Sunday, May 18, 2008 

Male vs Female Fat Loss - Who Has It Easier?

The Top 5 Reasons Why It's Hard for Women & Men to Burn Body Fat

Men and women both have a hard time losing body fat, but for different reasons.

Here are the top 5 reasons why it's hard for men and women to lose body fat, and gives the 3 proven diet and exercise techniques for losing as much fat as possible in only 12 weeks.

Men and women struggle with fat loss for different reasons, but does one sex have an easier time with weight loss?

Here are 5 reasons men and women struggle with weight, and the 3 essential techniques everyone must follow in order to burn fat and boost their metabolism.

#1) The number one reason men and women have a hard time losing weight is because of poor nutrition.

Advantage: Women

Most women are better educated on food choices, but men continue to eat as if they were still playing college football. As a result, men will have a harder time losing weight because no matter how much they exercise, they are still eating too many calories. You can't "out-train a bad diet".

#2) The second reason men and women struggle with weight loss is because their metabolism decreases over time due to muscle loss and reduced activity.

Advantage: Men

Most men have more muscle mass and get more exercise than women. Plus, more men do strength training while women neglect this key element of the fat burning equation.

In fact, a recent study showed that both men and women can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time with strength training - even at age 60!

Without strength training and interval training, women will continue to burn fewer calories per day with each passing year and will have a harder and harder time with fat loss.

#3) Men and women will struggle with weight loss if they only rely on slow, boring cardio.

Advantage: Men

More men do interval training, and that is better than slow cardio for fat loss.

In a recent study, men and women on a year-long cardio program lost only 6-8 pounds, even though they exercised 6 days per week.

In another study, a group of women did not lose weight after 15 weeks of cardio (3x's per week). In contrast, a group of women in the same study that did interval training were able to lose belly fat.

#4) Men and women have a hard time with weight loss if they don't have social support.

Advantage: Women

Most men try to do everything on their own, but weight loss is easier if you have social support. On the other hand, most women are more willing to recruit help from friends and family when on a weight loss program.

Men and women can get social support from friends at work, from their family, from people at the gym, or even in an online fat loss forum.

#5) Men and women struggle with weight loss because of poor exercise choices.

Advantage: Tie.

Most guys and gals just show up at the gym without a plan - or they just go for a jog and do some crunches. But without a professional plan, both men and women will not lose weight, but only waste time.

To lose the most amount of fat in the least amount of time, both men and women should follow a program containing the following three essential elements...

A) A reduced-calorie diet of whole, natural foods.

No one needs an extreme eating plan. Just focus on eating 10-20% fewer calories than you need, focusing on vegetables, fruits, nuts, and sources of protein and healthy fats. Stay away from anything in a bag or a box.

B) Resistance training (Strength training)

Resistance training, using dumbells, bodyweight exercises, or barbells help men and women burn fat and build muscle.

C) Interval training

Short bursts of exercise, as done in interval training, work better than slow, boring cardio, and get results in half the time.

In a recent transformation contest, both men and women using a fat loss program of resistance training and interval training were able to lose up to 33 pounds of fat in only 12 weeks.

The Transformation Contest winner was a female, while second place went to a man who lost 33 pounds in only 12 weeks - this proves that both men and women can burn belly fat with resistance training and interval training for fat loss.

Discover the shocking top 5 fat loss myths at Turbulence Training and uncover all of the Turbulence Training Transformations in the Fat Loss Forum
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and fat loss expert who writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines.


How to Get Skinny in 10 Days

95% of people are dieting the wrong way. Once you know my secret to getting skinny, it no longer seems so difficult. Read on to find out how you can achieve rapid, healthy, and permanent weight loss.

Increase Your Metabolism

Increasing your metabolism is of enormous importance in being able to rapidly get skinny. Many people try to lose weight by starving themselves and working out. This is flat-out ignorant. The old saying that losing weight is as simple as burning more calories than you take in is completely wrong. You need to feed your body and eat more to lose weight!

I know that this may seem a bit paradoxical, but think of it this way. If you never eat, your body gets used to try to survive in starvation mode all the time, with little to no fuel. Then, when you do eat, you binge, and your body is thrown into chaos. Now, your body wants to burn up your food, but your body also knows it needs to be smart for your next 'starvation'. So, it's completely confused.

Here is what you really need to do. EAT! Eat right away in the morning. And, eat 6 balanced meals a day including lots of carbs in the morning. And for each meal, eat a serving of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and of mono-unsaturated fats. Follow this diet plan, and you WILL get skinny in 10 days! And, best of all, you'll be a lean, mean, fat burning machine, because your metabolism will be through the roof!

Detoxify Your Fat Cells

Each day, you breath in dirty air, and smoke, and eat food with horrible carcinogens and impurities. And, your body attempts to protect you from these impurities by storing them in your fat cells. The problem with your body operating this way, is that it makes you bloated and larger than you deserve to be! You can fix that!

To combat this bloating and get skinny properly I suggest you do two things. First, get a good body wrap from a spa or do one in your own home. By doing this, you'll lose many inches from your fat reserves as the toxins leave your system, and your body will be in an enhanced position to begin metabolizing fat. Not to mention, it will do wonders for you psychologically, as you will have such a great jump start on your hopes to get skinny in ten days.

At Least a Little Exercise

Exercise is necessary, but nowhere near as important as eating properly. If you are eating as I suggested, and drinking lots of water, you won't need more than 20 minutes of good exercise, 3 times a week. And, in doing this, you'll be able to meet your goal and get skinny in 10 days.

It really is that simple. Get rid of all those harmful toxins, eat like you've never eaten before, and do some basic exercise, and you WILL get skinny.

If you are truly looking to get skinny in 10 days, you need to detoxify your system. I would recommend that you check out the following site's detox body wrap line over any other manufacturers: Lose Weight Fast

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living.


BMI - Do You Know Your Number?

The most recent statistics about obesity should scare you. Do you know what your Body Mass Index (BMI) is? If you did not see the latest report, here is the lowdown: Thirty-two percent of Americans are estimated as being obese. This is indicated by a BMI of greater than 30. This does not include the additional number of overweight individuals. Americans also do not get enough activity with an estimated twenty-two percent of Americans not engaging in any physical activity.

Body Mass Index estimates fatness and overall weight related to height. It is calculated by taking weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

BMI = weight (kg)/[height2 (in meters)] or

BMI = weight (lbs)/[height2 (in inches)] x 703

Example: Weight = 150 lbs, Height = 55 (65")

Calculation: [150 (65)2] x 703 = 24.96

A BMI of 18.5-24.9 is normal, so this person is on the very high end of normal weight for height.

Less that 18.5 is underweight, and 25-29.9 is overweight, with 30 and over indicating obesity.

Preventing obesity is certainly the nations goal. I would not say that maintaining a healthy weight through adulthood is easy, it is not; but it is much easier than losing a large amount of weight. Still, both can be achieved with the right person providing you guidance and support.

Your goal is to get your BMI within the normal range. If your BMI is creeping toward the overweight range, now is the time to do something about it and seek some professional help in order to do so. There is a multitude of nutrition information available to the public, but the tricky part is figuring out what the best resources are for accurate information. A registered dietitian (RD) in private practice, at a local wellness center or hospital will be able to point you in the right direction.

By seeking the advice of a trained nutrition professional, you wont have to worry about deciphering all the information out there. While most people know what it takes to lose weight (less calories in, more calories burned) doing it is a challenge, or almost of third of the country would not be obese.

Obesity increases the risk of disease tremendously. Trust me diabetes and heart disease are not friendly diseases. They slowly kill. Even if you need to lose forty pounds to get to that healthy BMI, losing ten or twenty pounds can really help. It will bring blood sugars down to normal range, and will reduce blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, both additional risk factors for heart disease. Obesity also takes its toll on joints. Knee and hip replacements can be prevented if body weight is in the normal range. If you have a family history of arthritis, diabetes or heart disease, you really do want to take heed and lose weight if you need to.

Seek the help of an RD to guide you to a new path of healthy living. You only have one life, and it can be a lot more enjoyable if you can stay mobile and free from disease.

Rosanne Rust, MS, RD, LDN

Registered Dietitian

Nutrition Consulting, Writing, Lectures

Licensed Provider for Real Living Nutrition Services

Tired of dieting? Try a new approach to weight management:


The Why of Weight Loss

No matter if you are carrying a little extra around the middle or are pleasing plump, no one wants to be overweight.

If you are happy with your weight, you belong to the minority of people in the world, but should be applauded for your positive outlook on your life and your body. However, weight loss still may be needed. Many people who are overweight say that they are happy with their bodies, but the fact remains that weight loss in order to achieve a healthy weight is very important. There are a number of reasons you should consider weight loss, even if you don't mind having a few extra pounds. One important reason for the why of weight loss is that our entertainment media has programed us to believe that thin is in. If you are not thin you are not in. It can be a matter of self esteem. Overweight peoople also tend to have more health problems. Problems like heart condition, diabetes, and other ailments.Along with heart disease, having high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels can also put you at risk for a stroke. Strokes occur when blood, and therefore oxygen, cannot reach the brain. This can happen due to high cholesterol. When you have high cholesterol, the fatty deposits build up on your artery walls. If a piece of this plaque breaks off and travels to the heart, it causes a heart attack, and traveling to the brain causes a stroke.

Another why for weight loss is that most overweight people do not get enough exercise. Being overweight makes it difficult and tiring to exercise and is often avoided for that reason. A good exercise program will make up for a lot of dietary health abuses . This is a difficult place to give advice. We all no how important regular exercise is for our health and good looks. Nevertheless, there are ways to increase the amount of exercise we get without an extra trip to the gym. Studies have shown that people whop walk faster tend to maintain their weight better than people who walk more slowly. Pick up the pace when you are roaming around the mall.

Being overweight is also bad for women who wish to become pregnant. When you're overweight, the hormones in your body are changing, and if you don't get the right nutrients you may find that your body does not produce the right chemicals for the hormones needed to ovulate or carry a child. Even if you become pregnant, being overweight puts you at risk for a miscarriage or health problems with the baby.

You may find it difficult to purchase clothing in your size or you may find that the clothing that does come in larger sizes is more expensive. This is simply due to the manufacturer need more material to make the same article of clothing. Problems extend beyond shopping when doing things like visiting theme parks, where you may not be able to ride all of the rides, or using public transportation, where you may feel crowded in seats made for smaller people. Losing weight, even if you are currently happy with your own weight, is always a healthy and smart option, until you reach a normal weight. Beyond the health world, being overweight can also affect your daily life.

Article by Maurice Petersen. For more interesting articles on weight loss check out my Weight Loss Tips Site blog


If You Wanna Lose Weight Fast Read This

Being overweight I have tried many, many things to lose weight including Nutritional System, Weight Watchers and just plain starvation. I tried all of these and more hoping to lose weight and have the body and energy I wanted. My weight loss journey has been many years in the making 10 years at least. After trying all of these things I found that none of theses things worked for me. I lost some weight, but never felt good or had energy to take care of my son or enjoy activities. I always felt hungry, never full or satisfied with the foods that I was eating on the things that I was trying. The most devastating thing using these weight loss strategies was the weight always seemed to come back along with extra 5-10 pounds of weight. I made a decision to educate myself on food, food labels, and what good food choices were. I made another conscious decision to commit to cardiovascular exercise and weight resistant training that finally I started having energy and feeling satisfied in my food choices. Fit Yummy Mummy showed me how to keep the weight off. "

"Performing the Fit Yummy Mummy workouts has been one of the best things I could have done for myself. After my workouts, I feel rewarded and full of energy. I know I am doing good for my body, but it also help me release stress and feel good about ME!"

I know how difficult it is to find real, expert advice on fitness and fat loss workout exercises these days. It's not your fault. With all the conflicting information you hear on TV and the outdated advice printed in magazines, it's no wonder so many Moms are bored with their workouts and frustrated with their lack of results, but this change it all.


Weight Loss 4 Idiots Reviews, Complaints and Questions

Weight loss 4 idiots, also known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, is a widely used diet plan. As such, it's best if you were aware of common complaints and questions about this diet. So here are some Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews and information.

1. You should know that Weight Loss 4 Idiots has a fruit day. Some people don't like it one bit and find it hard to stick to. And indeed it's not the easiest thing in the world. However, each 11 days cycle of this diet only has one such day, so you should be able to tough it out.

2. This diet requires to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Again, some people find it difficult to do, though I recommend it regardless of the diet since it's very healthy.

3. Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews from people who used this diet are overall positive, yet some people do fail with this diet. It's not 100% foolproof.

4. This diet does not revolve around exercise, yet you need to take frequent walks to increase the calorie burning rate and to accelerate your weight loss pace.

5. Weight Loss 4 Idiots does not build muscle tissue as it does not involve weight training. This is a strict nutrition based diet.

6. This diet wasn't made specifically for diabetics although some do very well with it.

7. Weight Loss 4 Idiots allows you to choose your favorite food items from a list of items, so you can create a menu which is composed of things you like to eat.

I hope this Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews has helped shed some light on this diet for you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with Weight Loss 4 Idiots.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Weight Loss 4 Idiots review and testimonials


How To Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Or 4 Weeks And Get Fit In The Process

If you want to lose 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks, know that they way you do it will also affect how you look and feel at the end of that time period. While it is possible to lose 10 lbs in 3 or 4 weeks with little exercise, provided that you follow a fast paced weight loss diet, many people wish to use that time period to develop their fitness as well. This article is basically for those people (even though I'll write a few words on nutrition as well).

Getting fit has many benefits: it improves your health, increases your metabolism and energy levels, makes you look leaner, harder, and younger, and can also improve your overall mood due to the release of certain chemicals inside our body which make us feel happier.

So, it's no wonder that many people wish to combine their goal of losing 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks with their ambition to become fitter.

To do both things: lose 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks and get fitter, you need to follow a diet and fitness program which can get you results. In order to minimize disruption to your regular lifestyle, you should choose a program which utilizes short cardiovascular routines and fitness workouts, preferably those you can do in the privacy of your own home (to save the time driving to the gym). If such a program sound like something you'd like to pursue, I recommend using a program called Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne. It's one of the most popular fitness programs on the internet and produces proven results. With this program you can lose 10 pounds in 3 to 4 weeks and get fit as well.

To read more about Turbulence Training and other methods to lose 10 pounds fast, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 4 Weeks or Less

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read how you can start to lose as much as 10 lbs. in 3 Weeks and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 10 pounds And Never Gain It Back.


This Is The Weight Loss Recipe

This is the only weight loss recipe on the internet. Use it wisely.

The ingredients are quite affordable and easy to get and the directions for the preparation are a piece of cake to follow. Read it, learn it, use it and when you are all done, forget about it and enjoy in the delicious flavour it will leave in your mouth.


1 full cup of motivation
1 1/2 cups of "power to act" in powder
1 friend with the same goal as you
3 cups of dedication
1 fresh fitness program
1 ticket to local gym


1. Take the full cup of motivation and be really gentle with it, because it might diminish if you don't use it in the same minute you get it. It can quickly go bad and lose it's effect. It is easy to get it but at the same time it's amazingly easy to lose it.

Mix the full cup of motivation with all the power to act you have and keep mixing until you actually do something about your goals.

2. After you started to do something about your goals, call the friend and hook him/her, so that you two will be making this dish together. It is way easier and a lot of fun if you do it with someone else!

Only after you found the lucky soul, get the fresh fitness program and blend it together with 3 cups of dedication.

3. Get your ticket for the gym and make the friend to get one too. Add the ticket to other already mixed ingredients. Now that you payed for the ticket, have the friend to go with you and have already stirred the motivation, dedication and the power to act, this weight loss is almost done.

4. Now all you have to do is to bake for at least one month. Serve fresh and hot.

This recipe might seem almost too simple at the first sight, but don't be fooled by it's simplicity. Give it a shot, I'm sure that you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Did you find these tips useful? If you did or want to get more tips on fitness programs that will even enhance this weight loss recipe and provide you with specific information on your exercises and dieting visit my site:


3 Keys To Washboard Abs

While my primary focus (and recommendation) is strength training for the sake of gaining functional strength, there's no denying that a majority of people want to know how to get washboard abs. Male or female, washboard abs are often a big fitness goal.

So, here's a basic overview of how to get washboard abs, broken down into three elements: Nutrition, strength training, and cardio. Now before you take off, this won't be all the same stuff you've already read a hundred times - and will offer some tips you can use now.


The first and most important element in losing the fat covering your abs is your diet. You have to eat well. It's not as difficult as you may think, and you don't have to starve yourself. Even a simple change resulting in 300 fewer calories a day will make a difference when combined with the other two elements discussed below.

For a simple start, here are a few (simplified) tips:

  • Stop drinking your calories (cut out soft drinks)
  • Eat less white food (cut back on processed carbs)
  • Eat more fruits & veggies
  • Eat enough lean protein (aim for 1 gram per two pounds of bodyweight)

Just remember, it's much easier to NOT eat that piece of cheesecake than it is to burn it off later!

Strength Training

The absence of strength training is a major problem with a lot of weight loss programs. In addition to building strength, strength training also firms, tones, and builds your muscles. By building muscle, you naturally raise your metabolism. Muscle uses more calories than fat, so more muscle means more fat burning - even at rest. And don't worry ladies, you won't bulk up. For the average female, washboard abs often aren't the goal - just a slim tummy. That's OK, the process is the same.

For a strength training workout, stick with mulit-joint full-body exercises when possible. I recommend circuit training. Circuit training allows you to get a great strength workout in a short period of time, while burning calories very effectively. It's perfect if your goal is to firm up. However, it's not optimal if you're really trying to gain strength or muscle mass, which would call for more specified programs.

On to some exercises for washboard abs. You don't need to do crunches 'til the cows come home. That's not how to get washboard abs. In fact, don't do crunches or situps. Start with simple drills like the plank, side plank (and their variations), bird dog, etc. If you train with kettlebells, the Turkish Get-Up and windmill are excellent exercises.


Last but not least is the cardio element. I don't like that terminology, but we all know what it means. Basically, it involves getting your heart rate up for a period of time, exercising the heart and lungs, and burning fat.

However, forget about hanging out on the treadmill or stationary bike for an hour. There's a better way - interval training. Interval training consists of mixing brief high-intensity activity with brief periods of rest. Tests have shown that interval training can be up to TWICE as effective as traditional cardio.

Here's a sample interval training workout:

  • Warmup (5 minutes)
  • Jog on treadmill (2 minutes)
  • Sprint on treadmill (1 minute)
  • Repeat Jog/Sprint set 3-5 times
  • Cooldown (walk for 5 minutes)

Your sprint time should be very intense, where your jog time should be a very relaxed pace. The idea is to put out an all-out effort (for your fitness level) for a short period, followed by an active rest period until you've just about caught your breath, then back to the all-out effort. A great deal of the effectiveness of interval training comes from repeatedly shocking your system in this way.

It's the combination of these three elements that will help you meet your goal of washboard abs. Good abs come from firm muscle and low body fat. The strength training aspect offers the muscle, while the nutrition and cardio work together to control your calories, dropping your body fat. In addition, the strength and cardio elements can often be combined, making for shorter workouts than traditional programs - and they can be done at home.

Finally, keep in mind that a nice-looking body will come naturally from a lifestyle of good nutrition and exercise. In other words, if you make your goal health and strength, the looks will be a natural, welcome side effect!

Sign up for the free newsletter and get your FREE COPY of the original Turbulence Training 4-Week Program at my Benefits of Interval Training blog.

Jason Casey has had an interest in functional strength and fitness for over 20 years. Find books, DVDs and product reviews on kettlebell training, functional strength, circuit training, interval training, and weight loss at - for regular folks who like to work out at home.


Best Way to Lose Weight for Good

The best way to lose weight is something that simply eludes most people. The unfortunate thing is that usually its right in front of their face, literally. Yet most have no idea how to lose weight to begin with let alone how to find the best way to lose weight. Those that have found a way to drop the pounds have failed to keep it off as they give in and fall short of harnessing their own self control. Each and every year around the New Year people realize they've ballooned up and decide its time to shed the pounds fast. Indulge in the best way to lose weight, for good.

Its easy for me to sit back now and remember a time when I was overweight. I am a naturally slender person and never thought I'd look and the mirror shocked and realizing that I need to lose weight. In fact for me I couldn't even figure out why I gained weight in the first place. Later that afternoon I remember sitting down for lunch with 2 ham sandwiches, a side of mac and cheese, a baked potato with sour cream, and bacon and 2 glasses of pepsi. Then it hit me this is the problem, I am less active than I was in high school but I still eat in the same manner. 20 pounds heavier than I need be I decided I didn't have to find a way to lose weight I needed the best way to lose weight.

I put a lot of time into working out and running and doing all the things I knew were right after that. I was still lacking one thing, discipline. I could force myself to workout and get active but I still had trouble with eating and how much I ate at one time. Then it hit me that the best way to lose weight was to stop eating! I was used to eating a lot growing up, again I was constantly one of the skinniest guys in my high school. Approaching my mid twenties I discovered I simply could no longer afford to eat that way as my health began to deteriorate.

So in my quest for the best way to lose weight I found it to be portion control and food control. Controlling not only the portions of food I eat but the types of food as well helped greatly in my quest. I realized it was ok to eat a high fat snack every now and again but just not every single night. For me it came down to a combo of things such as moderate exercise, eating healthy, avoid salt and high fats and eating fatty foods in moderation as the means for the best way to lose weight. Now that i know the truth I will never go back to what I once was.

Michael S Brown

For more on the best way to lose weight visit the site below. Secret To Weight Loss


Keeping Your Weight Loss Resolution This Year

A resolution of you losing weight this New Year can be a good thing, but it can be difficult to carry out. For one, you will need to be extremely determined to lose weight, especially when you have never tried losing weight before. Because losing weight involves processes related to your body, you will need to do a lot of research related to weight loss and see what options are there for you in order for you to meet your weight loss goals. If you are uneasy about that weight loss resolution, here are a few tips that you may want to keep in mind as you start making your resolution.

Be specific with your weight loss goals. Before you even make that resolution, start asking questions such as: how much weight do I want to lose? Do I want, in general, to lose weight, or do I want to lose weight in specific areas of my body? How fast do I want to lose that weight?

Keep a journal. Once you have your fitness and weight loss goals in control, you can start keeping a journal detailing the facts: how much weight you want to lose, where, and how fast. As you enter into your weight loss regimen, write in this journal and document your progress: what did your doctor tell you? Are you going on a diet, are you going to exercise, or are you going to do a combination of both? How much exercising did you do today? What did you eat? How do you feel? Are you lethargic or energized? Are you confident about meeting your weight loss goals? How much weight have you lost? Have you gained any?

Talk to experts: consult with your doctor, nutritionist, and an exercise expert. You may be gaining weight because of an underlying problem with your hormones, or undergoing any weight loss regimen might be harmful to your body. If you get the green light from your doctor, talk to the exercise expert about your work or study schedule and how you can fit your exercise in. You need to admit that there are many different things that you do not know about weight loss yet, so you have to talk to the experts; it's a safe way to get what you want, too.

Do your research! Even with your doctor, nutritionist, and exercise expert in tow, you still need to know a bit more about weight loss on your own. Read up on diets and how they can harm your health if you are not prudent and careful enough in using them. Read up on the different kinds of exercise types available to you and how you can do simple exercise routines in your spare time. Read up on weight loss regimens and how they are designed for specific people. Bring these books with you to your doctor and enrich your consultation with them.

Don't be afraid to start out small. The biggest mistake that people make is to indulge in a crash diet with the hope that they will fit into a size zero in a week, or to run smack into a high-intensity exercise routine because they want to run the marathon next month. By doing something that your body is not accustomed to, you may run the risk of straining your muscles or putting your vital organs in danger. Instead, start exercising by walking for a few more miles each day than you are accustomed to, or start dieting by cutting down slowly on fat intake. By doing things slowly, you are getting your body better accustomed to healthier living. Avoid crash diets or anything that promises easy and fast weight loss. Moreover, don't be discouraged too easily. You may lose weight slowly, but at least you're losing weight safely.

Treat yourself out once in a while - prudently. You might have the urge to crunch on a snack bar or indulge in chocolates as a reward for losing pounds. Try something else instead: watch a movie and eat healthy snacks, go out for dinner to a salad bar, or ride the rollercoaster at your local park. Rewards for weight lost shouldn't translate into weight regained.

Lastly, keep your resolution for the years to come, not just this one. Weight loss and living healthy need not be a one-year affair. You might have a better body and decide to keep it, so keep that resolution!

For more information on hypnosis and better health please visit:


How To Lose Belly Fat Fast And Furiously

Most people are quite extreme about losing belly fat. They will cut their calories down by a thousand a day, and yet they will not put in the effort to exercise. This is a strange paradox. If they would just get out and do some stomach exercises, they would have it made.

Exercises for your stomach are really crucial to melt the belly. They will not only decrease your belly fat, but they will also provide more support for your spine. Stomach exercises tend to reduce back problems, by creating a more upright posture.

Although there are people who are ready, willing and able to get out and exercise, most don't know where to start. They put themselves on a daily aerobic routine, walking, running or cycling and sure, this is beautiful to work up the metabolism, but for getting rid of belly fat one needs to be more balanced and ruthless in the approach. A combination of aerobic, cardiovascular and interval training, combined with a healthy effort in your diet, is what will bring the fastest results.

No you don't have to go to the gym, if you are not for that. And you don't need to have hours per day to spend exercising. And obviously there are many effective approaches. Two of the best approaches I have come across truly ensures maximum results in the least amount of time. One of them involves alternate training styles for 45 minutes, 3 days a week, and another involves exercising for 2-3 minutes, every hour for 8 hours of the day, and for 5 days of the week.

In other words:

  • You will exercise for 2-3 minutes each at 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. At 12pm you have lunch!

  • You will use alternate body weight exercises, allowing you to target the whole range of core muscles.

This is a great way to break out of a plateau and to stimulate new results in your body. But abdominal exercises by themselves won't make you lose belly fat. A healthy effort in your diet is essential.

  • Never skip breakfast! When you sleep, your metabolism slows down, and there is nothing like a healthy bowl of fibrous cereal and a fruit or two, to get your metabolism purring like a happy lion. Eating plenty of fibrous foods also helps aid digestion.

  • Eat at least four meals a day, and yes, snack in between - once again, keeping your metabolism active is one of the best things that you can concentrate on.

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.

Although I love to go to the gym, I don't always have the time to. I usually have to do my stomach exercises, along with my cardiovascular workout, at home. At first it seemed a little difficult, but there are quite a few real effective programs available, that rely on simple body weight techniques, and the use of exercise balls. Although they are not necessary for stomach exercises, they are pretty affordable and are really effective. I highly recommend them from my own positive experience.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!


The Three Simple Steps To Fat Loss

Its unbelievable but being overweight has now moved from a social nuisance and domestic embarrassment to an official disease.

The American Heart Association has announced obesity a dangerous epidemic and a major risk for heart disease. More than 70% of US adults are overweight and that figure is rapidly increasing.

But by following three simple steps in your everyday life you do not have to become one of the above statistics. They are easy to follow without time constraints and don't require a complete lifestyle change. These three steps are:

1. Strength Training - Nowadays you do not have to live in a gym to put on functional muscle. Short High Intensity sessions performed once a week is all that is required to elevate the metabolism for total fat burning.

2. A Small Decrease in Daily Calories - Diets don't work (everybody knows this by now) but by decreasing your daily calories by a small amount, the weight loss is body fat alone and not lean tissue and water that is associated with crash diets.

Remember fat accumulates on the body over a long period of time so it must come off slowly.

3. More Incidental Activity - Instead of driving try walking, walk instead of taking elevators or escalators; take the stairs and so on. Just keep moving through out the day.

Lets have a look at the Three Steps in more detail below:

Strength Training

Between the ages of 20 and 70 the average person loses one quarter of their muscle mass. Running, cycling or other aerobic sports will not prevent this loss.

This is very disturbing because the muscles are the engines of the body and every pound of muscle burns 100 calories every day.

By adding just 10 pounds of functional muscle to your body, you will burn off 60 pounds of fat over the next year.

Providing you take in the same amount of calories, it will keep burning those extra pounds year after year! The amount of fat the body can burn is directly related to the lean muscle your body has.

If you don't perform weight training to maintain your muscle tissue, you will lose half a pound of the fat burning tissue per year after the age of 20 years. In simpler terms the more functional muscle you have on your body the more fat you will burn up.

Small Decrease in Daily Calories

For years now, we have been told to use dieting to rid the excess fat from our bodies.

The trouble with this concept is that the low calorie restricted diet would throw the body into starvation mode, with the body holding onto the fat and using precious muscle tissue for energy.

This would then lower the metabolism causing greater muscle loss and when the diet is broken the unwanted fat would not only return but actually increase because to the lowered metabolism.

The way around this is to cut your daily calorie intake by a small amount of calories only. This will stop any starvation mechanisms from clicking in.

You can do this by making up a seven day eating plan and writing down every thing you eat for the week, and then work out the calories you have eaten with a calorie counter. Divide this figure by seven and you have your daily calorie value.

Decrease daily calorie value by a couple of hundred calories per day and no more. This will generate slow weight loss and the majority will be fat loss only. The daily calories should be consumed during the day with small frequent meals.

The calories should come from a balanced diet (no fad diets please) with the required amount of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. As well as containing the required amounts of fibre, fat, protein and carbohydrates.

More Incidental Activity

Fat is burned from the body when cells oxidize to release energy in the form of exercise. When the exercise is done slowly to moderately then the majority of energy is taken from the fat stores.

The key to effective aerobic training that burns off maximum fat is long-term consistency not intensity. It doesn't matter if you run a mile, jog a mile or walk a mile you will burn exactly the same amount of calories.

The best exercise by far for the purpose of fat-loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. Other aerobic activities are the treadmill, bike, climber or any other training gear found in or out of the Gym.

Start with 100 minutes of controlled incidental activity per week increasing this to 200 minutes a week or more. In all other activities try to move, move, move.

Try parking the car further away from your destination so you can walk the extra distance, hide all your remote controls so you have to get up and change the channels manually. These all help burn those extra calories and body fat from your frame.

So go ahead, by incorporating these three simple fat loss steps into your everyday life you will not have to change your lifestyle or be subject to time constraints.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.


Weight Loss Done Right, Diet 101

This is my article to you, yes I know that weight loss can be hard. I was there I have lived it and been through it all. But like anything else I overcame stresses and went through it and lost over 67 pounds in just a few short months.

Diet- this is the first thing I would like to touch bases on. What are you eating? This is important, you must try to stay as far away from sugar as possible. Yes sugar, this even means fruit. many times people will tell me I thought fruit was good for you, I say it is but to an extent and when you are dieting you want to stay away from it.

Raw Veggies are the best things for you!

They are rich in anti-oxidants and some of the best things you can put inside your body. Processed foods are a no-no.

Stay away from McDonalds, and any other fast food joint. Does this sound hard? Well I never said it was going to be easy. Because it is not, not by any means.

You must stay strong, weight loss done right only can happen one way. you must do it. You must diet, you must exercise, you must eat healthy.

These all sound like hard things to do but this is the way to weight loss done right.

Cardio- this is also good for you when you are dieting. This is because is raises your metabolism and allows your body to burn off access fat.

You can get your cardio from a number of different ways.
Riding a bike
Weight lifting

These are all great ways to get your heart moving and cardio rate up and be on the right track to weight loss done right.

Hi, I would love to show you a step-by-step guide on how you too can loose weight in no time, I am here to help
Please visit


How To Build Big Shoulders, Safely

The first place to get hurt and the last place to get big on most guys is the shoulder area. Too much pressing and too little preventative training often lead to long-term, painful shoulder injuries. And you can't train much of your upper body if your shoulder hurts. But with the UGN back-to-front approach to building big shoulders, you can put size and definition on your delts while minimizing the pain common to most shoulder workouts.

The goals of this shoulder training program are to reduce injury risk, build cannonball delts, and balance your deltoids for size and definition (also known as achieving muscle symmetry the bodybuilders ultimate goal). Now to achieve the goal of big, healthy shoulders, you need to follow a couple of rules. Start each session by training the muscles at the back of the shoulder and then progress to training the muscles of the middle deltoid, and then finish the workout by training the front of the shoulder. You will also use these exercises as a warm-up to prepare the smaller muscles of the shoulder joint for the heavy overhead pressing.

Limit the amount of overhead pressing to one main exercise per shoulder workout. And only do overhead pressing if you have healthy shoulders to begin with. In order to do this, you have to be creative and smart with your choices of lateral raise exercises to stimulate the muscles to grow.

Take into consideration all of the other shoulder-stressing exercises you are doing in your training week and adjust the amount of overhead pressing you do in your shoulder workout. For example, if you are doing barbell and incline bench press, then you should limit your overhead pressing on shoulder day. On the other hand, with this program, since you are going to be doing some overhead pressing, we recommend that you eliminate all barbell bench pressing for the 4 week program. Use only dumbbells for your chest workout.

Use a cable pulley system as much as possible to get maximum tension on the deltoids while working through a full range-of-motion (ROM) in all lateral raise exercises.

Use a tempo for each repetition. If your program is not manipulating exercise tempo, then your bodybuilding workout is not as good as it can be. You dont use the same sets and reps do you (do YOU?), so why would you use the same speed for each repetition every workout. You always want to control the weight (although there are some exceptions to this rule for the advanced trainee but thats another article). So the eccentric is no faster than a 2 second lowering, for safety and growth.

Perform this shoulder workout as the last workout of the week and give yourself two full days of recovery before attempting another upper body workout. So if you train chest-pressing movements on Monday (and who doesnt?), then you should do this shoulder workout on Friday and then rest over the weekend.

Only use this workout if your goal is to prioritize shoulder growth in your training cycle.

UGN shoulder workout

Exercise descriptions: See the bottom of the article.
Warm-up: For a specific warm-up, perform 1 set of 8 reps for each exercise in each superset with 75% of the weight you will use in your first real set.

Each pair of exercises constitutes a Superset. In each Superset, do one set of the first exercise (A1) followed immediately by the next exercise (A2). Rest 1 minute and repeat. Use the correct weight for each exercise that allows you to get all repetitions completed with perfect form and the recommended tempo. The strict tempo will require you to decrease the weights by at least 10% on most exercises compared to your regular sessions.

Perform all exercises according to the tempo prescribed.
The Workout:

A1) Rear Deltoid Cable Lateral Raise (3x12) 3-0-1
A2) Incline DB Y Reverse Fly (3x10) 2-1-1
B1) Eccentric Cable Lateral Raise (3x6) 5-0-0
B2) DB External Rotation (3x12) 3-0-1
C1) DB Shoulder Press (3x8) 2-0-1
C2) Shrugs (3x8) 2-0-1

Exercise Descriptions

Rear-Deltoid Lateral Raise

If possible, use a cable pulley system for this exercise. It can be done 1 arm at a time with a cable pulley system. Contract your glutes, brace your abs and keep your spine in a neutral position. Stand with your knees bent slightly and your upper body bent parallel to floor. Perform a lateral raise, lifting the dumbbells up and out to the side.

Incline DB Y Reverse Fly

Set an adjustable bench to a 60-degree incline position. Grab a pair of light dumbbells (even lighter than what you would use for the rear-delt raise) and lie face down on the incline bench. With your chest and forehead supported by the bench, raise the DBs up and out to your sides in a Y pattern. From overhead, it will look like your upper body is forming the letter Y. As you raise the weights, your shoulder blades should come together. This exercise works less-often used muscle groups including the middle portion of your traps, your rhomboids (between your shoulder blades), and your rear-deltoids. Eccentric Cable Lateral Raise

Stand beside a cable column with handle attached to the pulley at the low position. Use both hands to lift the handle up to shoulder height. Using only the outside hand, slowly lower the weight until your arm is at your side. Use a weight that you can control for 5 seconds eccentrically (on the way down). Pause briefly and use both hands to raise the handle back to the start position. Repeat for the desired number of reps and then switch sides. DB External Rotation

Sit on a flat bench holding a light dumbbell (start with 5lbs). Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the end of the bench. Rest your right elbow on the top of your right knee and hold the DB in the bottom position. Slowly, using the small muscles of your rotator cuff, externally rotate the DB up and back until it is in the finish position (your forearm is perpendicular to your body at the top of the movement). DB Shoulder Press

Adjust the incline of the bench so that the backrest is upright. Sit with your back fully supported and hold the dumbbells at shoulder height with the palms facing forward. Use a weight that is 20% less than your normal seated overhead DB press. Press the dumbbells overhead while keeping your back flat. However, only press the DBs three-quarters of the way up so that tension remains on the deltoids at all times. Dont lockout the weights. This dramatically increases the tension on the delts throughout the entire exercise and therefore increases the results of the exercise. Slowly return the dumbbells to the start position. Shrugs

Stand with your feet slightly greater than shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Hold the dumbbells or barbell at thigh level and shrug the shoulders straight up. Dont roll your shoulders, just shrug them straight up and down.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked home gym fat loss workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Lose fat with the Turbulence Training workouts each month for more results in less time. Craig is using the Muscle Gaining Secrets Workouts from Jay Ferruggia to gain 25 pounds of muscle without supplements.


Five Ways To Help You Start Your 30 Day Weight Loss Exercises

Some things are meant to be changed, and weight is one of them. If you are overweight, or if you just have some excessive pounds you want to get rid of, you should do something about it and you should start now. Body weight affects us more than some people think, appearance overall has amazing affect on our daily routines, more than you can even imagine. Even tough people usually avoid these kind of topics, in today's world good looking people have advantages. And why wouldn't you want to become one of them? Make your life easier, and not to mention healthier. I'm willing to offer you some valuable tips in how to get started:

1. Diet:

Starting a diet is always hard, you don't have to go all in on the beginning, take small steps. Like dividing your meals, make six smaller meals a day, rather than three big ones. It's scientifically proved its easier to control weight with that method. It takes around three weeks for a normal person to get used to his new lifestyle or a change in it. Therefore you have to hold on the first few days and stick with your plan, after that you will be amazed on how you were struggling at the beginning.

2. Exercise:

Again, starting slowly is always a good idea. You will be able to adapt to your new diet and exercise changes easier. Running or cycling will help you lose your weight quickly, but remember, you have to be consistent. Have a plan, and stick to it. There are no "I will do it tomorrow" sentences. You do it now. And if you want something badly enough, you can make time.

3. Friends:

Try to get someone to do all this with you, it will help. Your friends are your allies. You can help and encourage each other, it will lead to better and more efficient workouts.

4. Progress:

As you progress, try to track it. Make photos of yourself, do different diagrams. It will help you stay motivated, your body will be changing and that is always fun to see.

5. Hard times:

If things get hard remember what you are doing it for, picture your goal and see yourself achieving it. And the most important thing of them all it never, and i mean NEVER to give up. Even if you don't see it, if you keep your consistency, things will get better.

And to summarize, get a plan, stick to it, do it slowly so you can adapt, track your progress and NEVER give up.

This is only the starter tips, for advanced tips visit now.


How To Lose Body Fat Naturally

You are overweighted and would like to lose some fat
or you want to build body muscles then you need to know how you can lose body fat naturally.
Dont stick with drugs to lose body fat because most of the time they wont help and they have a lot of disadvantages as well.
There are several ways to lose body fat naturally.
Read on and in the follow minutes you will discover three ways how to lose body fat naturally.

Way 1 # Pay attention to your meals.

If you want to lose body fat naturally you should eat a lot of raw vegetables.
Eating raw vegetables is very healthy for your body; raw vegetables are rich in:
vitamin , minerals, natural sugars and enzymes.
You should eat at least five pieces of fruit every day.
Do not skip your breakfast and try to avoid eating food that contains oil fat.
And perhaps you ask yourself what can i drink with my meals?
If you want to lose body fat the only drink that is effective is water.

Way 2 # Do exercises now.

Without exercising you are not going to lose much fat.
Cardiotraining is by far the most effective way to lose body fat on a natural base.
Of course you can try other sports as well such as swimming.
Make sure you are doing your exercises for at least thirty minutes otherwise you wont see much effect.

Way 3 # Support

Losing body fat is a very important decision in your life and you need support to achieve your goals.
Of course a few encouraging words from a family member can help you but you need support from an authority person as well.
Think about your doctor, a weight loss expert, or why not a personal fitness trainer.

So you have read this tips know.
Im sure you have found them useful.
Remember with only reading this article you are not going to lose fat you will have to take action as well.

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Unique Weight Loss Tips

Read the Facts Yes, it sucks but paying attention to the nutrition facts on food is necessary to lose weight. Dont just assume what you are eating make sure you find out so you know exactly what you are consuming, otherwise youre flying blind. Reading the labels will enable you to be aware of the fats, calories, and other ingredients that may be contributing to your weight.

Join a Support Group on the Internet A huge factor when it comes to successful weight loss is having support. An online group is perfect because a) you will find others that are in the same boat as you and b) you, as well as others, can remain anonymous. Anonymity allows people to be more honest and open about their experiences and feelings.

Whats Your Exercise? Keep in mind that all exercises are not created equal. If you enjoy running, run. If yoga is your thing, enroll in a yoga class. Find the exercise that you enjoy and works for you. If you pick a routine or work out regiment that you hate, you will not stick to it.

Avoid Comparisons Comparing yourself to others can be a very dangerous road. Since everyone is different, everyone will lose weight differently. The diet your best friend lost fifty pounds on may not be the right one for you. When you start taking notice of others success and attributed habits, you will only become discourage. Identify your triggers and what will lead you to your personal success.

The Magic Pill Oh, if only! No one single pill will be responsible for your complete and total weight loss (or at least as much as you hope to lose). However, there are supplements out there that can enhance and expedite your weight loss; try an energy supplement or weight loss supplement that curbs hunger. Use in conjunction with your new diet and exercise routine.

Everyone Slips You wouldnt be human if you didnt. There are going to be nights you go out with friends or to a party and blow your diet. Dont fret just get yourself back on track the next day. Youre allowed to mess up every once in a great awhile (its really is inevitable), just dont let it happen repeatedly.


7 Myths of Low Carb Diets

If you have heard the myths about low carb diets then this article will actually help you to learn the real facts about low carb diets.

Here are the most common 7 myths about this type of foods,

1. Low carb means zero carb

The myth among people is that the low carb diet means that in your diet the carb level should be near zero.

However, the fact is you should have at least 45% to 65% carbohydrate depending upon individual. Not even a single expert advocates this.

2. Low carb diets do not let you to eat vegetables and fruits

The myth is that vegetables and fruits contains mainly carbohydrate, so you should not eat vegetables & fruits if you wish to take low carb foods.

However, that fact is people who follow a low carb way of eating almost always eat more vegetables and fruits than normal population. Non-starchy vegetables are actually comes at the bottom of the low carb pyramids.

3. Low carb diets have less fiber

The myth is that a low carb diet must be low in fiber.

The fact is that this type of diets are high in fiber. In fact it lessens the effect of other carbohydrates.

4. People who are eating low carb diets are inviting heart disease

However the fact is these types of foods decline the risks of heart diseases. Even these foods with lots of animal fat and protein do not raise the risk of disease.

5. Low carb diets will damage your kidneys

This is absolutely a pure myth. The fact is these type of foods actually recommended in case of a kidney problem. As these diets do have less protein which is good for people who are suffering with kidney problems.

6. Low carb diets will tend to reduce your bone's calcium

The fact is, these types of foods actually protects our bones for calcium as these diets have less protein thus less chances of having calcium in your urine.

7. Atkins died with his own diet plan

The fact is he died because of a head injuries resulting from a fall.

Wishing you success in your life.

177 Ways to Burn Those Calories! Download Now


Weight Loss Tips

Now a days every one is contentious about maintaining their figure. But some people find its very tough to maintain their figure, most of the people want to lose their weight very fast but this is very dangerous. Natural weight loss is simple if we follow some easy tips.

Why Lose Weight?
Losing weight helps to control and check these diseases:-

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease or stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Cancer
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Breathing problem

How can I loose weight effectively?

  • Eat vegetables and fruits. Eat single piece of fruit daily and try to take low sugar high fiber fruits, plums, pears and apples. And one more thing is that avoid fruit juice as it contains sugar.
  • Use olive oil instead of supermarket vegetable oils like. Apply Olive oil to cook your food.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day, at least 8 glasses dont wait until you are thirsty as this means that you are dehydrated.
  • Stop eating chicken, meat, and avoid using fatty food.
  • The best good fats are Omega-3, found in fish and flaxseed oil.
  • Avoid junk food as it contains hi fats and is dangerous for health.
  • Do exercise daily. But avoid same workout per day.
  • If possible then try bicycling.
  • Do not take your car if you are just a few blocks from home, using the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Eat high-calorie foods and high-protein foods.
  • You should eat less as day gets later.
  • Eat foods high in natural nutrients. Eating organic is best.

Author is running a health information site Health Online where information on several diseases like allergies, blood disorders, cancer, childrens health, digestive disorder, liver diseases, weight loss etc. and tips on dieting, nutrition and improving lifestyle has been provided. Find more information about health & diet: weight loss


How To Lose A Few Pounds A Week Even If You Are Obese

If you are obese, perhaps you want to learn how to lose a few pounds a week. Losing weight can be hard if you are obese and what you need is a strong desire to eliminate fat once and for all and change your outlook totally.

Maybe you have bought several weight loss pills, diet programs and even enrolled as a member in your neighborhood gym but why are you still not losing weight?

You have seen success stories of obese people losing weight and enhancing their life and you got inspired but you never really achieved the same results.

Take a look at yourself. There is one thing that you need to change and change badly. For obese people, that would be their diet. That is the number one problem in losing weight. Because they used to eat a lot every day, they find it hard to change their dietary habits as they are forced not to eat their favorite food.

Pizzas, burgers, deep-fried chicken and fries are very much second nature to most people who are obese. Not a week goes by without at least consuming them once. You need to lay your hands off these unhealthy foods at least!

If you want to know how to lose a few pounds in a week, all you need to know us that the amount of energy you expend must be more than the amount of food intake. Not only must you eat less, you must also eat healthier food. No excuses.

Obviously, you should not starve yourself as when you do that, sooner or later you will be binging and that is very bad for your body.

Include exercises in your weekly routine. Start with brisk walking as you have not physically pushed your body for so long. When you see that brisk walking becomes easy for you, start with slow jogs then progress to a normal jog and increasing your distance each time. You don't have to go for speed at all. You are not entering any competition anyway.

When you start exercising, you'll realize that you achieve a good amount of weight loss as obese people lose weight easily during the first few days of exercise. Stick to a routine of at least 30 minutes of exercise per day and alternating your days.

Meanwhile, do a plan for your diet as well. Write down the food that you should and should not eat in order to lose weight. Now that you have a well thought out plan, how to lose a few pounds in a week becomes second nature to you.

There are also a few diets you can go through to aid your fat loss regime. Whichever you choose, be disciplined. Stick to it and religiously follow the course till you see your results

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Lose Weight With Hoodia Supplements

Studies have shown that weight loss pills made from the Hoodia Gordinii plant can successfully suppress appetite. These pills are very popular nowadays and have been used by lots of people around the world with great success.

Hoodia suppresses the appetite by making the brain think you have already eaten. This way you will want to eat less, making you lose weight. The effect of this plant truly is remarkable. You will still feel hungry, especially when you have eaten very little, just a lot less. This is not a meal replacement product so you will still have to eat.

The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert have been using the hoodia plant since ancient times. They use it to stop feeling hunger during their hunting trips. The Bushmen also use the plant as a treatment for various diseases including indigestion, tuberculosis and others.

Hoodia gordonii pills and extracts are a great alternative to prescribed weight loss medications. Hoodia does not have any known side effects and is purely natural. You can easily buy hoodia pills online and have them delivered straight to your door.

Unfortunately the popularity of hoodia supplements also come with its negative effects. Lots of fake hoodia products have appeared on the market. This is why you should only buy them at reputable sites or stores. Ask for proof that they are really selling true hoodia. It is very easy to get scammed.

While Hoodia products are very helpful they will not make you lose weight by themselves. If you want to truly be successful at weight loss you will have to combine the Hoodia supplement with a good diet and exercise program.

To find out how you can lose 10, 20 or even 30 pounds or more using hoodia visit


5 Fat Burning Bodyweight Exercises for Women

Bodyweight exercises for women are an effective tool to build strength and lower the body fat.

It can be done anytime, anywhere and without any fancy equipment - which makes it a great time saving way to build strength and fitness.

And it gets rid of any excuses for not training.

Here are 5 bodyweight exercises for women -

1) Reverse Crunch - knees bent, hands placed beside your hips flat on the floor, bring your knees towards your chin while exhaling. Your hips should come off the floor and slowly lower your feet to just above floor level. Do 15-20 reps.

2) Side (Plank) Bridge - lie on your side so that your body is rigid and straight. The only contact points on the floor are your forearm and the near side of your foot. Do 20-30 seconds.

3) Front Bridge - Lie face down so that your body is rigid and straight, the only contact points on the floor are both forearms and both sets of toes. Do 20-30 seconds.

4) Split Jump - Stand in a lunge position with one leg between half to a meter in front of the other, arms at your sides. Bend at the knees until your back leg almost touches the floor, then swing your arms forward and jump as high as you can. While in the air, switch leg positions so that you can land softly with the other leg in front. Repeat for 8 to 12 reps.

5) Push-ups; or if you are a beginner try the kneeling push-up (push up position but with your knees on the floor)

Bodyweight exercises for women can be adjusted as the fitness level improves.

As your body fat decreases and strength improves, adjust the exercises to make it more challenging.

For example, you can change the kneeling push-up to the same push-up from your toes. Or if you want to make it more difficult, why not adjust the position of your hands to continuously advance your muscle strength.

Other alternatives to make it more challenging is to increase the intensity like varying the repetitions, sets and shorten the rest period between each sets.

Best yet, why not do 10 push-ups followed immediately by 10 split jumps. Then rest for 60 seconds, and repeat again.

The aim here is to increase the intensity by alternating between an upper body exercise and a lower body exercises for greater impact.

Therefore, the higher the intensity, the better the metabolic impact you will have on your body.

If you want more fat burning exercises, try Turbulence Training Routine - which is a combination of the best bodyweight exercises for women and interval training.

Regardless what you are training for, bodyweight exercises are very effective to burn body fat - either as an addition to your regular workout or even as a workout all by itself.

Bodyweight exercises for women isn't just providing you with a new and exciting way to workout - it's taking your health to a new level.

Forget the Crunches, Forget the Long Boring Cardios - There are a Waste of Your Time!

Discover The Best Bodyweight Exercises for Women at to Lose Fat And Build Muscle At The Same Time With Just 3 Short Workouts A Week.

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