Thursday, May 22, 2008 

Get Rid of Manboobs Forever

Burn the lard from your butt and chest. But don't worry, you don't need cardio, just short workouts.

Burn this fat and you'll burn the fat from your butt and abs too. You need to cut back on the junk, and fill up on the intensity. Strength training and interval training exercises make up the fastest fat loss workout you can do at home. You don't need fancy equipment or a gym membership (where you'll be too embarrassed by your man boobs to go anyway).

Listen, women love a chiseled chest, but are turned off by the site of manboobs poking through a sweatshirt. That's why I've put together a fat burning program that focuses on building muscle and blasting fat with all sorts of push-ups, chest exercises, and intervals.

In fact, even the abdominal workouts work the chest and help convert those man boobs back into a real man's chest in just weeks. What you need to do is short, intense workouts. Supplements won't help. Cardio won't work. And doing nothing but pushups and bench presses aren't the answer to your prayers.

Nutrition is important, but short, burst workouts are the key to chest fat burning. Start with total body strength training and then move to interval training.

You can gain muscle and lose fat with short workouts. You don't need to be training 6 days per week or spending hundreds of dollars each month on fancy (but worthless) supplements.

Soon you'll be the guy who is first to take his shirt off at the beach. No more hiding under sweats in the middle of July, or avoiding the water because you don't want anyone to see your manboobs.

Don't go under the knife to lose manboobs, just do some quick workouts. With short burst workouts, you'll eliminate all embarrassing problems. Eat right and exercise with this proven system, and you'll have abs and a flat chest. You'll see changes in your man boobs, love handles, and arm definition within weeks, going from male breasts to ripped abs in the process.

Short, burst workouts are not like all those other aerobic, slow cardio programs you've tried in the past that didn't work. And it's not a wimpy machine circuit that just ends up being a waste of your time. You've never trained like this before. So fast, and so effective.

The fastest way, the safest way, and the only way to get rid of man boobs is with strength training and interval training. No more junk food. Find out how to eat right. Lose your manboobs today and say goodbye to chest fat forever.

Learn the fat burning workout routines that burn away your manboobs and give you ripped abs from Men's Health expert Craig Ballantyne and his trademarked Turbulence Training workout secrets


Fast Weight Loss Using Herbs And Spices

I wonder how much it is generally known that the benefits of using herbs and spices can speed up your weight loss efforts, by quite a considerable amount actually.

We all know that herbs and spices are used with cooking to varying degrees, and of course the primary reason for doing so is to make food much more tasty and interesting.

I suspect however that you might be surprised at the considerable health benefits that can also be gained by using them. In saying this I am referring to those everyday items that can be found in most larders, and not necessarily those exotic and probably not so well known varieties.

I happened to discover the many benefits of herbs and spices and the fact that they can be most beneficial to a weight loss program, when I was doing extremely detailed research for my latest book. The results of that research were so extensive that it could be the basis in itself for a complete publication, and much more detailed therefore than I could possibly include in this short article.

However I have been able to include a fair amount of information in this feature about various herbs and spices which are known to particularly help to speed up weight loss, and that is also in addition to their excellent overall health benefits by the way.

You should find that you will be able to purchase these herbs from any good Herbalist supplier.

Garcinia:(Garcinia cambogia) is a herb which is sold primarily for enhancing weight loss and boosting the amount of lean muscle. This is also known as hila or brindell berry.

One of the major benfits of Garcinia is that it acts as an appetite suppressant and stops the body from storing fat.

Pysillium:(Plantago spp.) This cheeky little herb has quite a few health benefits. Physillium is known to help lower cholesterol, and another major benefit is that it also helps to prevent constipation.

If you use it as part of your weight loss program, it can help you to eat less calories and yet still feel really full.

This is because of the amount of fiber that it contains.

I mentioned earlier that it does help in preventing constipation, but in order to achieve this you should make sure that you drink plenty of water.

Siberian Gingsing:(Eleutherococcus senticosus) If you are going to start regular exercise as part of your health and weight loss routine, which is normally to be highly recommended, then this is a really useful herb.

It can help your body adapt to the stress of unaccustomed changes, and it will help to make you feel less tired even when you are doing simple exercises like walking for example.

So in turn therefore you are more likely to stick to your exercise routine.

Little Known Secrets In Your Larder

Cayenne:(also known as Capsicum, hot pepper, chilli pepper, tabasco pepper). The majority of us have cayenne in our larders, and it is very commonly used in many food dishes. Cayenne can be found in many forms such as ground spices, teas, and would you believe it, topical creams.

It is well known for its antitoxidant action, and greatly helps with osteoathritis and rhumatoid athritis, shingles, and diabetic neuropathy.

A note of caution however: Cayenne may act with anticoagulant drugs so be sure to consult with your doctor. Excessive use may also irritate the intestinal tract.

Manufactured topical capsacin creams can cause a burning sensation, so test first on a small area of the skin, remembering to wash hands thoroughly after applying the cream. This will avoid it spreading to the eyes nose or other sensitive areas.

Fennel: is native to the Mediterranean and is widely utilized throughout the world. You will find it in teas, capsules, tinctures and lozenges.

Fennel can be used to help with bloating, flatulence, mild digestive spasms, catarrh, and coughs. It also has antimicrobal, antispadmodic, and anti inflammatory properties.

A note of caution here: Fennel can sometimes cause rare allergic skin and respiratory tract reactions. Fennel is also a potential source of synthetic oestrogens and should be avoided if you are pregnant.

Garlic: you can buy this fresh, or the one you will most probably have in your larder will be dried. The downside of garlic is the odour which it leaves on your breath, but chewing some parsley after eating will soon sort out that problem.

Garlic is also known to help stimulate the immune system, and to help in fighting cancer. Well documented health benefits include lowering cholesterol,fighting infections, and reducing blood pressure.

Again a note of caution: garlic may also interact with anticoaglant drugs, so do be sure to check with your doctor if in any doubt. Rare cases of allergic reactions are known, and some people might possibly experience heartburn or even flatulence.

These are just a few of the herbs you can use in cooking, but do remember that there are many many more, and the benefits in using them frequently can be quite remarkable.

You will realize of course that when using them as part of any dish to use them sparingly, as to add too much would just spoil the meal.

As with everything in life one should try and strike a balance, after all you know what they say "all things in moderation".

Marie Gordon is Author and Publisher of "Your Fastest Way To Permanent Weight Loss" the complete solution to all your weight loss problems. You can find out more by visiting her website at


Weight Loss Exercise Form

I'm a stickler for exercise form in my weight loss client's workouts. In fact, some of my clients think that I take exercise form too seriously.

But you can't fool around with exercise form. You must do each rep of each exercise with the best form you possible - even when you are tired and struggling to get through the set (that's where the real benefits are achieved!).

So you must go through the safe, full range of motion to get the most out of the exercise. By doing so, you will get more out of the exercise. And more work equals more results.

That's not hard to see, is it? I mean, if you go for full depth and perfect form on a squat or split squat or dumbbell press, we all know that is harder and takes more energy than to use poor form or to do only half the range of motion.

If you do an exercise with picture perfect form that means you've also done the exercise in its most difficult form. And that means you will gain the most muscle and lose the most fat when the exercise is done to its full capacity.

Poor form is often lazy form - its the easy way out - and this will not get you the results you need.

On the other hand, if your mobility (a better training term than flexibility) prevents you from doing the exercise, then you are best to work on your mobility with bodyweight exercises, such as the Spiderman Climb, Spiderman Pushup, Y-Squat, and the other metabolism boosting strength training bodyweight exercises.

By improving your mobility, you'll be able to do the Single-Leg Reaching Lunge with perfect form (i.e. lots of depth while maintaining a slight arch in your lower back).

I've added the Single-Leg Reaching Lunge to the bodyweight page...just scroll down to the exercises here.

Remember that all exercises should be done with your abs braced (as if someone was going to punch you in the stomach) and your low-back slightly arched, but never, ever rounded.

Train safely, train consistently, and train successfully for weight loss.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fat loss exercise programs have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Craig Balantine's fat loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight exercises for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.


Permanent Weight Loss - Seven Stepping Stones for a Successful Journey

I was overweight for most of my life from the age of 10. This baby never lost her baby fat. At the age of 47, I began my weight loss journey, in earnest, due to some health problems. I have lost over 100 pounds and kept it off for over five years.

For me, the process of losing weight has become a journey of body, mind and soul. Think of some trips you have taken in your life. Parts may have been difficult, parts were fun, and some parts were enlightening or educational. Some parts may have even been scary for you. Your own weight loss journey can be rocky, exhilarating and just plain hard work. But like most trips you've taken it is well worth it. This journey is one towards health and happiness. But like any journey, it is very personal and can be taken in many ways.

The following seven stepping-stones have helped me immensely on my personal journey, even today.

1. First and foremost, you must come to realize that this can not be just a temporary diet. In order to lose weight and keep it off you must make some permanent lifestyle changes. The journey must start in your head. You have to want it enough to do the work it will take. You have to really and truly believe that you can do it. Do you? What purpose is the weight serving for you? You need to do some soul searching and life inventory to see what is making you live the way you do now. However, don't wait until you get all the answers. Do something positive toward your goal while you search for answers to those deep questions.

OK, about this thing called motivation. What is it? Motivation is that burning desire inside you to accomplish something by doing whatever it takes to do so. It is a resolute, single-minded focus on doing something important to you. When I'm motivated, nothing can get in my way. When I'm not, anything can. Don't wait for motivation to appear miraculously. It may or may not come to you. But one thing I know, from experience, is that doing something, even something very small, that leads to success, breeds motivation. And that motivation cultivates success which in turn breeds continuing motivation.

There is nothing magic about losing weight. It's all about calories in and calories out. It's not rocket science. However, you have to let go of so much magical thinking that we develop over the years. "If I don't eat the whole candy bar, it won't count." "I am eating while I walk so I am burning these calories." "If I eat just handful more it won't matter," etc, etc, etc. Does this sound familiar? Many people tell me I am lucky to have lost my weight. Luck nothing to do with it. More magical thinking in action!.

This is a journey, not a race. Don't compare yourself to your 20-year-old co-worker who can drop pounds like water off a duck's back. Don't compare yourself to yourself. Don't berate yourself about all the times you tried before and didn't succeed, Take this new journey, willingly, joyfully, in your own way and in your own time and you will succeed.

You can't practice all the components of a healthy lifestyle only when it is convenient, when you are under no stress and when you have the time and energy to devote to it. You don't just pay your bills and go to work when you are happy and unstressed. You must also treat your health in that uncompromising way. Your life can't get in the way and you can't do this just when it is convenient, and easy. People who are healthy and balanced are able to cope with life stressors much better. Furthermore, you can't pick and choose components. You can't just eat well but not exercise. It won't work if you eat better but refuse to eat any vegetables. Your body is much like a machine and it needs all the right ingredients to make it work well. You don't decide to put only gas in your car and not brake fluid or oil. It all works together. Taking care of yourself, body, mind and soul has to be something that is done with balance. It all comes down to making a small series of good decisions about eating ,exercise and staying positive all day, every day, most of the time.

2. You must become your own parent or best friend. Talk to yourself like your own beloved child. The dialogue in your head should be loving, encouraging and respectful. Give yourself loving encouragement and rules. Make up affirmations and post them where you will see them all the time. I posted my goal weight everywhere in my house, especially where my trouble spots were, like the refrigerator. I told people it was a serial number for inventory purposes! When you have a negative thought, turn it around immediately. When I drop something and think to myself, "How stupid you are!" I turn it around and say, "No, you aren't stupid, just in too much of a hurry." Treat yourself with kindness and love always. Your self-esteem and self-love will grow as you do this. Your mind believes what you tell it. Developing your self-esteem takes time and practice. You must do things that make you feel loved, powerful, competent and strong.

Be realistic. You will falter and fall. We all do. You're not perfect, just human, like the rest of us. You may not be able to get as thin as you think you should. Be kind to yourself through this process. Give yourself non-food rewards such as a massage, a new haircut, a new CD or a smaller article of clothing. You must be your own cheerleader and your own motivator.

3. You have to be willing to get rid of excuses and be willing to work on change. No matter what life issues we have, we each have to approach this journey in a way that makes sense and feels like it will be successful for us. I did it whole hog. I just stopped eating 24/7. I began to change my eating and exercise habits, literally, over night. I have added things over time, like eating mostly, fresh fruits and vegetables, but for the most part, this total approach worked well for me. I also started to exercise every single day, no excuses, and no exceptions. Many people recommend "taking baby steps" in reference to making lifestyle changes. This can be the best approach for many. However, you must look at the term "baby steps." What does this really mean? Babies learn to walk with small, halting, steps while falling frequently but they keep on trying. They don't give up, ever. They progress steadily and soon they move from walking to running. And they never go back to baby steps again.

4. You must learn to eat differently. If you keep doing what you have been doing and it's not working, you have to make changes. It all comes down to habits. You break old habits by substituting new ones. You can get used to anything. I wouldn't eat cottage cheese or drink non-fat milk for many years. Then I began to add non-fat milk to my whole milk then to my 2% then my 1%. Whole milk, once my staple, tastes like heavy cream to me now! Try one new food a week or try new ways of cooking old foods. I still don't like liver but I will try a taste of it now and then just to see if it or I have changed! I grew up on vegetables boiled to death in vats of gray water. If we were lucky, the limp pile on my plate was topped with salt and butter. So I never really tasted vegetables in all their glory. Try to steam your veggies lightly, roast them or grill them. Try different spices on them. When you make salads you can make them interesting by adding a bit of cheese, nuts and croutons to them, but not too much! Homemade vegetable soups seem to appeal to most people and vegetables can be grated into meatloaf and pured into spaghetti sauce, as well.

When you want to eat, ask yourself "Is this stomach, mouth or heart hunger?" if it is true stomach hunger, I eat something healthy. If it is mouth hunger, I chew on some carrot or celery sticks or chewing gum. If it is heart hunger, I try to identify what I need, Sometimes I talk with a friend, sometimes, I take a walk or write. This is a good time to clean out a drawer or your desk. Sometimes when I realize that I am tired I take bubble bath and go to bed. You will learn to become responsible and mindful of your eating habits. What are your triggers for binges? Do you engage in mindless eating? When? Where? Why? Try to identify your triggers. One night I was working at my desk. I couldn't find my checkbook and I thought it might be in the daycare playroom. I went there and I found myself in the kitchen in front of the refrigerator with the door open. I knew my checkbook wasn't in there! I stopped myself then but wondered how many times I had mindlessly meandered to the refrigerator and didn't stop myself. I think binges are hard to control. When I have binged I try to stop myself before it gets too bad. I take my mind off my binging by quickly diverting my attention.

When I have a craving, sometimes, I tell myself, I can have what I want tomorrow. I make an elaborate plan in my head and by the next day I forget all about it. If I don't then I indulge in a limited portion of what I want. Another trick I've used comes from my child development background. It is accepted practice that when you have to say no to a child, you offer something positive in its place. Such as, "No you can't go outside now but when you finish your homework you can. Or, "No, you can't wear your swimsuit because it's raining but you can choose which coat you want to wear." When I want something now, I tell myself, "No you can't tilt back the refrigerator right now and inhale but you can have some fruit with yogurt and sprinkling of nuts on it." "No, you can't skip exercising but you can either do a workout tape or take a walk."

5. You have to move. Find something you like to do. Do something every day, no exceptions no excuses, no matter how little you can do at the beginning. You have to vary your workouts so that you don't get bored and your muscles will work less with each repetition. You need to challenge yourself more and more, little by little. I have as many excuses not to exercise as anyone. I still really don't enjoy it. But I do it, no questions asked. I pay my bills, I go to work, I exercise. Sometimes when I really don't want to start, I tell myself that I only have to do 10 minutes of my chosen activity, and then I can quit. The endorphins kick in and I always continue for at least half an hour, if not more. I don't give myself a choice now. I used to resist walking in my neighborhood because I felt there was no scenery to look at and the park was too far away. After making myself walk a few times, it was amazing how many pretty trees and gardens I had never noticed and the park suddenly was much closer than it had ever been!

6. Have fun on this journey. You have to make it enjoyable or you will give up. Make a scrapbook about this journey. Write about your success and failures. Take pictures of yourself regularly. Some people measure their waist with a string each week and keep the strings so they can see their progress. Give yourself silly rewards for each pound lost, a bottle of bubbles, a comic book, Make charts or calendars about eating and exercise. Give yourself stickers for each day you do well. Make a picture collage of things you want when you lose weight. Places you want to go, clothes you want. Watch funny movies; listen to music you love, read books you enjoy. Spend some time doing something you enjoy, every single day, even if it is just a few minutes. Take up a new hobby that will keep you busy. Write about funny things that happen on this journey. I have a couple of funny stories to share with you. My grandniece, who was about 4, at the time asked what my free weights were for. I told they were helping me to get big, strong muscles. I made a fist and showed her by bicep. She promptly pointed to the bat wings, under my arms and said, "I see your muscles right down there!" Another time, I told my sister that as I was losing weight there were dents all over my body where the fat was disappearing. I put my hands on my sides and said, "Like here. What is this?" Without missing a beat she said, she said, "That's your waist!" I had no ideas. I'd never had one!

7. Get support from those who understand and will help you to succeed. Keep it private unless people will be supportive. How many times have you tried? If they expect you to fail, once again, it may hinder your success. Join some kind of support group in person or online such as Weight Watchers or TOPS. You don't have to spend lots of money. Ask your family members, your co workers or neighbors if they want to join you on your journey.

Most importantly, believe in yourself and believe that you deserve this healthy, happy new life.

I have successfully maintained a weight loss of 110 pounds, for over 5 years. I am a successful writer, speaker and weight loss and wellness coach. I can help you because I've been where you are but, more importantly, I can help you find your way to health and happiness.

I have 100's of other tips on my web site
Please contact me at


Leptovox Stakes Late Claim to the 10 Superfoods

A diet pill marketed it, at least from what I can tell, purely online staking a claim several years ago that 10 Superfoods (brazilian acai, cayenne pepper fruit, garlic, soybeans, barley, wheatgrass, kefir, alfalfa, flaxseed and buckwheat) help people lose weight, be rid of acne, and lose wrinkles. The skin claims are supported by the theories and products of Dr. Perricone, an anti-aging guru whose main liftoff point happened when he appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show.

This diet pill was called Lipovox. Since it's debut, it's been a top seller on ebay and has branched into other online store venues as well.

Now we see a new product called Leptovox. What's different about it? Not too much honestly. It also offers the same superfood ingredients with a few different anti-oxidants.

The diet pill industry is an industry of copycats. When something good comes along, it's copied quickly. As the internet has grown, the ability of companies to mimic each other's moves has increased as well. A diet pill company can release a flagship product on Monday and see a copy (or close) of it from their competitor on Friday. And I'm not exaggerating.

This appears to be what Leptovox is poised to do, positioning themselves as being a superior offering because they bundle a carb/fat blocker, detox, and "feel good" product with their sale of Leptovox. What's my take on the whole thing? It's a net plus for the consumers, so I give it a thumbs up.

As we see more and more entrants into the diet pill market, to compete with heavy hitters such as Lipovox, we're going to see prices driven down. Case in point: Lipovox recently dropped their price from 31.99 to 29.99. You may scoff at a modest two dollar decrease, but we're talking about a 6.25% hit to their bottom line. I imagine their response was due to the pressure put on them from Leptovox.

In the end, this competition will drive prices down, and quality and transparency up, giving the consumers exactly what they need.

Cal Stevens is the author of his own diet pill review site where he's reviewed both Lipovox and Leptovox for the benefit of his readers.


The Best Cardio Workout To Lose Fat Fast

Let's face it there is no effective fat loss programme without proper nutrition but no fat loss programme is complete without talking about cardiovascular exercises. In order to lose body fat you have to create a calorie deficit. There are two ways you can use to create a calorie deficit.

1) Decrease your calorie intake from food.
2) Burning calories trough exercising.
Tom Venuto, a worldwide bestselling fitness author said it already in his book. Burn
the fat with exercise and feet the muscle with good nutrition. After reading this article
you will discover the best cardio workout for proper fat loss.

Low intensity vs. High intensity

Perhaps you may have heard that low intensity training is better then a high intensity workout. This is not true if this was the case you should burn the most body fat while sleeping. High intensity cardio exercises burns the more calories while lower intensity workouts are burning a greater percentage of calories from fat than carbohydrates. It is important for you that you select an intensity that is not to light but also not to hard.

We call this the fat-burning zone or target zone.

Duration of the workout

If it is your goal to decrease blood pressure or cholesterol then it is enough to train for twenty minutes. But if your goal is to burn body fat off then you have to train for at least thirty minutes otherwise your training won't be effective. Never train more then sixty minutes in one session if you train so long there is a risk for injuries and over- training. Training more then sixty minutes in a twenty-four hour is possible but then you have to split your cardio workouts. One workout in the morning and one in the evening would be your best bet.

Frequency of the workout

For maximum fat loss I recommend you to train at least three days a week. Even if you don't suffer from overweight to much do cardiovascular exercises as well it is good for your health in general. Perhaps you are not blessed with a fast metabolism then adding an addition day or even two, three, four days will maximize your results.

Cardio is not enough

A "secret" that top fitness models and bodybuilders are using is combining cardio exercises with weight training. Cardio is very effective with weight lifting for maximum fat loss. Although it is very rare doing large amount of cardio can result in losing muscle mass. With cardio exercises you can burn calories during the workout but with weight training you burn calories after the workout.

I'm sure you have a good idea now how to create your own best cardio workout for maximum fat loss. Keep an eye on your nutrition as well and you will get results.

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Bodyweight Program

This circuit workout uses no equipment, but helps you burn fat fast.

Now time to get started going through the fat burning circuit workout. Do your regular workouts on Monday and Wednesday, and then try the 100 workout on a Friday or Saturday.

Don't jump around between movements. Get all the reps done, then on to the next. Take as few breaks as possible, but you don't have to do all of the repetitions in an exercise without stopping. That would be asking a little too much!

20 Prisoner Squats

20 Pushups

10 Jumps

10 Inverted Rows (aka Reverse Pushups or Bodyweight Rows)

20 Forward Lunges (10 reps per side)

15 Close-grip Pushups

5 Chin-ups or Inverted Rows

Prisoner squats require you to put your hands behind your head, like a prisoner would. Keep your elbows back, and shoulder blades together. From there, do regular bodyweight squats. Squat all the way to parallel.

Follow that up with regular pushups, keeping your body in a straight line at all times. Keep your abs braced and contracted. Push with your chest and triceps to return to the start position.

Be very careful with the explosive jumps. If you have sore knees, skip these. Otherwise, jump athletically and bend your knees when you land. Bend your knees upon landing, and in one motion drop your hips and jump up again.

The upper back is worked by the next exercise, called inverted rows. In this exercise, you'll lie under a bar set at hip height (in a squat rack or smith machine) and you will row your body up to the bar. Try to touch your chest at the top of the movement. Squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Next up is forward lunges. Take a slight larger than normal step forward, plant your foot, and drop your hips straight down while bending your front and back knees. Lower until your front thigh is parallel to the floor, and keep your back knee 1 inch off the ground. Drive back up to the start position through your front leg.

Close-grip pushups follow that up. Keep your hands shoulder width apart, and this will use your triceps more.

Whew. Ready to end this thing? Just one bodyweight exercise left. Chinups. Chinups are the underhand grip version of pullups, and of course, are an advanced exercise.

This bodyweight workout will put turbulence on your muscles and help you burn fat and boost your metabolism without slow boring cardio.

This is a revolutionary new way of burning bodyfat using bodyweight exercises. Fat burning circuits will kick your butt but burn off belly fat as fast as anything. So its worth it.

Take your time going through the Bodyweight 100 workout. Split the reps up into chunks if you need to, but complete all repetitions for an exercise before moving on to the next. And you won't need any cardio to finish up this workout. Fat burning circuits are the best for lean bodies.

If you want to burn fat, use the Turbulence Training workout routines. The variety of interal training and bodyweight exercises will allow you to change your body at home.


The Self Hypnosis Weight Loss Diet

Any weight loss diet is only as effective as the willingness of the person dieting to stick with the diet's requirements. Eating, in general, is such a complex combination of nutrition, pleasure, and other psychological factors, that the motivation to adopt and practice a particular eating regime to lose weight may prove extremely difficult. Often, the person is torn between conflicting motivations, simultaneously needing certain foods and eating habits for a sense of well-being, and yet acutely aware of the harm this form of eating can do to her or his self-esteem, health, career, and social life. All in all, successful weight loss dieting may need the extra help provided by one of the most effective mental tools available, self hypnosis.

The self hypnosis diet is based on two types of ideas, suggested to the dieter during the hypnosis. First, once the person has carefully researched the weight loss diet to be followed, the specific diet requirements may be formed into suggestions and included in the self hypnosis. These ideas are crafted to reflect the precise needs of the diet, even mentioning certain foods and other particulars. A second type of hypnosis diet idea to be suggested is motivational. Motivational ideas may consist of the most powerful reasons for the person to remain on the diet, to make the diet a success. Again, these may be worded precisely, to suit the thinking of the person, although a skilled professional can prepare an effective "generic" weight loss recording, too.

Why is hypnosis so effective for dieting? Think of it like this: hypnosis can't change the weather, but it can help you to use your umbrella, which will keep you nice and dry. Every diet, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc., has a special set of rules to follow. Most of the reputable diets are designed by nutrition experts and usually based on pretty sound science. If the rules are followed, the weight comes off. The real task of the person dieting is not to re-invent the diet, it's simply to stick with the diet and by following the rules, reap the benefits. Hypnosis is a fabulous tool to enhance any dieter's ability to follow those all-important rules, no matter what the program may be.

A professionally prepared self hypnosis mp3, cd, or tape can be a life-long tool in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Often, weight loss dieters feel helpless and alone in their uphill climb. A good hypnosis recording is an oasis of personal pleasure and strength in this struggle. I urge you to let hypnosis be your secret dieting weapon!

The work of licensed mental health counselor Richard Blumenthal has been published in such esteemed journals as Medical Hypnoanalysis, The International Journal of Psychosomatics, The Journal of Human Behavior and Learning, and The British Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Mr. Blumenthal is a pioneer in the therapeutic use of hypnosis. He is the originator of Rational Suggestion Therapy, and the inventor of HypnoSoft Self Hypnosis Software, located at, for which he was awarded a United States patent. Hypnosis mp3 recordings by Mr. Blumenthal are available at


10 Kinds of Food To Avoid To Get a Flat Stomach Fast

To get a flat stomach fast, you need to get your diet in order, eat right and lower your body fat.

If you don't - no matter how hard you try , you will not get a flat stomach. The first thing you need to do is find one or more weight loss partners sharing the same priorities.

Having a social support network is a great way to sharing fat loss tips and staying positive. And research have shown that you are more likely to succeed if a weight loss partner significantly loses weight.

In other words find one now and start cracking. Secondly, eat foods that help you get a flat stomach fast. Eating is a powerful drive so don't starve yourself. Try eating more lean protein, healthy fats and less processed carbohydrates. But stay away from foods that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and Trans Fat.

These kinds of foods are high in calories, high in fat and can leave you wanting for more! As you can see food has the power to either save your body or destroy it, and by carefully choosing what you eat, you determine the future of your body type. Here are 10 kinds of foods to 'ditch and replace' to get a flat stomach fast -

  1. Pancake syrup replace with Real maple syrup
  2. Frozen yogurt replace with fat free or low fat ice cream
  3. Ketchup replace with mustard
  4. Canned soup replace with organic, all natural or sugar free soups (read the label)
  5. Regular soft drinks replace with unsweetened sparkling water (better yet - drink water and green tea)
  6. Chips and crackers replace with pretzels, raisins, walnuts, celery, bakes chips, salsa and natural yellow corn chips
  7. Fried fast food like fried chicken, fried fish and fires replace with broiled meat and poultry
  8. Donuts, cream filled cookies, pound cake, muffins, taco shells replace with angel food or sponge cake, multi-grain and whole wheat bread, flour tortillas
  9. Frozen foods like pies, pot pies, pizza, waffles, bread fish sticks replace with frozen stir fry chicken, beef or shrimp, grilled salmon
  10. Pasta sauce replace with Sugar free pasta sauce
There you have it, 10 kinds of food you should kick out of you life now. These foods are high in fat and just bad for your health.

The key to a flatter stomach is dropping body fat with a healthy diet and regular exercise that is high in intensity like Turbulence Training Routine.

This is how to get a flat stomach fast.

Discover How to Get Ripped Abs With The 5 Things You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going Get a Flat Stomach Fast


How I Lost Weight - My Weight Loss Success Story

This is my story about how I lost weight. I hope my success will inspire other people to succeed as well.

I remember it was after I heard something about another scientific research which revealed that being overweight is bad for health.

Every time I heard something like that I would promise myself that I'm going to lose weight, but I failed miserably and completely.

However, this time I made a decision that I must do something about it.

You see, pride is very important to me.

I do not like when people see me in bad light.

So I thought: "Maybe I can use my pride to help me get rid off extra pounds." I made a list of all people that I want to respect me. Next, I bought 20 or so postcards and wrote on them: "I promise you that I will lose weight."

Within one week, I gave or sent the postcards to the people on my list - dad, mom, brother, my boss, the best friend, five other friends and my neighbors. The only person I did not give the postcard was my girlfriend.

I was mad about her and I really wanted her to respect me. I knew that I would die of shame if I broke my promise.

But one day, I came to her house, gave her the postcard and left without a word.

Losing weight was the hardest thing I did in my life. Many times I was on the brink of breaking my promise. But every time this happened, I would remember the people on my list and how I would lose their respect for me.

Why am I telling you this?

Because one of the most important reasons why lots of people fail to lose weight is the lack of motivation.

Wanting to lose weight or wanting to look good is often not enough for most people to stick to a weight loss program or diet.

In other words, the stronger your motivation, the better your results!

Once armed with strong motivation, it was easy for me to shed extra pounds.

In case you want to know what weight loss program I used ... well, I did not use any of popular diets.

My plan was simple. It included three elements:

1. Eating half of everything I usually eat. No food supplements or calorie counting.

2. Exercising 30 minutes a day, seven days a week - everything from brisk walking, swimming, playing basketball to weight lifting.

3. I used some tools that significantly helped me lose extra weight.

I'm 100 percent sure that without using these tools I would not be able to achieve my success. Click here to learn more about these weight loss tools.


Fiber - Are You Getting Yours?

Fiber foods are not only healthy, they are delicious. If fiber is new to your eating habits, you are about to discover some new foods, and youll get your fiber at the same time.

Health Benefits

Although experts agree that fiber in all its forms promotes digetive health and helps to prevent irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. Harvard University found that surprisingly, the incidence of colon cancer did not seem to be affected by the amount of fiber eaten. However, the type of fiber, made a difference. Whole grain (like brown rice, oats, etc.) not only contain fiber but, more importantly, nutrients like anti-oxidants are likely the cancer-fighters. Folic acid and mulitvitamins, found in orange juice and leafy greens, can also reduce the risk of colon cancer by up to 75 percent.

Increasing Fiber Decreases Calories

Did you know that increasing the fiber in your diet actually reduces the number of calories your body absorbs from food? Eating moderate amounts of fruits and vegetables makes a significant difference. In low fat diets, 96 percent of calories consumed were absorbed, compared with 91 percent with high fiber eating. Sounds like a small difference? Five percent can add up meal after meal, day after day.

Other Weight Loss Benefits of Fiber

High fiber foods also tend to lower levels of insulin, the hormone that stimulates appetite and can lead to the urge to binge. In addition, improving your digestive processes wtith fiber can help rasie your metabolism, energize you and burn more calories in all of your daily activities.

Fiber Choices

So, how do you incorporate more fiber into your diet? There are many delicious and nutrious high fiber foods to choose from, including:

Apples (with skin)




Green Beans







Sweet Potato

Brown Rice

Whole wheat pasta

Brown Rice


Best Weight Loss Program

If you want to lose weight I am going to tell you best weight loss program. I will tell you what a weight loss program should include. A real weight loss program should not promise fast or rapid weight loss. As rapid weight loss programs never give long lasting results. So prepare your mind if you want to have a success in your weight loss program. The real weight loss program will never be fast you have to be patient as losing weight is a slow process.

Always consult a weight loss doctor or a dietician before starting your weight loss program as performance of an individual varies. You should make some small changes if you want to have great results. Try to count your calories in every meal you eat. Stick to a regular exercise program which is a key part of a weight loss program. Try to enjoy your exercise program. You can exercise outdoors or you can exercise during listening music if you will enjoy your exercise it will boost your weight loss program.

Eat lot of green vegetables and fruits it will help you in your weight loss program as green vegetables and fruits give lot of vitamins and minerals. If you want to lose weight and if you want that your weight loss program should give you great results drink plenty of water. Successful weight loss program always need lots of water. If you want to lose weight water should be your best friend. Losing weight is a slow process a slow and steady weight loss program never promises losing more than three pounds per week.

Jitesh Arora is a Weight Loss expert if you want to know more about diet and weight loss visit


Healthy Weight Loss Secrets

Obesity is a now serious problem worldwide and it is expected to reach epidemic levels by the year 2020.

If you are one of them, you better watch out - as here are some of the diseases you're putting yourself at risk at the moment:

1. Heart Disease

2. Stroke

3. Diabetes

4. Cancer

5. Arthritis

6. Hypertension

The only way you can reduce your chances of getting these diseases is to lose some weight - while you it's still not too late to do so!

The are many methods available right now - both online and offline, that claims that you'll be able to lose X amount of weight after X amount of days - but most of them does not seem to work. These weight loss methods may include things like dietary drinks, foods or supplements.

Rather than taking in such dietary drinks, foods and supplements, its best if you rely on a healthy weight loss option which is proven to work, and also helps you lose weight for life, without any side-effects. The only thing you need to remember is that you need to set realistic goals, and that this whole weight loss process takes time, and NOT overnight.

Here are some tips you can use to lose some unwanted pounds the healthy way:

1. Do Not Diet

Many people think by dieting, it will help them lose weight faster. But this is simply not true. By dieting, you're actually putting your body's immune system at risk, because your body does not have the required nutrition levels to function properly everyday.

Instead of dieting, you should choose the right food intakes - such as more fruits and vegetables, and choosing grilled foods over deep-fried ones.

2. Start Your Day Right

DO NOT skip breakfast - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. By having a healthy breakfast in the morning, it will help jump-start your metabolism.

The foods you eat during breakfast will actually be used to burn fats all day long.

3. Eat Small, Healthy Meals

5 small-serving snacks everyday is better than 3 hearty meals. By eating more frequently in small servings can prevent you from over-eating. This will also help to increase your body's metabolism rate and help your body burn calories faster.

4. Have Realistic Weight Loss Goals

Set realistic weight loss goals - do not expect yourself to lose 100 pounds in 7 days. Weight loss is all about setting realistic goals, and having the correct mindset toward the whole process.

Once you've planned out your weight loss plans, stick to it and make sure you follow your own set of dieting rules closely. You have to be really disciplined to have a successful weight loss experience.

5. Drink Lots Of Water

Your body needs sufficient water everyday to burn fat and keep your body cells hydrated and healthy. It is recommended that you drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water everyday.

6. Watch Your Sugar Intake

You'll have to eat wisely as well to have a successful weight loss experience. Eat more fruits and vegetable, some bread, rice or pasta for the necessary carbohydrate fix that your body requires everyday, along with lean meat and protein-rich foods.

Avoid foods like sweets, sodas and pastries, as they contain a very high level of sugar.

7. Watch Your Fat Intake

Eat foods like tuna, salmon and mackerel - as they all contain Omega-3 fats in them which is good for your heart.

8. Exercise

Simple exercises such as walking for 20 minutes everyday, brisk walking, jogging, cycling, skating, or even home chores will help you shed some pounds.

Last but not least, I have to stress that healthy weight loss is not an overnight process, but it must be done over a period of time. You have to set realistic goals for yourself.

If you're just starting off, you should start slow - aim to lose 5 or 6 pounds first, then give yourself a short break before continuing to lose another 5 or 6 pounds.

Eat healthy, drink lots of water, get sufficient sleep and exercise - all these will increase your chances of being able to lose weight successfully, and improve your health - and resulting to a new, healthier you.

Good luck.

Discover an amazing, never-revealed before instant fat loss secret you can use immediately to lose at least 45lbs of that sickening, unwanted fat from your body in the next 14 days - Click here to learn about this amazing fat loss secret

Jun Yuan Lim is committed to finding a proven and workable weight loss methods that work - without any health hazards. To learn about how you can lose 45lbs within 14 days using a method which even doctors will not disclose, visit


Can Exercise Lower Cholesterol

You probably are already aware of the overall benefit to health that exercise has but can exercise lower cholesterol ? You bet! In fact its one of the easiest, cheapest, and non invasive methods of reducing cholesterol. Its too bad so many people turn to drugs rather than exercise which also has the benefit of relaxation.

Only 10% of Americans exercise 3 times a week or more. Thats pretty amazing for that leaves 90% that are exercising too little or not at all. Exercising does not have to be complicated and it does not have to cost you a dime. No need to join a gym or take an aerobic class unless you want to. Why not start with something as basic as a walk. Youll be surprised at the benefits you will feel.

Exercise has all kinds of benefits and reducing cholesterol is one of those. Studies show that an unfit man can reduce his risk of death by 37% just by becoming fit, and women can reduce their risk by 48%. Those are pretty impressive numbers.

Walking is the best way to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease which cholesterol is the main underlying problem. Walking is also the best fat burner. In fact walking burns double the number of calories than running the same distance as the walk. And it reduces bad cholesterol.

You should work towards an easy 30 to 45 minute walk three to four times a week. This is not a race. Just walk at your own pace. If you are within walking distance of work walk to work otherwise park your car further away then normal and walk. Maybe use your lunch time to go for a walk and always use the stairs rather than the elevator. In fact stair climbing is a great work out and it gives you great looking legs.

When you decide to start to exercise its important that you were proper walking shoes. Dont confuse what you need with a running shoe which is too soft. Dont push yourself at first. Start slow and build your strength. The first couple of weeks you might not even be able to walk the 30 minutes and thats okay. Its not a race and you dont need to be anywhere fast.

Its better to exercise before you eat because food in your stomach needs additional energy and can interfere with being able to exercise. Fruit and water are okay. Always stretch before you start to ensure all your muscles are warmed up and you wont strain anything. And finally whats most important is consistency. You cant expect results if you walk once in awhile whenever you get the urge. You wont loose the pounds, wont lower your cholesterol, and wont give your heart the attention it deserves.

Can exercise lower cholesterol ? Absolutely! And all it takes is a walk a day.

About The Author

Morten Hansen has been focused on the health area for several years and is mainly writing about subjects, that make it easier for people to understand and live a more healthy life. For more details about Cholesterol visit our website


How Can I Lose Weight Fast? Your Prayers Answered

How can I lose weight fast is a question that's asked by many people, day in and day out, all over the world. The world is awash with a million celebrity diets and a new workout craze each week, but are any of them right for you? Check out our article to find the lowdown on how you can really lose weight fast.

Tip 1

Ditch the pasta. How can I lose weight fast? No more pasta is the answer. While it's healthier than other more traditional carb groups (french fries for example), pasta still contains huge amounts of calories. Think about it for a second - the stereotypical long distance runner loads up on things like pasta and potatoes for this reason. Pasta is a pretty great food though, so instead of ditching it altogether why not consider halving your portions and eating some fruit or nuts after your meal?

Tip 2

Sugar free is the way to go. Think about it for a second - how can something as sweet as sugar not be chock full of calories? Losing the sugar is a big answer to the "how can I lose weight fast?" question. If it wasn't bad for you people would be eating sugar sandwiches for lunch each day wouldn't they? If you drink a lot of soft drinks, simply switching to sugar free versions can easily reduce your calorie intake by a few hundred each week.

Tip 3

Drink more water. How can I lose weight fast? Simple - the water aids your body's metabolising process, so you digest food more efficiently. The statistics regarding dehydration are ridiculous-a staggering amount of people live their everyday lives in a state of dehydration, and this means your body is not working as well as it could. Your body needs water for its everyday processes, including burning fat and thinking. If you drink more water, you will retain less, burn fat better, and be able to think clearer. Fact.

Tip 4

Get a pedometer. Attach it to yourself for a week, and work out how many steps you do in an average day. If you are asking yourself how can I lose weight fast, try and add a thousand steps a day. Walk to the park, or the store, or just around the block a few times. Whatever it takes. Walking isn't exactly the most strenuous activity, but I'm betting after a couple of weeks of doing extra steps like this, you'll be seeing exactly how you can lose weight fast.

So there you are, 4 answers to the eternal modern question - "How can I lose weight fast?" Hopefully these answers have made you understand that weight loss isn't a big impossible challenge. Click the links below for the best weight loss advice around.

CLICK HERE to start dropping the weight right away - it's right here, and it's fast and easy

CLICK HERE for the best weight loss resources on the net - we'll even show you how to get a free weight loss book right now

Emma Green is the webmaster at


Tips for Natural Weight Loss

Enjoyable physical activity is an integral part of a natural weight loss program. Research shows that physical activity is one of the key factors in helping people keep the pounds off. If you set sensible goals for yourself, chances are you'll be more likely to meet them and have a better chance of keeping your ideal weight.

A lifestyle based on healthy eating and regular physical activity is naturally the best way. By that I mean incorporating working your muscles and well as cardiovascular. Yes, study after study has shown that a blend of the two is key to a natural program being successful and keeping the weight from coming back.

Our bodies are amazing. If you eat less the body thinks it needs to store more because there's not enough. If you eat more frequently not large portions but just on a more frequent basis the body will think there is plenty and start burning the fat that is stored up.

A decrease in caloric intake and an increase in daily activity will create a natural caloric deficit which is the foundation of all pounds coming off for good. The excess weight that you put on is the difference between calories digested and calories burnt off through exercise. Therefore if you lead an active life you are able to consume more calories and your activity will get you to where you want to be.

Using moderate weights does not result in huge muscle mass, but it increases the body metabolism, firms the body and gives a slim look. Aerobic exercises can enhance your heart beat rate and breathing.

Most people employ just the cardio side of losing weight. Which it isn't bad but it more works the heart and lungs. You must incorporate a muscle workout of some kind into our regime. This is missing factor with so many.

Did you know after a muscle workout with weights your muscles are needing "food"? Guess what that food is..its your fat. This could be the missing link to your success.

Mike Dejona is the expert in weight loss and has posted more free articles and helpful tips at


Weight Loss Tips - Drink More Water To Lose Weight Faster!

Not drinking much water is as bad as starving for weight loss. Lack of water causes retention of fluid in the body.

Guzzling eight to ten glasses of pure water is good for many reasons. It helps our body dispose off toxins. You would have heard of the universal advice, "drink at least eight glasses of water a day!" This medical dogma has been proved to be effective.

The urban lifestyle has given way to habits that are harmful to the body, one of which is substituting water for soft drinks, coffee and tea, but they are not good because they fail to hydrate the body. They may also act as diuretics or contain sugars. Replacing these drinks with water increases the energy levels of the body and also helps with the exercise regimen, which should be a part of all weight loss programs. With a good hydration regimen (drinking water) and proper exercise, it is possible to maintain good health while aiming at losing weight.

Water by itself also helps in weight loss, since it carries no calorie content, and should be made your dominant drink. It keeps diseases such as high blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes at bay.

Drinking more water is necessary and needs to be included in weight loss programs. However, many people who are on a diet believe in the false notion that drinking water before a meal is a good way of killing hunger. Drinking water for filling up the stomach does not help and can prove bad for health.

Even when you are on a quick weight loss regimen, it is important to form eating habits keeping long-term weight control in mind and not to resort to techniques that seem to be beneficial in the short-term.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, visit

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training


How To Lose Weight Quickly Through Diet

I wanted to share with you how to lose weight quickly. The fastest way is through tough diet work. We've all heard the saying, we are what we eat and that essentially applies here.

If you're overweight, you've been eating like an overweight person for a period of time. You are who you are today by what you ate yesterday. The reason fad diets fail is because you eventually stop using them. You lose weight, and go back to fat guy diet. These fad diets even add in added dimensions of pressure, such as "food is evil" and you have to literally starve yourself. This isn't something you could do for the rest of your life because food is good.

The best diet I've seen for losing weight is the fatloss4idiots diet. The main reason I like this diet is because it doesn't make food the enemy. Food is accepted as a good thing and instead of declaring war, it uses food for advantage.

For example, you can control the way you eat, when you eat and how much you eat to increase your metabolism. Eating smaller meals more often will speed up your metabolism allowing you to burn more calories and eat more food throughout the day.

Another example, is the fact that different foods have different effects. Some food can cause your metabolism to crash and others will have it speed up. Being able to identify the foods that speed up your metabolism can make the process of weight loss faster and, more importantly, easier.

This will definitely put you in the area of information on how to lose weight quickly. It is a matter of accepting food as a vital part of your lifestyle and using it to your advantage.

If you need more information on Fatloss4idiots, click here for Fast Ways to Lose Weight.


How to Lose Belly Fat Fast - Warning

This is not how to lose belly fat fast - starving yourself and not exercising. Getting your nutrition right, eating more in controlled portions and working out regularly are the best combinations for effective weight loss. There's no point to stop eating - it's just plain stupid - and you will fall to the temptations of cravings.

Outcome - you will end up eating more than you should. But you can get a lot of info on sensible eating just by 'Googling' for it. However, there are 4 points that are often overlooked - but are critical to your fat loss efforts.

Below are 4 must know tips on how to lose belly fat fast

1. The Plateau : You will find losing weight easy at first, but there will come a time when you may plateau. If you do -- you must stop the negative self talk that says 'I can't do this' or 'It's just too hard'.

Best yet, forget the scales for the week, and try different positive goals like eating 1 more piece of fruit for the next 7 days, go to the gym tomorrow or cut out sugary drinks for the week. Every little bit counts.

Setting smaller, achievable goals every day to give yourself a sense of achievement and momentum.

And always stay positive - remember you objective is not to look a fitness model - just a fitter and healthier you. One who is more active and doing more with your life.

Fact is - always expect the lows and highs during your fat loss journey - nothing is perfect.

2. Focus on Today, Not Tomorrow : Review your eating habits - just stop and think about what you are putting in your mouth.

Ask yourself, 'Is it worth it?' If it is food that will add more stomach fat, swap it for a good habit, like cutting down on alcohol for water, or choosing low fat ice cream.

With practice, it soon becomes your habit.

3. Spoil Yourself : No food. Nothing beats rewarding yourself with an incentive in exchange for a weekly or monthly goal.

Set yourself a challenge to visit the gym 3 times a week or just drinking water only for the week (no caffeine, no soda and any liquid calories).

And when you do meet that challenge, why not add $5 into a 'spoil myself' bank account towards something special like a facial or a weekend getaway.

This is a great way to keep you focused on your fat loss journey.

4. Check labels carefully - Most canned or packaged foods include small amounts of wheat, egg, yeast or dairy produce, so make sure you read the fine print on the labels. But the best way to keep away from unwanted additives is to prepare the food yourself - at least you know what you are putting into your meals. Homemade is always a better option.

So you may be still asking 'How to Lose belly fat fast'?

At the end of the day if you lose weight sensibly with the aim to lose it over time, you will lose the belly for good.

Remember - you didn't gain the belly fat in days, so you can't expect to lose it in days. Just not natural and it isn't worth it.

Discover How to Lose Body Fat And Build Muscle At The Same Time - Turbulence Training - Using No Long Boring Cardio, But Just Using The Best Exercises For Quick Weight Loss at


Why Use A Weight Loss Program?

So why actually use a weight loss program?

Losing weight is not only a testing process but can be a long process at the same time if not done properly. Its like a sports car! In order to keep it working to its maximum you have to keep it well fuelled, maintained and oiled. If just one of these factors is missed then that supreme sports car will not run to its maximum and most probably breakdown. The human body and weight loss runs in a similar manner. To get the most out of it and achieve those results within weight loss you have to get every factor inch perfect from diet to exercise and the right mind set. Doing this by yourself can be a daunting process and why most people fall off the rails when it comes to succeeding in losing weight. This is where a well written detailed plan or program can come into play.

When we as humans are faced with a task or problem the first thing we do is try to find a solution to the problem as easy and quickly as possible. So with the problem being weight loss and the aim is to destroy those extra pounds a weight loss program can solve that problem easier and quicker than struggling through it on your own.

There are countless programs available to choose from and finding a program to suit you is vital not only to maximise results but to give you a detailed step by step guide to reaching that ultimate goal of a new slimmer you. Weight loss programs are full of detailed information on dieting and eating healthily which is one of the main factors of any weight loss success. There is information on what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat to keep your body nourished and full at all times. If a step by step guide on what to eat and when is proven to give results then you are suddenly in that "win win" situation in possession of a bible to success.

On top of the diet, exercise is as important in all aspects. The fact step 1 is covered and your diet is equipped for battle, step 2 and exercise will destroy that fat. Exercising is needed to lose weight there is no way of getting around this point but the thought of pounding away on a treadmill for hours or doing a 1000 sit ups is enough to put off the most motivated individual. Now by following a detailed weight loss program you are giving your arsenal against the fat a fighting chance. The exercise routines within a good detailed plan will not have you pounding a treadmill or putting your stomach muscles through torture as there will be detailed exercise plans that in some cases last only 30 minutes. Exercise plans that are simple to follow, easy to understand and literally guide you through the whole process while bringing results. Having that sort of information does not only boost your chances of success but virtually guarantee it. Some people look at a detailed diet and exercise program as being a personal trainer and nutritionist all rolled into one without the damage on the purse.

A simple step by step guide will bring success and what an exercise program can ultimately offer. Its like anything, try putting a flat pack wardrobe together without the step by step guide. Of course in time there might be a chance you get it together. But use a step by step guide and you will succeed just about every time and in quick time.

So if you have thought about looking into a detailed program to follow or whether one would enable you to lose more weight and quicker. The answer is of course its not a magic plan but like anything else a plan of attack brings results! FACT!

Exercise programs that cover all major factors are few and far between and finding one to assist you is a job in itself. They are available though! Visit for more info and tips on finding the right path on your weight loss journey.


The Secret To Permanent Weight Loss

AND SAVE MONEY IN THE PROCESS. The secret is simple and basic. Just three little words --- DON'T BUY IT! If you don't buy it, you won't eat it. If you don't eat it, you won't get fat. So your problem starts at the store or restaurant.

Since your diet starts at the store, were you ever taught how to shop for food? Probably not. The grocery store can destroy your diet and get into your pocketbook . First you need to check the layout of the store, ---where everything is. Leave the produce for last, so it will be as fresh as you can get it.

REMEMBER: 70% of the products are there just to take your money. Notice how many rows they have of soda, cereal, and snacks. Look what they've done to the potato--instant potatoes, mashed potatoes, french fries, tater tots, shoe string, chips, twice baked. Notice the shelves along the aisles. Everything is conveniently displayed close to your reach--a ploy by the store to buy those products. On the lower shelves are products aimed at kids. Look lower or higher, and you will find the same products--for less. If nature didn't make it, you don't need it. Stay away from processed and imitation foods. Try to stay away from canned food (you never know what's in the can). Stick with the fresh & frozen foods.

Check out the PACKAGES carefully. That box or package may not be full. 1 -Solids are measured by weight-- ounces, pounds. . 2 -Liquids are measured by volume-- gallon, quart, pint. 3- Price -5% of the price for the product is for the product it itself. 95% of the price is for; packaging, manufacturing, transportation, middlemen, salaries, insurance, utilities, etc. Let's say a gallon of milk cost $2.00. The milk is 10 cents, the rest is $1.90.

According to the FDA, LABELS must be specific and truthful. If the label says "Kraft Pasteurized Processed Cheese Food," it is not cheese. If it says "Breakfast Orange Drink"--it is not juice. Check out the nutritional values, particularly fat---stay away from saturated fat. INGREDIENTS must be listed in dominance order. If sugar or water is listed first, it is mostly sugar or water. The last ingredient is least significant. Anything after salt is of little use. Do you know what those ingredients are? Can you pronounce them? And you want to feed this to your family?

COUPONS are a gimmick to get you to buy something you don't need in the first place. Save 50 cents on chips, when you can save $3 if you didn't buy it. Do you ever find coupons for REAL food? Marketers know you need the basics. Nature didn't make snickers, it made nuts. Nature didn't make chips, it made potatoes. Nature didn't make soda pop, it made water and juice. Nature didn't make wieners, it made fish. Nature didn't make Snickers, it made raisins. Nature didn't make fritoes, it made corn. Our society is food oriented. On every corner there is a restaurant, fast food, and everything in between. You are bombarded with ads from the media. Your body knows what it needs. It knows when to stop eating apples, not candy. Once you start eating Mother Nature's diet you can lose weight, and feel much better about yourself Listen to your body.

Add exercise to your lifestyle, and you can add years to your life. Do something every day, even if its walking, climbing stairs, playing with the kids. A good exercise program should include aerobics (running, swimming, jump rope, fast dancing), endurance (working with weights), and flexibility ( calisthenics, yoga). Your body was meant to be used, not abused. You deserve it.

About The Author

Kathy Thompson, Writer, Speaker, Coach with 25 years of researching health and fitness. "The Secret to Permanent Weight Loss" Program is now available to help you live a happier, healthier, and longer life.

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