Saturday, June 7, 2008 

5 Tips To Lose 15 Pounds Fast

How many diets and exercise programs have you seen that promise to help you lose 15 pounds fast? I wonder how many people have used these products successfully? From my experiences I have found that the problem with these kind of claims is that although it may be possible to lose this amount of weight very quickly, it is not always the healthiest, safest option and very rarely does it lead to permanent weight-loss. This purpose of this article is to point you in the correct direction and to give tips and advice on how best to achieve your weight-loss targets.

Most diets available today claim to allow the dieter to shed pounds ridiculously quickly - who wouldn't want to lose 15 pounds fast?! - it is great marketing!. The truth is that although many of these diets do create an initial fast loss of weight, this rarely lasts and is more often than not due to water loss and muscle wastage. This type of dieting is extremely unhealthy and leads to dehydration and lowers ones energy and concentration levels. There are more effective ways to lose 15 pounds fast which can help you keep the weight off.

Other low calorie diets which are touted can work but it is important to realise that severe calorie restriction for too long leads to the body's metabolism slowing down significantly and heading towards its 'body starvation mode'. Once your body hits this starvation mode it will burn far less calories in a bid to stay alive!

The body will respond when entering body starvation mode by using its own reserves to provide energy, these reserves are not just the body's extra fat. Initially, glycogen stores (the storage form of carbohydrate in our body) are broken down for energy. Once this energy source is depleted within a few hours water is released and consequently a drop in weight is noticed.

The common problem associated with starvation-type diets is the resultant weight regain. When the starvation diet ends, the individual returns to the same old habits - there has been no life-style change which is really the key to losing weight and keeping it off. The composition of this weight regain is fat - this replaces the muscle mass lost during the diet and the individuals metabolic rate is decreased. The frustration experienced at this point leads the individual back onto another starvation type diet and so the cycle continues. This is why we see so many people seemingly on a constant diet. Remember - it is possible to lose 15 pounds fast, but keeping the pounds off is the real goal.

If you are one of those people that constantly seem to be dieting you will find that making the following small changes to your lifestyle will greatly improve your long-term weight loss goals;

1. Eat 4-6 small meals per day, balancing your intake of nutrients. This helps increase metabolism as your body is constantly working to process the food.

2. Start exercising - it may seem obvious but it is amazing how many people simply diet without any exercise. This helps your body increase its metabolic rate still further and will speed your weight-loss results.

3. Use weight training combined with aerobic exercise - you don't need to lift massively heavy weights - just do a little, it helps regain any muscle mass lost during dieting and the aerobic workout will help increase the appetite appropriately.

4. Eat Breakfast - this kick starts your metabolism for the day. Studies have shown that people who it a healthy breakfast actually lose more weight than people who skip it all together!

5. Drink Water - This is the energy source for all life, staying hydrated is vital.

There are few diets that enable you to lose 15 pounds fast and fewer still that can provide the continuous and long lasting results you are looking for. It is up to you to get motivated and want to lose the weight - permanently. I'm not saying it is easy but by following the guidelines above you'll be off to a fantastic start and you will avoid the notorious body starvation mode!

Should you wish to learn more about losing weight and keeping it off please visit my website at Lose 15 Pounds Fast where I review some of the products that helped me and many other people to lose 15 pounds fast and permanently.

I hope you enjoyed this article and I look forward to hearing of your weight-loss success.

Daniel Depp is a health and fitness fanatic. He is a former professional athlete who, since retiring found himself over-eating and piling on weight. He decided that enough was enough and embarked on a mission to gather as much infomation about weight-loss and fitness as he possibly could and then impliment these in his own life. He has since lost over 20 pounds of body fat, lives a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and is committed to helping others do the same. Visit his website at Lose 15 Pounds Fast to get more in depth advice on weight-loss, diets, fitness training and general wellness.


Operation Weight Loss

Motivation high = Success Guaranteed!

Losing weight is easy. All you need to do is use up more energy than you consume. The science behind weight loss may be straight forward; however, keeping your motivation up during this sometimes lengthy process can be the difficult part.

Making the decision to lose weight and become healthier is relatively easy too. But in order to succeed, your motivation must be high from the very beginning, and it must remain so until your goals have been achieved. We have looked at some ways to do this below. Everyone is different and one motivational method is not going to suit everyone. Choose some ways which may work for you, and then have another up your sleeve for when you need it.

Measuring up

Many people like to see their weight loss coming off in cold hard figures. A good way to do this is to weigh and measure yourself on day one of your new eating and exercise plan. Record the figures in a book, and then regularly weigh and measure over the following weeks and months. The longer you leave between measuring the better, as you'll see more results that way. Whatever you do, don't weigh yourself every day, you'll drive yourself crazy.

For many people, this method would do more harm than good. No weight lost, and they feel completely disillusioned and eat because 'there's no point trying'. A loss on the scales and those same people may think, 'this is so easy, I don't need to be so strict with myself, I think I'll have a sausage roll to celebrate'. You will know if this is you. So you can see where this method is headed?

Rather than weigh and measure yourself, you may aim to fit into a pair of your old size 10 jeans, for example. Try them on every few weeks until they fit. Don't be ridiculous with your 'goal garment'. If you are size 22, don't aim to suddenly fit into a size 8 skirt. It will just seem like too much of a mountain to conquer.

Tiny goals

If you have 20 kilos to lose, break it down into two kilo lots. Chip away, bit by bit, rather than overwhelming yourself with the entire task at hand. Just take it a day at a time, and before you know it, you will have reached your ultimate goal.

A journal

Keeping a journal is an excellent source of motivation for almost everyone. Don't fanatically write down every mouthful you eat, but rather your thoughts and wishes for the future. Start by writing down how you feel while overweight and unfit, and why you want to discover a new and improved you. When your motivation is running low, go back and remind yourself why you are on this mission in the first place. Return to centre and carry on.

Buddy up

Most people will know someone who would also like to be leaner and fitter. Pair up with your best friend, sister, wife or neighbour, and act as each others motivators. Arrange to meet on a regular basis. Call each other when you are feeling weak and can't get the thought of doughnuts out of your head. Go walking with each other. Listen to each other, and reach your goals together.

Bribe yourself

Don't forget, there's nothing wrong with a good old fashioned bribe, if that's what it takes to get you trim and healthy. The bribes can be small, for example, when I lose the next two kilos I will treat myself to a facial. The bribes can be huge. When I reach my goal weight and can run five kilometers non stop, I'll treat myself to a week in Tahiti. Use your imagination, and think about what would motivate you. Remember, whatever your bribe is, by the time you have earnt it, you can enjoy it guilt free.

The breakout

Not everyone can be trusted with this technique, but consider whether it would work for you. The breakout is just that, allowing yourself one meal per week, fortnight or month, when you can have what you want. You still need to set some boundaries though. You may allow yourself only one course to break out on, you may allow yourself only good quality food (no drive-throughs) even if it is fattening, you may stipulate you have to go for an extra long walk the day before or after.

For some people, getting back on the straight and narrow after a breakout would be virtually impossible. If you are one of these people, than this method is not for you. Others will feel rewarded and refreshed and ready for the next leg of their journey.


Don't underestimate the power of visualization. Picture yourself how you would like to be - over and over again. Keep this picture in your mind as you are walking, swimming, asking for a tomato juice (when you think you want a sugary soft drink), declining a piece of birthday cake at a party or downing your 10th glass of water for the day. Achieving your goals will require just as much brain power as anything else.

Everyone should talk to their partner, if they have one, about how they can motivate you. That could mean to never mention your new eating and exercise plan, or to act as your drill sergeant throughout the process, or something in between. Either way, it is essential to let them know. The person you love can be a huge help or a massive hindrance if they don't know what you want from them. Remember you can't regain your health and look great, by not doing or eating anything differently. Change requires change.

It's also helpful to remember that you probably didn't pile on a sneaky 25 kilos in a couple of weeks, so don't expect it to be gone in two weeks. It takes time to achieve weight loss If you have any other motivational techniques that you have found work for you, please let us know so we can share them.

Yours in health,

Leisa St Ledger


Simple Weight Loss Tips - Misinformation About Simple Weight Loss Revealed

Everyday, magazines give out new simple weight loss tips that are dramatically supposed to reinvent your life and have the fat running away from you. True, some of these tips are extremely valuable and often overlooked because they seem like common sense and obvious, but it is often times the most valuable simple weight loss tip that is also the simplest (how ironic). Today, there will be no discussion about simple weight loss tips in the sense of a top 5 or a quick outline into a specific path, but instead, we will shed some light on myths that permeate throughout the industry and cause people to build diets, routines, and lifestyles on top of a faulty foundation.

There are three myths, three ideologies that are simply destructive to the ill-informed. Myths that promise to cut fat, build muscle, and lose weight can simply add to that stubborn, excessive belly fat or cause your biceps to remain stagnant, growing flabby instead of granite-like.

Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth #1: Spot Reduction does NOT work.... So forget about simply getting rid of only that excessive belly fat or that spare tire, fat loss comes as a collective whole. What this translates into is that simply doing crunches and leg lifts and more crunches and more leg lifts will NOT reduce the fat on your stomach; it simply works out the muscles underneath. Now, in order to see these muscles, one must develop a diet that reduces the overall body fat % or all the crunches and workouts will go to waste.

Which leads us to our second Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth: Less Calories means less Weight/Fat! Not necessarily. Once you starve your body of calories it has a tendency to go into starvation mode and slow the metabolism. The slowing of the metabolism causes you to use your resources less (ie burn calories slower) allowing you to live off the current cache of fat you have. In other words, an intuitive simple weight loss tip that is as widely distributed as this one can have serious effects on your progress if misused. A very popular, up-and-coming weight loss diet and fat loss program that utilizes online meal planning (in which you get to buy your own, fresh food) and a revolutionary style of calorie manipulation (called Calorie Shifting) to completely counteract this process. Although this is relevant, it is out of the scope of this article and more information can be found at my blog... Here.

Final Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth: Cardio workouts makes you lose weight faster than working out. True and not true. Aerobic exercise allows one to lose weight while they are doing it and shortly after. The benefits of 45 minutes on the treadmill will last that 45 minutes and only slightly after. The flipside is weightlifting, which burns calories and fat during it while beefing up your metabolism to work for you afterwards burning calories and fat. It's the difference between a part-time employee and a full-time employee.

Conrad is a long-time athlete and a fitness fiend who has decided to share his practical and realistic experience and knowledge with the world. Conrad played football, baseball, and even golf for well over 10 years throughout college and highschool and even as a little tyke. If you liked this article, be sure to check out

For more great, practical information and links to even more helpful articles, along with for effective and simple weight loss steps and tips.


How Can I Lose Weight Fast? Your Prayers Answered

How can I lose weight fast is a question that's asked by many people, day in and day out, all over the world. The world is awash with a million celebrity diets and a new workout craze each week, but are any of them right for you? Check out our article to find the lowdown on how you can really lose weight fast.

Tip 1

Ditch the pasta. How can I lose weight fast? No more pasta is the answer. While it's healthier than other more traditional carb groups (french fries for example), pasta still contains huge amounts of calories. Think about it for a second - the stereotypical long distance runner loads up on things like pasta and potatoes for this reason. Pasta is a pretty great food though, so instead of ditching it altogether why not consider halving your portions and eating some fruit or nuts after your meal?

Tip 2

Sugar free is the way to go. Think about it for a second - how can something as sweet as sugar not be chock full of calories? Losing the sugar is a big answer to the "how can I lose weight fast?" question. If it wasn't bad for you people would be eating sugar sandwiches for lunch each day wouldn't they? If you drink a lot of soft drinks, simply switching to sugar free versions can easily reduce your calorie intake by a few hundred each week.

Tip 3

Drink more water. How can I lose weight fast? Simple - the water aids your body's metabolising process, so you digest food more efficiently. The statistics regarding dehydration are ridiculous-a staggering amount of people live their everyday lives in a state of dehydration, and this means your body is not working as well as it could. Your body needs water for its everyday processes, including burning fat and thinking. If you drink more water, you will retain less, burn fat better, and be able to think clearer. Fact.

Tip 4

Get a pedometer. Attach it to yourself for a week, and work out how many steps you do in an average day. If you are asking yourself how can I lose weight fast, try and add a thousand steps a day. Walk to the park, or the store, or just around the block a few times. Whatever it takes. Walking isn't exactly the most strenuous activity, but I'm betting after a couple of weeks of doing extra steps like this, you'll be seeing exactly how you can lose weight fast.

So there you are, 4 answers to the eternal modern question - "How can I lose weight fast?" Hopefully these answers have made you understand that weight loss isn't a big impossible challenge. Click the links below for the best weight loss advice around.

CLICK HERE to start dropping the weight right away - it's right here, and it's fast and easy

CLICK HERE for the best weight loss resources on the net - we'll even show you how to get a free weight loss book right now

Emma Green is the webmaster at


Chiropractors Add Weight Loss Program To Services

Today's chiropractor has close to 5,000 hours of education prior to taking four national board examinations.

Nutrition is a core class for the chiropractor, but for today's medical doctor, they receive just over one full day (25 hours) of nutrition in their 12 years of schooling. Not only that, but your chiropractor has on average 600 hours in medical diagnosis. This makes us uniquely qualified to be able to address weight loss and the conditions associated with being overweight.

Today's chiropractor probably has more overweight patients than not, thus, sees the affects of poor nutrition on a daily basis. However, chiropractors usually ignore the issue with the exception of recommending a patient lose weight. That may soon change by implementing Perfect Body Shape weight loss program into your office. Now you have a tool to help more of your patients hold their adjustments, improve their health and increase their quality of life.

Perfect Body Shape is a program that works because it is a lifestyle change, not a diet. A diet is a temporary solution to poor food choices, and we all know, diets fail. They are supposed to by design!

Perfect Body Shape utilizes low glycemic eating. By eating a low glycemic diet, and eating 5-6 times daily, blood glucose levels are maintained and not allowed to spike. By avoiding hyperinsulinism, people do not have the typical carbohydrate crash associated with high glycemic eating. Eating less, more frequently, is actually how the body was designed to operate.

Exercise is incorporated into Perfect Body Shape and can be as simple as walking. Drinking adequate amounts of water is necessary to feed, and cleanse cells.

Proper nutritional support is a must and here is where the Perfect Body Shape coach shines. Our products are from the world leader in glyconutrients and our low glycemic supplements have been on the market since 1999, not just within the last 2 years as with most other weight loss companies.

Our program is based on science, not a marketing fad.

All Perfect Body Shape coaches must be accredited. They are required to pass an exam prior to becoming accredited. This ensures the chiropractor that coaches have the necessary training to support the doctor's patients, without the doctor worrying. They have a strong foundation in nutrition, proper recommendations for supplements, and understand what dietary supplements work best with different types of patients.

Clients of Perfect Body Shape have their own free site, free support, and free coaching. The only charge is for nutritional products and these come with a 100% money back guarantee.

The chiropractor does not have to be the coach although it is a benefit to both the chiropractor and client. Coaches can even be patients, as many previous clients go on to become coaches.

Chiropractors can refer their patients to accredited coaches outside the office thus, eliminating implementing a new system that the chiropractor is to busy for. Or, the chiropractic assistant can become an accredited coach and keep Perfect Body Shape in house. But the best option would be for the chiropractor to become the coach. After all, who has the education and knowledge of the body and how it works?

Coaches are compensated directly by the company and enjoy an increase in income without having to add any equipment. Coaches also enjoy free training by highly respected professionals, experts in the field of nutrition and weight loss. We are products of the products.

As a chiropractor and accredited coach with Perfect Body Shape I will work directly with your patients if you choose to keep Perfect Body Shape outside the office.

If you are another health care professional, this is open to you as well, not just chiropractors.

This system is a no brainer. Your patients benefit by losing fat and inches, not just weight. They will enjoy quality of life improvements, hold their adjustments better, reduce the need for toxic drugs, and refer new patients to your office because instead of feeling better, they look better and everyone wants to look better. You benefit by having a trained chiropractor teach you, if you choose to keep Perfect Body Shape in house.

Perfect Body Shape, the perfect solution to permanent weight loss. You'll just have to see the results of a system that works.

For a copy of our Glycemic Awareness Action Plan, please contact me.

Dr. Tom has trained thousands in lifestyle improvements over the course of 9 years. As a chiropractor, certified Glyconutritional Wellness Consultant, accredited Perfect Body Shape coach, Lifestyle Adjusting Coach, Dr. Tom takes what you bring him and helps you to see the potential of your health and wealth.

Dr. Tom can be contacted at or 760-446-1088.
Business inquiries .
Client inquiries .


Weight Loss - Triggers

When people hear the word trigger, a whole host of images pop into their mind. Depending upon your background, it could be anything from a hammer that sends a bullet racing from a gun and for you super geeks out there, it could be an event executing a piece of code.

When it comes to weight loss, triggers are those bugaboos that can make losing weight some hard.

So what are triggers that make weight loss more difficult? Of course seeing cake dripping with frosting is enough to send your salivary glands into overdrive, but, triggers are not just food. They can be people, places, how you're feeling or even the way you're sitting right now.

When it comes to triggers and weight loss, the bottom line is that you need to become more aware of the causes of your triggers.

How to become aware of triggers?
An effective method of combatting triggers is to become aware of when they occur. Time is a key component of triggers. As you begin to track them, you'll notice that they usually occur during a specific times during the day. The most common time is in the evening.

The reason for this is physical as well as psychological. During the day, when you're eating only healthy stuff, you're supplying your body with specific types of nutrients. However, your body as grown accustomed to certain foods and the ingredients in those foods, namely sugar and tasty fats.

When you don't get that stuff, the trigger is activated. For example, sugar cravings have been linked to low levels of serotonin and endorphins.

To combat the timing of a trigger, prepare for it by having a nutrition bar handy to eat or some other nutritional item to snack on. Not only does this help combat the cravings of the triggers, it also helps to retrain how you react to the triggers.

Although timing plays a big part in setting off your triggers, there are a host of others that play a big part. To find out more check out the links below.

To find out more on combatting weigh loss triggers go to Be certain to check out information on some of the hottest selling weight loss plans and while you're there, calculate your target heart rate zone so you can get the most out of your workout.


Atkins Diet, A Popular Weight Loss Plan

Atkins Diet is founded 26 years ago. You can find this program everywhere in US, there are plenty of Atkins Diet gurus there. To give you the most answers about this program, here are the Q&As:

1. So what Atkins Diet is all about?
Atkins is a doctor name. He declared that weight loss is all about restricting carbohydrate consumption. Atkins Diet can also be referred to low-carb diet. The other popular weight loss programs like South Beach Diet are also part of Atkins Diet.

2. So how to lose weight according to this plan?
They will teach you how to count the carbohydrates inside your body because they believe certain number of carbohydrates will damage your blood pressure, worse than fat. They will also teach you about how to regulate your blood sugar level so in the end you can stop your body cravings. Atkins Diet believes you don't need to reduce your fat consumption but your carbohydrate consumption.

3. What else beside carbohydrate reduction?
More vitamins and more minerals. Atkins believes with more fruits consumption, you will get healthier life and better metabolic rate.

4. How about the side effects of this plan?
2 years ago (2006), someone accused Atkins diet founders. This man said he got a coronary heart disease "thanks" to his Atkins diet plan. Even PCRM President declared that this program (which telling you to stay away from high-carbohydrate foods) give us nothing useful. Because it doesn't restrict us to eat fat, following Atkins diet may cause cancer or osteoporosis.

Because of this reason, I think this diet program is useless. Reducing carbohydrate consumption maybe good for our weight but it's not good for our health. Taking too many fats always give us more troubles.

Atkins Diet doesn't work properly for some people so maybe you need to buy weight loss pills to help you with your weight. Read my proactol review to know more about this. Don't forget to visit a new diet pills site.


Weight Training for Weight Loss: Start Now

If youre already exercising and eating right with the aim of slimming down, heres something you might not have thought of that can help you achieve your goal: weight training.

Weight training refers to working out with weights, whether dumbbells and barbells (free weights) or the weights you find on exercise contraptions, that you lift by means of pulleys and cables.

If youre currently walking or running or doing other cardiovascular exercise to take off fat, you might think weights would not add anything to your efforts. After all, youre burning off calories either way, right?

Done correctly, though, weight training willbring a dimension to your workout that goes beyond calorie burn-off. It will sharpen and define your muscles, which will make you look and feel leaner even before youve reached your ideal weight target.

Not only will working out with weights make you look better in the eyes of others, it will help motivate you to keep working toward your goal.

Here are some tips for anyone considering weight training for weight loss:

1. Dont spend a lot of money on equipment, at least to begin with.

A basic set of dumbbells in a few different weights will get you started, and may be all you ever need. For the average person who hasnt had much strength training, I recommend purchasing two each of the following size dumbbells: 8 (or 10) pounds, 15 pounds, and 20 (or 25) poundsthat's six dumbbells in all.

Later on you can add a barbell with a set of adjustable weights if you like. However, I recommend getting an adjustable incline/decline bench to use with your dumbbells before spending for a barbell. A bench and dumbbells will equip you to perform nearly all the weight training exercises that you need if your main goal is weight loss (as opposed to trying to look like Mr. Universe).

Fancy workout machines are greatand expensive! If you have access to a gym then by all means take advantage ofsuch equipment. But don't think that you need it in order to get a good workout.

2. Buy or borrow a good illustrated instructional book on weight lifting. Look for one targeted toward average people--people who just want to get fit or get into shape--rather than toward competitive bodybuilders.

In line with tip #1, also make sure that the book you use contains exercises you can do with dumbbells alone, and that work all parts of your body.

If you wish to make maximum progress, I strongly recommend that you also read a book on the general subject of weight loss. Avoid the fad diet of the moment. Look for a book grounded in good science, that contains practical advice for nutritional and lifestyle changes that lead to permanent fat loss. (Some excellent books in this line are actually available as downloads from the Internet.)

3. Work out with your weights regularly. If all you have is 20 minutes every Monday, then make and keep that weekly appointment with yourself.

If you have more time, here's what I consider to be an ideal "weight training for weight loss" schedule. It will give excellent results with a time commitment that is still reasonable:

Monday: 10 minutes of cardio exercise + 20 to 30 minutes' weight training

Tuesday: 10 to 20 minutes of cardio

Wednesday: 10 minutes of cardio exercise + 20 to 30 minutes' weight training

Thursday: 10 to 20 minutes of cardio

Friday: 10 minutes of cardio exercise + 20 to 30 minutes' weight training

Saturday & Sunday: Nothing! Or, better, work in a couple of brisk walks around the neighborhood.

Important: Always put at least one day between your weight training days. Never work out with weights on consecutive days, even if you're tempted to do so. When you exercise with weights you are actually tearing down muscle so that it can rebuild itself stronger and bigger. Those in-between days are your muscles' crucial rebuilding days.

4. Use the right number of exercise sets for weight loss--not for bodybuilding.

Not one in a hundred exercisers understands this point. But now you will!

When you work out with weights, you convert a certain amount of fat to muscle. Muscle weighs something, too, though. If your goal is to lose weight, you don't want to end up with a pound of muscle for every pound of fat you started with. You would be more muscular for sure, but you would still be overweight!

The key is to do fewer sets of a given exercise than is called for in "regular" or non-weight-loss-oriented weight training.

The best instructional books give separate instructions for their workouts according to their reader's particular goal, whether that's to lose pounds, to build the biggest muscles possible, or something in between. If the book you're using does not offer this, you can make the adjustment yourself.

Keep in mind that a set contains a certain number of repititions or "reps" of an exercise. A typical weight training book may instruct you to do 4 sets of a particular exercise, each set consisting of 10 reps, for a total of 40 reps. In this case you (as a weight loss exerciser) would do no more than 2 sets of 10 reps each, for a total of 20 reps maximum.

By throttling back to about half of the prescribed number of sets, you can be assured that you will be both building muscle and losing weight. (Alternately, you may want to keep the number of sets unchanged but do just half the number of reps per set.)

To be safe you can limit yourself to one set per exercise per workout session, regardless of what your book instructs. Trust me: As long as you're getting in your cardio sessions, too (and eating right, of course), you will lose weight--and you'll gain some nice, "ripped" muscles in the process.

Denny Waldarmo is a professional weight training coach who dispenses fitness and health advice at the Solid Gold Info web site:

Need a no-hype opinion of the hottest selling weight loss book? Denny offers his.


Want To Lose Weight Fast? 7 Myths You Must Know About Losing Weight

Millions of people are looking to lose weight and reshape their bodys. Just do a quick search on the internet for "weight loss" and you will come up with millions of results.

There are so many people offering advice and weight loss tips that it's no surprise that many of the information out there isn't correct. That's why this article was put together - to expose a few of the myths about losing weight.

1) You shouldn't eat carbs if you are trying to lose weight

The Atkins diet was a huge diet craze that has made many people scared of carbs. However, cutting carbs isn't the "secret" to losing weight. What you need to do is cut down calories - plain and simple. If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight.

It's a good idea to cut back on refined carbohydrates, but eating bread, rice or pasta can be part of a healthy diet - just watch your calories!

2) Your weight is determined by genetics

Some people just assume that if their parents are fat, they will be too. Although your family history may have an impact on your biological makeup and how your metabolism functions, you are not "destined" to be overweight simply because your parents were.

Anyone can lose weight and get the "perfect" figure by eating a healthy diet and exercising. Don't use your family tree as an excuse. In fact, try to use it as motivation as what you don't want to become.

3) All weight loss pills and supplements are a scam

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are literally thousands of different products out there that all promise to burn fat and make the pounds melt off your body. Unfortunately a great deal of these products aren't worth a dime.

However, there are weight loss supplements that will give you a huge boost towards your goals. The best ones will use natural ingredients to jump-start your body and give you results faster than possible before.

Go to for reviews on the best ranked products for 2008.

4) You have to cut out all fat

There is actually such a thing as "healthy" fats. Saturated fats and trans fat aren't good for you, but there are fats that help your body absorb nutrients and make you feel fuller. This can be a huge help when trying to lose weight.

Fats found in things such as fish, olive oil and nuts are great for you and should be part of your diet. There's the real "skinny" on fat ;)

5) Skipping meals is a good idea

Skipping meals can actually go against you if you are trying to lose weight. By skipping a meal, your metabolism slows down. You are also more likely to binge eat later on in the day as your body feels hungrier due to starvation.

Don't skip meals - rather, try to cut out some calories in each meal that you eat.

6) Changing your diet is the only way to change your metabolism

Actually, exercise is the best way to speed up your metabolism. Not only will you burn calories while you are working out, but your body continues to burn calories faster afterwards.

And remember to make sure you are getting enough food for your body to get the most out of exercise. You don't want to starve yourself - your body needs the energy. This isn't an excuse to scarf down huge meals before exercising, but make sure you give your body the fuel it needs.

7) Picking low-fat or fat-free foods is a surefire way to lose weight

Remember that the amount of fat you eat isn't the key in losing weight. It's calories that play the biggest role.

Many fat-free foods have the same amount of calories as their regular counterparts. It's a great idea to consider the "fat-free" versions, just make sure to compare the nutritional labels and pay the most attention to the calories section.

If you have made the decision to lose weight - congratulations! Not only will you look better, but you will feel like a million bucks. It's a great feeling improving your appearance and your overall health at the same time.

All the best!

Do you want to achieve quick weight loss in record time?

Learn how to lose weight fast and read the reviews for 2008 on the best ranked weight loss pills.


Slim Down Quickly

If you need to slim down quickly, because of an upcoming event such as a wedding, a holiday, or you need to meet the qualifications for a particular event or program, then following the calorie shifting diet plan will help you reach your goal, at the pace of about 9 pounds every 11 days.

The calorie shifting diet is by far one of the easiest crash diets you can follow. Unlike other crash diets which require you to reduce calories, carbohydrates, or to eat only one type of food while eliminating all others, this diet plan allows you to eat as much food as you desire at each meal until you are satisfied (but not too full).

Not only that, but while on this diet, you get to eat food from all four food groups. Even better than that, this diet requires you to eat four full meals each and every day, as long as those meals are spaced out by at least 2.5 to 3 hours.

Perhaps the most riveting feature of the calorie shifting diet is that you are required to take a mandatory 3-day break from your diet every 14 days, to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss you will have been experience. Now, if you need to slim down quickly and don't have the patience to wait 3 days before resuming this crash diet, rest assured that your net weight loss will be at least 20 pounds in one month, on average.

How does calorie shifting work? How is it possible to lose 20 pounds a month while eating plentiful foods from all of the major food groups, four times a day, every day? Simply put, calorie shifting is based on the premise that you can manipulate your body's metabolism at will and induce the burning of fat by shifting the types of calories that you consume, from meal to meal. Essentially, you are simulating a sustained nutritional deficit in your body that normally triggers your metabolism's "survival" response which causes it to tap into your body's fat reserves for energy. This is achieved by withholding and reintroducing certain nutrients into and from your diet on a rotational basis.

Do you need to slim down quickly? The Calorie Shifting Diet will get you to your goal! Lose 9 pounds in the next 11 days. Learn how at:


Weight Loss - Mental Preparation

There are so many information on how to lose weight easily and quickly. You have to be very careful which source information you should trust, because 80% of people don't want to help you at all. In this article I will go through the weight loss mental preparation which is required for every successful weight loss program.

If you are a person, who wants to lose weight you should first of all start from a goal. Every person who wants to achieve something should start from a specific goal, where he will describe what results he wants to achieve and how long will it take. In your case its weight loss and you should make yourself a goal, which would sound like "By the 23rd of June I will weigh seventy kilograms". Once you will set yourself a goal, you will lose the wanted amount of weight more easily, because you will how many kilograms you have to lose in a certain amount of time.

I personally think that this is the foundation of everything and once you have set yourself a goal you can move on. The second tip is to burn way more calories than you consume. If everyone could do this properly, everyone would have a perfect body, but the reality is that we can't burn more than we consume so successful weight loss experts try find their "perfect contrast" between how many calories they consume and how many calories they burn. Remember that effective weight loss workout starts from a goal and a plan.

In my opinion, person who has good mindset for weight loss, will lose weight quicker than a person who only goes to gym and does nothing more about his weight.

This is what I think about weight loss mental preparation. Readers don't have to agree with me, but I personally think this is the beginning of every successful weight loss program.

You like my articles? You want to find out how you can get rid of that fat belly? For more cutting edge weight loss information visit


The Number 1 Weight Loss Technique That Nobody Knows About

There is a simple way to aid your weight loss process that everyone either forgets, passes over, or just plain doesn't know about. It's free, and only takes minutes a day. What could be so simple yet nearly guarantee a level of success in conjunction with a good weight loss program?

It's simple. Just keep a food journal.

Did you know that most people have no idea how many calories they consume in a day? Even professional dietitians and doctors often underestimate their daily caloric intake by as much as 20%! How is this possible?

The culprit lies in the "sneaky" calories that reside in things like 3 extra taco chips, an extra mouthful from your spouse's plate, or a few M&M's grabbed on the way out of the kitchen. Totaled together, these overlooked activities can add up to several pounds in mere months.

Consider it this way: A typical taco chip has about 8-10 calories in it. Eat 5-6 extra chips per day, and changing nothing else, you could gain up to 6 pounds over the course of a year! And you probably never even noticed what you were doing.

The simple thing is this: most people watch what they eat at mealtimes, which is great. But people often fail to notice the "in-betweens." By keeping a strict food journal and writing down everything you eat, you will become aware of all the little extras that are piling up and ruining your weight loss efforts.

In conjunction with proven weight loss programs and dietary changes as well as an increase in exercise, keeping a food journal can almost guarantee that you will lose weight.

Finding the calorie counts in the foods you eat can be as easy as looking at the nutrition facts on the back of the box. Finding calorie counts for fast food and other "non-listed" foods is as easy as searching Google.

Of course, you should invest in a good weight loss plan to help you begin to make better food choices.

For more information on the absolute best weight loss programs that will jump start your fat loss goals, visit

Fitness guru Cynthia Blake is a writer for


Lose Weight Fast With Quality Protein

Quality proteins are the secret weapon that can help you win your ongoing battle against the bulge. Take a look at how proteins help you lose weight fast:

1. Proteins provide an instant satiety factor and keep you feeling full for a longer period of time

2. Proteins prevent energy-draining insulin spikes that make you crave for sugar

3. Proteins help maintain muscle mass, which is an essential factor in the fat burning process

Here is a list of quality proteins that can help you lose weight fast while boosting your energy levels and keeping you healthier and fitter than ever.

Chicken and Turkey - Skinless chicken and turkey can be grilled, roasted sauted or broiled for a healthy meal that's filling, delicious and easy to cook too

Egg Whites - Egg whites are packed with quality protein, contain no cholesterol and are low in calories making them an excellent aid to any weight -loss program. Just make sure the egg whites are well -cooked to avoid salmonella poisoning.

Fish - With a wide variety of fish to choose from, you'll never be tempted to stray too far from your protein diet. Some of the excellent high-protein, low-fat fish include tuna, salmon, snapper, swordfish, halibut, herring, cod, sea bass and haddock. Go on and have yourself a feast with these choices!

Shellfish - Lobster and crab are excellent sources of protein. They are low-fat and delicious too!

Red meat - Wait a minute! Red Meat? Thinking that all red meat is not packed with cholesterol is a misconception. Certain cuts including the shank, top sirloin, chuck, round flank and round cut are low in saturated fat and high in quality protein.

Low fat cottage cheese - The most convenient of all protein-packed foods- it doesn't necessarily need to be cooked. It makes for a quick pick-me-up snack whenever you are hungry.

So if you want to lose weight fast, go ahead and replace those ice cream tubs in your freezer with fish, poultry, turkey and lean red meats and see those extra inches disappear. Don't forget, you still need quality carbohydrates and quality fats for a balanced and healthy diet.

Do you want to get rid of those extra pounds you packed on? Although they sure did not pile on overnight, you'd like to get rid of them overnight, wouldn't you? Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! Click Here to get started! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at


The Truth About Quick Weight Loss

With extended work days and working hours becoming more the norm than the exception, the fast food industry is doing booming business. While this is great for restaurant owners and investors alike, it is not very friendly to the waistlines of thousands of overweight and obese adults.

Though fast food is one of the top culprits, unhealthy eating habits, in general, are the source of this obesity epidemic. Saturated fats and refined sugars lead to bulging waist lines, a problem which leaves hose affected searching for the quickest ways to obtain their weight loss and fat reduction goals.

Other factors that pay a part in weight gain include genetics and slowing metabolisms, especially as you age. As you get older, your metabolism tends to slow down, making it even more difficult to keep the pounds from creeping on. This, combined with poor eating habits and lack of exercise, is of great concern if you are trying to combat obesity.

One of the first things that many people who have to lose is to search for a method of quick weight loss. And knowing this, literally thousands of weight loss products are on the market, with more being introduced on a daily basis. The business of weight loss is a multi-billion dollar a year business.

However, the simple truth about quick weight loss is that it does not really exist. If you are trying to lose weight quickly, realize that losing weight is a process that takes time and effort. Weight loss pills and diet gimmicks will only discourage and only lead you to giving up in the end. It is best to learn healthy eating habits and incorporate regular exercise into your lifestyle.

How much weight you lose and fat you burn is dependent upon numerous factors. Some of these factors include your health, weight, daily calorie intake, age, gender, stress level, and lifestyle. And despite all the hoopla surrounding quick weight loss, it is best to think of losing weight as a gradual process. Those who lose weight successfully and keep it off long term are the ones who implement lifestyle changes - healthy eating and exercise. The sooner that you realize there is no quick fix for losing weight, the closer you will be to attaining your weight loss goals.

With all of that said, check with your doctor or dietitian to help you get started. Losing one and a half to two and a half pounds per week is very reasonable and a totally achievable goal. If you are thinking that is too slow, just think about it like this - that amounts to six to ten pounds a month and up to fifty two pounds a year, and all without making drastic changes or using dangerous diet drugs.

If you're looking for more fat loss and weight reduction tips, be sure to visit our Guide to Fat Loss blog at:

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