Monday, May 26, 2008 

Slim Down Quickly

If you need to slim down quickly, because of an upcoming event such as a wedding, a holiday, or you need to meet the qualifications for a particular event or program, then following the calorie shifting diet plan will help you reach your goal, at the pace of about 9 pounds every 11 days.

The calorie shifting diet is by far one of the easiest crash diets you can follow. Unlike other crash diets which require you to reduce calories, carbohydrates, or to eat only one type of food while eliminating all others, this diet plan allows you to eat as much food as you desire at each meal until you are satisfied (but not too full).

Not only that, but while on this diet, you get to eat food from all four food groups. Even better than that, this diet requires you to eat four full meals each and every day, as long as those meals are spaced out by at least 2.5 to 3 hours.

Perhaps the most riveting feature of the calorie shifting diet is that you are required to take a mandatory 3-day break from your diet every 14 days, to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss you will have been experience. Now, if you need to slim down quickly and don't have the patience to wait 3 days before resuming this crash diet, rest assured that your net weight loss will be at least 20 pounds in one month, on average.

How does calorie shifting work? How is it possible to lose 20 pounds a month while eating plentiful foods from all of the major food groups, four times a day, every day? Simply put, calorie shifting is based on the premise that you can manipulate your body's metabolism at will and induce the burning of fat by shifting the types of calories that you consume, from meal to meal. Essentially, you are simulating a sustained nutritional deficit in your body that normally triggers your metabolism's "survival" response which causes it to tap into your body's fat reserves for energy. This is achieved by withholding and reintroducing certain nutrients into and from your diet on a rotational basis.

Do you need to slim down quickly? The Calorie Shifting Diet will get you to your goal! Lose 9 pounds in the next 11 days. Learn how at:


What Is Your Perfect Weight?

Too often people think they should weigh less than they do, when in reality they're right at the weight they should be. Your body has probably changed over the years due to circumstances such as pregnancy. We normally gain a certain amount of weight as we get older.

With all of the advertisements on TV and in magazines, it's no wonder we are confused about what our ideal body shape should be. Maybe you saw what you believe should be your perfect body in a magazine and have dieted in vain to try to reach that shape.

If your quest for your perfect weight is constantly frustrating you, maybe it's time for a reality check. The weight you are trying to reach may be totally at odds with your body style and metabolism.

When you go on a strict diet trying to reach an unrealistic weight, you could be causing health problems for yourself in the future. Don't starve yourself trying to look like the model you saw in the magazine.

If you ask any thin woman what she would like to weigh, she'd probably say that she should lose 5 to 10 pounds. Most women tend to want to be thinner than they should be. Why is this true?

1. Advertising, including advertisements for weight loss products, feature very thin women instead of more normally sized women. The standards set by the fashion models used in these ads are impossibly high. These models have access to personal trainers, cosmetic surgery and have their photos airbrushed to reach that perfect look. If you use those standards for your perfect body, you are setting yourself up for failure.

2. Trying to reach a previous weight can be another unrealistic goal. Changing hormones and bone structures mean that the weight that you were in your early twenties may not be possible today. You may be able to stay on a strict diet and exercise regime for a short period of time, but not for the lifetime that it would take to keep your body at that weight.

3. Many of us see ourselves as fatter than we really are, so we are constantly trying to slim down to too-thin proportions. These people can never get thin enough. This can lead to eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.

Trying for unrealistic weight loss goals can cause anxiety and stress as well as health problems, which cause even more stress. Reach for the goals that you can meet. Start with small changes in diet and exercise and then add more stringent methods only if you are truly overweight. As always, ask a doctor for his or her recommendations.

Jude Wright is the owner of "9 Weeks to Weight Loss" at Stop by and get your free report, "Losing Weight Without Starving Yourself."


This Is The Weight Loss Recipe

This is the only weight loss recipe on the internet. Use it wisely.

The ingredients are quite affordable and easy to get and the directions for the preparation are a piece of cake to follow. Read it, learn it, use it and when you are all done, forget about it and enjoy in the delicious flavour it will leave in your mouth.


1 full cup of motivation
1 1/2 cups of "power to act" in powder
1 friend with the same goal as you
3 cups of dedication
1 fresh fitness program
1 ticket to local gym


1. Take the full cup of motivation and be really gentle with it, because it might diminish if you don't use it in the same minute you get it. It can quickly go bad and lose it's effect. It is easy to get it but at the same time it's amazingly easy to lose it.

Mix the full cup of motivation with all the power to act you have and keep mixing until you actually do something about your goals.

2. After you started to do something about your goals, call the friend and hook him/her, so that you two will be making this dish together. It is way easier and a lot of fun if you do it with someone else!

Only after you found the lucky soul, get the fresh fitness program and blend it together with 3 cups of dedication.

3. Get your ticket for the gym and make the friend to get one too. Add the ticket to other already mixed ingredients. Now that you payed for the ticket, have the friend to go with you and have already stirred the motivation, dedication and the power to act, this weight loss is almost done.

4. Now all you have to do is to bake for at least one month. Serve fresh and hot.

This recipe might seem almost too simple at the first sight, but don't be fooled by it's simplicity. Give it a shot, I'm sure that you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Did you find these tips useful? If you did or want to get more tips on fitness programs that will even enhance this weight loss recipe and provide you with specific information on your exercises and dieting visit my site:


Are Your Loved Ones Hindering Your Weight Loss Efforts?

Sometimes our loved ones can hinder our weight loss goals. Often times their intention is not to hinder us.

For example, I love donuts. There was a time in my life when I simply could not say "no" to them. I would wind up binging on them - I could eat 4 to 6 donuts with no problem at all.

I began a weight loss program. I was following my plan to the tee. Then on Saturday morning, my husband brought home some donuts. "Here honey, I thought you'd enjoy these." I devoured every last crumb.

My husbands intention was not to make me go off plan. He wasn't even thinking that I was trying to lose weight. He simply wanted to do something nice for me.

Your loved ones could be hindering you by tempting you with seconds, cooking your favorite foods, or buying your favorite ice cream.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Identify your loved ones behavior that is sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
  2. Identify your loved ones reasons for that behavior.
    • Are they trying to do something nice for you?
    • Do they feel appreciated when you eat their cooking?
    • Are they bringing in the ice cream for themselves, not realizing that is making you lose track of your goals?
  3. Tell your loved one what you need from him/her.

You need to be assertive. Tell them exactly what you need from him/her and why. I told my husband ...

"I really appreciate the fact that you love me so much, that you brought donuts home. However as I can't seem to say "no" to them, I would appreciate it even more if you could restrain from bringing them home. A hug from you lets me know how much you care and appreciate me."

I told him in exactly what I needed and why. I showed him I appreciated his gesture, and gave him an alternative action so that his needs would be met as well.

If you are a little apprehensive about approaching your loved one, ask yourself why. It's probably one of two reasons:

  1. You like having someone to blame for your failures. It's easy to say, "I keep blowing it because my wife is such a good cook and demands I eat seconds." Or "My husband is so nice to me he keeps buying me donuts, if I tell him to stop, he may never buy me anything again." If this is you, you need to decide how important reaching your goal really is. Take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming others.

  2. You don't know how to approach them or you don't want to hurt their feelings. If this is the case then you need to practice ... in front of the mirror, to a friend, or even to the dog. Picture yourself telling your loved one exactly what you need from him/her to help you achieve your goals.

Remember, more than anything else, your loved ones want YOU to be HAPPY and HEALTHY, and will do anything in their power to help you achieve your goals.

Cindy Holbrook has been interested in fitness and nutrition most of her life. Visit her website For a variety of weight loss articles, tips and tricks. Read Diet Reviews to find the right diet for you. Don't forget to read Mikes Story - Cindys husband and the inspiration for her website. Mike has lost over One Hundred Pounds!


Fastest Weight Loss Method

Would you believe me if I said the fastest weight loss method available actually involves eating more food? Of course you wouldn't, but amazingly this isn't a joke or a scam. So what is this diet that sounds too good to be true.

The diet in question is called calorie shifting and yes it really does work by eating more. Calorie shifting works by increasing your metabolism to work at a higher rate which brings on faster weight loss.

It does this by mixing up the foods you eat and the calories you in take each day. This stops the body from figuring out any sort of routine and sensing you are on a diet. Thanks to the confusion it causes your body will actually burn calories faster.

You eat 4 meals a day on the program and the only thing you really need to make sure of is that each of the meals consist of different calorie amounts and you will soon see results. A menu generator can also be attained for those that want an extra level of help with an eating plan.

By eating 4 meals a day or more if you like you will keep the metabolism working constantly throughout the day meaning calories are being burned all day. This is why eating more really can help you to lose weight.

Calorie shifting diet users tend to report losses of between 8 to 15 pounds in the first 2 week and since the diet works on a continuous cycle the results will keep coming for as long as you use the diet.

You can get more information about the calorie shifting diet if you visit here.


Glucomannan For Weight Loss

Obesity is a necessary evil that has gripped modern society. In the United States of America , about 65% of the adult population is grossly overweight. It has been revealed that while about 50 million individuals attempt to lose every year in the United States , only about 5% are ultimately successful in doing so. There are several reasons behind this as most of the various weight loss diets, pills and supplements that are available in the market are actually of little use and are unable to cause effective weight loss. under such circumstances, it has been observed, that several individuals opt for natural products as these are considered to be safer and therefore having lesser side effects compared to the various other weight loss components derived from artificial sources. Glucomannan is a prevalent product which is obtained form the konjac plant and has been used in Japan for several centuries and has effectively proved itself as being successful in causing weight loss. There have been several studies conducted by researchers on the efficiency of glucomannan which has proved beyond doubt that upon the consumption of glucomannan for eight weeks as prescribed by a medical practitioner, an individual could lose up to 5 and a half pounds on an average.

In recent times, a growing trend that has been noticed is that not only adults, children too are falling victims easily to obesity. The use of glucomannan in children has proved to be effective as well in resulting in weight loss. In case of the usage of glucomannan it is necessary to point out that the weight loss is induced by the reduction of fat which occurs as a result of low glucose release within the body. Therefore the reduction of glucose level is also beneficial in controlling the sugar level in blood apart from aiding weight loss. However, there are certain factors which are necessary to be borne in mind in case of implementing the usage of glucomannan. One of the premier factors is to ensure that along with the consumption of glucomannan, minerals and multivitamins also need to be consumed. The reason behind this is that the nutrient composition in the body is reduced greatly during the consumption of glucomannan and therefore the vitamin and mineral supplements are required in order to maintain the balance and ensure total nourishment to the body. Over the years, various studies have proved that glucomannan is effective for causing weight loss.

liposuction, weight loss and more at


A Simple Yet Proven Weight Loss Plan Completely For Free

There are many ways a weight loss regimen can be administrated. You can purchase expensive pills, go through exercises and workout with an expensive personal trainer or coach, or you can purchase expensive weight loss courses or programs that contains something you already know. There are many hot weight loss programs out there touting their uniqueness and fantastic quality; actually weight loss is a billion dollar industry.

Walking: The Free Weight Loss Program

Oftentimes people ignore the free life long weight loss program that you have been gifted with: walking. If you are overweight and need to lose some of this excess weight, then now is the time to wake up and start walking. Making such a regime part of your everyday life will really help you to become fat free within a very short amount of time.

How To Start A Walking Routine

The first thing that you need to do is wake up early and go out to a lush green lawn, field or park that is located near your home. Begin by taking a slow, steady 15 minute walk for the first week that you do this. Then, during the second week you should increase this time to 25 minutes and then increase it to 35 minutes the third week. By the fourth week of your program you should be taking walks that last 45 minutes. You should then do this throughout your entire second month. Of course, you are also going to need to exercise some control over your diet in order for this weight loss program to work. While you can still eat whatever you want, you should eliminate all of the fatty and sugary foods and drink at least 20 glasses of water per day.

Let Walking Become A Habit That Sustains Your Ideal Weight

If you follow this program, after three months you should start to increase your pace of walking. Start up with 25% increase. Soon enough you will see the results of the dramatic effect this pace increase has on your metabolism. We are talking about an increased feeling of wellness in addition to your weight loss. As soon as you have achieved your weight loss goal, you can eat some sweet foods as long as you keep walking regularly. If you follow this simple weight loss plan which means you make walking as a habit, the amount of pounds that you lose will be permanent and your body will become as fit as it is meant to be.

Gary Holdon is a writer and internet publisher. Read his popular articles about weight loss plans, fast weight loss and more fitness articles


Weight Loss Information and Advice

Losing weight is no joke. It is not only important to lose weight using the different methods available, but you should carry sufficient knowledge as well so as to help your self in the times of problem. Obesity is a problem that is affecting a number of people.

Although this problem is mainly caused due to the lack of sense of diet and exercise, time also plays a major contribution towards it. In the hectic work schedule people hardly get time to think about their health and diet. Hence to get help regarding the obesity related problems you can take a weight loss advice. This is mostly provided by the experts who have been doing the researches in this field. You can gain a lot of useful information with the help of them.

To get the weight loss advice you can visit your dietitian or your doctor. Since there are a number of products that are available in the market to get rid of fat in the body, it is really difficult for the customer to make the right decision. If you are confused regarding the various treatment options that you have and want to seek guidance regarding the same then you can opt for the weight loss advice. It would not only include the points that you can take help of for getting rid of the problem of obesity, but you would also gain other useful information regarding diets and supplement to regulate your body's performance. There are different programs that are taught about in these sessions. You and your family can benefit a lot from it provided by the experts.

There are few websites that carry the tips and the solutions to some of the common problems. You may also post your query to get a specific solution to your weight loss problem. There are few websites that are also providing a lot of useful information on the different techniques that can be used to reduce weight. Hence reducing weight has been made easier with the advice. You can use this information to help others, get rid of obesity as well. It is always a better option to get a personal weight loss advises and the solution to the problem differs from person to person and on the specific problems.

Get more information on weight loss advice


Successful Weight Loss: Ask For What You Want

What will it take for you to achieve the weight loss and health you really want? One of the things which prevents people losing weight is they dont believe they can have what they want. Or even, as individuals, they don't deserve what they want, they generally dont ask for it. Youre not likely to get what you want until firstly, you determine what this is and then ask for it. Theres a saying If you dont ask, you dont get. This holds true for many things in life and definitely plays a big part in your journey to successful weight loss.

When I start working with individuals to lose weight, I hear mainly all the things they dont want. One of the first steps is to turn this into what they do want.

Im quite happy to exercise more, but I dont enjoy doing it on my own.

Ive heard what you dont want, that you dont want to exercise on your own, now tell me what you do want.

I want someone to exercise with

Great, now you know what you want, we can work on achieving that.

Although this may not seem much of a difference, the main shift is that when you determine what you want, you start to look for ways to make this to happen. Whereas, when you're focusing on what you dont want, you're more likely to get stuck.

Let's be more specific. Which particular area of exercising do you want to do more of?

Id like to take one step aerobic class regularly each week.

What day would this be?

Tuesday or Thursday at 7pm, so Ill ask a friend to come with me.

Which friend are you going to ask?

Oh, I hadnt thought of that?

The more specific you are in asking for what you want, the more chance you have of achieving it.

So, who specifically do you want to join you at the step aerobic class.

I could ask Helen.

Great, who else?

Mmm, Ill have a think.

The more choices you allow yourself, the easier its going to be to find someone. I suggest you come up with a list of 10 people to ask.

I really encourage you to ask as specifically as you can for what you want. My suggestion is that you make a list of all the things you say you dont want with regard to your weight and health. Now, looking at each item, turn it around and write next to it what you dont want. Then, consider what you need to ask for specifically, to make this happen. Although this process appears to be simple, many people don't find it easy. Defining what you really want and asking for it can be challenging. You may want to have some support and encouragement with this process, by working with a coach.

Asking for what you want is a life skill and it requires practice. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Like most things, the first step is the hardest. I encourage you to ask for what you want in the situations you feel most comfortable with as a starting point. When you feel ready, then progress steadily to situations which are more difficult for you.

What I want is for you to ask for what you want.

Wendy helps people to lose weight. Click to her site to read more weight loss articles.


How To Lose 25 Pounds Fast

Let me start by saying that you can lose 25 pounds and even more just by following a healthy lifestyle, exercising more, and keeping a sensible diet. However, I would like to suggest a diet method which can help you to do it faster.

I'm referring to the Calorie Shifting method which has been steadily gaining popularity over the past few years. By using a Calorie Shifting method based diet (and there are currently 2 such diets on the market) you can avoid the biggest hurdle of most diets: the slowing metabolism.

Most diets are basically based on depriving your body of either calories or a specific food group like fat or carbs. Either of these things can lead to an initial weight loss, but can also slow your metabolism down considerably so that you'll see a gradual decline in your weight loss rate, and may even gain it all back when you quit dieting. This is vitally important since I'm sure you won't be satisfied with just losing 25 pounds, you'll want to avoid gaining them back ever again. This is done by constantly shifting your calories to produce a metabolic maintenance state. I know it sounds a bit scientific, but it just works.

The 2 Calorie shifting diets on the market today are called Fat Loss 4 Idiots and Yay Food. You can read a detailed comparison of the 2 on this webpage: Calorie Shifting Diet Review

Each of the 2 diets has its own pros and cons. Fat Loss 4 Idiots has the longer and more proven track record. It can help you to lose 25 lbs fast. However, Yay food can also provide you with the jump start and guidance that you need.

Can you lose 25 pounds in a month with either of these 2 diets? The answer is that it's different for each person. Some may lose 25 pounds in 6 weeks, some may lose 25 lbs in 2 months. A month seems to me to be a little unrealistic, but even if takes twice as long this is still a great weight loss rate.

I personally know of many people who used Fat Loss 4 Idiots with great success. I believe that it can also help you to lose 25 pounds fast.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:

How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back


A Weight Loss Success Formula: 12 Quick Tips

Follow these twelve simple tips to kickstart (or reinvigorate) your weight loss program.

1. Write down your weight loss goals. Make sure each goal is realistic, and that you have included a time line. Break down larger long-term goals into monthly or weekly goals so you can stay on track without feeling overwhelmed. Its important to commit these goals to paper, so write them down and display your goals where you will see them each day.

2. Each time you reach a goal, reward yourself with a treat. For best results, this treat shouldnt be any kind of food. Reward your new healthy lifestyle with a 30-minute massage, a new exercise video anything that celebrates you and your success without sabotaging it.

3. Drink lots of water. Stay hydrated by drinking -ounce of pure (bottled or filtered) water for every pound of body weight. That means, if you weigh 150 pounds, you need to be drinking 75 ounces of water each day or between 9 and 10 8-ounce glasses.

Drink a glass of water immediately upon waking. And, throughout the day, everytime you feel your energy levels start to dip, drink another glass. Pure bottled or filtered water can really give your mood a boost.

4. Eat a nutritious breakfast. Start your day off right with a nutritious meal, and include some form of protein. For maximum energy and concentration throughout the day, include complex carbohydrates, such as natural whole-grain cereal or bread, as well as a low-fat protein, such as skim milk, cottage cheese, or low-fat yogurt.

5. Get in the habit of exercising every day. Your daily exercise regimen doesnt have to be strenuous. It just needs to be consistent. And there are lots of ways to avoid boredom and to get excited by your daily exercise routine. Try walking or jogging outside instead of on the treadmill. Or listen to a motivational book-on-tape or mp3 as you work out.

6. Eat for health. Think about food in terms of bang for your buck. Opt for nutrition-dense foods.

7. Eat for energy. Whenever you overeat, you rob your body of energy. Think of food as fuel. Keep an energy journal in which you log the way your body and mind respond to different food choices.

8. Help your mind and spirit to accept and welcome your new body image with behavior modification techniques. A subliminal or non-subliminal audiotape or CD, for example, can help you envision yourself as a fit, lean, healthy person who loves to exercise.

9. Subscribe to a healthy-living or fitness magazine. These magazines feature low-calorie, nutrient-rich recipes as well as inspiring weight-loss success stories.

10. Stop eating after dinner.

11. Join a support group. This can be a group of family members or neighbors all committed to improving their health - or a simple online weight loss community. Talking about our daily challenges and victories is highly motivating.

12. Track and record your weight loss efforts, in detail. You can do this on a hand-written chart, a simple computer spreadsheet, or in a journal or computer program designed for this purpose. Track your food intake, water intake, and exercise for the day. And make sure to weigh-in at the same time each week, so that you can track your weight loss results, too.

Jamie Jefferson is a frequent contributor to, where you can find diet reviews and special promotional coupons on the most popular weight loss programs.


How To Strip Off Body Fat And Keep Your Muscle

So you have finally decided to shed those extra pounds and uncover those long buried abs?

Here's what will happen:

You'll go on a diet, start working out and everything will be great. For the first two weeks, the pounds will drop off and progress will be quick and painless.

But then things will grind to a halt. Your metabolism will slow down to a snails pace. The scale will get stuck.

You will re-double your efforts. Cut calories. Add more cardio. And it seems to work. The scale is headed south once again.

But one day you look in the mirror and you'll notice that your muscle is (gasp) gone! The fat is still there, but the muscle is disappearing.

So you immediately start eating more, hoping to save your hard-earned muscle. But because you have lost muscle, your metabolism has dropped. And all those extra calories end up as fat.

Your best intentions back fired. You tried to lose some fat, and instead you ended up even fatter with less muscle.

Ain't life cruel?

But don't worry. Because today I'm going to show you how to strip off fat WITHOUT sacrificing your hard-earned muscle. (In fact, if you follow these rules you should actually get STRONGER even while you lose weight.)

Without further ado, here are my five rules for stripping off body fat while preserving muscle.

Rule #1: Don't Drop Carbs To Zero.

People often make the mistake of avoiding all carbohydrates. This can result in some quick weight loss (mostly water weight) but a lack of carbohydrates can also slow your metabolism.

So don't eliminate carbohydrates completely. Instead,

Rule #2: Focus On "Nature-Made" Carbs.

When trying to burn off body fat, steer clear of "man-made" carbs like cakes, cookies and white bread products.

Instead, focus on "nature-made" carbs like fruits, vegetables, potatoes and whole grain products.

These items naturally contain more fiber which will help you feel full. Fiber also helps to lessen the insulin spike and fat storing effects that occur when consuming "man-made" carbohydrates.

Rule #3: Keep Protein High.

Protein is "muscle-sparing" which means that your body will use any available protein for cellular repairs before breaking down muscle tissue.

I've found that by consuming 1.0-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily, you can actually build new strength while stripping off body fat.

Rule #4: Don't Avoid Dietary Fat!

It sounds weird, but you want to burn fat you have got to eat (some) fat.

I recommend you try and focus on healthy fats like fish oil, extra virgin olive oil or fats found naturally in nuts like almonds.

Rule #5: Use Weight Training To Build Muscle and Strength, NOT To Burn Fat.

One of the biggest myths about burning fat is that you should lift light weights with high reps. But this is all wrong.

If you take the opposite approach and continue to lift heavy and try to get stronger with every single workout, it sends a clear message to your body that your muscles are still "in use" and should not be sacrificed.

Follow these five simple rules and you can burn off your excess body fat without sacrificing your hard-earned muscle.

Matt Marshall is not a personal trainer or a professional bodybuilder. He's just a former skinny guy who figured out how average guys (with average genetics) can build muscle and develop outstanding physiques.

To learn more about a proven fat loss plan for guys with average genetics, visit


Weight Loss Tip #3 - Eat Breakfast Every Day

Back in the caveman days, our metabolism adjusted based on whether or not we were getting enough food over a short period of time. If there was plenty to eat, our metabolism took advantage of that surplus and started to speed up, allowing us to do more work and expend more energy. If there wasn't a lot of food available and our daily intake was dwindling, our bodies adapted to that and slowed our metabolism.

It works the same way today--studies show repeatedly that not eating all morning long, and then having a big meal later, makes you gain weight; whereas dividing the exact same number of calories over five or six smaller meals during the day will result in weight loss. Eating breakfast starts your metabolism going because your body recognizes there is energy available to use.

Some people even get discouraged when they start eating breakfast because then they are hungry three hours later. "Before, I could go all day without eating" they complain, "and now I keep feeling like I have to eat something every three or four hours". Guess what? That's because your body is using what you fed it and ready for more energy to keep going. Let me ask you my favorite Dr. Phil question if you are not successful at weight loss and you do not eat breakfast ... "How's that working for you?"

Now, let's figure out why you don't eat breakfast and what you might try to get around your own personal challenge:

Excuse #1-- "I don't have time". Well, this just isn't a good excuse anymore with all the breakfast bars there are out there. You can keep a box of nutrigrain bars, special K bars, 'go-tarts' (a slightly smaller, lower calorie version of pop-tarts), or any of the other dozen varieties of compact ready-to-eat bars that contain less than 170 calories in your car and not even have to take the time to remember to grab something in the morning. Here are your new directions: (1) unwrap, (2) eat on the way to work.

For those of you with a little bit of time in the morning, but not enough to cook or to sit and eat something that requires using a spoon or fork, here are two more options: For a hot breakfast, toast an english muffin or small bagel (the kind with 100-150 calories-- not 400 calories) while you're getting your briefcase and coat ready to go. On your way out the door, grab a slice of cheese (low fat mozzarella is my favorite) and place it on one piece of the toast. Put the other piece of toast on top of this and wrap in a paper towel. When you get in the car and pull away from your house, you are ready to open the paper towel and enjoy a warm, melted cheese breakfast sandwich!

For a cold breakfast, slice and freeze fruit ahead of time. Bananas, berries, and peaches all work great. Throw a cup full in a blender or a magic bullet, pour lowfat or skim milk in to cover the fruit, put on lid, and blend for about 20 seconds until you have a smoothie. Pour in a cup and take with you... how easy is that? And very low fat with calcium and vitamins to boot.

Excuse #2--"I don't like breakfast foods". Guess what? You do not have to eat breakfast foods at breakfast. You can have a turkey sandwich or a cold chicken leg or a leftover bowl of chili. It's really only our country and our culture that chooses what our typical breakfast is. If you visit other places you may see them eating fish and yogurt for breakfast! So grab whatever you like and enjoy having a meal in the morning. If you're trying to lose weight you should definitely keep the meal under 500 calories with less than 30% of the calories coming from fat. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on what you like to eat first thing in the morning, as long as you enjoy it!

Excuse #3--I'm not hungry in the morning". This is totally understandable. Your body isn't used to eating something at this hour and you feel like you have no appetite at all. Some people even get nauseated at the thought of eating first thing in the morning. You might try eating something an hour or so after you get up, like just when you get to work (if you can change your schedule to get there 15 minutes ahead of time it won't interfere with your job). Or you might do well to start with liquids and light foods. Try a small glass of juice and five or six saltines. Maybe some dry cereal. Or a Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink. Anything you can sip or munch on slowly, whether it's at home, on the way to work, or in the office. Let your body ease into the idea of a new meal at a new time.

Excuse #4--"Then I get hungry at 10:30". See paragraph two. Have a snack. Don't worry that you are eating more. Have a 200 calorie breakfast and a 100 calorie snack (a few graham cracker squares and a piece of fruit, or a 100 calorie snack bag). See if you don't notice that you are much less hungry at lunch and at dinner and that you end up eating less food later in the day.

Try these tips, and then let me know, "how's that working for you?"

E-mail me problems you're having around breakfast and we'll work them out! Laurie Beebe, a registered dietitian certified in adult weight management, has transitioned into life coaching. Coaching helps dramatically by allowing people to set their own goals and design their own action plans to start their path to success. Please visit Laurie's website, "Shaping Your Future" at for diet tips, links to great books and websites, or to sign up for a free monthly newsletter!


End Your Love Affair with Food

If you are going to get serious about a weight control diet, i.e. losing weight and maintaining your goal weight, you are going to have to end your love affair with food. Now don't try to deny it. You've been seen. And if you don't call it off right now, it's all going to end in tears.

You cannot embrace fatty, sugary and salty treats to prop you up when the going gets tough. It's not what you need and deep down in your fat encrusted heart, you know it's not what you really really want.

The way I see it, there are 3 major reasons we comfort eat. Stress, boredom and the influence of negative emotions such as sadness, anger and loneliness.

Comfort food is not going to fix any of these problems. You are. By recognising the triggers for what they are and disassociating food from your solution.

Everyone suffers from stress. More so in our fast paced and demanding modern society than ever. You are attempting to escape from your stress by indulging in food treats. It's not the right thing to do. You can deal more effectively with your stress through relaxing activities such as meditation, yoga, massage or taking a walk. You can face your stress head on and develop strategies for working through it. Both methods are much more positive for you than feeding your

insecurities and worrying some more.

If you eat through boredom, you need to get another hobby. Eating should not be a time filler. Having coffee can be a time filler, but not if it incorporates a big fat chocolate brownie as an essential side dish. Taking up a sport or a class can be a new hobby. Eating should not be the focus of your day. If the things you look forward to most every day revolve around the contents of the refrigerator, then it's time to get a life. Do something you've always wanted to do, so long as it does not involve food.

You don't want to hear this but you choose your own emotions. If you are typically sad or angry or lonely, that is what you have chosen to be. It's become a nasty habit to be negative or down. No one actually "makes" you feel a certain way. You choose an emotion as a response to whatever situation you are in. With a lot of initial effort (that gets easier with practice) you can choose to be happy or satisfied or calm instead. Your choice.

There's one other major reason we comfort eat. And it's both insidious and alluring like the seductive song of a sugar coated siren. We are told to comfort eat. We are encouraged to give in to our stresses, boredoms and negative emotions by our old nemesis the mass media.

Have a good long objective look at how advertisers market their food products. How many of these foods claim they'll make you happy, interesting, popular and/or sexy??? (I'm guessing probably all of them). Learn to recognise the tricks of the advertising trade and you will be more readily able to repulse them.

If you are overweight, chances are that you indulge in some form of comfort eating. Figure out why you comfort eat and you will be well on the way to a D-i-v-o-r-c-e from your thoroughly unsuitable love.

You'll be much happier once it's all over.

Rosie Peters gives common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Sometimes it's not what you want to hear, but what you need to know. Visit Rosie at Rosie's ebook, Weight Loss is Simple may be the inspiration you need.


Important Weight Loss Supplement Information You Should Know

When it comes to finding the right weight loss supplement information, it is important to seek for the truth. Don't easily fall prey to false and overly exaggerated advertising claims. Rather, seek weight loss supplement information that is objective and reliable, preferably from a third-party source.

The problem with misinformation

Most diet pills are offering false or inaccurate weight loss supplement information. This was what researchers from the Johns Hopkins University discovered in their recent study. More than 50% of diet pill official website surveyed have revealed that they are not showing enough or complete information about their product. Among the missing information include: recommended dosage, ingredients, and possible side effects, among others.

Unregulated side effects

One of the main problems arising from incorrect supplement information is the failure to regulate possible side effects. Since most diet pills are being sold over-the-counter, there is a greater risk that misinformation can harm hundreds of people, if left unmanaged. Furthermore, there is only a number of diet pills that has been approved by the US FDA. Thousands more are being sold without approval, prompting some doctors to issue precautions about the potential yet unknown dangers of taking these pills.

Knowing the right ingredients

Without the proper information on weight loss pills, you wouldn't know if your diet pill contains ephedrine - a now-banned popular ingredient. Furthermore, you may also be ill equipped when it comes to knowing the possible side effects, some of which include nervousness, tremor, diarrhea, bulging eyes, racing heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, and even heart failure.

A handy information

The basic weight loss supplement information you need to know is this: diet pills work, but they are no way significant to overall weight management. Some diet pills are advised by doctors to patients suffering from extreme or morbid obesity. But even these pills are taken with proper guidance by professionals. Without diet and exercise, diet pills are virtually useless. Hence, it is important to consult your doctor before trying any diet pill.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see


Weight Loss - How To Speed Up Your Metabolism

Many people looking to lose weight want to find out ways they can speed up their metabolism in order to lose weight faster. Metabolism burns fat and calories and turns them into energy which means an increased metabolism will help you burn fat at a faster rate. Here is a list of steps you can follow that will help you speed up your metabolism and get rid of that excess weight faster.


A definite way to increase the amount of muscle you have is to get active. By increasing the muscle quantity, you automatically end up increasing your metabolism. The best types of exercises for increasing your metabolism are aerobics and resistance training. Not only will this help you speed up your metabolism but will also directly contribute to helping you lose that excess weight. Remember to incorporate intervals into your exercises as these help boost metabolism.

Eat Breakfast

Our metabolism slows down during sleep which is why it is important to eat breakfast and speed it up again. Eating breakfast also decreases the chances of you snacking during the day and thus helps you decrease your calorie intake.

Eat Little but Eat Often

Eating small regular meals throughout the day as opposed to eating two or three larger meals helps to speed up your metabolism. Furthermore, almost 10 percent of calories that we burn everyday are used in digesting food which means the more you eat the more calories you burn and the more excess weight you lose.

Eat Healthy

Eating healthy food not only decreases the number of calories you intake but also gives you more energy and thus increases your metabolism. Make sure you eat a lot of protein rich food as this can help you burn an extra 150 to 200 calories a day. Also, go for 'good' carbohydrates and avoid refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, bagels and potatoes. Another great way of increasing your metabolism is to eat spicy foods.


Not getting enough sleep can slow down your metabolism. A recent study showed that people who got four hours of sleep or less had trouble processing carbohydrates.

As you can tell after having read this article all it takes to speed up your metabolism and lose weight faster is a few simple steps. So, if you want to burn those calories faster follow the above mentioned guidelines to boosting your metabolism.

You can check out the controversial yet proven methods to speed up your metabolism to lose weight.

Ivy is a mother of three. She used to be fat and she has tried a lot of methods in order to lose weight. Now she wants to share what she has learned and her secret, visit her website at weight loss methods if you want to have a good appearance and be healthy at the same time.


Be Slimmer Weight Loss - Exercises To Help Burn The Fat

You've been eating right and trying to walk or jog each day, but it's getting boring. We've all been here before. A secret to weight loss is diverse set of exercises so that:

a.) you won't get bored

b.) you will work different muscles.

The following are some great ideas to get you moving and motivated. If you really want to lose weight you need a cardio workout as these exercises have been systematically proven to lose pounds.

One of the simplest and healthiest weight loss exercises you can perform is walking. The best part is that it's free and you can do it practically anywhere no matter where you live, rural, suburban, or urban. Because of these reasons you will find walking is a great way to begin your workout.

Jogging and running are similar exercises that will show big results. The early mornings are the best time to do this and it can be very relaxing actually. Caution should be applied to this exercise though as it can be hard on the knees, if you are older or have had sports related injuries in the past, consult your physician. If not, try a 30-45 3-5 days a week, but always remember to take it easy

If you can afford one, treadmills are an excellent way to perform the previous exercises without having to leave your home. You can also make the workout more enjoyable and less boring by watching TV or reading the paper to make time go faster.

Cycling is a fun and efficient form of weight loss exercise and it's also inexpensive. You can ride your bike around the block or if you prefer purchase an exercise bike to save you time and bother.

Now's a great time to mention resistance training. After you've performed exercises like the one above for some time, you may begin to see a decrease in results as your body is in better shape and has adjusted to a more active lifestyle. Now for resistance training, all you really need to do is to add some light weights to your workout. What this does is add more resistance to the muscles forcing them to work a little harder.

If you have a pool or have access to one, definitely consider swimming. It's fun, not too strenuous, and shows great results. There are even water aerobics which are simple exercises you can perform in the water. They'll show better results as well because of, you guessed it, resistance training. The only drawback to swimming is it takes more effort to prepare for, and if you don't have a pool you'll have to drive to the one closest to you which can take a large part of your day.

These are just the tip of the iceberg, but are perhaps the best place to start your weight loss exercise regimen. Have fun, and remember no matter which exercises you choose, stay consistent and stay faithful to your workout plan.

Kelly Lester is committed to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.


Why Should I Cleanse Colon? Is It Hype Or Will Colon Cleansing Really Help You Lose Weight?

Did you know that by the age of 40, most of us who eat the normal amount of junk food, indulge in alcoholic drinks occasionally and eat fast food, can have anywhere between 5 and 20 pounds of excess weight in our bodies? What the heck? How is this possible?

This weight isn't from what you may think. This added weight is essentially waste residue and build-up attached to our 25 feet of intestine walls. It is no surprise that people who suffer from constipation feel symptoms of bloating and fatigue also.

So if you are asking yourself "Why should I cleanse colon?"

Here are a few reasons why you should consider a detox or cleanse:

FAST Weight Loss :

During a 7-day cleansing cycle, a person can lose up to 20 pounds. This is not weight loss from fat, but from toxic waste buildup in your intestines. You will not only experience a loss in pounds you will also find that your bloating is gone and your stomach will be much flatter so your clothes will fit much better. Pretty cool side effect of a colon cleanse I think!

Detox Your Body:

The excess pounds of feces built up in your intestines and colon not only packs on the pounds, but it also continuously releases dangerous toxins into your body. Over time, these toxins can make you very sick. A safe all natural colon cleanse product used properly can actually liquefy, break apart and flush out all of this toxic bodily waste.

Cure Constipation:

Colon cleansing will also relieve constipation problems super fast. And if you follow the directions closely and monitor your body with a simple maintenance dose you can stay constipation free for good.

For those of you caught up in a less than healthy lifestyle (would that be most of us in America?) a colon cleanse can be just the thing to get your health back on track and you get that wonderful side effect of dropping some pounds too!

Learn more about my favorite colon cleanse to loose weight fast.

Learn what is best colon cleanse for you.

Read colon cleanser testimonial from lots of people who have done a detox cleanse


Weight Loss Tips - Where To Find The Motivation To Lose Weight

You start out ready and eager to lose weight. You don't mind giving up your favorite foods when you have to and you even look forward to your daily workout. But somewhere along the way, you just can't stand it anymore. Anyone trying to lose weight has experienced the boredom and displeasure that comes with a diet regimen. During this time, it's more important than ever to stay motivated and optimistic.

When you find yourself needing motivation, first look at how far you've come. Whether it's two pounds or twenty, give yourself a pat on the back and keep trucking along. Keep track of how many pounds you've lost and work towards an obtainable goal. Reward yourself whenever you reach a goal, you deserve it!

Think about how much more energetic and happier you feel since you've began exercising and eating better. Just a half-hour of exercise can give you a great energy boost and bring you out of the doldrums. This does seem to be illogical at first, but the reason for this is the burst of hormones that exercising provides. Working out also increases lung capacity so more oxygen can reach your muscles increasing your stamina.

Weight loss motivation is about how much you really want to lose weight. When you first began your exercise regimen, what were your reasons? Why not take some time and list them on a sheet of paper. Maybe you were asked to lose weight by your physician, or just want to lose some pounds for swimsuit season. Whenever you feel you are ready to give up, take out the list and go over the reasons about why it is important to you to get into shape.

One of the most important things you can do in order to stay motivated is to concentrate only on positive thoughts. Whenever you get a negative thought, replace it with a realistic positive thought. As a matter of fact, keep a journal and keep track of these negative thoughts and your positive substitutes. A trap people trying to lose weight often fall into is giving up or beating themselves up when they eat the wrong foods or forget to exercise. The best thing you can do is do your exercises as soon as you are able and if you give in to a donut or cookie, just consider it a hard-earned reward and get right back on the horse.

The foundation of weight loss motivation is setting realistic goals for yourself. If you start out by measuring yourself up against a supermodel, you are going to get discouraged, quick. Your first goal should be something simple, like exercising every day, it doesn't matter how long. Once you've shown yourself you can do it, work yourself up to fifteen minutes and then half and hour.

If you can keep a positive outlook and not succumb to negative thoughts and self-doubt you will find yourself on the express train to weight loss. The best place to find motivation is from within.

Kelly Lester is committed to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.


How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?

How Do I Calculate Caloric Needs Based On My Goal (gain/loss/maintain)?

Listen, figuring out how many calories a day you need to lose weight, maintain your weight or gain weight really isnt too hard. And with the formula Im about to give you plus a very cool website, you can easily track where you are and what you need to do daily to reach your goals. So lets begin!


Step 1:

Take your current body weight in pounds (lbs) and multiply by 11.

Example: 194 lbs x 11 = 2134 calories

This is what I need to just keep what I have, without moving. But remember, you do move. So you have to then calculate your metabolic factors into this so off to step 2

Step 2:

Figure out your metabolic factor according to the table below.

But first, some definitions to help you determine where you might fit in:

Slow Metabolism: You basically look at food and you seem to put on pounds. You can gain weight by eating salads but its difficult to lose the weight.

Moderator Metabolism: You can gain weight if you try. You can lose weight if you try. You really dont have trouble losing weight depending on what you want to do.

Fast Metabolism: You are the skinny guy or gal who can eat *ANYTHING* and it makes no difference. Gaining weight is difficult. Losing weight can happen overnight. Just by watching T.V. you seem to shed pounds.

Metabolic %

Under 30 years old
Slow Metabolism- 30%
Moderate Metabolism- 40%
Fast Metabolism- 50%

30-40 years old
Slow Metabolism- 25%
Moderate Metabolism- 35%
Fast Metabolism- 45%

Over 40 years old
Slow Metabolism- 20%
Moderate Metabolism- 30%
Fast Metabolism- 40%

Example: 2134 calories x 35% = 746.90

I took my calories needed above just to sit here and not move and multipled it by my metabolic factor and I find that I need an additional 746.90 calories because of my specific metabolism.

Step 3:

Put it together.

2134 + 746.90 = 2880.90 calories

I need 2,880.90 calories to maintain my current weight with my current activities.

Note: You can also adjust your metabolic factor if you do something that might take you to the next level. If you are a moderator metabolism person but you do distance running, it might make more sense to put your self in the fast category since you burn a lot more calories.

Step 4:

Now change the above with about 500 calories every day to reach your goals!

Lose Weight: I would take 2880.90 500 = 2380.90

Maintain Weight: I would just leave it at 2880.90 and continue what I was doing in my activities

Gain Weight: I would take 2880.90 + 500 = 3380.90

Note: 500 calories a day is just a general term everybody uses to say that adding this amount is within safe limits. Eat too much, and you end up storing fat. Cut too many calories and your body just goes into starvation mode and ends up retaining more fat. 500 is a safe, recommended guideline.

Step 5:

You must track what you are eating so youll know if youve made your goal for the day. And tracking food does not have to be complicated with weights and scales.

It's a shame that so many people just start training and never figure out what they need to eat daily to reach their goals.

You can keep doing the math over and over as you reach a goal. If you are bulking, your requirements will change as you progress. And when you lose weight they will as well. You might want to lose weight, reach a target weight and then maintain. So you will do this formula again when you have hit the weight you want.

Marc David is a bodybuilder, writer, and author of the the e-book "The Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding" (BGFB): What Every Beginner Should Know but Probably Doesn't. The Beginner's Guide is oriented towards fitness minded men and women who are just starting or have worked out for years without results. To learn more about the Beginner's Guide, visit Beginning-Bodybuilding at:


Drop Stomach Fat Fast - Tips to Keep You on Track

Do you need to drop stomach fat fast and are having a tough time continuing your new lifestyle? There are many reasons why people fall off the path. You may just get too busy to go work out or you may have the improper mindset. Sometimes in order to keep going with your efforts you need to simplify things. Obesity is becoming a big problem in the United States. However, it doesn't have to be a problem with you. Being persistent in your efforts is the key to success. Sometimes you just need to the extra push to sustain your efforts. Here are a couple of tips to help you.

First and foremost you have to remain positive. You have to remember that you don't have to be perfect at losing weight. If you slip up and do something that has a negative impact on your weight loss efforts, it could hurt your motivation quite possibly affect you in getting rid of that belly fat. So when that happens you have to look at all the good things your have done in your weight loss efforts. You'll have increased confidence to move forward.

The power of positive thinking will be a very effective weapon in your battle against weight loss. It can be the difference between moving forward with your weight loss regimen and failure. For example, if you eat one bad meal with 4 good meals during the day, you have two choices. The first choice is you could dwell on the bad meal, get depressed and go on the eating binge of a lifetime (which can be bad). Or the second choice is you can focus on the good things you did and still feel confident of your efforts and keep moving forward.

The next tip I would like to discus is you should always have your breakfast after you wake up. There are two reasons not to skip breakfast. One, is you keep your daily routine. Since most of us are creatures of habit, you don't want to break your daily routine or having a healthy breakfast. Two is a balanced breakfast to start your day will make you more alert in the morning so you can perform more efficiently.

So remember losing weight is a long term process and you may not get the results you want right away. Persistence is what pays off the best. So using the two tips above will hopefully help you continue moving forward with your efforts.

Do you want to know how to drop stomach fat fast? You can with the book, Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle. Read our review here:


It Is Possible To Lose Weight Without Exercise

A lot of us dread the idea of exercise. There's nothing more demoralizing than exercising at the gym when the person next to you is slim and fit, or exercising at home cramped in your living room when you would rather be sitting on the couch watching TV. Well there is an alternative to lose weight without exercise, and no it's not a miracle diet pill. It's called calorie shifting.

The concept is relatively new and several top dietitians are recommending it as the best weight loss solution. The calorie shifting diet was designed with the idea that food is the most powerful and natural way to lose weight without exercise.

Traditional diets focus on reducing your calorie intake and barring certain types of food. This in turn sends a signal to your metabolism to slow down and to store the fat to keep as a reserve of energy. As a result instead of burning off that excess fat, you are now essentially burning muscle tissue which is not only unhealthy but it leaves you feeling hungry and tired. From that point any excess amount of calories to what you are used to eating will be stored as fat because your metabolism is now working at a much slower rate.

The calorie shifting diet on the other hand does not restrict any particular types of foods, instead it rotates the number of calories that you consume. For example one morning you may eat food containing 500 calories, the next day you may have food with 650 calories. This process does not allow for your metabolism to adapt to a predetermined number of calories and will constantly be working at high rate thus constantly burning calories.

This is a tried and proven method of how to lose weight without exercise.

If you would like to lose weight without exercise learn more about the calorie shifting diet


Hypnosis For Weight Loss - Seriously?

As you may know, obesity is at an all time high in the US, and people with weight problems are constantly looking for a way to lose weight quickly and safely. In other words people want a simple answer to a complex situation. While hypnosis can be simple, many people are unaware of it's benefits. Self hypnosis can change a person's thought process when a person truly wants to change for the better.

Hypnosis equips users with the proper thought process to lose the weight on their own by eating in a much healthier manner. Today, people can pay to go to a qualified hypnotist, or they can take advantage of various self hypnosis options available online, such as the popular Mind-Optimizer programs, which are not only proven just as effective, but can be used in the convenience of your home.

Hypnosis for weight loss can effectively provide a person with the motivation that they need to maintain a healthy diet and stay on track. Hypnosis is a way to retrain the subconscious mind, by focusing on the part of the mind that is responsible for cravings and impulses. The fact that you need to be aware of is that hypnosis will not cause anyone to lose weight but rather it will equip one with the tools to lose weight on their own without struggling each and every step of the way.

Hypnosis can help change the way that your mind thinks in terms of weight loss and change the factors that have caused prior weight loss attempts to fail. Consider why most diets fail and you will see that in most cases it is because the person is not in the right mind frame to do so. Literally, their mouths have stated that they want to lose weight but their actions show something else entirely. Some people have even gone to great lengths to go to the grocery store and purchase all of the right things to eat while on a diet but still cannot pass up that Twinkie or that cheeseburger. This is because they are letting their conscious mind overtake their subconscious mind.

During hypnosis, as the conscious mind is pushed aside for a bit, the subconscious mind can be suggestively spoken to. This will help the next time that you reach for that Twinkie or that cheeseburger. While before hypnosis, you may not have had the inner strength to let your subconscious win, you will now have much more strength to make the correct choices. For example, let's assume you are out with a friend for lunch and she orders the most deliciously rich high calorie dish while while you opt for a salad and an iced tea with Splenda. Of course, it is normal to feel a bit envious for a moment, but not enough to switch your order. This is the strength of the power of suggestion.

Studies have shown that regardless of the diet of choice, one in four people who go on a diet actually stick to it. It does not matter which diet it is, everything depends on your ability to follow through with whichever diet that you choose.

Discover how to easily start using hypnosis for weight loss STARTING IN 6 MINUTES! You will learn about the powerful scientifically proven method that is helping thousands achieve their lifelong dreams. Go to and grab your free report before we start charging for this ground-breaking report again.


Weight Loss Diets with Negative Calorie Foods

Negative calorie foods are said to use more calories to digest than the calorie content of the foods themselves, resulting in a negative calorie balance. It is therefore natural to consider a diet containing these foods for weight loss.

A diet is a combination of a balanced selection of foods designed for medical or nutritional reasons. A good diet should include all major food groups. The weight loss diets (with or without negative calorie foods) are made to reduce body fat and weight. Some of the popular weight loss diets are: Atkin's diet, cabbage soup diet, grapefruit diet, Hollywood diet, negative calorie foods diet, Pritikin diet, the South beach diet and the zone diet.

Most of the weight loss diets promote to eat a particular food group and restrict other food groups. Such diets may show temporary results. If you follow these restricted diets for a long time, you may develop some health problems at later stage as these diets do not contain all the necessary nutrients needed for your body.

The secret to losing weight is to eat and drink the right kind of foods until you are satisfied. Skipping of meals is not the answer for weight loss, it can rather deteriorate your health. A healthy weight loss diet plan should include vegetables, fruits, grains, lentils and beans in your diet. Following is a sample daily diet plan that is good for keeping healthy weight and good health, irrespective of whether you follow a diet plan with negative calorie foods or not.

- Skim milk and skim yogurt.
- Salads or boiled vegetables or vegetable soup as starter.
- Whole-wheat bread/tortila, whole grain cereal and rice.
- Whole grains like kidney beans, chick peas and lentils.
- Lightly cooked green vegetables.
- Any dessert with minimum sugar.
- Lean variety of meat (it is better to avoid).
- The dinner should be light. If you had bread for lunch then have rice for dinner.

Include as much negative calorie foods as possible in the above diet plan. If you are meat eater, choose from a lean variety and restrict to one serving in a day.

A diet with negative calorie foods as main ingredients can include foods that are loaded with carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers necessary for keeping you fit. The diet with negative calorie foods can be tailored for fast or gradual weight loss. The fast weight loss diet that can lower the weight up to two pounds per day, is not recommended for long term. The gradual weight loss diet can reduce one pound in a week and can be followed until desired weight is achieved. The diet can be made according to ones needs. The negative calorie foods will not give you much benefit if you are eating foods loaded with fats and sugars. If you eat a serving of potato fries, don't think that you can reduce the calories gained from fries by simply eating some negative calorie celery.

Copyright 2004,

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For more information on negative calorie foods, negative calorie recipes and diets, visit the web site: Negative Calorie Foods, Recipes, Diet.


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