Tuesday, June 24, 2008 

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Weight Loss Facts

"Eat Less, Move More" - this is probably the message you'll hear from doctors, weight loss experts when asked what you need to do to lose some weight. In this article, I'll be touching on some of the facts relating to weight loss.

First are foremost, we have to understand that fact that "no two persons are exactly the same" - this fact can be applied to how our bodies process the food we eat and our bodies' metabolism rate. As such, the whole process of weight loss may not seem as simple as what were were being told by the experts.

This has made many who are trying to lose some weight (either on weight loss pills or weight loss programs) getting disheartened after awhile - after they've seen no improvement to the whole situation. This could be due to the fact that they have not been following the instructions carefully or they have been harboring thoughts that the whole process of trying to lose weight is a mammoth task and that it's very hard for them to successfully shed some weight off their body.

Here are 2 basic things you want to bear in mind if you are serious about losing weight successfully:

1. Watch Your Diet

You'll have to start looking at what you eat to start off - eat lots of fruits and vegetables, go for low-fat options when purchasing dairy products such as milk and cheese.

The National Weight Control Registry did a study by closely monitoring those who have successfully lost some weight and concluded that they actually limited their daily calorie intake to 1,400. These people not only managed to lose weight successfully but also did not put on any more weight even after five years!

Watch out your daily calorie intake, and you'll be on your way to losing some weight.

2. Exercising

When we talk about exercising it does not mean having to run marathons, cross training, etc., but simple exercise such as walking - do you know that, by walking 20 minutes everyday, you can burn 100 calories and that amounts to losing about a pound every month? If you are serious about losing more weight, you should consider other forms of exercising such as strength training (exercising with weights). By exercising, it not only helps us to lose some weight, but also improves our chances of leading a longer, healthier and happier life - sick-free!

On top of that, do you also know that you'll also be in a better mood subconsciously after any form of exercise? This is due to the release of "feel good" endorphins in our body when we engage ourselves on any physical activity.

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Show 36 of Beth & Lee McCain's Law of Attraction Radio Show how to convert videos from youtube

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TOPICS: "Can I Lose Weight by Just 'Thinking' It?" and "Are Animals Aware of the LOA?"... http://www.bethandleemccain.com Welcome, YouTubers, to the 36th broadcast of the Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Radio Show! Each week a new edition of the show is uploaded to YouTube, and Beth and Lee answer questions about THE SECRET (better known as THE LAW OF ATTRACTION) from YouTube listeners, and from audience members who have attended their seminars.

If you're watching this clip, it's no doubt likely that you are seeking THE SECRET and LAW OF ATTRACTION for your own life. Perhaps you read the book or enjoyed the excellent movie that was recently released. Then you tried to put THE SECRET to use and have had less-than-stellar success.

It's not your fault; it's just that the book or the movie, while expertly explaining the CONCEPT of THE SECRET, perhaps didn't do quite the job it could have by actually explaining HOW to make the LAW OF ATTRACTION work for you. It's kind of like they were already "preaching to the choir" when perhaps a few HOW-TO's for beginners may have helped.

If you like what you hear, and would like more information on Beth and Lee McCain courses, lectures, audio CDs and videos, you are encouraged to visit their Web site at http:www.bethandleemccain.com, or check out study materials available at e-bay by following this link... http://members.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI....

If you would like to e-mail Beth and Lee with a question, or would like to request a catalog, send your query to info@bethandleemccain.com

Thanks for visiting, and come back next week!

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Try These Easy Weight Loss Tips

Whether you have a little or a lot of weight to lose, it can seem daunting. Nowadays, we are inundated with stories of people who lose weight and gain it back again, or who find it difficult to lose weight at all. Over time, it's easy to become convinced that weight loss just isn't going to happen for you, or that it will require a total change of lifestyle. This just isn't true, as these easy weight loss tips will prove.

Weight loss tip #1: Keeping in mind that society is geared toward large portion size and getting more for your money, simply divide all the portions you've been eating (especially those you eat out) in half. See how it feels to just eat half a restaurant meal, then stop. Have the rest packed up for lunch the next day. Chances are, you won't be hungry after eating half the meal, but if you are, eat another quarter. Then have the rest packed up. You're not depriving yourself - a generation ago, the half- or three-quarter meal you end up eating is more or less the same amount of food as a full meal you would have been served a generation ago. Even cookies and muffins that you buy to go have been supersized - again, eat half.

Weight loss tip #2: Walk as much as possible. Get in the habit. It's great to go to the gym and work out, but in its own way, 'built-in' exercise is even better. It requires no special equipment, you don't have to schedule time for it - you just do it as a matter of course. Remember, until cars became commonplace, walking is how most people got around most of the time. In many European cities, they still do. And people who do this are seldom overweight - go figure!

Weight loss tip #3: Eat real food. In other words, avoid boxes and cans, and eat things that are in their natural form - or as close to it as possible. In the supermarket, shop around the edges - the meat and produce - and avoid the inside aisles. Preparing 'real' food might be a bit more work, but it's very rewarding, and much healthier.

These are not very 'high powered' weight loss tips - you won't lose a pound a day, or whatever the leading programs claim. These are healthy, enjoyable changes that are meant to last a lifetime - and over time, you will lose weight. What's more, your weight loss will be gradual and safe, and you'll keep the weight off permanently.

If you're serious about losing weight, you can make your battle much, much easier. Hoodia Gordonii reduces your appetite so that you do not over eat.


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