advocate; I don't believe in dieting. Nutrition, however, IS a very important component in maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Simple choices often make the difference and I'd like to offer up some easy tips for you to use everyday.

    First, it's important to understand the reason we gain fat weight. When more calories are consumed than the body has current use for, it converts those extra calories to fat for storage. It was an evolutionary survival necessity; when food was plentiful we ate in abundance and when times were lean survival depended on having enough fat stored. If we want to lose excess fat we need to consume fewer calories than our body needs-this is called energy deficit. If one were to consume 100 less calories everyday, or burn 100 more, it would result in over 10lbs of fat loss in a year's time. If we want faster results, we have to make the energy deficit greater.

    Tips to Creating a Daily Calorie Deficit

    Avoid Liquid Calories:

    A can of Coke has 139 calories; an average latte with regular milk has 180 calories; a 471 mL (16 fl oz) bottle of orange juice can have 225 calories...I'm sure you get the point. Opt for water (0 calories) and tea (5 calories per 250mL). Just for comparison, a plain donut has 185 calories, and a Subway roast beef deli sandwich has 215.

    Read Food Labels:

    Find out how much a serving size is; it is often less than we think. Products that boast of being low-fat or fat free are not necessarily low calorie. Just as a label that proclaims low-carb or sugar-free doesn't mean a low fat or calorie count.

    Don't Skip Your Meals:

    Try and eat 5-6 times per day. If you eat smaller amounts more often it will keep your metabolism revved up, keep you from over eating at meal times, and help balance your blood sugar level. If you are used to eating only 2 or 3 times a day, try gradually increasing your meal frequency so it doesn't seem so overwhelming.

    Do More Walking:

    For a 180lb person one mile of walking burns around 100 calories. It doesn't matter how fast or slow the pace; walking at a 3.0mph, which is a bit more than a stroll, it would take about 24 minutes. This equates to around 90 seconds for every waking hour. Just find ways to fit it in; park farther away, don't drive to the corner store, or to get the mail.

    Start a Workout Program:

    One Pound of lean muscle weight burns up to an extra 50 calories a day. Resistance training is the key to maintaining a higher metabolism as we age.

    Making the decision to try and lose of few pounds of fat doesn't have to be a drastic change to your current way of living. Start with one simple thing today and stick with it; when you start getting used to that try adding something else. You will soon see that it is not that difficult, it is just a habit-a very good one!

    For more info visit


    Weight Loss In Teenagers

    Obesity has emerged to be a matter of real concern amidst societies all over the world and it is distressing it note that statistics have revealed that in current times it is not only the adults who are falling victim to obesity but even the teenagers and youngsters are not excluded. With the progress of time a growing percentage of youngsters are suffering from obesity and the percentage is steadily increasing.

    There are several factors which have contributed to this. One of the major reasons behind this is the changing lifestyle of modern children. Not only are their day to day routines very injurious for health, most of them are addicted to junk foods which contain huge proportions of calories. Such addiction to high calorie foods and their daily consumption have facilitated obesity among young children. Moreover, another factor which has furthered this cause is the lack of any form of physical exercising. As a result obesity is a common problem among youngsters today and it is an alarming situation as obesity is known to make individuals susceptible to contracting fatal diseases like cancer, coronary heart ailments and diabetes. Therefore, the main agenda in this case is to ensure that teenagers today maintain a healthy diet and also exercise rigorously and the same is prescribed for those who are overweight.

    Physical exercising is the most effective means of losing weight and youngsters can engage themselves in some form of sporting activity in order to ensure swift weight loss. Apart from aiding weight loss it would be good for health too.

    It is significant to remember that the human body requires moderate quantities of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and therefore it is necessary for one to consume al these in adequate quantities without overdoing it. However in cases where one is immensely obese, the prescription may differ. It is necessary to ensure that carbohydrates and fats are consumed within limited quantities as both of them are extremely conducive to excess weight gain. Even meat, eggs and poultry along with dairy products like milk should also be taken in fair amounts. Fresh fruits and vegetables are not only excellent sources of vitamin and mineral content but at the same also aid in weight loss and maintaining body weight. It has been estimated by researchers that one's daily diet should comprise pf fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates like cereals, bread and rice in moderate quantities as well as proteins like milk and meat. The remaining portion should be contributed by fats.

    Many weight loss diets fail from lack of discipline.


    Weight Loss By Visualization

    Many overweight people believe they cannot lose weight. In truth, weight can be very difficult to shed. Weight loss by visualization is really a mind game. We need to stop telling our friends we have have tried everything and that it is impossible to lose weight. We need to stop telling ourselves that. We cannot loose weight by constantly reminding our selves that we cannot or how terribly difficult it is to loss weight. All these negative thoughts and comments are stored in our sub conscience and can be very difficult to remove.

    Our mind needs a clear picture of what we want to accomplish. A clear picture of a slim and trim you. This will take a conscious effort especially in the beginning. Visualization is essentially that we present our mind a clear picture of what we want. Hold that picture in you mind for a few seconds or as long as you can. Do this several times a day.

    Visualization is not a new concept. History tells that Michelangelo had a clear picture of his famous " The David" in his mind before he started the sculpture. He was able to visualize the out come he wanted and move in that direction. I used that comment on history to not only emphasize what has been done by others using visualization, but, also to show the importance of holding a clear picture of what we want to accomplish in our minds.

    Like so many things in our lives practice and persistence is important. We have all heard at one time of another about that strong willed person that could accomplish anything they set there minds to accomplish. If we use visualization and affirmations we find that we do not need to be strong willed. Once our mind understands what we want(in this case weight loss), it leads us in that direction.

    To succeed in weight loss by visualization you will need to counter the negative self talk and the less than helpful comments of family and friends. There is a story about a well known motivational speaker using this technique. He told his audience that he cut out pictures from magazines of slim and fit young men men modeling Jockey shorts. He then placed these magazine pictures in his bedroom and on his bathroom mirror. In this way he was reminded morning and night of his goal of weight loss by visualization. For this person visualization and weight loss became real and it can become real for you.

    For more interesting articles on weight loss visit: Weight Loss Tips Site


    11 Ways to Boost Metabolism

    Your metabolism is your most powerful fat burning tool therefore it only makes sense that finding ways to boost it is an important part of any weight loss program. In fact if you are unable to increase your metabolic rate you will find it extremely difficult to burn that stored body fat.

    Boosting your metabolism is not hard if you have the determination to follow these eleven tips. There are other considerations that can affect the rate at which you burn calories such as age, weight, lean muscle mass, and genetics but if you make the necessary lifestyle changes you can lose the weight you want.

    If you are looking for ways to boost metabolism here are 11 tips and tricks that can help you achieve your goal.

    1. Lift some weights - Nothing burns calories quite like lean muscle mass. The more you have the higher your metabolism will run, even when you're just sitting on the couch. This is a good way to offset the metabolism slow down everyone experiences as they age.

    2. Quit skipping breakfast - This is considered the most important meal of the day because it gives your body the energy it needs to make it through the morning. Studies show that people have fewer health and weight problems if they eat a healthy breakfast everyday.

    3. Watch the sugar - Refined sugar is finding its way into more and more foods these days and is one of the big reasons that so many people are fighting obesity. Complex carbohydrates found in healthy foods are a much better source of caloric energy because they are released more slowly into the blood stream.

    4. 8 hours of shut eye - People who do not get at least 8 hours of sleep every night are more prone to having problems controlling their weight. It is thought that the body does not have enough time to heal and regenerate with less sleep.

    5. Spice up your food - If it makes you sweat it also gives your metabolism a boost.

    6. Drink water - Water is one of the most important parts of any metabolism boosting program. Without adequate water the kidneys do not work as efficiently as they should. This keeps the liver from metabolizing fat stores effectively.

    7. Eat more meals - If you eat 5 to 6 smaller meals during the day you will keep your energy levels up which helps prevent snacking and binge eating.

    8. Skipping meals is bad - Missing meals can lead to a metabolism slow down and binge eating.

    9. Make a meal plan - Planning out your daily menu a week in advance makes it much easier to stick to it. It also makes grocery shopping easier.

    10. Try some green tea - Green tea gives your metabolism a boost without the stress caused by caffeinated drinks.

    11. Eat healthy - High energy foods like fruits, vegetable, and whole grains prevent blood sugar spikes and provide balanced energy through the day.

    These are 11 good ways to boost metabolism but the motivation to use them and stick to your plan comes from you.

    To learn more about how to boost your metabolism and to find out how YOU can start turning your body into a "fat burning machine" today, visit the Metabolism website by Clicking Here.


    Fat Loss Secrets - 3 Secrets That Won't Cost You a Dime

    The weight loss industry wants to keep you in the dark. They don't want you to be educated or learn any of the so called fat loss secrets. Why? Because if you knew that you could have effective fat loss on your own why would you need their expensive monthly membership programs, specialty meals, and supplements.

    I want to help you, I want to show you that you don't need to spend big bucks to lose belly fat and enjoy the figure and target weight you strive for. The follow three fat loss secrets can be implemented by anyone, anytime and they won't cost you a dime.

    Secret #1 Your metabolism is everything and you can speed it up

    The consensus on metabolism is you either have a fast one or a slow one, and it slows down for everyone as we get older. NOT TRUE. People who discover that by spacing their meals out through the day, eating more smaller meals rather then 3 big meals you can increase the rate of metabolism.

    Secret #2 Counting calories not just eating "healthy"

    Do you know how many calories you should be eating each day based on your age, weight, and activity levels? How about how many your currently eating on average each day? You need this information, and you need it now. So starting today in a journal write down everything you eat for 7 days and the calories you take in from it. At the end of 7 days get the average.

    Next, search for a calorie calculator on the web, and find out what your suggested calorie intake is for each day. You want to modify your daily calorie intake to be below this number, about 250-500 calories is enough to make a difference, anymore then that and you risk not losing weight because your body thinks it might be starving.

    By cutting the number of calories you eat each day you will create a calorie deficit that in turn will burn fat to make up the difference. As far as fat loss secrets go, this is what most diets are based on.

    Secret #3 Exercising and dieting is the real catalyst

    Not all diets stress the importance of exercise but I will. If you implement the tip above of counting your calories, tracking what you take in and then measuring that against what you should be eating exercise will make a profound difference in your fat loss.

    Let's assume you cut your daily calorie intake by 500 calories below you suggested limit. You then exercise for 30 minutes that day. You've suddenly created an even bigger calorie deficit of 750 or maybe even 1000 calories depending on how hard you work out was. This will make a big difference at the end of each week when you weight in.

    So maybe these fat loss secrets aren't all that "SECRET" shall we say. How ever their smart practical education about fat loss as a whole. I suggest you continue learning about how we gain and lose weight, and how you can lead a healthier lifestyle.

    To learn more about Fast fat loss visit a popular website people visit to learn about and choose a fat loss program.


    Weight Loss - Why Lose Weight?

    You probably picked up this book because you want to lose weight as a way of looking better. But the simple fact is, your weight is more than a matter of taste or aesthetics. It's a matter of health. I encourage you to read this chapter because it is, quite literally, the heart of the matter. Many of the problems associated with overweight affect your heart, and because of that, they affect your life. In this chapter, we discover why it is unhealthy to carry around excess weight.

    The medical perils of being overweight

    Being over weight increases your risk for many serious medical problems. The vast majority of overweight people suffer from one or more of the following conditions: diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, gall bladder disease, and arthritis. If that isn't bad enough, obesity is the second most important factor contributing to death in the United States. (It should come as no surprise that smoking is the first.)


    Nearly 16 million Americans have diabetes, a metabolic disorder in which the body does not make enough insulin or cannot use it effectively. About 95 percent of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes, which is closely tied to being overweight. Each year, more than 190,000 people die from diabetes or its many complications. For people who live with diabetes, it is a frequently disabling disease.

    Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people between 20 and 74 years of age.

    It is a major cause of kidney disease, requiring dialysis or kidney transplant.

    People with diabetes are as much as four times more likely than others to have heart disease or suffer a stroke.

    Diabetes causes nerve damage, which may require amputation of a toe, foot, or lower leg.

    In men, diabetes is a frequent cause of erectile dysfunction.

    There is no cure for diabetes, and it requires lifelong management and medication. All diabetics require a controlled diet to regulate blood sugar levels, and regular checkups to detect damage to the eyes, nerves, and blood vessels. There are ways to lower the risk of developing it, however. Although type 2 diabetes tends to run in families, people who are overweight and inactive are at much greater risk of contracting the disease.

    Losing weight, controlling blood cholesterol levels, and engaging in some form of regular exercise are the best ways to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

    Read more on How to lose weight. Check out for daily diet plans and diet supplements.

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