Wednesday, May 21, 2008 

How To Naturally Lose Weight Fast And Easily

You know, that's what everyone wants to know, how to naturally lose weight fast and easily but the thing is, there isn't really an answer for that, don't get me wrong, it IS possible to do it but most people can't.

Why can't most people do it?

Simple, they don't have the mental power to do it, you see, losing weight isn't so much about the techniques or methods you use, it's more about the mental strength and ability you have.

In order to lose weight fast, I think you need to have the following:

=> Confidence in yourself - Realise and remember that you CAN lose the weight

=> Determination - It's easy to give up when it gets a little tough, those who succeed are the ones who DON'T GIVE UP

=> Power to say NO - When trying to lose weight, it's pretty obvious that you can't eat a lot of junk food or things that will slow your progress down a lot, the ability and power to be able to say no to these temptations is very important.

And other similar things. Basically, if you don't have the mental strength to do it, then even if you have the best system in the world for losing weight, you likely won't do very well.

Now, don't get discouraged because, all of the above things can be developed and it is actually possible to lose weight without a lot of mental strength, it will just be harder.

Before you start on a weight loss plan, I want you to ask yourself three things:

1.) Do you truly want to succeed with losing weight, I mean really, how much do you want it?

2.) Are you fully committed to losing the weight, even if it gets tough, are you going to stick it through?

3.) Are you willing to do what it takes, are you willing to exercise more, eat less and healthier, basically are you willing to take the necessary steps in order to achieve your goal?

If you answered yes to all of the above, you are in a pretty good state of mind about doing it, if you answered yes to the above and you mean it with all your heart and soul then you are in a very good state of mind and will likely do very well.

It's all about realising just how much you want it and if you are willing to do what it takes to get it.

If you truly want it bad enough and you are willing to push yourself to get it, then you likely WILL get it. The next step is to find out what you need to do in order to lose the weight and just do it, no holding back, no taking the easy route and giving up, just do it and feel good about doing it.

Want To Know How To Naturally Lose Weight Fast And Easily?

Find Out More - Online Weight Loss Ebooks


How To Lose Weight Fast

Nobody wants to be fat forever so everyone wants to learn how to lose weight fast. Who wouldn't want to learn how to lose weight fast? What fun is it being overweight and having people around you look more fit and healthy. Luckily there are supplements out that will help you accomplish weight loss fast and easily.

Weight loss pills are able to help you lose weight fast by working with the body and speeding up processes which would have normally taken longer without the weight loss pills. These supplements are healthy and able to be taken by anybody including vegetarians. Working with the body the weight loss pills will help limit the amount of food you crave by reducing your appetite.

No need to worry about all the fatty foods ruining your diet and progress because the top supplements are able to limit fat intake by 28%! There is no shame in using weight loss pills because everybody is not the same and some people need extra help.

Of course just taking supplements is not the only answer. They must be taken along with exercise and good nutrition and you must keep to a regular workout schedule. Consistency is the key to success and the better you stick to the schedule the faster you will lose weight. It may be hard at first but just keep working at it and you will see the results you are looking for. For those looking on how to lose weight fast hopefully this provided the information you were looking for.

Find out what are the best weight loss pills

Get more information on how to lose weight fast


Benefits of Weight Lifting

Some of us simply underestimate the importance of weight lifting. Especially women underestimate the benefits of weight lifting. Here just several benefits:

-Weight lifting decreases your blood pressure thus making the risk of heart diseases lower.

-Weight lifting develop toned muscles in women.

-Weight lifting gives you more energy.

-Weight lifting raises your metabolism.

-Weight lifting reducing the risk of developing colon cancer.

-Weight lifting improves posture.

-Weight lifting elevates mood.

-Weight lifting improves coordination.

These are few benefits of weight lifting. All the benefits of weight lifting simply could not be mentioned on one page. But believe me weight lifting is the key to a healthier life and weight loss. Weight lifting and exercises can be considered the basics of a man's health life. Most of people who doing exercises and lifting weights are slim and have no excess body fat.

When people just hear the words "Weight Lifting" they are scared with the fact they should lift 20 kilos weights. But this is not so scary. Weights should be chose according to your gender, body mass and age. Women of all ages may lift 2-3 kilos weights. Young men can lift 5-8 kilos weights. Aged men should be careful and choose 2-5 kilos weights. This will be enough for you to start being a healthy person.

Good Luck!

Artem S. is a webmaster of Weight Loss Pills, a site dedicated to weight loss information.


The "X-Factor" of Weight Loss

Millions of people just don't get it.

They spend hours and hours on cardio machines.

They hire a personal trainer to take them through a "customized" workout routine.

But year after year their body continues to lack the definition that they desire.

Follow me here.

See, the gym I go to has lots and lots of loyal patrons. These are committed folks. They are there day in and day out.

In fact, my hat's off to them. And the first step to getting what you want is taking ACTION.

But here's the thing: many of these people, who are indeed consistent, still look the exact same year after year.

In other words they put in lots of time and effort but get little results.

Sound familiar?

Now this could certainly be an article about nutrition but that's not what I'm addressing here.

This article is about a certain "X-Factor" to making progress FAST.

If you want to lose "maximum fat in minimum time" and sculpt you're body in the shortest amount of time possible then this is a REQUIREMENT.

Unfortunately, it seems to still be a secret to millions.

What am I talking about?

Muscular failure.

When we're talking about exercise this is absolutely the quickest way to make progress.

I don't care what you want to do either - whether it's push ups, weight lifting at the gym, equipment bought off t.v, interval training..etc.

It doesn't matter.

If you want to see results fast then this concept is for you.

When you follow this principle you are in essence putting lots of stress on your muscles which requires them to find energy to develop and sustain themselves.

Now where do you think that energy is going to come from?


By exercising to failure you're sending shockwaves through your body and sculpting it into a lean physique in the quickest way possible.

To learn more visit and sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse.


The Secret Food For New Year Diet Success

At this time of year a record number of people are preparing to start a New Year diet as part of there list of New Year Resolutions. It's an inevitable part of Christmas. As part of that, people are often worrying about how that they are going to make their diet stick to they can have long term weight loss that has eluded them in previous years. Well this year the secret food for diet success can be part of everyone's diet. But its not what you thought.

The food you put in your mouth is important for diet success. Keep putting the wrong stuff and you'll start to fail with your New Year Diet. However as important as the food you put in your mouth is, it is not as important as the food you put in your brain. This is the real secret of a weight loss programme that succeeds over the long term.

There are a whole host of reasons but basically it boils down to the simple fact that every action you take, every decision you make around food goes on in your brain. Go to the burger stand or walk by? It's in your brain. Salad or Piazza? It's in your brain. Go for the walk or stay in front of the TV? It's in your brain.

Everything is a series of choices. Absolutely everything! If your diet has failed on previous occasions, chances are it will down to this. That point where you started making decisions to stay seated, to not exercise or to grab that extra slice of whatever.

Don't be too harsh on yourself though. We make so many decisions each day and they happen so quickly they're virtually invisible and we don't recognise them as decisions. But now that you do know, you're ahead of the game. Better still, once you learn that you can control those thoughts and that you can get to a point where the right decisions are automatic you can put your New Year Diet on the road to success.

The secret, the real secret to a successful New Year Diet (or any diet for that matter) is getting your brain ready to be successful. To do that, you have to help it make the right choices for you. And it all works on a simple rule

You Get What You Focus On

So you have to focus on what diet success will look like to you. There are so many things you can do and as you learn each one you can add them to your arsenal. Right now however you have to spend some time thinking about what the new you will look like. You need to picture yourself living the life you will enjoy as a result of being the way you want to be. Don't focus on what you want to avoid, focus on what you want. See it as vividly as possible. Do it whenever you have some spare time. Make that 30 second daydream count for something.

There are a whole range of techniques that you can build into your mental diet and they can be done quite easily. It's vital that you make these a key part fo your diet to ensure long term success. Once you have these and are staying on track, imagine the boost you'll get as others start to fall at the fences and you are coasting along knowing you know the real secret behind successful diets.

The secret to long term weight loss has become this years hottest diet topic. Ed Thomas has been trying to get this message out for years. His blog at where he's gathering techniques for permanent weight loss for everyone.


Tempo Bathroom Tissue - Who Makes it?

Tempo toilet paper was a nationwide beta test of a few hundred thousand cases of the next generation of Charmin toilet paper from Procter and Gamble to see how customers rated it, without knowing its origin. Procter and Gamble released the new generation of Charmin under a private label called Tempo to a handful of distributors throughout the country and gathered feedback from thousands of users to gauge whether it was better than the old. So for all of the people out there looking for more of the soft Tempo toilet tissue, it will be hard to come by.

So this secret launch of a next generation product begs the question of how many other private label products are out there in the market as beta tests to gauge the quality of the product, and how does a distributor get a hold of some while it lasts. You would need good contacts within the manufacturer to be notified of tests like this. But private labeling of products has been going on for years.

One thing most consumers do not know is that most manufacturers private label their branded products for certain wholesalers in order to sell incremental volume at discounted pricing without affecting the pricing structure of their branded name products out in the market place. Paper manufacturers are a good example of this. The machines to manufacture paper are so expensive, that when they invest in one, it has to run 24 hours a day 7 days a week to pay for itself. So they can not just shut off the machines if demand slacks off for their products. So they are forced to strike deals with wholesalers to put the product under a different brand label at discounted pricing to sell off the supply.

One of my clients is the last site left on the web still selling Tempo, Reliable Paper Inc and even they only have 73 cases left at the time of this publishing. They were nice, cheap cases of Charmin while they lasted. When asked about why they are the last company to have Tempo, the owner of Reliable Paper Inc Brickford Faucette had this to say, "When my vendor called and offered Charmin quality toilet paper at a fraction of the cost, I asked how many trucks I could get. I substitute it for my other commercial brands of toilet paper to my daycare customers at the same price, but the quality is far superior."

Ecommerce and database specialist in the janitorial, foodservice, office supply, hunting, and fishing industries.


7 Weight Loss Tips

Okay, that's it, all done with the holidays, so lets get going on weight loss. No more bad nutrition, get back to your regular calorie intake and 6 small meals per day. You are eating 5-6 mini-meals per day, right? If not, get started, and here are some more weight loss tips.

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Get your carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables first, before using breads and pastas. You'll get far more nutrients and fiber, and fewer calories.

2. Eat fiber

The average American falls far short of the fiber recommendations (of 25+ grams of fiber per day). Add an ounce of raw nuts to your daily food plan to get more fiber and to satisfy your appetite.

3. Eat more protein

Protein fills you up and doesn't mess with your blood sugar, so you'll have more mental energy.

4. Have something for breakfast.

While the exact reason isn't clear, breakfast eaters tend to be slimmer than non-breakfast eaters. Start your day with a whey protein shake and an apple if you are in a rush.

5. Drink water

At least 8 cups per day. This will help fill you up and helps you avoid constipation.

6. Exercise less, but harder.

Forget about long, slow cardio. Learn how to do interval training instead. This will boost your metabolism all day long.

7. Use your bodyweight

There are hundreds of bodyweight exercises you can do at home, from beginner to advance.

And those are 7 tips to help you lose weight, burn fat, control your appetite, boost your metabolism and get the body you want.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit


Good Weight Loss Program

The calorie shifting diet is a good weight loss program to follow. Unlike other diets, where you must reduce your intake of the quantity or the types of foods you can eat, on the calorie shifting diet, you can eat as much food as you want until you are satisfied and you can eat from all four of the major food groups. In doing so, you can expect to lose 9 pounds every 11 days while on this diet regimen.

How does the calorie shifting diet work? This diet is designed around the principle that you can manipulate your body's metabolism, at will, to burn fat quickly, simply by rotationally shifting the types of calories that you consume at each meal over the course of several days.

Somewhat analogous to how a low-carbohydrate diet induces rapid weight loss due to the lack of carbohydrates in your diet, the calorie-shifting diet also induces rapid weight loss by the lack of various nutrients in your body as well.

The major difference is that in a low-carbohydrate diet, you must reduce your carbohydrate intake to only couple dozen grams of carbohydrates per day, whereas in the calorie-shifting diet, you are constantly rotating different types of nutrients - carbohydrates, proteins, dairy, produce, meats, and breads - in and out of your diet, so that by the time your body goes into "deprivation" mode and begins to burn fat because it is being "starved" of one type of nutrient, you reintroduce that nutrient back into your diet while you remove another one.

The net effect is that your body remains in a perpetual fat-burning mode, even though you are eating plentiful food and you are eating from every food group! Your body is being fooled into thinking that it needs to burn fat.

There are only 4 basic rules to this diet:

  1. You must eat four full meals every day.
  2. Eat as much food as you want at each meal until you are satisfied but not until you are too full.
  3. Space each meal out by at least 2.5 to 3 hours.
  4. You must take a break every 12th through 14th days on this diet, to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss you will be experiencing.

Here are some sample meal plans that illustrate how this diet might look during a typical week. The diet plan actually runs in 11-day cycles but only 3 days are included here, just to give you an idea of how the plan is structured and to give you a sense of how satisfying and sustainable this diet truly is. Keep in mind that each of these four meals may be eaten in any order throughout the day, as long as you only eat that the designated foods at each of their respective meals.

Day 1

Meal #1: Sandwich (any type)

Meal #2: Scrambled Eggs Meal

Meal #3: Flavored Oatmeal

Meal #4: Tuna Salad

Day 2:

Meal #1: Scrambled Eggs and Mixed Vegetables

Meal #2: Banana Milk Shake

Meal #3: Chicken

Meal #4: Cottage Cheese

Day 3:

Meal #1: Chicken

Meal #2: Fish Filet

Meal #3: Fruit Salad

So what are you waiting for? Generate your personalized meal plan now at and you will be 9 pounds lighter in a week and a half!


Fast and Safe Weight Loss

Instead of looking at your reflection and being unhappy with what you see, do something to change it. It isn't nearly as difficult as you think it might be. If I brought up that there was a simple alternative to not only lose fat, but to also get an improved complexion, help how your body digests anything you consume and also lower symptoms of arthritis and diabetes, would you hear what I had to say?

A detox diet is the correct response. Detoxification diets function by helping your body do what it does naturally, only better. That's getting rid of all the toxins we consume day to day out of the body. If you knew just all of the bad toxins that come into your body in only one day, you would probably want to live inside a giant bubble. We get toxins in our bodies through the air we're exposed to, our food consumption, the drinks we have. Toxins are everywhere, and there's no way to be rid of them completely, you can get them out of your body.

Yes, unlike the traditional fad diets that's everywhere you see that puts your body through over-stress for just a couple pounds, the safe detox diet promotes health. The at home detox diet helps your body use vitamins/minerals that you intake better and with better results Maybe you suffer from indigestion, constipation, or maybe even IBS? The right, at home detox diet, can help alleviate the symptoms of those common maladies.

You can find many detoxification/detox diets out on the market, that contain just about the same ingredients. The #1 primary goal should be to to contract unhealthy elements for a specified time amount. This time can range from a few days to weeks. Consuming more of raw and organic foods can help flush your body and assist you to maintain good nutrition levels. Most trend diets last a long time 'cause they're supposed to be more effective. Just because a detox diet doesn't last too long, doesn't necessarily mean it won't do a better job. With any at home detox diet you won't feel the same within 48 hours. What if however, that 48 hrs. was all it took to receive a fast, safe, and effectual full body detox?

There's a highly regarded 2 day at home detox diet available that can assist you not to only shed weight and boost your energy and stamina levels, lessen the cravings you have for unhealthy food, and help to liven up your skin and eyes. The answer is the 2 Day Slim Down. As you stare at yourself, what if, in only 2 days, you could lose up to 12 lbs. and be rejuvinated from within? It's now time to take some steps and make some changes. The 2 Day Slim Down detoxification/detox diet is here to help you achieve your health goals.

Jack Shaark is a health nut and a strong advocate for all natural treatments. He truly believes in a healthy and untainted body, and the importance of having a healthy digestive system. He only promotes proven, natural remedies as he feels these are the most beneficial therapies for the body If you would like to learn something more about this brand new technology, all natural safe detox diet, check us out at


What Is The Current Weight Loss Miracle?

More than half of the American population is overweight and the problem seems to be getting worse every year. Obesity is even trickling down to our kids; there are more children who are overweight than ever before. Most of us know that in order for us to lose weight we have to reduce the number of calories we take in and/ or increase the number of calories we burn off. Our bodies will use food we consume as energy, but the food that isn't used is stored as fat. The good news is Omegga-3 fatty acids can help us burn off those calories before they get a chance to sit around in storage as an end result we will end up carrying less excess weight.

If you increased the amount of omega- 3's in your diet and decreased your intake of pro-inflammatory high-glycemic carbohydrates (starches and sugars) and also saturated fats (found in meats, fried foods etc.) Then as a result, unwanted weight would eventually start to fall off. Not to mention other benefits like nourishing the skin, hair, nerves, glands and help to possibly prevent cardiovascular disease. Moreover, these essential fatty acids encourage the body to burn the excess fat as heat and to promote insulin sensitivity. The combination of burning the fat as heat and increasing insulin sensitivity helps to reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes.

When the food we eat is consumed there is one of two pathways the food takes in our bodies. The first one is food calories can be burned inside our cells in the mitochondria to produce ATP, which is used to store and release energy for work within the body. Another name for this process is called Oxidative Phosphorylation. The food can also be stored as body fat or stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. The goal would be to uncouple the oxidation from the phosphorylation. Then the food calories can be burned off by thermogenesis. If the majority of food that we eat could be burned up as heat then more of us would stay slim and lean. Omega 3's can actually uncouple the oxidation from the phosphorylation and also increase insulin sensitivity. Insulin receptors are found in our cell's plasma membrane. Essential fatty acids helps keep this critical and fragile portion of our cell flexible, thereby keeping these receptors intact. If you want even more information on diabetes, an insulin then go to the website located in the resource box below.


The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practioner/ patient relationship with its readers. The publisher isn't responsible for errors or omissions. The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. These products aren't intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


How To Get Maximum Return on Your Workout Effort

Are you trying to lose fat on the treadmill? Do you spend endless hours on the elliptical trainer trying your best to slim down? You need to know the truth about aerobic exercising and fat loss. Cardiovascular exercises may be great for your heart, but it is not the best way to lose fat quickly. According to the latest exercise news, there are new, more efficient ways to lose your gut. But there's a bonus: the rapid approach to fat loss is also fastest way to build muscle.

We have all been taught for years that putting in lots of treadmill time (or doing similar aerobic exercises) was the best way to burn excess body fat. However, this turns out not to be the case.

Cardio exercises still work, but they are an inefficient way to get results. With the tightly scheduled lives that most people lead, there is not much room for inefficient exercising. Plus, it's possible that cardio exercises may actually lose their effectiveness over time. The worst part of it is that you could also exposing yourself to injury and muscle loss.

What is the fastest way to lower body fat and build pure muscles? Turns out that the answer is weight training. Doing the right kind of weight training is absolutely the fastest way to build muscle and slim down at the same time.

Accomplishing body fat loss requires increased metabolism. Research has proven that the best way to increase your metabolism is a consistent program of resistance training. Increased metabolism also helps to burn fat after the workout is over. This means that the benefits of weight training are both immediate and long-lasting.

To get the full benefit of a weight training program, you will need to do more than just add weights to your cardio routine. Spending hours and hours of going through the motions is not going to help you achieve your goals. The real key to success is intensity and targeting a complete set of muscle groups.

The problem with cardio or aerobic exercising for fat loss and muscle building is that cardio is a long period of activity at low to moderate intensity levels. Not only is the intensity lower than optimum, many muscle groups are left out.

If you really want to build muscle, you need to use a program that has a high level of intensity which also targets lots of muscle groups. Then work to the point of fatigue. This program will guarantee you maximum return on your effort. You will begin to build muscle and, at the same time, stoke your fat-burning furnace.

This method is called turbulence. If you have unlimited time and not very much to lose, then my all means stay on that treadmill. But if you need to build muscle and burn fat quickly, then add turbulence to your workout. You can expect to see results right away.

Get out of the workout rut and build the body you've always wanted. Find out the fastest way to build muscle. Visit


Build A Rock Hard Chest With Pushups

You no longer need to go to the gym to get that rock hard body, you need to look no farther then using our own bodyweight as resistance.

Building a rock hard chest is easier than you think and you don't or never did have to spend an hour in the gym; all you need is one simple exercise, the exercise is the pushup.

Despite what most people think- the pushup will not only build a big hard chest but will also strengthen the whole body and this means you will get better results in a shorter period of time.

If you didn't know just the act of holding the pushup position works the chest and the entire body and you don't even have to move, that's how great the pushup is.

If you are training hard in the gym and are not getting the results try the simple pushup for a little change and get the rewards of a hard fit body.

There are more different kinds of pushups then there is bench presses so this means you can work more muscles in a short period of time and the results will be great- and you will never look at the pushup the same way.

The pushup is not going anywhere anytime, an exercise that has been around as long as the pushup it means it works and always has worked that's why we still do it yet most prefer the bench press.

Show me someone who does alot of different pushups and I will show you someone with a strong core; find me someone who benches 300 to 400lbs and I will show you someone with a weak core.

A pushup that has been used for years and has been done by almost all fitness icons is the Atlas pushup and this is a great exercise for building strength and endurance.

What if you were to do the Atlas pushup a little different; Charles Atlas shows himself doing pushups using 2 chairs with his feet on the ground if you do enough of these you know they will build a nice chest.

This is a great exercise but to make this exercise even greater try it with your hands on chairs and your feet on a swiss ball now you will get a strength building workout as well as an unbelievable core workout.

Want to make it even harder put your hands on 2 basketballs and put your feet on a swiss ball and do pushups; if you are weak in any area these types of exercises will show you.

Try different types of pushups and build a big heaving chest using your own bodyweight as your tool.

John Grube is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training He has over 25 years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual , The New Expanded version The Wildman Training Course and The Super Strength Playground Training Manual.For more info


Oxygen Therapy For Weight Loss?

The chemistry sounds very straightforward. Human body fat is a combination of three elements - hydrogen, carbon and oxygen molecules (plus other substances that are stored within the fat cells).

Add extra oxygen to the body fat, and in theory it should break down into two well known substances:

  1. Hydrogen & oxygen molecules (H2O - water, which enters the blood stream, goes through the kidneys and is then excreted via urination); &
  2. Carbon & oxygen molecules (CO2 - carbon dioxide, which is excreted via respiration).

Oxygen or Ozone Therapies are used by a number of alternative medicine practitioners around the world. It is more popular in Europe than in the USA. Practitioners are also found in Canada and Mexico.

Despite being banned in some countries and certainly debunked by large sections of the "conventional" medical profession, there is plenty of evidence that oxygen therapy produces health benefits for many conditions far cheaper, much faster and without the side effects of patent drugs.

Oxygen therapy is usually administered in one of two ways:

  1. A facial mask attached to an oxygen tank, so that the patient breaths in oxygen for many hours of the day; or
  2. Daily sessions of diluted hydrogen peroxide administered via an intravenous drip.

Given the straightforward chemical composition of body fat discussed above, does Oxygen Therapy actually work for weight loss? I decided to contact a number of practitioners in various parts of the world and ask them if, when treating patients for other ailments using oxygen therapies, weight loss was ever seen as a side-effect of their treatment.

All the doctors who replied responded that no such weight loss factor has ever been observed that they could credit to the oxygen therapy itself, and not the condition they were treating.

It seems that empirical evidence to support the theory that oxygen therapy could reduce body fat into the easily excreted H2O and CO2 is lacking.

Still, not everyone is convinced. The chemistry appears fine on paper, so something is missing in the implementation. Finding that missing factor could be crucial in the battle of the bulge, the quest for weight loss, and conquering obesity.

Books have been written promoting special breathing techniques for weight loss. Although there are sceptics, there are also many people around the world who swear by the success they have achieved in losing weight via these breathing techniques.

The theory behind these breathing techniques is not merely due to the intake of the oxygen, but that the human body's metabolic process expels waste matter, including carbon dioxide, when we breath out. Our air intake is higher in oxygen than what we expire, and we breath out more carbon dioxide than we breath in.

The breathing technique therefore seeks to encourage and maximize the expulsion of carbon dioxide from our bodies - carbon dioxide that is the waste matter created when the oxygen dissolves body fat.

Personally, I must admit to being impressed though not thoroughly convinced. It is quite reasonable to assume that the people who are disciplined enough to follow this breathing technique diligently for several weeks or months are probably motivated enough to also be doing other things (dietary, psychologically, etc.) that will be causing the weight loss.

Still, it fits the basic (unproven) theory that adding oxygen to body fat should result in weight loss. Furthermore, it is harmless, so long as adequate dietary intake of antioxidant vitamins and minerals are being consumed. Whether the actual results are from the technique itself or of a more psychosomatic nature is immaterial if it works, is free and available to all, and has no adverse side effects.

By all means, add these deep breathing exercises to your overall toolbox of synergistic weight loss treatments.

Still, there is one more form of oxygen therapy (not usually recognized as such) that even the sceptics would have trouble disputing.

It is more commonly called exercise. More accurately, aerobic exercise. (Aerobic simply means "air breathing".) It is exercise that makes you huff and puff, deepening your breathing. It is and always has been one of the most fundamental parts of any successful weight loss program.

Trevor Johnson is a Masters qualified researcher cum electronic publisher with over twenty years personal experience in the battle against obesity. Objective information and the pros and cons of many types of weight loss therapies is found athis "Weight Loss, Dieting & Obesity" site:


How Can Natural Weight Loss Plans Be Beneficial

Are you thinking about a good successful weight loss plan? Of course it makes sense to take the all natural route to losing weight with no dangerous drugs added into your routine. Is it possible to lose weight naturally and not be forced into a cruel diet plan?

You know if you have the power to lose weight. First you need to set your weight loss goals and pursue them. Losing weight is not quick, it takes time and dedication. If someone told you they lost weight quick, they aren't too understandable. It takes months to get results most people want to see. Sorry for the couch bum, it doesn't take 2-3 weeks to lose incredible amounts.

Now exercising doesn't get too much more natural. This will determine your weight loss results. If you could at least dedicate five 30 minute sessions throughout the week, you should definitely see some weight diminish. Just remember the more you stay active, the more calories you are burning which leads to less fat on your body. You would be surprised on how a little walk in the park will help you in succeeding to lose weight.

Whenever you do go about your weight loss plan, you should also think healthy, not losing fat. For one to be healthy, it will only bring on weight loss. It's like a two in one deal.

Now heres the last tip for losing weight. You should focus on dieting and weight loss supplements. They are another two in one deal that needs to be concerned. Don't fall for any of those "fat burners" that claim you just sit there and pop a pill and let the fat burn away. Those are nonsense.

When looking for a weight loss supplement, you should also go the natural route, just like you wanted your weight loss to be. When you add in those additives and man made ingredients, you are going the unhealthy route.

The weight loss supplements work hand and hand with dieting. Why? Because the natural supplements work as appetite suppressers, and fat binders. Fat binders are supplements that basically let you pass the fatty matter instead of absorbing into your body. The wonders of weight loss supplements lay in the natural plant/herb material in the capsule.

Always bring a good attitude when you want to conquer your weight. So what are you waiting for to bring in a healthier life?

More on the Best Weight Loss Supplements


How Low Carb Diets Affect Your Metabolism

Low carb diets have been around for some time now and the idea behind them makes sense from a weight loss perspective. After all it is a proven fact that the way the body reduces it fat stores is when there is a calorie deficit. In other words the body burns more calories then it takes in when we eat.

Since we get the majority of our calories from carbohydrates it only makes sense that by limiting them in our diets we can lose weight. And its been proven to work, ten of thousands of people who have tried various types of low carb diets and lost weight proves that.

But how low carb should we go? Everyones body is different and finding what works best for each individual is not always easy. There is an optimum amount of calories the body needs to function each day. If we go above or below this level it can affect our metabolism, which is the engine that runs the body. It is a complex energy creating and burning system that affects every aspect of our lives because without it working correctly we can suffer from a variety of symptoms and conditions that if left unrecognized can have serious consequences to our health.

We all know what happens if we eat too many calories, we gain weight because the body stores those excess calories as fat. But what happens when our carb intake is to low? One of the first things that happens is the body responds to this sudden loss of energy by slowing down its metabolism. Not quite the desired affect someone who wishes to lose weight wants. This is a reaction that has evolved over thousands of years and is the normal response to a body trying to conserve its energy in a time of famine.

If our carbohydrate becomes to low the body responds even farther. A normal metabolic process known as lipolysis is accelerated. Lipolysis is the process by which fat is pulled from adipose tissue and broken down into two components, fatty acids and glycerol. These two components of fat are the main source of energy for the liver, cardiac muscle and resting skeletal muscles.

As our caloric intake decreases with a reduction of carbs the body turns to its fat stores for its energy supply. Lipolysis is the process by which this happens. The problems begin during the chemical process of lipolysis in which oxaloacetic acid that is normally used to transport acetyl coenzyme A is instead converted to glucose which the brain needs as its energy supply.

As the supply of oxaloacetic acid diminishes the fat oxidation process of lipolysis is unable to complete the liver converts the excess acetyl CoA to ketones in a process called ketogenesis. These ketone bodies are released into the blood stream and can lead to a condition known as ketosis. Ketosis is common in the malnourished and those who suffer from diabetes. Ketosis, if not treated, is a potentially fatal condition that first leads to a coma as the nervous system becomes depressed because of the blood pH drop caused by the ketones in the blood stream.

Low carb diets can lead to a drastic weight loss, but anyone attempting to use such a program should do so carefully. Cutting too many carbs from ones diet can have life threatening affects just as consuming to many calories and obesity do. Moderating the intake of carbs to provide the body the amount of energy to needs to function is a much better strategy then starving it of its most important energy supply.

Learn more about carbs, calories and metabolism by clicking here.


How Should You Go about Locating A Good Local Weight Loss Program Center?

If you are planning to shed some weight then you may well find it very helpful to join your local weight loss center where you will find not only information and advice about losing weight, but will also benefit from the assistance of others and of following a program with set goals for you to aim for. But exactly how should you go about locating a good local weight loss program center?

Before we answer this question it is important that you know precisely what you are looking for as not all weight loss programs are the same.

Some centers host regular meetings perhaps every week where members 'weigh in' to check their progress and discuss their diet plan for the following week. These meetings generally last about an hour or two and, although they give you access to advice and encouragement, you are largely left to fend for yourself between meetings.

Other centers operate seven days a week (frequently opening early and staying open until late evening) and not only give advice and information, but also give you access to an extensive range of fitness equipment and will also run various exercise classes.

Possibly the best place to start your search for a suitable local center is your local telephone directory. Start your search by looking for 'weight loss' or 'health and fitness' in the business or yellow pages section of the directory.

An alternative to using your local telephone directory is to use the online business directories and online telephone books. Just as your standard telephone directory, these online services will let you have the name, address and telephone number of your local weight loss centers, but have the benefit of also providing you with the website address of centers which also have an internet site. This will then let you find out much more about a center from the comfort of your own home and without having to call them or pop around to check them out.

As well as utilizing web-based telephone books and business directories you can also carry out a search with your preferred search engine. A basic search for phrases like 'weight loss centers' or 'weight loss programs' will bring up a list of not merely local centers but also national chains which can be helpful for determining such things as the size of the business. Generally, you can then find a local center through their main website. You can also refine your search results by adding your location and, for instance, searching for 'weight loss centers in Long Beach' or 'weight loss programs in Long Beach'.

A further very good way to find a suitable local center is by simply asking around. You can start with family members, work colleagues, friends, neighbors or your doctor. This will not only usually give you information about your local centers, but will also give you details of the personal experience of others in using such centers. Out of all the search methods this is clearly the best because you really cannot beat a personal recommendation when you are trying to find a good weight loss program.

You can learn more about Weight Loss Program Centers as well as get Free weight loss tips and much more information on dieting and losing weight at


Joining a California Weight Loss Clinic

Everybody wants to lose weight - and lose it fast. Quick weight loss is possible but - as nice as it sounds - it is not the best way to go. You'll be better off gradually losing weight the natural way.

When you lose weight the natural way (no to crash dieting and starving yourself, for starters), there's a bigger chance that you keep the weight off permanently. You can start small by eating healthier. Try to incorporate a lot of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Not only are fruits and vegetables significantly lower in calories compared to say, fast-food, but they also contain the necessary vitamins and minerals to help keep you healthy. To complement the change in your eating habits, get regular exercise. Opt to walk a couple of blocks instead of taking your car. Take up a sport. Walk the dog. Even the smallest amount of physical activity can help you fulfill your goal of losing weight. You should be able to feel the results (if you can't see them yet) when you combine a healthy diet with regular exercise in a as short as one week.

Don't know where to begin? Why don't you join a California weight loss clinic?

When you enroll yourself in a California weight loss clinic, they can provide you with a detailed eating plan and exercise regimen that is specifically suited for your fitness goals. Whether it is just to learn about being healthy, lose weight, or even to gain weight, there is a program out there for you. Every California weight loss clinic is different from another. Before you check yourself into any program, do your research. Look up different California weight loss clinics to find out which one can provide the best fitness program for you. Remember that your path to fitness doesn't end when you leave a California weight loss clinic. On the contrary, it's just starting. Use what you've learned to make the change permanent in your life.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and director of TheUltimateWeightLossSecret.Com - check it out for all your weight loss information. Phil also provides honest advice about weight loss supplements like Proactol


Why Use A Weight Loss Program?

So why actually use a weight loss program?

Losing weight is not only a testing process but can be a long process at the same time if not done properly. Its like a sports car! In order to keep it working to its maximum you have to keep it well fuelled, maintained and oiled. If just one of these factors is missed then that supreme sports car will not run to its maximum and most probably breakdown. The human body and weight loss runs in a similar manner. To get the most out of it and achieve those results within weight loss you have to get every factor inch perfect from diet to exercise and the right mind set. Doing this by yourself can be a daunting process and why most people fall off the rails when it comes to succeeding in losing weight. This is where a well written detailed plan or program can come into play.

When we as humans are faced with a task or problem the first thing we do is try to find a solution to the problem as easy and quickly as possible. So with the problem being weight loss and the aim is to destroy those extra pounds a weight loss program can solve that problem easier and quicker than struggling through it on your own.

There are countless programs available to choose from and finding a program to suit you is vital not only to maximise results but to give you a detailed step by step guide to reaching that ultimate goal of a new slimmer you. Weight loss programs are full of detailed information on dieting and eating healthily which is one of the main factors of any weight loss success. There is information on what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat to keep your body nourished and full at all times. If a step by step guide on what to eat and when is proven to give results then you are suddenly in that "win win" situation in possession of a bible to success.

On top of the diet, exercise is as important in all aspects. The fact step 1 is covered and your diet is equipped for battle, step 2 and exercise will destroy that fat. Exercising is needed to lose weight there is no way of getting around this point but the thought of pounding away on a treadmill for hours or doing a 1000 sit ups is enough to put off the most motivated individual. Now by following a detailed weight loss program you are giving your arsenal against the fat a fighting chance. The exercise routines within a good detailed plan will not have you pounding a treadmill or putting your stomach muscles through torture as there will be detailed exercise plans that in some cases last only 30 minutes. Exercise plans that are simple to follow, easy to understand and literally guide you through the whole process while bringing results. Having that sort of information does not only boost your chances of success but virtually guarantee it. Some people look at a detailed diet and exercise program as being a personal trainer and nutritionist all rolled into one without the damage on the purse.

A simple step by step guide will bring success and what an exercise program can ultimately offer. Its like anything, try putting a flat pack wardrobe together without the step by step guide. Of course in time there might be a chance you get it together. But use a step by step guide and you will succeed just about every time and in quick time.

So if you have thought about looking into a detailed program to follow or whether one would enable you to lose more weight and quicker. The answer is of course its not a magic plan but like anything else a plan of attack brings results! FACT!

Exercise programs that cover all major factors are few and far between and finding one to assist you is a job in itself. They are available though! Visit for more info and tips on finding the right path on your weight loss journey.


The Why of Weight Loss

No matter if you are carrying a little extra around the middle or are pleasing plump, no one wants to be overweight.

If you are happy with your weight, you belong to the minority of people in the world, but should be applauded for your positive outlook on your life and your body. However, weight loss still may be needed. Many people who are overweight say that they are happy with their bodies, but the fact remains that weight loss in order to achieve a healthy weight is very important. There are a number of reasons you should consider weight loss, even if you don't mind having a few extra pounds. One important reason for the why of weight loss is that our entertainment media has programed us to believe that thin is in. If you are not thin you are not in. It can be a matter of self esteem. Overweight peoople also tend to have more health problems. Problems like heart condition, diabetes, and other ailments.Along with heart disease, having high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels can also put you at risk for a stroke. Strokes occur when blood, and therefore oxygen, cannot reach the brain. This can happen due to high cholesterol. When you have high cholesterol, the fatty deposits build up on your artery walls. If a piece of this plaque breaks off and travels to the heart, it causes a heart attack, and traveling to the brain causes a stroke.

Another why for weight loss is that most overweight people do not get enough exercise. Being overweight makes it difficult and tiring to exercise and is often avoided for that reason. A good exercise program will make up for a lot of dietary health abuses . This is a difficult place to give advice. We all no how important regular exercise is for our health and good looks. Nevertheless, there are ways to increase the amount of exercise we get without an extra trip to the gym. Studies have shown that people whop walk faster tend to maintain their weight better than people who walk more slowly. Pick up the pace when you are roaming around the mall.

Being overweight is also bad for women who wish to become pregnant. When you're overweight, the hormones in your body are changing, and if you don't get the right nutrients you may find that your body does not produce the right chemicals for the hormones needed to ovulate or carry a child. Even if you become pregnant, being overweight puts you at risk for a miscarriage or health problems with the baby.

You may find it difficult to purchase clothing in your size or you may find that the clothing that does come in larger sizes is more expensive. This is simply due to the manufacturer need more material to make the same article of clothing. Problems extend beyond shopping when doing things like visiting theme parks, where you may not be able to ride all of the rides, or using public transportation, where you may feel crowded in seats made for smaller people. Losing weight, even if you are currently happy with your own weight, is always a healthy and smart option, until you reach a normal weight. Beyond the health world, being overweight can also affect your daily life.

Article by Maurice Petersen. For more interesting articles on weight loss check out my Weight Loss Tips Site blog


Water Is A Miracle Weight Loss Drink

We have all heard it and most of us have ignored it; if you want to lose weight you need to drink more water. Eight 8-oz. glasses of water per day is the recommendation from health professionals for optimal health. For many people, that just seems like too much, especially because exchanging the same amount of pop or coffee defeats the purpose of drinking the water in the first place.

There are many reasons to drink up. First of all, Americans have not changed their water intake in the past ten years, but have added 20 ounces of soda to their daily intake. This excess of sugary pop is recognized as one of the reasons for the huge increase in obesity over the past 10 years. It makes sense that we are drinking more pop; since pop tends to be a regular choice for diners, and eating out and ordering in has tripled in the past ten years The colossal change in portions has not helped our over consumption of soda; in 1966 the 'regular' size of a soda was 6 ounces, now it is more than 12.

Replacing water for your soda makes good dieting sense. In one study, dieters who replaced virtually all their usual sweetened drinks with water lost an average of 5 pounds more in a year than dieters who did not, and those who drank more than four cups of water daily lost 2 more pounds than those that did not drink as much. Study after study has shown that drinking water aids in weight loss, although the mechanism whereby it helps is still largely unknown. What is known about water is that your body needs enough of consistently to flush out your daily waste. Your kidneys use water to help flush out the toxins from your body. However, if you don't have enough water to maximize your kidney's function, the liver has to pick up the slack.

Usually the liver's job is to metabolize fat and clean up the blood, but without enough water they have to slow down on those jobs and take over the job for your kidneys. In the end, fat is metabolized much more slowly, so your weight loss is compromised. In addition, your muscles need enough water to contract properly. Water improves muscle tone, so if you are not getting the results you expect from your weight lifting, it might be that you are not giving your body enough water.

Many people give up drinking their full share of water within a few days of trying. That's because for many it seems that they are going to the washroom as fast as they drink it. This is actually a good thing, and temporary. You may know that if you don't give your body enough food it slows its metabolism in "survival mode." The same thing happens with fluid. When you don't drink enough water your body thinks that it needs to be careful and store it because there must be a shortage. So when you begin to drink the amount you really need, it signals to your body that water is plentiful and your body lets go of the stores of extra fluid it has been keeping (you may see this store of water sometimes gathering around your ankles at the end of the day.) The extra water then flushes out of your system, and as long as you keep drinking the amount you require, your body will not hold on to the extra.

So how much is enough? 64 ounces (2 quarts) of water, the usual eight x 8-ounces, is okay for the average person. However, if you are overweight, you should drink another 8 ounces for every 25 pounds of extra weight you carry. Of course, if you live in a hot climate or exercise very intensely, you will need to drink more. What are you waiting for? Get up now and get yourself a glass! You're on your way to a healthier (and slimmer) you!

Kerry-Ann Matthews successfully lost 75 pounds three years ago and still maintains it. During her four years of post secondary studies, she focused on health, nutrition and healthy weightloss. For free information on a guaranteed way to lose weight visit


Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review - Is It A Scam?

"Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle (BFFM): Fat Burning Secrets of the World's Best Bodybuilders and Fitness Models", is a 340 page book that has hogged the spotlight in the competitive arena of the weight loss industry. But is there a legitimate reason behind all its limelight glory or is it just another flab amongst so many out there? Here is a mini Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle review to help you determine whether it is a scam based on what you are trying to accomplish.


In a nutshell, the BFFM offers a relatively simple and very common model, which is to eat the right food combinations and nutrition, and voila you're on your way to fitness. The key lies in how to make the body metabolize more efficiently, thus making it burn more calories, ergo - build muscle and burn fat.

Amidst all its yada yada, it is likened to a lot of other reputable weight loss products such as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, Top Secret Fat Loss Secret and the Turbulence Training. All in all, much of it is nothing new in this book that we haven't heard before, considering that we are talking about the age-old dilemma of weight loss here.


The author of the book himself, Tom Venuto, confessed that Burn the Fat takes the best of all the (weight loss) programs out there, and compiles the information into one exhaustively detailed resource. There is certainly no understatement about it being an exhaustive and detailed ebook.

He also went on to say that through the filtered details in his book, he was able to throw away the junk and the hype and leave behind only a solid backbone of universal principles which apply to everyone.

Take a note from the author himself, whose life is exemplary of what a 'solid backbone' is all about. Apart form being a natural bodybuilder, personal trainer, and gym owner, Tom Venuto is also a freelance writer and author of the Fat Loss Expert for and the nutrition editor for His articles are regularly featured on a host of other websites with another 140 plus articles featured in IRONMAN magazine, Muscle-Zine, Natural Bodybuilding, Muscular Development, Exercise for Men and Men's Exercise.


With the usual dose of common sense advice on sound nutrition balanced with exercise - what else is new?

Perhaps the single most redeeming factor from the book is its practicality, such that even if it aims to target generally, its methods are very much individualized to suit each one's goals and your body type. This is where the 'exhaustive' part comes in.

Every possible detail that you want to know about weight control is well-covered here but at the same time, you get the feeling that it is serving your special needs as an individual. It actually has a special chapter on "Body types, how to identify what you need" wherein Tom Venuto details how people have different body types and how to address each. It goes without saying that many trainers don't have the insight of differentiating individuals and preach based on the belief that every person's body will react the same with the same diet and exercise. We know this is simply not the case.

Michael Samms is an internet entrepreneur who specializes in personal health and vitality. His team personally reviews and analyzes popular weight loss programs on the market and gives them honest reviews. If you would like a complete honest first-hand burn the fat feed the muscle review, you can visit his website at


How to Lose Weight

The healthiest way towards weight loss is neither the bursts of exercise nor the crash diets. In terms of exercise and food, the body likes to have slow changes.

For instance, if you have not exercised for years, you need not rush to run miles a day or pound the treadmill. This will not only leave you disheartened and unmotivated, there is more likelihood that you may injure yourself. This can set your fitness levels even further. The same applies for those, who begin to starve themselves suddenly.

Hence, in order to lose weight, you need more than ordinary steps.

Disadvantages of Excess Weight Gain:

Obesity has many disadvantages. Heart disease is the main risk that obese people suffer from. Secondly, they are more prone to stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure. Based on a recent research carried out in America, obese people are more likely to die prematurely as compared to their healthier counterparts.

Hence, it is important for obese people to remain aware of their conditions and change their lifestyle and diet as early as possible to lose weight.

*Simple Steps to Lose Weight:

Below mentioned are some simple tools that can help you to lose weight:-

1. The best food by which you can lose weight is salads. They have gained much popularity amongst dieters who want to lose their weight fast. If you feel that your salad is bland, do not add cream or sauce to improve the taste of your food.

2. You can also eat baked potatoes in your breakfast. It is a good food and helps you to lose weight.

3. Always remain careful with what you add. Do not neutralize the weight loss benefits of food, when you select the best amongst them.

4. Always eat a high quality food with your snack or meal.

Follow these steps and you are sure to lose weight.

Visit here for an effective resource to help you lose weight


Hey Fatty! Put Down That Donut!

I am sorry for my insult, but let me just get one thing straight. You are here reading this article, and you are concerned about your health and nutrition. I take off my hat to you already.

Most people don't even have the courage to look up, and research how to lose weight, or how to get rid of extra fat.

In fact you will probably read through half of this and say, wow this guy is an "asshole" Who makes fun of fat people to their face?

There is no reason for you to be fat. By being fat you are simply disrespecting yourself, and not being all you can be as a human. No I am not an army veteran, or anything like that. But come' ON! Its common sense.

The thing is, is that most people who are fat and overweight have other health issues, and most of them are mental.

- Low Self Esteem

- Low Self Confidence (everyday this gets lower and lower, the fatter you get)

- Depression

Look. I am not going to name the entire list, but being fat and overweight is just plain ignorance. You know that if you discipline yourself to eating healthier, and throwing in some exercise, you will probably feel a lot better.

You are probably saying well I have a life. "I work, I have kids, and I work...." Well we all work, and many of us have kids. Near the end of this article I have a few links to a site that is just for the busy working men and women of this world who just don't have the time to workout, or even eat healthy.

Please take this into consideration do you really like who you are? Do you really like who you have become? If you're happy that's really all that matters. However since you are reading this I am assuming something is missing from your life.

No one is perfect, however we can do our best to try and be perfect, as we want to be. This is what all of us should be doing as humans, but we don't. Deep down inside you know you can lose the weight if you actually put in some effort, and listened to advanced tips on how to do so.

Losing weight really isn't that hard. I am going to give you a few tips on how to do come about doing this.

- Instead of eating 3 large meals a day, eat 6-8 smaller meals. When you do this, your bodies' metabolism works at its peak throughout the entire day, causing yourself to burn more calories.

- Cut your calorie intake to 25% and just look at the difference of your body in the next month. Take what you are eating now, add up all the calories, and limit them to 75%. Remember in the end, it's all about the calories!

- Do more active things, walking, and running, playing tennis. Instead of watching TV,

Why not go outside... It's nice out? Take on a sport or something.

- Create hope. Hope is the one an only thing that we control. We can control ourselves if we really, really want to.

Good Luck! And Happy Summer!

The author is an expert EzineArticles writer. He has been writing for us for nearly 6 months, and has had thousands benefit from his tips on health, diet, and nutrition. A program that has worked very well with fat loss and diet is the Turbulence Training For Fat Loss Program. It has helped thousands with losing weight in less than 45 minutes/week. Turbulence Training is designed for the busy working men and women of this world who have a hard time fitting exercise, and good nutrition into their diet.


Weight Loss Methods, How to Lose Fat

People who try different weight loss methods often find themselves in the middle of a hard situation, this happens when they are incapable of following those methods until the time when they really start showing the benefits. I have something to tell you, I used to be a fat person, I used to suffer from overweight; however I found out that it really does not matter the kind of weight loss method that you follow, because in the end you will only see the results if you actually enjoy following the method.

In the past I tried everything, from those miraculous diets that artists announce in the television, to those bizarre exercise machinery in which you are supposed to reach your weight loss goal without even realizing you are doing something. I also got myself inside those sauna baths, wore patches, tried acupuncture, and even hypnosis; but there was only one thing that got me to my ideal weight, and it was called motivation.

As I wrote before, there is no single weight loss method that will help you burning fat if you do not actually enjoy following it. Whether it is a diet or a routine exercise, if you do not like what they make you eat, or you do not feel motivated to wake up every morning and perform your exercise routine, after a few days you will dispose the method; believe me, you will toss the exercise machine in your closet never to see it again, and you will go back to your chocolates and candy bars, there is no escaping this situation.

So, the first thing that you need to do in order to discover the best weight loss method and lose some fat, is to find something you will actually like. In my case it was martial arts, I really have fun throwing some kicks and punching stuff, and while at the beginning my technique was not very good, I got better with time; and time also brought results, and results boosted my confidence and my motivation until it became a cycle: the more exercise I did, the more results I got, and the more results I got, the more motivated I was for following this weight loss method. Try it yourself, just keep in mind that the best weight loss method is the one that you actually want to follow, not for the results themselves, but for the actual process.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.

Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his weight loss obesity website for lots of articles about losing weight. Also check out the weight loss eBook that will give you tips for your weight loss problems.

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