Monday, June 9, 2008 

Plan Your Weight Loss and Your Weight Management

"Begin with the end in mind." - Stephen Covey

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." - Japanese proverb

Positive thinking is nice and certainly helps, but it is worthless if you do not associate it with action. Nothing is going to happen; nothing is going to change unless you start the change.

If you wish to lose weight you must first concentrate on the task, you must have a plan of action: what are you going to do to lose the extra weight?

Then you must do as planned. It has to be a regular and daily practice, make it a routine. Remember what you want to achieve.

Think of the size you want to wear.

Think of the level of health you want to enjoy.

Think of the quality of life you desire.

Think of the delicious meal you will enjoy today, healthy nutritional meals that will feed your body and eradicate your cravings.

Think of your fitness, how easy you move your body now that you exercise everyday.

Think how great it feels to wear a smaller size.

Focus on your progress. It is up to you to set your mind to success.

Do not listen to the little voice in your head that is trying to convince you that you cannot manage your weight.

Do not listen to the voice that is nagging you not to expect too much. The voice that tells you: "it is too difficult, who wants to bother, who wants to exercise everyday, who wants to cook everyday, who want to." You can fill the blanks.

Listen to the voice that will help you trim this extra weight.

Listen to the voice that believes in you, the voice that knows that you can achieve anything, once you set your mind to it.

You first need to believe in the person you can become. It is the strong desire and the emotions associated with it that will support you when you will need to overcome your doubts and the difficulties that will present themselves on the way to your ideal weight.

Now that you believe in yourself, now that you have an invincible desire to trim all your extra weight, now that you are unstoppable, it is time to start planning your weight management.

You will need:

  • A healthy nutrition plan.
  • A healthy exercise plan.
  • A self support plan.

The secret to successful weight loss is planning and following the plan. Plan and DO

To your health and your ideal weight

Isabelle Epstein, Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style


The Most Under-Rated Aspect of Weight Loss

If I were asked, "what is the most difficult thing many people find to do when they start a weight-loss program?", I would have to say right near the top of the list is this - they don't drink enough water!

Few people realize at first just how essential water is to the success of their weight-loss program. In fact, the essential place of water in our diet extends to everyone - whether they want to lose weight, gain weight or stay the same weight! We all know we can't live without water, but just why is it so important? Well there are many reasons. Read on and discover why water can help your loss weight and why it is your essential life-force.

Apart from 60-70% of your body being composed of water, water has an extensive range of functions essential to life.

. Assists digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. If you don't drink enough water you can't get the full benefit of nutrients in the food you eat.

. Assists excretion of waste from bowel and kidneys. If you don't drink enough water you get constipated and put your kidneys under stress.

. Regulates body temperature. If you don't drink enough water you compromise the evaporation process you skin uses to keep you cool.

. Your blood is 92% water. This is your body's transport system distributing nutrients around the body.

. Body secretions and digestive juices are almost entirely water.

Why should you drink water when you want to lose weight?

Water is a natural appetite suppressant. Do NOT underestimate the power of this statement. Lack of water can lead to over eating. You brain does not differentiate between hunger and thirst. So, when you think you are feeling hungry, your body may in fact be signaling to you that you are thirsty! If you are not consuming enough water each day and you feel hunger pains, chances are, your body really is crying out for water. In many instances people will find what they thought were hunger pangs were in fact, satisfied by water. Try it! You have nothing to lose, except some weight.

How do you know whether you are drinking enough water each day? Well the answer is not difficult. The average person needs around 6-8 large glasses every day.

Well then, how should you drink the 6-8 glasses per day? The aim is to drink water consistently. If you drink too much all at once or too fast, it will simply pass through you, with little or no benefit to your body.

If you are someone who enjoys the 'taste' of water, then perhaps you could fill a 1 litre empty soft drink container with water the drink through it twice during the day. Room temperature or cold water, even warm as some people like - whatever you prefer. Place it on the desk at work in front of you as a constant reminder to sip continuously throughout the day.

Other people find they need a water 'diet' to help them keep on track. So for you, here is a program easily followed to ensure you are well hydrated every single day.

1. When you wake up you will often be thirsty because your body loses water while you are sleeping through breathing and perspiration. Drink a large glass of water with a slice of lemon for zing.

2. Drink another glass of water with breakfast or a cup of herbal tea before setting off the day.

3. Mid morning - snack on a piece of juicy fruit such as orange, watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew. Have a glass of water and perhaps try a dash of herbal aloe juice which is wonderfully soothing to the digestive system.

4. Lunch - think of soup or have a glass of water before your meal, or perhaps a herbal tea.

5. Mid afternoon - While you are preparing your evening meal, drink a glass of water and snack on some crunchy fresh vegetables.

6. Evening - Sip a glass of water before your meal with a dash of your favourite fruit juice for flavour.

7. After dinner - before bedtime drink your final glass of water and sleep well!

A few changes will happen when you start out with your water program. Obviously you may find that you need to 'spend a penny' more often. Why? Because you body isn't used to being well hydrated.

There is absolutely is no doubt about it. When you start drinking enough water regularly, there are great benefits. You may notice your skin significantly improve and even tired muscles will thank you. Many people find their energy is increased and constipation and headaches are reduced, as well as hunger pains.

Now here's the really exciting partmany people notice a reduction in weight and centimetres, as their body's water store become redundant and so decrease. If your diet has been one that did not provide you with adequate water, your body will have developed a pattern of storing water. It's part of the body's in-built survival mechanism - to store up the essential nutrients in short supplyjust in case they aren't available in the future. So if you don't drink enough water, you are 'conditioning' your body to store water. And water is bulk and unwanted centimetres.

It's so simple...drink water! 6-8 large glasses a day.

How do you know if you are not getting enough water each day? This is a really important question because so many of us have deprived ourselves of water for years that we have become accustomed to doing without the full amount of water our body requires and we don't recognise the symptoms of thirst.

1. The most common symptom is headaches. A major function of water is to flush toxins from the body. Your brain is 75% water, so even being slightly dehydrated can cause headaches.

2. Poor concentration/fatigue. If you body can't get rid of the toxins it will struggle and you will feel less energetic as your body diverts energy to deal with the toxins.

3. Constipation. Your body will divert water to more essential functions and as a result your stools will be harder and more difficult to expel.

4. Reduced urine output or dark urine. Did you know that up to 200 litres of water is passed through your kidneys daily? Without a fresh supply of water for the kidneys to filter waste products out of the blood, your urine will become darker.

5. Furry tongue or bad breath. If you don't have enough water passing through the mouth to wash away food particles, bacteria can proliferate and result in that 'furry' feeling or bad breath.

6. Skin. Your skin should feel elastic. When you pinch the skin on the back of your hand it should snap back instantly.

Final thoughts. Caffeinated drinks cause the body to lose water. They are what's known as diuretics as they cause your body to dehydrate. You will do your body an enormous favour by cutting back. For every cup of coffee you drink you will need to drink another TWO glasses of water to counter the diuretic effect. Explore the world of herbal teas instead, you may be pleasantly surprised!

(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore

Kim Beardsmore M.B.A., B.Sc. (Biochemistry) is the creator of the online weight loss, health & fitness magazine Weight Loss Health. For free resources, tips and healthy recipes to help you lose weight and gain energy, visit


Weight Loss 4 Idiots Reviews, Complaints and Questions

Weight loss 4 idiots, also known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, is a widely used diet plan. As such, it's best if you were aware of common complaints and questions about this diet. So here are some Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews and information.

1. You should know that Weight Loss 4 Idiots has a fruit day. Some people don't like it one bit and find it hard to stick to. And indeed it's not the easiest thing in the world. However, each 11 days cycle of this diet only has one such day, so you should be able to tough it out.

2. This diet requires to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Again, some people find it difficult to do, though I recommend it regardless of the diet since it's very healthy.

3. Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews from people who used this diet are overall positive, yet some people do fail with this diet. It's not 100% foolproof.

4. This diet does not revolve around exercise, yet you need to take frequent walks to increase the calorie burning rate and to accelerate your weight loss pace.

5. Weight Loss 4 Idiots does not build muscle tissue as it does not involve weight training. This is a strict nutrition based diet.

6. This diet wasn't made specifically for diabetics although some do very well with it.

7. Weight Loss 4 Idiots allows you to choose your favorite food items from a list of items, so you can create a menu which is composed of things you like to eat.

I hope this Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews has helped shed some light on this diet for you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with Weight Loss 4 Idiots.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Weight Loss 4 Idiots review and testimonials


New Year Resolution - Weight Loss

Losing weight is a goal that will probably be all the more popular as the years go by. As the obesity epidemic grows, people will be all the more intent on making New Year's resolutions that involve some idea of weight loss. But just how should someone lose weight? Can the idea of weight loss be made into a workable New Year's resolution at all?

First of all, the idea of losing weight is very general, and it will be difficult to meet if you have no idea of how you want to lose weight, and how much weight you want to lose. You might also need to have an idea of how fast you want to lose that weight. Remember, weight loss is not as simple an idea as it's often worked out to be. Losing weight involves your entire body participating in the weight loss process: your muscle mass will change, the percent of fat in your body will change, and even your endocrine system, the group of organs in your body that is responsible for producing your hormones, will have to adjust to your new weight, exercise, and eating habits.

When making the resolution, think: how much weight do you want to lose, and how fast do you want to lose it? Do you want to lose weight in your overall body, or are there places in your body that have a lot of flab and are especially prone to weight gain? How much weight do you want to lose in a few months? All these questions need to be answered when you start formulating your fitness goals. These can determine what kind of weight loss regimen you need to follow - and moreover, you will need this information in order to tell your prospective trainer or nutritionist exactly what he or she will need to do in order to help you meet your weight loss goals.

You will need to consider different ways to meet your weight loss goals. There is the all-important exercise. You can choose to make your own regimen or to go to the gym. The advantage of having your own regimen is that you have more control over the intensity of your exercise, and you do not have to spend a lot on a gym membership. One disadvantage is that you may not have the time to carry out the regimen, and sometimes, depending on your fitness needs, it can be expensive if you have to spend on more expensive gym equipment.

The advantage of going to the gym is that you are forced to go because of the often exorbitant gym fees that you will need to pay. Some gyms also offer fitness training, weight training, consultation with a nutritionist, and free use of gym facilities, such as the showers and the sauna. However, you might not feel like going to the gym all the time. This might cause you to spend a lot of money for very little done on your part.

There are also many different exercises you can do, depending on your weight loss needs and your health background. There are the high impact exercises, such as boxing, aerobics, street dancing, and other exercise routines that demand a lot of stretching and twisting from you. This can be dangerous for you if you have bone or muscle problems. There are the low impact exercises, such as yoga or Pilates, which involve very gentle movements that aim to relax you. Such exercise will allow you to have greater control over your breathing, and greater flexibility over certain muscle groups. In particular, Pilates strengthens your body core.

There are also many different fun activities that have been turned into exercises. These include belly dancing, which can be good if you want to lose weight around your abdominal area. You can also do line dancing, jazz, ballet, and other forms of dance in order to strengthen different parts of your body and get yourself into shape.

These are only a few aspects of weight loss that you may need to take into account before you make your weight loss resolution. Remember, weight loss is not a simple idea, and there is no single technique that you can follow. You can use a combination of all these exercises, or even add it to a special diet. In any case, always consult with an expert before you do anything drastic. Your body will love you for it.

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How to Lose Weight

It's not easy to figure out the "magic" formula on how to lose weight. It is a challenge for many of us, since we all have an individual path to the quickest weight loss. Any diet should have a foundation of proper diet and exercise, which will not only help you lose weight, but will also keep you healthy, and when you're healthy, you look better too.

You can use these simple guidelines, which have successfully been used by others:

You will need:

- Cookbooks for healthy meals.

- Your food, diet, and exercise journals.

- Stock up on healthy foods.

Step 1:

Take small steps. If you want to lose 40 pounds or so, decide what increments you can live with, say losing 5, 10, or 20 pounds, and take a breather in between.

Step 2:

Stick with foods you enjoy. Learn to prepare them in healthful ways. The more you are enjoying what you are eating, the more likely it is that you will continue on the path to making wiser food choices, and will shed those pounds!

Step 3:

Put a lot of fiber into your diet. High fiber content keeps you full longer. Lower calorie fiber foods would include vegetable pastas, popcorn (without the butter), oatmeal, and many vegetables are high in fiber, such as celery.

Step 4:

Start an exercise program. If you can't do a sit-up, start out with stretches and touch your toes. Pick exercises you can live with, and build up to as many exercises in one session as you can. If you detest exercising, dancing is a form of exercise too.

Step 5:

Carry healthy snacks with you at all times to avoid the pitfall of buying fast food or eating out of vending machine when you are starving!

Fast weight loss is harder to maintain. Remember that when you lose weight gradually, you are more apt to keep the weight off for good. The conventional wisdom for optimum weight loss is one-half to 1-1/2 pounds per week.

The new easy weight loss program taking the diet world by storm:


Lose Weight Foods: Do They Work?

Lose weight foods are on market shelves everywhere. Many of them are designed to provide a specific tool. For some, that means helping to speed up the metabolism. For others, it means helping to add protein to your diet. No matter what their goal is, the question is, do they work? Many of these foods do have specific goals and should only be used when you want to achieve those specific goals. Yet, even then, you should be aware of several things.

Lose weight foods are designed to provide a specific reaction. For example, you may be on a diet and exercise regimen in which you need to consume a large amount of protein early in the day to help you to gain muscle mass as you workout. Since muscle burns fat faster, you may actually have an effective plan. But, if you go to a replacement meal bar that has extra protein to get this additional protein, several things can happen. If you select one that is well designed, you may get your desired effect. On the other hand, if you select one that has too many sugars, you may actually be putting back the fat that your muscles take off. Therefore, find out the quality of the foods first.

Another problem with some lose weight foods is their taste. If you are on a diet and the only thing you are consuming is a very bad tasting frozen meal, you won't be able to keep yourself on that diet very long. For cases like this, it may make sense to look towards another solution for weight loss instead.

Yet if you purchase good quality lose weight foods, eat them correctly and learn how to eat from them, then you could be giving yourself an extra advantage. Looking for these characteristics will set you apart from the problems that you could face otherwise.

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