Monday, May 19, 2008 

Put The Snack Down And Step Away From The Freezer!

Life is certainly not easy, anything that you want is difficult and things you do not want are sometimes damn near impossible. It is so easy to gain excess weight, and it is pretty enjoyable doing it! It is a pain to get rid of the extra weight though, and it is a truly horrible experience.

If you think about it, putting on weight is easy and enjoyable. You just eat more and more, but it is pleasurable! Dieting however is always a nightmare.

Recent studies have shown that our bodies do not react to dieting in the way that we thought it would. Your body will start to learn about any regular dieting patterns, and will prepare itself for these lean periods.

Another problem with our modern lifestyle is the convenience of fast food. Almost everyone these days is rushed off their feet, they just do not have enough time to work, look after the kids and to eat properly. This just makes fast food so much more of a tempting idea than cooking.

Treats can also be really damaging to your waistline. Snacks contain lots of calories and little to no nutritional value. The only really healthy snack food is fruit, and then you should only eat them at meal times.

You can kick the habit if you really want to, you just need to work hard enough. Once you have broken the habit you probably would not miss whatever it is you have just given up anyway! offers you the latest information on weight loss, articles, and reviews about the numerous weight loss products that are on the market.

FREE weight loss articles, exercise tips and tools to help you lose weight.


How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat In 10 Days

People always wonder how to get rid belly fat. But the thought of getting rid of belly fat in 10 days sounds impossible, right? Well it isn't. In this article you will discover a popular dieting technique that has been helping millions get rid of belly fat in 10 days and it's not a drug or any extreme diet. It is a very popular and easy dieting technique that is very flexible and easy to accomplish.

The dieting technique I speak of is called "Calorie shifting". This technique unleashes your body's fat burning potentials and raises metabolism to a very high level and keeps it that way. As a result you can lose weight quickly and the excess fat in the body is also burned off. In general people can lose 10 or more pounds in less than 2 weeks with calorie shifting.

Calorie shifting is not some fancy dieting gimmick. It is the real deal and ironically is performed unlike any other dieting technique ever created. You basically eat 4 or more full meals a day, drink 10 glasses of water (you can also drink sodas, juices and coffee), and shift the order in which you eat your meals. It is also very important that every meal you eat has different calorie values.

When you eat in different orders daily, your body will have trouble adapting to your eating routines. It is because of this that it will unleash greater fat burning and keep metabolism high to "adapt" to the mixed eating routines. The 10 glasses of water help to flush out the excess weight and the flow going.

Calorie shifting is by far one of the best ways to get rid of belly fat in 10 days.

Calorie shifting is the ideal diet for busy people or those who seek to get fast weight loss and fat loss results safely. It works for everyone and the results are long term. Also because it's the technique of calorie shifting that brings about it's amazing effects, people are pretty much free to eat most if not everything they want.

To learn how to accomplish calorie shifting, : click here, to pick up a free 20 page weight loss guide on calorie shifting and 4 other powerful diets and get rid of that fat for good!


Lose Weight Fast

Most of us relieve that self indulging with food has little to no consequence...Until we see ourselves in a bathing suit. It's at this time when we would like a magic wand and wish away all the "extra" self we see reflecting in the mirror.

Sadly, there are no magic wands, no zipper included in our skin and no quick fix to days, months or even years of self indulging, weight loosing takes time and effort; all products that offer such a result, lie.

One of the ways, of course, is to stop.

But sometimes, "just stopping" does not quite cut it. We need more. Our self indulgent behavior has caused more than a few pounds and we often would like to believe that each one is unique and can be easily wiped off with a week or two of caring. This is not always the case and we need to do more. A person who needs to lose weight fast can resort to several things:

Surgery is the most dramatic choice but is often sought by people who have tried almost everything and could not cut it; most of the times, exercise is something that is tried once or twice, but with morbidly obese people this takes a lot longer or they need to lose weight BEFORE they can actually start working out. This is a very costly and risky -as with any other surgery- procedure and definitely should not be considered until exhausting all other options.

Diets are the first choice for people who want to loose weight fast. Some diets promise wonders and near-to-miraculous results such as with the Lunar or Moon diet, the Rice Water Diet, the Garlic Diet (this one I've seen that the only thing lost are friends) and many others. Diets should be handled, scheduled and designed by a joint team consisting of a physician, a nutritionist, the interested person if they are only seeking to change dietary habits. But if the diet is part of an overall weight loss program, then a personal trainer needs to be included.

Dietary supplements are also an important part of this paraphernalia and also offer amazing-and-miraculous solutions to losing weight fast. Some of them even go to the length and offer loosing sizes while you bathe! Naturally, this is close to impossible but this does not stops them, since it is quite a business considering just one buy per customer, they have a secure market of millions. Dietary "magic" supplements, of course, do not work; the ones that do work are often prescribed by certified physicians and nutritionists that are up-to-date with the latest developments in this health area. If you are looking to dieting and would like a dietary supplement like vitamins, then even with something that "innocuous" you need to consult a physician first.

Exercise is not a magical wand either. It requires physician supervision and the joint team work. Diets and dietary supplements also form part of the team work exercise will lead in losing weight fast.

Renier van Heerden has been in the fitness industry for more than 12 years as a personal trainer.

He runs the following websites.


QUICK Fix to Obesity!

I cant tell you how to lose the weight fast, no one can! And if people tell you there is a quick fix solution to your weight issues then they are LYING!

There are a lot of scrupulous people who will take advantage of those who are vulnerable. Everyday there are blatant, in-your-face advertisements that will tell you they have some magical pill, diet or equipment that will fix your over weight issues and because of your vulnerability and your need to want what ever is it to work you buy it hoping it will be the one.

And yes, it might work for a little while which prematurely boosts your confidence to believing it is working then for what ever reason you end up back where you started or worse off than you were when you started and what do you do next BEAT YOURSELF UP because your overweight and then the over weight cycle continues.

Question: What do you need to change in order to loss weight?

Your diet probably
Exercising probably

Most important, you have to change your mind, you have to change whats going on in your head. It may sound like a stupid thing to say but if all you are putting into your head is that you hate yourself because youre fat or you think Im fat and lazy or I cant do that because Im fat. Then all you are concentrating on is being fat and all that will ever appear in your reality is being fat.

Changing from the inside/out is easy using Emotional Freedom Technique which has helped the clients who have come to my clinic over the past 3 years, losing weight forever is about changing from the inside out. There is not quick fix to weight loss, but you can loss the weight and keep it off forever.

Author Bio: Gillian Tarawhiti BSc, Dip BM, Dip Ed, is Founder and CEO of Community Training Centre & Gain Back Your Life Centre, A registered EFT Practitioner, Member of AAMET. Gillian is a specialist in helping others overcome there barriers, the author of eBay Billion Dollar Goldmine, and the creator of the Multiple Ripple Effect System and THE SECRET WIEGHT LOSS PROGRAM(TM) 2004-2006. Permission is granted to reprint this article in print or on your web site so long as the paragraph above is included and contact information is provided to


Best Exercise To Lose Weight - Here Is How To Lose Weight Fast With Exercises

What are the best exercise to lose weight? How much exercise to lose weight?

Many people are actively searching for the answer to these two questions. Let me tell you right away that there is not an exercise that is better than another to burn fat. What will help you with your weight loss efforts is a combination of exercises. In fact, the question should be "how to lose weight fast with diet and exercise".

Losing weight is a combination of exercises and diet. Many people claim that the diet is the most important part of the equation.

I don't agree with this statement. While it's true that you absolutely need to start dieting in order to get in shape, many people don't need diet at all. The reality is that everyone is different. Some people can't stop to it junk foods and don't take one pound.

I am a martial artist, and the fact that I practice allows me to eat what I want.

I am still in good shape. In fact, I don't have any "diet schedule" or anything like that.

I have some friends that are professional boxers and don't lose weight although they train like crazy. If you want to lose weight, the first thing you need to do is to understand how your body works. Everybody is different, and when you understand when and how you gain weight, you've won half of the battle.

Losing weight is an art, and your simple Atkins diet won't make it. You need to learn the right exercises. I recommend that you start with bodyweight exercises if you are a beginner. 30 minutes of exercise does help you lose weight. Start today and in only 12 weeks, you will see results.

To learn more about my powerful weight loss system and how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good and get killer 6 pack abs when you visit:

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training


How To Keep The Weight You Lost From Finding You Again

We've all done it, well at least those of us who have dieted. We have lost weight only to regain the pounds in a matter of weeks or months. Don't get frustrated and give up, there is hope!

For starters you have to realize that weight loss programs do work if they are followed correctly. It is also necessary to combine exercise along with a balanced diet and adequate water intake regardless of what specific diet plan you have decided to follow. Sorry, all the late night hype commercials that tell you can lose 30 pounds just by taking a pill and laying on the couch are just that, hype! The only way you will lose 30 pounds that easily is by cutting off a leg. The key to a healthy diet plan is to find one that you can follow long term; it has to be a lifestyle change. The short term crash diets are the biggest reason for failure to keep the weight off.

The other big killer in keeping weight off is exercise, as I alluded to above. A long term weight loss plan must include a regular exercise regimen as well or it is doomed to failure. A good exercise program will help you to build lean body mass, help your heart, and increase your metabolism to burn fat. Exercise will help you get your body in great shape and keep it there. If you attempt to diet without exercise it is highly probable that the weight you lose will find you again.

Fad diets like Atkins, South Beach and others will not work long term. They are not healthy and they are difficult to stick to. A healthy diet for the long term will include foods from all of the major food groups as shown in the USDA food pyramid from the government web site or from the Mayo clinic. The key to weight loss isn't restricting certain foods as much as it is the amount you eat and the caloric intake. It's pretty simple if you eat 3500 calories less than your body needs you will lose a pound. You just have to find the magic number of calories that your body needs to operate on.

People who are considered obese and are more than fifty ponds over weight very often will go for the low carb diet approach in order to lose weight rapidly. This works for some people in the short term, however as I have stated before the long term success of such weight loss programs is doubtful at best. A combination of exercise and a healthy diet while realizing it is a lifestyle change is the secret to losing the weight for good.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find out more about weight loss at at


Simple Weight Loss Tips - Misinformation About Simple Weight Loss Revealed

Everyday, magazines give out new simple weight loss tips that are dramatically supposed to reinvent your life and have the fat running away from you. True, some of these tips are extremely valuable and often overlooked because they seem like common sense and obvious, but it is often times the most valuable simple weight loss tip that is also the simplest (how ironic). Today, there will be no discussion about simple weight loss tips in the sense of a top 5 or a quick outline into a specific path, but instead, we will shed some light on myths that permeate throughout the industry and cause people to build diets, routines, and lifestyles on top of a faulty foundation.

There are three myths, three ideologies that are simply destructive to the ill-informed. Myths that promise to cut fat, build muscle, and lose weight can simply add to that stubborn, excessive belly fat or cause your biceps to remain stagnant, growing flabby instead of granite-like.

Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth #1: Spot Reduction does NOT work.... So forget about simply getting rid of only that excessive belly fat or that spare tire, fat loss comes as a collective whole. What this translates into is that simply doing crunches and leg lifts and more crunches and more leg lifts will NOT reduce the fat on your stomach; it simply works out the muscles underneath. Now, in order to see these muscles, one must develop a diet that reduces the overall body fat % or all the crunches and workouts will go to waste.

Which leads us to our second Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth: Less Calories means less Weight/Fat! Not necessarily. Once you starve your body of calories it has a tendency to go into starvation mode and slow the metabolism. The slowing of the metabolism causes you to use your resources less (ie burn calories slower) allowing you to live off the current cache of fat you have. In other words, an intuitive simple weight loss tip that is as widely distributed as this one can have serious effects on your progress if misused. A very popular, up-and-coming weight loss diet and fat loss program that utilizes online meal planning (in which you get to buy your own, fresh food) and a revolutionary style of calorie manipulation (called Calorie Shifting) to completely counteract this process. Although this is relevant, it is out of the scope of this article and more information can be found at my blog... Here.

Final Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth: Cardio workouts makes you lose weight faster than working out. True and not true. Aerobic exercise allows one to lose weight while they are doing it and shortly after. The benefits of 45 minutes on the treadmill will last that 45 minutes and only slightly after. The flipside is weightlifting, which burns calories and fat during it while beefing up your metabolism to work for you afterwards burning calories and fat. It's the difference between a part-time employee and a full-time employee.

Conrad is a long-time athlete and a fitness fiend who has decided to share his practical and realistic experience and knowledge with the world. Conrad played football, baseball, and even golf for well over 10 years throughout college and highschool and even as a little tyke. If you liked this article, be sure to check out

For more great, practical information and links to even more helpful articles, along with for effective and simple weight loss steps and tips.


How To Lose Weight Fast

Nobody wants to be fat forever so everyone wants to learn how to lose weight fast. Who wouldn't want to learn how to lose weight fast? What fun is it being overweight and having people around you look more fit and healthy. Luckily there are supplements out that will help you accomplish weight loss fast and easily.

Weight loss pills are able to help you lose weight fast by working with the body and speeding up processes which would have normally taken longer without the weight loss pills. These supplements are healthy and able to be taken by anybody including vegetarians. Working with the body the weight loss pills will help limit the amount of food you crave by reducing your appetite.

No need to worry about all the fatty foods ruining your diet and progress because the top supplements are able to limit fat intake by 28%! There is no shame in using weight loss pills because everybody is not the same and some people need extra help.

Of course just taking supplements is not the only answer. They must be taken along with exercise and good nutrition and you must keep to a regular workout schedule. Consistency is the key to success and the better you stick to the schedule the faster you will lose weight. It may be hard at first but just keep working at it and you will see the results you are looking for. For those looking on how to lose weight fast hopefully this provided the information you were looking for.

Find out what are the best weight loss pills

Get more information on how to lose weight fast


Simple Weight Loss Strategies Part 2

If dieting doesnt work, what other strategies can you adopt for simple weight loss? One possible approach is to design your own weight loss diet and learn to cook.

You know the type of food you enjoy and you know whats good for you and what isnt. It may seem that these are miles apart. However, it is possible to combine the two in a way that will make weight loss easy and keep your taste buds happy at the same time.

This technique will require a little time and effort, but the long term benefits a healthier slimmer you will be well worth it.

Start by making a list of all your favourite dishes, including takeaways and ready meals. Now think what could be added to these to make them healthier. And what could be taken away to make them healthier?

Youve probably written vegetables and perhaps lean meat in answer to the first question and salt, sugar and fat in answer to the second. So lets look at your favourite meals. Fish and chips? Certainly likely if you live in the UK. Try oven chips with baked salmon, with a variety of frozen vegetables youll be cutting out so many calories by getting rid of the batter and deep-fried chips, that you can allow yourself a little ketchup. And this is very easy to cook.

How about sweet and sour pork? Cut out the batter again and use lean meat in a sauce with a little ketchup (I have this from a Chinese chef tomato ketchup is the secret ingredient in sweet and sour sauce! If you can find sugar free ketchup, so much the better), tinned pineapple in juice (not syrup), some balsamic vinegar and a load of vegetables.

If you eat ready meals, read the labels and see if you can come up with a healthier version by omitting some of the unnecessary ingredients, such as wheat and sugar, and cutting down on the fat. Obviously, this wont be possible for all your favourite dishes, but sugar, wheat and excess amounts of fat find their way into so much of what we eat, that its not difficult to make your own diet-conscious alternatives.

Learning to cook is a sure way to know exactly what goes into your mouth and will not only help you control your weight, but will also improve your health. Once youve mastered a few weight loss recipes, you can cook these dishes in bulk and freeze them. This will save time and will mean you always have something tasty on hand for times when you are busy, hungry and need something to eat in a hurry. Try getting the whole family involved if you have kids this will really help them to become independent and what better gift can you give them than the key to a healthy future? And with so many children and teens struggling with obesity, teaching them simple weight loss strategies will help them avoid becoming overweight in the first place.

Waller Jamison 2007

Kick start your weight loss with a New Weight Loss Strategy every week

No time for exercise? Here are some Fat Burning Moves You Can Do at Your Desk


Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diets

The market for weight loss programs is vast and there are many differing ideas out there. The sheer scale of choice can be a discouragement to many that are seeking a way to healthy weight loss. The plan which works for some may be doomed for failure when it is tried by others and this make the choice even more disheartening.

Some people think looking thin and attractive means giving up the food we love forever. Rather, you can lose weight now, just like you had in mind by following a few simple guidelines, not rigorous, ball-and-chain rules. The best first step you can take here to lose weight now, is no more strict diets. A nutritionist friend of mine put it best when he said he didn't believe in extremes in any area of life, including low-carb diets. These types of diets are often so rigid and uncomfortable that sustaining long-term results is nearly impossible. That's no way to lose weight now. If you make any kind of all-encompassing decisions about your diet and health, the best one to let you lose weight now, is to go all-natural. And there are a few ways to do this, and it's easier to stick to.

So remember if you are sick and tired of starving yourself or depriving yourself to lose a few pounds only to have them creep back when you can't resist the cheeseburgers and fries, pizza or meat, potatoes and gravy? Do yourself and your body a favor. Get the information you can use to get rid of those ugly, fatty bulges that are literally ruining your health. I did and could not be happier with myself today.

Tired of the extra weight? Visit to find out how to get rid of those pounds right now.


What Are The Pros and Cons of Low Carb Diets?

Before starting a low carb diet, you're probably curious what the actual pros and cons of low carb diets are, right? Looking at both pros and cons can help you make a more informed, educated decision as to whether a low carb diet is right for you, so let's summarize some of the common pros and cons of low carb diets here...

Pros: The pros of low carb diets are fairly easy to list, and they include things like: Quick weight loss, never going hungry, eating really great foods, still having sweets, and it's easy to get started.

Cons: The cons of low carb diets are also fairly easy to list off, and these include: Giving up bread, giving up pasta, giving up real sugar, pastries, cakes, cookies and other common snacks. Other cons of low carb diets can include having bad breath, seemingly bland or boring food choices, and going through withdrawals.

Now that we've summarized those pros and cons though, let's look at some of them in detail.

1. Pro: It's easy to start low carb diets, but Con: It can get a little expensive. Unfortunately buying lots of meat and fresh veggies can be hard on the budget. High carb and high starch foods are cheaper to buy, but you will pay the price eventually with obesity and associated health problems.

2. Pro: You never go hungry on low carb diets, but Con: You can't always eat what you're craving. One of the best reasons to choose a low carb diet is because part of the goal is to never allow yourself to go hungry. You don't usually restrict how much food is eaten, just what kinds. The downside of course is that you can't always eat anything you want on a low carb diet. But this is true of any kind of sensible eating plan. If you want to lose weight, you have to be willing to give up certain types of food. And with low carb diets, you give up major sources of bad starches and sugars.

3. Pro: Going on a low carb diet will finally get your daily cravings under control. But Con: You have to go through withdrawals first. When you first start a low carb diet, you will experience sugar withdrawals - usually in the first three to five days. And these can be difficult to wait out. You'll have headaches, sometimes a bit of dizziness, and you might be a bit lethargic too. You'll also have severe sugar cravings.

Once you get past those initial days though, you get to experience a wonderful thing: You no longer have massive sugar cravings. You no longer get the urge to grab some candy or a soda at two or three in the afternoon, and you no longer feel bloated and gassy every time you eat. Many people also experience much more energy at this point, and of course they're thrilled to see the weight is already starting to come off by now too.

So now that you know some of the biggest pros and cons of low carb diets, you might find it easier to decide whether starting a diet of this type is something you feel would be right for your personal lifestyle and preferences.

For more Pro and Cons of Low Carb Diets, visit


How To Pass The Air Force Physical Fitness Test With Ease

If you're reading this, you probably either want to know what you'll have to do for the air force physical fitness test and/or how to train for it.

This article will cover both.

What Is Involved In The Air Force Physical Fitness Test?

You'll be doing exercises in the following 4 areas: aerobic (running), body-composition, push-ups, and crunches.

Now, you'll be rated on a scale of 1-100, but the trick comes with the age groups. You see, with different age groups comes different demands.

Just to state the obvious, the older you are the less you'll be required to do.

If you want a full list of these ages and the requirements you can visit if you're a male and if you're a female.

3 Steps To Training For The Air Force Physical Fitness Test

1) The first thing you'll want to do is write down the top grade you can get for each category. For example, 60 pushups would be a perfect 10 for a 20-25 year old.

After you do this, add a few reps and shoot for that. I would personally shoot for 70-75 just to be safe (and maybe impress your future officers).

2) Since you're going to be training to failure during your air force physical fitness test most likely, I would suggest training to failure while you are preparing for the test. However, this is taxing on your body so do not do it everyday. You can try it every other day or ever 2 days, depending on certain factors such as how much you eat, your genetics, etc.

3) The third thing you'll want to do to pass your air force physical fitness test with ease is to start learning how to visualize. It's going to help you tremendously through the grueling workouts the air force will put you through, and it's going to help you reach your goals faster.

The requirements for the air force physical fitness test aren't too hard, but if you're out of shape now they will prove to be a challenge.

Using these 3 techniques, and making sure you prepare in advance, the air force physical fitness test should be a walk in the park for you.

And if you need to lose a lot of weight to make it easier (remember, doing anything with your body will be much easier if you weigh less), there are a large variety of books that are available to help you get a fit body in the shortest amount of time as possible.

Jeremy Reeves believes he's found the best products on the market to help you get in great shape fast. If you're going to start training for the air force physical fitness test, you have to check out the book called "Turbulence Training" that he's reviewed for you on his website -


Fast Weight Loss Tips

When people look for a diet, many of them look for fast weight loss tips or a fast weight loss diet so that they can lose weight more quickly. Care should be taken however to make certain that you select a diet which is capable of meeting your physical requirements while also providing you with a method for losing weight rapidly while remaining healthy.

The sad truth of the matter is that most weight loss plans do not work for more than a few days while you restrict your diet. As often as not, your health will be the only thing that you lose for any length of time. The weight you lose will often come back as soon as you revert to your normal eating habits. While this is not true for all diets, it is especially true when it comes to rapid weight loss and fast weight loss diets.

So does that mean that this is always the case and that fast weight loss tips should be summarily ignored or dismissed? The fact is that with the proper quick weight loss tips, a little self control and some knowledge, you can lose weight, keep the weight off and stay healthy all at the same time.

Fast weight loss diets do work well as long as you are careful and pay attention to your dietary needs and other considerations regarding quick weight loss. If somebody is promising that you can lose five pounds a day there are probably going to be some unhealthy side effects. Most fast weight loss tips will allow you to lose somewhere between one and two pounds on the average day.

Most of the best and most valuable fast weight loss tips involve learning how to properly control your caloric intake by eating the right foods. Starving yourself in order to lose weight quickly is unhealthy, no matter what. Neither do you have to spend countless hours exercising and trying to burn fat in order to lose weight quickly. Healthy and fast weight loss tips and diet plans will show you how to eat properly in order to maintain your health and lose weight all at the same time.

Low calorie diets do not work for most people. A lot of the dietary supplements and diet pills have long-lasting detrimental effects on many people. If you are attempting to lose weight quickly, your health should be your primary concern. In fact, many of the quick weight loss diets do not take your personal habits into consideration at all.

Once you learn how to prepare and consume the right foods to meet your daily requirements, you can begin a healthy regimen for your diet. Learning how to eat properly is the key factor in quick weight loss diets and it should be something that you learn about more before deciding which fast action diet is going to be right for you. If you want a fast weight loss diet that works, you need to learn how to eat properly and once you can accomplish that, you can easily accomplish all of your weight loss goals.

Want to learn more about fast weight loss? Click How To Lose Weight for a weight loss plan that will get you on track to reach your goals.

Michael Maciejewski is a fitness, and nutrition expert. Revealing the truths about healthy living, one article at a time.


Are You Quitting A Weight Loss Regime Again?

Have you ever taken up a challenge with someone to show that you are able to lose weight, but failed miserably in the end?

If you happened to answer yes to either of the question, most probably losing weight isn't as important to you than how you thought it would.

You see, people always have the wrong mindset even if their intention to lose weight is good. Some people wants to look fabulous, some just want to show that they could. But good intention isn't the key to successful weight loss.

The key to successful weight loss is by admitting that it is a serious problem in your life, and that it may hinder your ability to lead a normal or better life ever again.

Some people think that the first step to lose weight, is to surfing the net and find some great workout and diet plan to follow.

To tell you the truth, those are the least important part of success weight loss.

In order to begin your regime at the right note, first you have to understand that weight problem is a very serious problem. And you have to tell yourself that you have the ability to correct this problem.

I don't care if you are a CEO of some big firm, or a ice-cream parlour girl. In both cases, the situation is equally problematic.

You must be saying :"Yeah, right. How can some one as high achieving as a CEO can have any grave problems?"

I tell you, problem is a state of mind.

If you are able to bring yourself to understand that losing weight is The problem, everything will come naturally.

When you are able to get through the stage of denial, you have cleared the first stage. Now I am sure you have cleared the second stage of self motivation, which is to read up on articles and maybe participate in special interest group discussions to verbalise your goals and mindset.

People often after a motivation talk or reading a motivation book, say that those information are just useless and are not effective to change your life. If you think it that way, then you have missed out step three. Step three by the way, is somewhat like coming out of self denial. Although self denial is about getting out of the gut, zealous living is about living your life with vigour and no regret.

Everytime if someone asked you how's your weight loss regime, instead of faking up a phantom workout session, you are able to list out step by step what you have accomplished for your goal. That is zealous living with no regret.

Maybe you don't ever need to visit another weight loss site ever again.

Check out the home page at
Easy to follow weight loss pep talk, just follow


The Real Secret to Weight Loss - Amazingly Simple Yet Powerful Tactics

No matter what sort of exercises or diets you might follow there is a very basic weight loss formula which applies to almost every individual out there. This formula can do wonders for you if followed properly. You see people go around trying to figure out the perfect formula to weight loss when the real formula is already known to them. Read on to discover what this formula is and how you can use it to lose tremendous amount of weight within no time...

Eat less and exercise more- Simple isn't it? Well but this is one of the most effective tips you will ever come across as people are willing to lose weight but they aren't willing to cut down on the wrong foods and do more exercises. You see everyone wants to know the shortest way possible to lose weight but guess what? There is no short way as human body takes time to adapt to different things and this same law applies to your weight loss goals.

Start today- In case you really want to make a difference you need to start today and start right now to achieve the best results. People tend to say ok I might start tomorrow the day after etc but they are never able to make a start and get seduced by their lazy habits.

Slow and steady always wins the race- You see most people think that if they are slow they would never get anywhere with their weight loss efforts. Whereas the fact states that you don't have to be fast in order to achieve maximum results, you can start slow right now and see results with time. It's always recommended to take it slow at first and build up with time.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days


Burn Fat Fast - The Proven And Fastest Way to A Slimmer Figure

Many people are frustrated with their weight related problems and seek remedies to get out of it. However, there are certain factors that lead to the increase in weight, more than what is needed for the proper body-mass index to stay normal.

A person's weight is always ideally in proportion to the height of the body. However, if the weight of the body increases or decreases suddenly then it is a thing of serious concern. A sudden increase in the body weight can be because of many reasons like bad eating habits, hormonal changes, inappropriate physical exercises, etc. This in many cases leads to certain diseases that result in the abnormal functioning of the body which in turn leads to unexpected obesity.

In case you are suffering from the problem of obesity, you must consider to burn the fat fast, because obesity may lead to various other problems like heart blockages, clogging of the arteries by trans-fats, problems of bones and spinal cord and in some cases, it may lead to sudden paralysis or even a fatal heart attack. Therefore, you should keep a check on your weight. Even a seemingly fit person can do fat burn exercises to keep away from the multitude of problems associated with accumulation of the excess fat in the body.

You can burn fat fast with the innumerable methods that are available these days. There are numerous types of gears available for fat burning exercises, medications that reduce the problems of fat in the body and the diet charts that are prescribed by the doctors that help in burning fat and calorie.

The reduction of fat from the stomach seems to be the toughest one to deal with. The accumulated fat in the stomach area causes a lot of problem including gastric diseases. You can burn stomach fat through certain exercises and yoga, which are specially designed for the reduction of fat from the stomach area.

Some people eat fast foods, colas and sweets etc that are high in fat content and cause the accumulation of fat in the body. Nevertheless, there are people who eat too much oily food and avoid exercises of any kind. For these type of people, dietitians suggest a balanced diet chart which helps them to follow a balanced diet without the over consumption of any element.

The obese persons are offered a restricted food chart containing food items that burn fat fast. It includes the suggestion to include green vegetables and fresh fruits in large amount and reduction in the intake of fried and aerated drinks. If you are suffering from the problems of obesity, remember that any type of alcoholic drink also enhances the accumulation of fat in the body.

Thus, to lead a fat free lifestyle and have confidence in yourself, you must take good care of your body and keep it fit and healthy.

Wait! Did you know that many people have unhealthy and imbalanced diets that lead to excessive accumulation of body fat? A good eating plan and proper exercise methods can help you to burn fat fast Find out how you can easily do both today.


Gastric Bypass Surgery - Get Your Vitamins!

Gastric bypass patients face a great task in the following months and years after surgery, most of which includes monumental lifestyle changes in comparison to their old habits and methods. The most important of all, given that gastric bypass patients have a new, tiny stomach to fill is diet. Similar to how those on a diet of any kind, the body will be taking in less food then usual and so its crucial to ensure that the food and nutrients youre feeding your body are packed with goodness.

This can be a difficult task for the gastric bypass patient, but help is always at hand from the dedicated nutritionists and physicians after surgery. The Internet is also jam-packed with information for healthy diets specifically for patients.

Most of all, as the general gastric bypass diet lacks minerals and vitamins, patients must take extra vitamins to supplement their diet and ensure their body gets all thats required. Among the vitamins recommended are multi-vitamins (chewy if possible!), then calcium, iron and patients may be advised you also take vitamin B-12.

Its important gastric bypass patients dont slip up on taking their vitamins certain conditions can develop soon after surgery if the body isnt getting the required vitamins and minerals. Patients should always keep in touch with their doctor and follow the guidelines set out post-surgery.

Article by Beverley Brooke, visit the section on the gastric bypass at her website to learn more about the procedure and what's involved post-surgery


Target Heart Rate is Useless for Losing Body Fat

I co-wrote this target heart rate article with Craig Ballantyne because we want to get the message out to everyone who keeps struggling with this outdated mentality that they must be in some sort of "fat burning zone" if they want to stand any chance of losing body fat with their workouts. We'll show you why targeting a specific heart rate to be in this so-called fat burning zone is actually the opposite of what you should be focusing on in your workouts if you truly want to get lasting fat loss results.

One of the worst myths in the fitness industry is that you need to maintain a specific heart rate range in the fat burning zone in order to lose fat. But this is simply not true. Unfortunately, this false belief leads people to choose low intensity steady state cardio routines that are ineffective and cause most people a major lack of results from their workouts.

The quicker you get rid of the "target fat burning heart rate = the best workout" mentality, the faster you will actually start to get real results with fat loss and changing the shape of your body for good.

In the Turbulence Training workouts, you actually burn more fat and more total calories when you are OUT of the gym due to the high-intensity and variable intensity nature of the training methods in these programs. This phenomenon is not due to the elevated heart rate you experience during the workout (even though your heart rate will be increased from the supersets and intervals), but rather from the metabolic and hormonal response you achieve from the more effective workout compared to your ineffective "fat burning zone" workout.

Over the last 10 years, scientific research has indicated a couple of very important things to us about exercising for body fat loss. First of all, lifting heavier weights while exercising leads to a higher caloric consumption by the body in the period for about 1-2 days following the workout when compared to lifting light weights with high repetitions. So that's why 6-8 repetitions per set is better than 12-15 reps per set when it comes to stimulating the metabolism for losing fat permanently. That's one of the cornerstones of the types of training routines in programs that actually get results, like Turbulence Training.

Another important aspect we have learned from scientific research in recent years is that highly variable interval-type training is far superior to slow, steady-pace cardio exercise for fat loss and post-exercise induced calorie burning. In the long run, if you focus on the internal metabolic response your body is getting from your workout routines, instead of how many calories you burn during some sort of magical "target fat burning heart rate zone", you will achieve MUCH better fat loss results. So not only is it more result-producing, but it is also more time-efficient to use short high-intensity interval training workouts instead of slow, long, steady-pace cardio sessions.

The only time you might need to know your specific heart rate is during the recovery period of the interval training. It is important to take enough time during your recovery intervals in order for your heart rate to drop back down significantly (allow it drop to approximately less than 60% of your max heart rate).

That way you are able to get more quality work done when it counts. You do not want to start your next high-intensity interval too soon, nor do you want to exercise too hard during your recovery intervals.

All of these details are provided in the interval training guidelines within the Turbulence Training program. And we'll show you how to properly structure your intervals so that you allow enough recovery time between each. With these guidelines, you do not have to worry about monitoring your target heart rate or anything fancy like that. It's just not necessary. Just follow the TT instructions, and you will do great.

So here's the bottom line:

If you want to start actually getting the fat loss results you've been wanting for so long, do not worry so much about your target fat buring heart rate zone during exercise. Instead, make sure that you are working at a high-intensity and a variable intensity (according to your individual capabilities of course) during each weight lifting and interval training session.

The TT workout guidelines will give you all of the details you need on the specific rest periods to use between supersets and intervals. With these guidelines, you will start to see vastly improved results from your workouts within weeks of implementing the changes.

See below for a special free report on cardio training alternatives that create a much better metabolic environment for fat loss than traditional cardio routines.

To free yourself of the mindset of the target heart rate and "fat loss zone", grab your free cardio myths report at Beyond Cardio Workouts.

If you're trying to uncover your six pack abs by losing stubborn belly fat, visit Best Ab Exercises, Flatten Stomach, Abdominal Workouts

For any ladies interested in toning up your butt, visit Workouts for a Sexy Butt.


Weight Training for Weight Loss: Start Now

If youre already exercising and eating right with the aim of slimming down, heres something you might not have thought of that can help you achieve your goal: weight training.

Weight training refers to working out with weights, whether dumbbells and barbells (free weights) or the weights you find on exercise contraptions, that you lift by means of pulleys and cables.

If youre currently walking or running or doing other cardiovascular exercise to take off fat, you might think weights would not add anything to your efforts. After all, youre burning off calories either way, right?

Done correctly, though, weight training willbring a dimension to your workout that goes beyond calorie burn-off. It will sharpen and define your muscles, which will make you look and feel leaner even before youve reached your ideal weight target.

Not only will working out with weights make you look better in the eyes of others, it will help motivate you to keep working toward your goal.

Here are some tips for anyone considering weight training for weight loss:

1. Dont spend a lot of money on equipment, at least to begin with.

A basic set of dumbbells in a few different weights will get you started, and may be all you ever need. For the average person who hasnt had much strength training, I recommend purchasing two each of the following size dumbbells: 8 (or 10) pounds, 15 pounds, and 20 (or 25) poundsthat's six dumbbells in all.

Later on you can add a barbell with a set of adjustable weights if you like. However, I recommend getting an adjustable incline/decline bench to use with your dumbbells before spending for a barbell. A bench and dumbbells will equip you to perform nearly all the weight training exercises that you need if your main goal is weight loss (as opposed to trying to look like Mr. Universe).

Fancy workout machines are greatand expensive! If you have access to a gym then by all means take advantage ofsuch equipment. But don't think that you need it in order to get a good workout.

2. Buy or borrow a good illustrated instructional book on weight lifting. Look for one targeted toward average people--people who just want to get fit or get into shape--rather than toward competitive bodybuilders.

In line with tip #1, also make sure that the book you use contains exercises you can do with dumbbells alone, and that work all parts of your body.

If you wish to make maximum progress, I strongly recommend that you also read a book on the general subject of weight loss. Avoid the fad diet of the moment. Look for a book grounded in good science, that contains practical advice for nutritional and lifestyle changes that lead to permanent fat loss. (Some excellent books in this line are actually available as downloads from the Internet.)

3. Work out with your weights regularly. If all you have is 20 minutes every Monday, then make and keep that weekly appointment with yourself.

If you have more time, here's what I consider to be an ideal "weight training for weight loss" schedule. It will give excellent results with a time commitment that is still reasonable:

Monday: 10 minutes of cardio exercise + 20 to 30 minutes' weight training

Tuesday: 10 to 20 minutes of cardio

Wednesday: 10 minutes of cardio exercise + 20 to 30 minutes' weight training

Thursday: 10 to 20 minutes of cardio

Friday: 10 minutes of cardio exercise + 20 to 30 minutes' weight training

Saturday & Sunday: Nothing! Or, better, work in a couple of brisk walks around the neighborhood.

Important: Always put at least one day between your weight training days. Never work out with weights on consecutive days, even if you're tempted to do so. When you exercise with weights you are actually tearing down muscle so that it can rebuild itself stronger and bigger. Those in-between days are your muscles' crucial rebuilding days.

4. Use the right number of exercise sets for weight loss--not for bodybuilding.

Not one in a hundred exercisers understands this point. But now you will!

When you work out with weights, you convert a certain amount of fat to muscle. Muscle weighs something, too, though. If your goal is to lose weight, you don't want to end up with a pound of muscle for every pound of fat you started with. You would be more muscular for sure, but you would still be overweight!

The key is to do fewer sets of a given exercise than is called for in "regular" or non-weight-loss-oriented weight training.

The best instructional books give separate instructions for their workouts according to their reader's particular goal, whether that's to lose pounds, to build the biggest muscles possible, or something in between. If the book you're using does not offer this, you can make the adjustment yourself.

Keep in mind that a set contains a certain number of repititions or "reps" of an exercise. A typical weight training book may instruct you to do 4 sets of a particular exercise, each set consisting of 10 reps, for a total of 40 reps. In this case you (as a weight loss exerciser) would do no more than 2 sets of 10 reps each, for a total of 20 reps maximum.

By throttling back to about half of the prescribed number of sets, you can be assured that you will be both building muscle and losing weight. (Alternately, you may want to keep the number of sets unchanged but do just half the number of reps per set.)

To be safe you can limit yourself to one set per exercise per workout session, regardless of what your book instructs. Trust me: As long as you're getting in your cardio sessions, too (and eating right, of course), you will lose weight--and you'll gain some nice, "ripped" muscles in the process.

Denny Waldarmo is a professional weight training coach who dispenses fitness and health advice at the Solid Gold Info web site:

Need a no-hype opinion of the hottest selling weight loss book? Denny offers his.


Exercise to Lose Belly Fat - 2 Killer Tips For Fast Results

Have you been unsuccessfully trying to lose belly fat? If so, there is a good chance you might be making some basic mistakes.

In this article, we are going to go over the 2 essential areas that are crucial to have correct if you want to exercise to lose belly fat quickly and permanently.

1. Total body strength training workouts 2-3 times per week.

This can melt fat from your body by gaining muscle and increasing your metabolism!

The more muscle you work, the more calories you will burn. Remember that muscle is the main thing that will burn fat while exercise. Strength training will help you to lose belly fat because the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.

Don't make the mistake of doing the common "3 sets of 10" on a strength machine with a minute of rest between each set. It is a better idea to follow more of a "circuit training" structure. Here is an example:

Warm up: 5-10 minutes
1. Pushups - 10 reps
2. 1 arm DB row - 10 reps per arm
3. DB squats - 12 reps
4. Leg curls on stability ball - 10 to 12 reps
5. Side planks - 5-15 seconds per side
6. Hyperextensions - 12 reps
7. Standing DB overhead press - 10 reps
8. Ab crunches on stablity ball - 10 to 15 reps

Go from start to finish, and rest 30-45 seconds between each exercise. Try doing the entire rotation 2-3 times around. This should take no more than 20-30 minutes depending on how much rest time you need.

This workout is just an example to show you what a total body workout looks like. There are lots of different ways to structure a workout like this, but this serves our basic purpose.

With this type of total body workout, you will exercise to lose belly fat as well as gain strength. Whenever you doing total body workouts, you always want to wait a day before doing it again so your muscles can rest and recover.

2. Interval training cardio instead of long, boring, same speed workouts.

Interval training differs from regular "same speed" cardio routines because it is quicker and a lot more fun. It is a great way to exercise to lose belly fat because you alternate between high and low intensities throughout the whole workout. Here is an example:

First 5 minutes: warm-up

2 minutes: slow
30 sec - 1 minute: fast (almost as hard as you can)

-Repeat the "2 minute slow 1 minute fast" 3-6 times.
Last 5 minutes: cool-down

By doing this type of routine, you are making your fat loss workout time shorter and more effective. You will increase your metabolism and you will have a lot more fun burning fat! Do this right after your total body strength training workouts 2-3 times per week.

Be sure to keep your heart rate in mind. Because you are working very hard, you should check with a doctor and make sure this is a safe way for you to exercise to lose belly fat.

Now that you have a structure for how to exercise to lose belly fat. The effort to lose fat does not have to be frustrating and slow. If you exercise correctly and have the right diet, you should be able to lose 1-3 lbs of belly fat each week until you reach your goal!

Want to Reprint this Article?

Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, and author bio and resource box are all included and remain unchanged.

If you are serious about wanting to reach your goals, go to Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for some killer information.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

He is the founder of, which is a free newsletter about how to safely and effectively lose fat permanently.


Dieting Sucks? 5 Tips To Keep Your Weight-Loss Hope Going

Nobody likes dieting. Generally, a person may put on about 5 to 10 pounds a year. So what can a person who hates dieting do to keep off the excess weight?

Here are 5 simple tips to help you:

1. You Must Have The Right Attitude

When you are younger, you can eat whatever you like, anytime, and yet do not get fat. Yes, but do you realise that your metabolism then was working hard for you? Now, you cannot just eat and hope the same thing will happen to your body. You must be disciplined to moderate your eating habits. You must have that right attitude to pass that pizza and cheese cake.

2. Eat Only What You Need

Do not stuff yourself silly during meal time. Avoid those "all-you-can-eat" buffet, and during meal, stop when you fill slightly full. Do go for those fresh fruits as a rewarding dessert instead.

3. Be On The Move

If you hate to go to the gym like I am, but love to watch the NBA or PGA programs on TV, then don't just sit on the couch. Imitate the moves of your favorite players executing their moves. Just watch out not to break any of your furniture. You may want to bring your kids for a walk just after dinner. They will appreciate the talks and companionship, not to mention enjoying the fresh evening air and exercise.

4. Keep Cool!

Do you know that when you get stressed, the consequences can be detrimental to your health? You will smoke more, eat more and drink more. Just remember to take in deep breaths and count to 10 and your anger or stress will subside. Keep a cool head.

5. Remove Those Temptations

If you are easy prey to snacks like chips or crackers, then the best way would be to clear those unhealthy foods from the house. Instead, stock up fresh vegetables and fruits in your fridge. They are good snack alternatives to your chips and crackers.

Here you have it, 5 simple tips. Not to worry if you can't do all 5, just choose one that you are confident of achieving. You can try the others slowly.

Remember, you must have fun on your weight loss effort, and most important, be happy. Yes, you can still lose weight easy even when you are not undergoing any dieting program.

Terence Ng is a lazy weight loss expert and owner of How to lose weight fast. How to lose weight fast helps people who want to lose weight easily and quickly, using Terence's lazy but easy lose weight methods. You can instantly download his secrets by visiting


Are Fat Loss Secrets a Myth?

People look for fat loss secrets as an easy fix for weight loss, just like everything else in life. Of course people's motivation for losing weight can be different; for some it's a health issue, others it's simply looking good. But no matter your reason, people are looking for wonder fat loss secrets, more and more these days.

So yeah, there are a few fat loss secrets you can put to work and start seeing results. But it's pretty obvious they won't be found in the usual places: magazines, mainstream books, and commercial diet programs, and the like. Most of the info they feed you is best used to kill time, and doesn't let most people put a substantial weight loss program together. Lesser-known, more independently published guides by fitness coaches and consultants who have a great reputation, are a more sensible choice for finding fat loss secrets.

So, fat loss secret number one is, set a plan and keep at it. Don't stray from it, like so many people do. It's amazing how so many people will throw in the towel if they don't see amazing results overnight. That's no way to get in shape.

The second fat loss secret is, take into account the type of life you lead now. Are you sitting around most of the time or are you getting plenty of physical activity in every day. Knowing this will give you some idea of how many calories to build into your diet. Document it all out. Everything you eat, you count it. Like my favorite bodybuilding coach told me one time when he was talking about tracking a workout plan, "if you don't record it, you don't do it." And of course jot it down right away; otherwise, you'll likely forget and those will be wasted efforts.

When friends and colleagues tell me of supposed fat loss secrets they heard from their friends, it's pretty clear that most of these are imaginative ideas that don't really hold water. You would need to pretty much live your life following a lot of these "miracle" methods to keep the weight off. There's just so much information out there that's disseminated that it becomes difficult to know which are true fat loss secrets and which ones don't add up. Some do make sense of course, like cutting junk food and fast food, and instead sticking to fruits and vegetables instead.

Fat loss secret three is really to make sure you're taking in plenty of water. Four full glasses over the course of each one day is a pretty good rule of thumb. It varies from person to person, especially with issues of weight and metabolism, etc. This will make your exercising more efficient and helps stave off appetite. So if you integrate a trusted diet and fitness plan with good record keeping and maintaining healthy water intake, those all together make up the only fat loss secrets you need.

But no matter what, keep a positive attitude about what you're doing. Anything worth doing at all is worth giving it your best effort and keeping at it, otherwise all the fat loss secrets under the sun won't help you.

Rob Jacobs is cutting edge fitness coach and has helped his clients turn around their bodies for the past 20 years. He advises bodybuilders and casual dieters alike about only the best fitness and nutritional info. Learn more about Rob's guide to getting your body and life on track. Check out Fat Loss Secrets


Would Smoking and Drinking Affect My Gym Training?

Dear dailymuscle,

I'm 21 years old and trying to quit doing the unhealthy things I do to my body and here's my problem. I started smoking and drinking a couple of months ago (vodka), and last night was one of the nights I went overboard and drank way too much. I hate the terrible, worthless feeling I get the next day as I don't feel like training at the gym today due to this feeling. I just feel like staying in bed all day..

I know this is a stupid question but would smoking and drinking affect my gym training (I know it affects cardio cause it screws up your lungs)?

~the thirsty trainer

Dear thirsty trainer,

Thanks for writing in.

Drinking and smoking while trying to achieve practically any fitness goal are the exact opposites and dont mix. Drinking can compromise your goals especially if fatloss is one of them. I've read that the liver can take days to get rid of the alcohol in ones body and so one of its main jobs of filtering fat comes to a standstill and it packs it away for processing later (which never comes of course).

Still not convinced? Okay try this - have a can of beer (or any other alcoholic beverage) just before your workout and let me know if you have a productive workout.

It's a matter of priorities, especially at your young age of which path you want to choose. Many people think that they can counteract their smoking and drinking habits by doing enough exercise, not realising that they are only fooling themselves of the harm they are doing to themselves.

There is research out there that says alcohol in moderation has benefits, but I would not recommend anyone that doesn't drink to start solely for these benefits. Hey, Schwarzenegger smokes cigars too, however, I believe that they are the exceptions. I'd rather stay away from it if I were you.

You know what the right decision is - otherwise you wouldnt be asking about it here ;)

Good luck!

Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.


Weight Loss Body Wraps

Weight loss body wraps have been all the craze this year. But, you're probably wondering if its really possible if they could work? How could body wraps enable you burn fat and lose weight? Sounds impossible, but read on to find out how.

The Science Behind Weight Loss Body Wraps

Weight loss body wraps enable a variety of processes which facilitate both inch loss and the ability to better metabolize fat.

The first process is called lymphatic drainage. This process is also incited during some types of special massage. During this process, the interstitial fluids (lymph) in your fat cells, is allowed to move freely and transports your fatty acids and toxins out of your body as waste. These fluids contain harmful impurities which your body has stored from the processed foods we eat and the air we breathe. Losing these fluids will allow you to lose inches immediately.

The second process is called lipolysis. This is the huge one. Most body wraps that you find on the internet and such, will not stimulate lipolysis. This is what identifies a true weight loss body wrap. Lipolysis is the breakdown of fat stored in your fat cells! By breaking down this fat, and stimulating lymphatic drainage and circulation, your fatty acids are carried out of your body as waste.

The third process is called micro-circulation. This is basically the blood flow through your tiniest of capillaries. The active state of this process is critical for weight loss body wrap to truly enable weight loss. Your fat cells are engrossed with miles of capillaries and for your fat cells to expel waste and toxins properly, your capillaries must be stimulated to circulate blood appropriately.

If you are looking for real weight loss body wraps, I'd recommend: Weight Loss Body Wraps

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living.

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