Tuesday, July 22, 2008 

Vitamin B12 Injections For Weight Loss

It is best to tackle the problem of being over weight before things get out of control and the problem at hands turns into obesity. In a bid to achieve this, very true to natural tendency, what most people try to do is lose weight without any exertion or physical exercise. Starting with the awesome weight loss vibrators and sauna belts advertised on the television to herbal powders and Vitamin B12 injections for weight loss, the list is indeed a long one.

Vitamin B12 is also called Cobalamine, and is one of the eight water-soluble B vitamins. All of these B vitamins help the body in converting carbohydrates into glucose or sugar, which is burned in order to produce energy for the functioning of the body. These are often referred to as B complex vitamins, and are also essential for the breakdown of fats and proteins. These also help maintain muscle tone, protect the mucus lining in the digestive tract and mouth, and upkeep good health of the nervous system and organs like the liver, skin, hair and eyes. The other important function of Vitamin B12 is very similar to other B complex vitamins; Cobalamine is considered to be an excellent anti-stress vitamin since it is believed to enhance the healthy functioning of the immune system and improves the bodys ability to fight stressful conditions.

Keeping these properties in mind, the possible role it could play in helping the cause of weight loss programs has been noticed and implemented. Providing Vitamin B12 injections for weight loss is a common practice as part of proprietary weight-reducing programs at several weight loss clinics. Vitamin B12 and/or Vitamin B6 injections gives extra doses of these vitamins which has been found to frequently improve energy levels, general well-being, supports thyroid functions, boosts the right cardiac output by reducing water retention owing to its diuretic attributes.

As is the case with any drug, over doses of these vitamins can cause serious health threats and hence extreme caution must be exercised while using these. It may seem heavy on the wallet but these B12 shots must be taken under medical supervision to avoid serious complications. Some of these are panic attacks, mood swings, erratic blood sugar levels, joint pains, muscle cramps, etc.

As a rule, only those suffering from a diseased condition called Pernicious Anemia and a few other problems related to digestive disorders should ideally be treated with B12 shots. Vitamin B12 injections for weight loss is condemned by most parts of the medical fraternity, especially since there are no proven facts that indicate that these shots help in weigh reduction. Apart from the energy boosts which may help the otherwise lethargic over weight individual, concrete benefits of using this as a method to attain weight loss is yet to be proven. Always remember that hard work and sweat always pays when it comes to losing weight and it might be well worth the effort to invest time and effort into a healthy diet and exercise regimen than to opt for Vitamin B12 injections for weight loss.

Gen Mason does cardio and works out everyday. Discover more about teen weight loss at Natural Weight Loss


How Women Lose Body Fat Gain Muscle - 8 Tips to Turbo Charge Fat Loss

This is How women lose body fat gain muscle - they plan well and are prepared to be patient. Women who are patient have long term views to eat sensibly and train hard on a consistent basis to get the body they want.

There are no short cuts or miracle cures for a lean body - but if you can keep fat loss simple, you will lose body fat and gain muscle over time!

Below are 8 tips on How Women Lose Body Fat Gain Muscle -

  1. Understand your 'how' and 'why' behind each exercise and food choice. That way, you'll more likely stick to with a program.
  2. Eat Slowly - it will help overweight people lose weight because one tends to eat less, instead of overeating at a fast pace. Eating fast without chewing food properly makes you eat more calories - Because your stomach does not register how much food you actually consume. This is why you keep eating without feeling full and consuming extra calories.
  3. Eat more fresh wholesome foods. And say no to eating out, take-away foods and junk food.
  4. Drink less sugary beverages - best yet cut it out completely. Sugary drinks including the diet kinds just adds unwanted body fat. So Stick to drinking plenty of water or green tea.
  5. Whole fruits such as apples are more filling than dried apples, and much more filling than apple juice. A glass of juice provides around 500 kilojoules but an apple or orange (205 kilojoules) will save 295 kilojoules, have more fiber and still meet your daily vitamin C quota. Fiber expands in the gut, makes you feel full and helps stop you over-eating. The rule - try to get 2 servings of fruits a day - and 5 servings of veggies. Both fruits and veggies are great sources of fiber and carbs!
  6. Make meals more satisfying by including two to four portions of high protein foods (like poultry, fish, low fat dairy foods, beans, eggs and tofu) daily. But don't overdo it - eating more protein than you need won't help you lose weight faster. Comes down to eating in moderation.
  7. Be consistent and make the new found habits as part of your lifestyle. Do it consistently, and it will become the norm for you.
  8. Never Stop Challenging Your Body - Every week, mix it up - create new routine by varying the moves, the intensity, the number of reps and sets. For your body to keep changing, your workouts have to keep changing too - and must include strength training to tone your body. The best workout for women are a combination of interval training and challenging resistance training. If you need the best fat loss program for women, The Truth About Six Pack Abs covers a range of the most effective workouts and nutrition tips designed for women to lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time!

For More Fat Burning Ways on How Women Lose Body Fat Gain Muscle, Visit The Truth About Six Pack Abs Now For a FREE eBook on "Training And Nutrition: Insider Secrets for a Lean Body" And Discover Fat Blasting Tips on How to Get a Flat Stomach Fast!


Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days - Weight Loss Accelerators For Women

Here's how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. This is especially written for overweight women who are busy, tired, hate gyms, and don't have much time to devote to themselves.

These weight loss ACCELERATORS will put your weight loss into OVERDRIVE. You'll see big changes in your body within 10 days.

Lose 10 pounds in 10 days

1. Boring tip first... eat 3 apples a day

Yep, it's boring, but it works. This is my way of testing you to see if you truly want to lose weight. Eating 3 apples a day for 10 days will allow you to lose about 1 of those 10 pounds. Not much, but this is more a "MINDSET THING" for me to help nudge you into a better weight loss frame of mind.

2. Spin like crazy

Nope, not spinning on some bike at the gym. I'm talking about spinning around in a circle while you're standing in your living room. YEAH. I'll explain it, stay with me here.

What you do is spin around clockwise and in a circle. Put your arms out like airplane wings while doing it. Get slightly dizzy with the spins... don't spin anymore than is necessary to get SLIGHTLY DIZZY! Spin numerous times each day... only takes 15 seconds of your time.

The logic behind it.

Spinning somehow brings balance to unbalanced hormones... via your Endocrine System. This isn't a science, it's more like an art. That's kinda why you have to get slightly dizzy and not totally dizzy when spinning.

Basically, just about all overweight people in North America have unbalanced hormones because of pesticides, herbicides, and numerous other unnatural chemicals and metals in the air, water, and food. Spinning helps solve the "hormone problem".

3. Walk on an inclined surface

Most people walk on a flat surface... and notice how most people are overweight! Listen, walking on a flat surface is ok for slow, long term weight loss, but I'm sure you want some quicker results.

Therefore, go with walking on an inclined treadmill or up hills. Either way. A 10-15 degree incline is ideal. Just walk for 15-25 minutes... nothing more.

Don't just write this off either since it's walking. There's walking AND then there's INCLINE WALKING. Big difference! Try it once and see for yourself.

Do those 3 things and you can possibly lose 10 pounds in 10 days.

Want more INTERESTING ideas on how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days?

Well, if you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

First, click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE 19-PAGE REPORT "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success". This will give you a jumpstart on how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days as I explained above... except the report gives you way more details.

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics. These UNCONVENTIONAL TRICKS are a "SHORTCUT" way on how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days... no mention of eating carrots or celery.

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life. Listen, I understand you want to lose 10 pounds in 10 days without changing much in your diet or exercise plans... I get it. I have this completely covered. I've worked with over 3,700 clients. I know a 1-size fits all plan doesn't work. So I've come up with lots of "tricks" to personalize weight loss specifically for you and your lifestyle.

Fourth... there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website. If you don't lose 10 pounds with just my free information... I'd be amazingly surprised!

Jennifer Jolan http://www.weightlossguide4women.com


Weight Loss Camps for Adults

Adult weight loss camps evolved in the 1980's from the traditional children's summer camp experience. Predictably, as the incidence of obesity grew across all age ranges in the 70's and 80's, weight loss camps for kids, teens and adults became popular and gained terrain.

Typically, the weight loss camp setting featured a low calorie diet and a fitness or exercise program. In the beginning, many so-called fat farm and weight loss boot camp programs also failed to address fundamental behavioral and emotional issues, including body image and body acceptance struggles.

While many children, teens and adults enrolled in these programs lose weight and return home fitter, little data exists in the literature about whether these outcomes are permanent. Many experts suggest that the results are short-lived because true behavioral change cannot occur in the absence of teaching how to eat (opposed to how to restrict/diet) and without learning how to deal with the emotions and stresses that trigger overeating. Finally, experts also questioned and still do -- whether younger age campers are emotionally ready to create long-term changes, regardless of the program curriculum.

Weight loss is more efficient and can be helpful in creating healthy lifestyle behaviors if the weight loss program is followed in an adult weight loss camp. These conditions should be accomplished if you want to follow an adult weight loss camp:

Is the overall philosophy geared towards weight loss at any cost, or is it focused on creating healthy lifestyles that promote healthy weights?

How do the various components of the program support that philosophy to achieve the desired results?

Does the staff include qualified counselors, health professionals such as nutritionists, registered dietitians, psychologists and exercise physiologists?

Is the program tailored to meet individual needs; how many participants does the program allow per session?

Is counseling available to help make changes in eating and lifestyle choices?

Does the program include stress management and a behavioral component dealing with emotional aspects of eating?

What aftercare support is provided? How long does this last?

The result obtained in the adult weight loss camps shows us that the group work is more efficient than working alone. Some causes of these result are the strictly program applied by the dieters, the food that contains the right calorie intake for weight loss, and the fact that everyone makes new friends and the atmosphere is friendly. There are also non-diet philosophy of an adult weight loss camp small-sized program -- where the emphasis is on helping each adult successfully attain a healthy weight, feel good about itself and have fun in the process -- remains the same as it was conceived in the beginning of these organizations, only modified to meet the changing needs and realities of today's busy adult.

I am a nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" I've decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.

Visit the website! It will help you make a wise decision! http://www.LoseWeightFast.999answers.com


How To Lose Belly Fat In Only 10 Minutes

I have been doing this for years folks. One of the most common questions I get at the gym while I'm training someone is "How Do I Lose Belly Fat"? It's simple I tell them and it really is. You just have to be consistent. That is the key to anything you do in life. It's called ambition. Let's start:

Minutes 1-5

1. Interval training. This is a process which keeps your metabolism high and makes it higher. You can apply this method to any aerobic workout. One example is walking. Let's say you walk for 10 seconds, you run for 20 seconds. Repeat this over and over until you are satisfied. Those 10 seconds of walking in between the runs give you a chance to "rest", therefore letting the body regroup itself and get used to the idea of running. It's great for your metabolism.

Minute 6

2. Sit-ups! The key to having a slimmer looking belly is excersizing your mid-section. You want to work those abdominal muscles. Do 10 regular sit-ups, 10 side-to-side situps, and 10 sit-ups with your feet off the ground. Do this every day and you can have that six-pack you've always dreamed of!

Minute 7

3. Push-ups. I don't think I need to explain this one. Just remember to keep your body straight and off the ground.

Minutes 8-10

4. Jump rope! Sounds like fun? It really is once you get going. When you're jumping, think about your fat just falling off. Your belly is getting smaller. Have this mentality, it is great and once you see results, it is an excellent feeling.

Follow those 4 excersizes for 10 minutes every day. Just 10 minutes! You don't have that much time? Then why did you sit here and read this whole article. Go now and get started! I urge you!

Michael Porterlini is dedicated to the health and well-being of others. Please visit my website for an excellent review on a very popular fat loss program. I highly recommend it and it's a great program.


Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly?

Summer is here, and that means vacations, weddings, and family reunions. And, that means bathing suits, strapless dresses, and shorts and tank tops.

Are you starting to freak out, because these events are drawing nearer and you are not even close to feeling comfortable in any of these summer clothes?

Well, stop worrying. YOU CAN BE READY! How does losing an average of 4-6 lbs every 11 days sound? That's an average of about 10-15 lbs a month. This is completely possible with a diet plan unlike anything else you've tried before.

If you are desperate to lose weight quickly, then Fat Loss 4 Idiots may be the diet for you. The claim is "You will notice a difference in your body in just 11 days".

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is an amazingly easy and effective weight loss plan. There is no calorie counting, no point counting, no diet pills, and no "fasting". It is not based on "low fat", "low calorie", or "low carb" foods. There is no guessing as to what to eat and when to eat, or what is healthy and what is not.

All you do is choose your favorite foods from a list of foods. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots "diet generator" will use these foods and create an 11 day menu for you. There will be 4 meals each day. All you do is follow this menu for 11 days. After 11 days, you then get 3 cheat days to eat whatever you want. After the cheat days, you will then start another 11 day menu, if needed.

So, what's the secret behind Fat Loss 4 Idiots? It is "calorie-shifting".

This means that you are manipulating calories by manipulating the foods you eat at each meal. You will be eating different types of calories each day, which shocks your metabolism, and results in faster weight loss.

In order for this to work correctly, you need to eat the right foods (fat burning compatible foods), and you need to eat them at the right times and in the right cycles. Imagine trying to figure that out.

Well, that's why Fat Loss 4 Idiots is so easy. They do all the computing for you with the "diet generator". You don't have to worry about any of that. Just choose your foods, and in seconds, you will have your menu.

Another feature that helps a lot of people, are the cheat days. After each 11 days, you get 3 cheat days to eat whatever you want (of course, you should not go overboard with this). This is very beneficial, though, because a lot of people feel deprived of their favorite treat when they are on a diet. With Fat Loss 4 Idiots, you can still get that treat on a cheat day. So, you have something to look forward to.

Don't skip the cheat days, either. They are there for a reason. They are part of the "calorie-shifting".

If you want to lose weight quickly, be careful of how you do it. There are many unsafe options to quick weight loss. You can lose weight quickly, safely, and easily with the right diet plan.

If you are desperate to lose weight quickly, choose the diet plan that works. Go to http://www.fatlossforidiotsplan.com to learn more about Fat Loss 4 Idiots and other helpful weight loss information.


Speed Up the Metabolic Process - Lose Fast Weight

The amount of energy that is required by the body is referred as the metabolic rate. In some other definition metabolic rate tells how rapid the carbohydrates can be burned. It had been proved that the people who are not active and don't perform physical activities have low rate of metabolism. So here are some of the ways to boost up the metabolic rate: -

Stay active all the time: - a person must always indulge in the exercise programs like aerobic programs and training sessions. If a person stay active then the amount of the muscle that a person is having gets increased which further helps in speeding up the metabolic process. It is advised to stay active all the time to improve the lifestyle.

Have meal is small portions: - a person must always has a habit of eating the less food but in continuous portions. So it is advised to eat often but not too much in quantity. It is preferred to have small meals instead of having large one or two meals. This activity can be performed daily. This helps in ticking up the metabolic rate.

Take foods which are protein based: - the amount of calories which are present in the rich diet of proteins, around 25% can be burnt off easily. One thing a person must notice is that the rich food consisting of proteins must have a low fat which can include diet like meat, chicken and also the dairy products which are low in fat.

Go for the consumption of the green tea: - green tea will help in speeding up the metabolic process as it contains the antioxidants like Lida Meizi Slimming Tea and Healthin Organic Tea for Weight Loss.

Determine the intake of the daily calories: - a person always calculates the ideal quantity of calories which can be consumed daily by a person. The simple method to calculate the amount of the calories is to multiply the weight of the body by factor of 11. This factor can be changed to 12 if the level of the activity is above average. This can result the calculation of the amount of calories. Therefore the amount of food must contain the appropriate amount of calories which is calculated on the above basis. This diet can be followed till 7 days and can be extended further for a period of 2 weeks. In few time there will be a significant effect noticed in the health of person. This will help a person in losing the weight in correct manner and also the muscles of the body will remain intact.

For lose weight buy Lida DaiDaihua products.


Secrets to Successful Weight Loss Part 1

Relax, I'm not going to make you go to a plastic surgeon and call that my secret. I want you to do me a favor and get a piece of paper and pen. Now, once you do that I want you to write this on the top of the line, "I'll kick your ass!" Reason why you are writing that is because you are going to. I want you to feel motivated and in a sense be driven to lose weight. I know many people out there trying to lose weight in a organized schedule and never see changes because they aren't driven. You might find it repulsive to believe me however, as a nurse people who are striving to survive cancer somehow make it. Others who know they aren't going to survive end up passing away faster then doctors estimated. You need to be driven in order to lose weight and see changes. With that said, lets move on to something that everyone usually has problems in.

1. Food: Fruits and vegetables are your best friends. Eat them as much as you can, you can never gain weight on eating them. Never skip a meal, starving your body makes it go into survival mode. This means that when you're body is on survival mode it will trigger your body to take in fat, but later add more fat into you when you eat another meal. When you want to diet, break up your meals into 4-6 a day. The way to successfully lose weight is to never get your body into survival mode, which means always eat something healthy every 2 hours. If you are on the run going to work always get a yogurt, something that has low calories and carbohydrates. If you happen to skip a meal, try to drink something instead such as Jamba Juice, Juice it up. I'm sure everyone loves desserts. You can have them, just remember what the next step is you might need to do 5 minutes more of.

2. Work it!: Work out, I suggest before working out drink a protein shake. Reason being is, when you work out you are going to burn muscle and you need protein to help revive your muscles faster. While in this process you lose body fat. No need to run, sorry you're not building endurance or stamina. You are trying to lose and burn fat here. For women, i suggest you use elastic bands on your work outs. If you can use weights start low and later work your way up. Try to break up your work outs, use the paper i made you write and put Monday through Friday. Write the workouts on each day, but just do one body part. I suggest you do abs at least 2-3 times a day, whichever the day you feel comfortable doing. Never over train your muscles! Your workouts should be no longer than 30-45 minutes. Make sure you can work out till Friday. Just a reminder, you're going to consume 2-3 times of water during your work out.

2. Learn to drink: If you want to lose weight, you need to drink tons of water. For those who can't drink water, I suggest you drink electrolytes such as Vitamin water, Gatorade, and etc. Drinking water helps you feel revitalized as well as working your body. It also increases your energy meaning you can work out longer and harder.

For further information about weight loss please check out my Squidoo page at www.squidoo.com/ezmoneymoney

Have a problem with diet? Tried everything from trying healthy foods, working out and even starving? I have a solution that is quick effective, and safe. Start seeing a change in your body in just 11 days! Don't change anything but YOURSELF. So Read all about it!

Lose weight now!


3 Proven and Easy Ways to Lose Weight

The old saying "don't try and reinvent the wheel" really does apply to weight loss. There really are three proven and easy ways to lose weight. You can start today. There are no books or equipment to buy. I am not going to divulge an ancient secret or any other such nonsense. I am not going to try and wow you with some new ultra fad diet. None of that run of the mill stuff you are probably used to hearing day in and day out.

What I am going to provide you with is a little practical advice. Three ways to lose weight that will work for you, if you work for weight loss. Did that scare you? Stay with me for a few more minutes. Sometimes all it takes is hearing it one more time and your path to freedom starts.

Eating Less

Most people resist the idea of eating less. The more we focus on eating less, the more we want to eat. It seems to be a law of nature. Some tips to eat less include taking smaller portions and placing them on a small plate. Also be sure to take your time and chew your food thoroughly. Drink plenty of water with your meal.

It can be easier than this though. If you implement the next two weight loss tips, eating less will come naturally.

Eating Differently

Focusing on eating differently, rather than eating less, can pay large dividends in the form of weighing less! If there is only one tip you take from this, it is start small. Start with something that you are not particularly in love with, but that you eat just to eat.

For example, sitting in front of the TV you munch on corn chips. You like corn chips, but you realize you can live without them. Switch to carrot sticks or cauliflower. This simple change can start a chain reaction and break down the barriers you have to eating better.

You will want to work more fresh fruits and veggies into your diet. Use organic foods when possible and practical. Stay away from white, meaning white bread, white rice ... white means bleached, and usually devoid of the nutrients you should be getting. Calories and no nutrients equals fat.

Get Moving!

I am sure you have heard it enough that I don't need to repeat it here. But I am going to anyways. You need 30 minutes of exercise a day. Again, start small if you are not used to exercise. A walk around the block can quickly turn into 30 minutes of walking daily. Keep at it and you may be jogging again before you know it!

Other activities to work in include taking the stairs when possible, parking at the back of the parking lot instead of right up front. If you have a dog, go outside and play with it. All these little activities add up!

Combining These 3 Ways to Lose Weight

As you start to eat healthier and more fulfilling foods you will find that eating less comes natural. When you eat foods loaded with nutrients rather than empty calories and carbs, you have that full feeling longer. Exercise will help you burn your energy more efficiently. The changes you see in your body, the increased self esteem, the abundant energy, these will all motivate you to stick with it.

Losing weight can be easy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Put these three tips into action starting today!

Looking for an online system that will help you plan meals that actually helps you to lose weight easily?

Visit is us now to learn how easy weight loss can be!


How to Lose Weight Quickly Without Exercise! No Joke!

If you're wondering how to lose weight quickly, the though of not exercising seems insane, right? Well it isn't! Through a very powerful dieting technique called calorie shifting, you can lose up to 10 or more pounds in less than 2 weeks and not even exercise! This is not a joke, and here's why...

Calorie shifting is a very unique technique that naturally boosts your fat burning and metabolism to a very high level and keeps it that way 24-7. In order to actually do calorie shifting, you have to eat 4 or more meals a day, 2-3 hours apart, drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, and eat in different orders day after day.

Now this may seems confusing, but it really isn't especially since you can eat just about anything you'd like! When it comes to calorie shifting, sky is really the limit. It doesn't deprive you, or force you to count calories, or stick to a strict regime. It's simple, easy and best of all it works!

You can lose weight very quickly and even though results may vary based on how well you do it, you will lose weight. People lose up to 10 or more pounds in under 2 weeks with this diet and often times see results after the very first day!

In order to make sure you keep the calorie shifting mixing routine going, it is recommended that you make a list of foods that you enjoy eating and decide which ones you will eat on which days. It is important not to repeat the same routine from day 1 when you're eating during day 2.

This diet is relatively simple to accomplish and is a great way to lose weight quickly without exercise especially with summer coming up. So if you want to look good for the coming season, up coming events, or just need to try a diet that doesn't screw you over, calorie shifting is the answer. It breaks every dieting rule ever created and still gets results that no regular diet can reach!

If you're interested in trying calorie shifting and would like to know more information including addition tips, very helpful resources and how to get this diet right, click here to pick up a free 20 page weight loss guide on calorie shifting which also includes 4 additional all natural diets that give very powerful weight loss results!


Weight Loss System

Obesity is a worldwide problem, with the likes of North America, China, Japan and many other countries reporting alarming statistics among adults and children of all ages. More than 1.2 billion people in the world have been classified as overweight. A reliable weight loss system is certainly needed in all countries.

Child obesity is of particular concern, with poor nutrition and lack of exercise being targeted as the main culprits. Changes to food marketing and a ban on celebrity endorsements of unhealthy meals and snacks are urgently being called for in an effort to reverse the obesity trend.

With the progress that has been made over the years with our general health, there is now grave concern that this advancement could be reversed if we do not contain the obesity problem. The question is: is there a weight loss system available that guarantees permanent weight loss?

In looking at trends in some countries: China calculates that 1 in 10 city-dwelling children are obese, with some 14.8% of primary school boys being obese and some 13.2% of them being overweight. In Japan, obesity in nine-year old children has tripled. In the United States, 31% of adult males and 33% of adult females are obese.

It is traditionally thought that fatty hamburgers, sugar-laden sodas and lack of exercise are familiar culprits in the obesity crisis sweeping developed countries. New questions are being raised, though, about other possible conditions that could make you fat, like lack of sleep, for example, or industrial chemicals that could be disturbing our metabolism.

It is generally thought, though, that people have become fatter because an increase in calorie intake has not been offset by an increase in physical activity. Diets have moved from being plant-based to high fat, animal-based diets. The consumption of food high in fat and sugar is increasing throughout the world, while the consumption of cereals, fruits and vegetables is considered inadequate.

There is now a weight loss system that works on adjusting your food intake routine. This system suggests that traditionally we are eating the wrong foods at the wrong time of day, so that the body doesn't burn calories efficiently and stores fat. Obesity, then, can be controlled by ensuring your body works efficiently through an intake of food at certain times of the day.

The "Shifting Calories" weight loss system encourages shifting certain types of calories eaten. You eat a regular four meals a day, but because you adopt an irregular eating pattern your metabolism stays high and you lose weight.

An enjoyable aspect of the Shifting Calories system is that you have access to a variety of food, including vegetables, proteins and fruits, as long as you shift the food around as per the Shifting Calories eating plan.

The Shifting Calories weight loss system is being used successfully by thousands of people worldwide to achieve permanent weight loss.

The author has had past weight problems, but has managed to lose up to 40 pounds and maintain permanent weight loss.

For more information on the "Shifting Calories" method of losing weight, please visit:



3 Ways Water Helps You Lose Weight

Did you know that plain old water can help you lose weight fast? Not many people know this, but it's actually true. You see, the human body is made up of approximately 70% water. Water is used by every cell in our body, and we can't automatically produce or replenish it. So drinking fresh water helps our bodies in a variety of ways. Water helps regulate our body temperature for example, keeps us hydrated, and helps us digest our foods best. And proper food digestion is key to losing weight. On average, adults should have at least 2 liters of water each day. This varies of course, depending on your body makeup, and physical activity levels.

Water helps flush the body of many problems and diseases that are common to the intestine, stomach, and kidneys. If you're constipated for example, drinking more water will help move things through and out of your body. Water also helps flush toxins from your body and increase your metabolism, both of which help you lose weight.

Since water helps increase your metabolism, it also boosts your energy levels. If your body doesn't have enough water being supplied to it, you'll start feeling sluggish and tired because it has to choose between processing the food you eat or giving you energy. And when your body stops processing your food it has a limited supply of energy it can give you. By simply drinking more water, you allow your body to concentrate on processing the food you eat, thus it's able to supply you with more energy more consistently.

When you drink more water and your metabolism increases, this in turn helps your body burn fat faster and that of course, helps you shed extra weight very quickly!

Last but not least, water helps suppress your appetite. When you don't have as much of an appetite, you eat less food, and less food almost always helps you lose weight. You don't have to use pills and gimmicks to suppress your appetite when water will do it for you naturally. Many times when you think you're hungry, you're actually just thirsty too. So instead of snacking on junk, trying drinking a tall glass of water instead. It may just fill you up and make you forget the junk food for awhile!

2008, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Would you like to get regular weight loss tips and healthy recipes in email? Visit http://www.ScaleTippers.com and check it out now!


Weight Loss Secrets - How to Lose Weight Naturally

Many people are constantly looking for weight loss secrets. They want the answer to fast results and keeping it off for a long time. There really is no magic pill to take or food to eat. Products that claim to make a person lose any more than five pounds in a week are actually unhealthy. Healthy dieting results in no more than dropping two pounds per week.

It is important to know what foods to eat. This is no weight loss secret. The key to making the scale numbers go down is to consume fewer calories. This can be done by eating less and exercising. Each person is unique and works at different paces. Foods recommended for dieters include those high in fiber, and low in fat and sugar. It also is important to consume a lot of water. The recommended amount is half of our pound weight in ounces. For instance, a 130-pound woman should have about 65 ounces of water each day.

Supplements also can be taken to help in achieving the goal. We're supposed to get about 30 grams of fiber each day and it's not always easy to do so with food. Whole grains are healthier to eat, and avoiding anything with enriched flour will be beneficial.

Weight loss secrets are really something of a myth because they simply do not work. Products that say they will make the person reach their goal very fast simply aren't healthy, and can lead to yo-yo dieting. It's always best to go the natural route, making it happen more gradually.

Keep up with our daily P90X reviews and weight loss progress at http://www.FatLossBlogger.com today.


Lose Weight Quick

For many people that need or want to lose weight quickly it can be tough and overwhelming trying many different diets, pills, etc. This can be prevented if you do your research on different ways to lose weight quick.

Many diet pills can give us the impression that they work wonders really fast when in reality they work different for every person and must be combined with a proper diet and exercise regimen. Some people expect to lose the weight without adding the diet and exercise because they believe the pill does it all by itself. This is where frustration can sink in and you can start to feel like there is no real way to lose weight quick.

Well, here are a few ideas to help you lose weight quick and naturally.

Drink Water - Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your health that will also help you lose weight. Water can help keep your stomach full by acting as an appetite suppressant. Replace your normal every day beverages with a glass of water and you will start to feel the benefits as well as lose weight.

Eat Regularly - By eating at least five times a day you can prevent hunger pains throughout the day and give your body the right amount of food. Be sure you portion each meal; you don't want to overeat and always be sure you eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of your day and many people tend to skip it.

Eat Plenty Of Fiber - By eating foods that are high in fiber you can rest assured that you will feel full longer and your bowel movements will be regular and normal. Many high fiber foods are low in calories so you are helping yourself feel fuller while reducing your calorie intake all in one step.

Consume Good Carbs - By eating the 'good' carbohydrates you can lose weight. Vegetables and fruits along with whole grains contain 'good' carbs that will prevent hunger pains while helping you lose weight quick. You might remind yourself when searching for 'good' carb foods to eat something that is 'from the earth.'

These are all some really great tips to help you lose weight quick in a healthy natural way. It might be a little tough at first but once you get on track you will reap all those wonderful benefits of your weight loss.

Jason R Davidson owns and operates http://www.stomachsurgeryfacts.com

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