Monday, June 30, 2008 

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New Years Weight Loss

Many people in America struggle with their weight. This struggle often intensifies with the coming of the New Year and the resolutions we all make. In the midst of the pressure to resolve or enhance one's life, many dieters feel like they should try to make yet another attempt at a New Years weight loss program. However, this attempt normally comes out of a quick and pressured decision to get on the resolution bandwagon and shed those extra pounds. As a result, most New Years weight loss programs only last for at most a few months before we end up going back to our old eating habits, and we once again bid adieu to our resolution to have a new body, new weight, more energy and healthier eating plan.

This year, try to prepare in advance. Go into the dieting season with a plan of action, goals and dedication to your goals. Here are some ideas:

Tips on how to make the right diet resolutions -

1) Prepare in advance. Many people fail in their New Years weight loss programs because they choose a diet in haste and don't have enough information and they don't understand the diet concepts.

2) Play matchmaker. The first step in creating a personalized weight loss plan is understanding your dieting style. Here are some questions to help you choose the right weight loss program for your needs.

A) What type of foods do you like?

B) Are you willing to alter your eating habits?

C) Are you willing to engage in regular physical activity?

D) Do you lead a busy lifestyle?

E) Are you looking to lose weight and then maintain that weight loss?

F) Why do you want to go on a diet?

3) Educate yourself. Now that you have answered the above questions, you probably have a good idea as to how, when and why you diet. These answers are important as they provide road signs pointing to what diet may be right for you.

For example, if you like eating all foods and want a flexible and long-term diet then it's likely the Weight Watchers diet is a good fit. Alternatively, if you like eating lots of meat, fish, cheese and eggs then the South Beach Diet plan may be for you. The fact is there are many diets; it's more a matter of finding the right one for you, than listening to what other people have done. Choosing a well-matched diet for your individual tastes and character and this will give you greater chances of weight loss success.

4) Don't set your sights too high. When dieting, it's important to take baby-steps and work up to your goal rather than setting a far-reaching goal the very first time. Therefore, to ensure you're successful, set attainable monthly goals. If you're not sure what to shoot for, one pound per week, or 4 pounds per month is a good weight loss pace.

5) Finally, Embrace your decision. Once you've become acquainted with your dieting personality, educated yourself on the many weight loss programs and weight loss products available, chosen the one that suits you best and set realistic goals you're in a much better position to diet. So make your diet plan, pat yourself on the back, embrace your decision to lose weight healthily and get started.

Dieting for weight loss management and better health is a gift. There are many people in the world who don't even have enough food to eat on a day to day basis, therefore, this year look at dieting from a completely different perspective. Consider your ability to diet, eat well and select healthy foods a blessing rather than a chore.

Check out Diet Concepts for tips on different diets as well as recipes and diet plans.


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Information on Weight Loss, Exercise, and You

Feel like you are penned up? Human beings are built for only two basic things: reproduction and fighting. Well, now that we have the basics of biology out of the way, what in the world does that have to do with weight loss? Simple. We were supposed to be using our bodies to work hard, gather food, run like the wind, and then settle down for a rest before doing it all over again. In todays' world, we start being sedentary at the breakfast table, run to the car just to put the carseat in, migrate slowly to the office chair, and slump home and fall in bed whining about being exhausted.

Today, exercise must be sought out, unlike a mere generation ago when the average American man was a blue collar worker who put in long strenuous hours in a mill or on a farm.

Health experts today admit that the obesity crisis (and yes it is a crisis) in America is the result of several factors. Not only do we eat too much, but we eat "fast" prepared foods instead of cooking from scratch. Combine that with a lack of exercise and there you have fat generation raising the next fatter generation. So how do we change things? Unfortunately, one or two laps around the school running track will not counteract the three donuts a day at work. Exercise, if increased on a daily basis, combined with no diet changes may help with fast weight loss. This, however, is not sustainable.

What has to happen to affect permanent change is a weight loss plan that evolves into a lifestyle plan. These are some recommendations for your plan to help you sustain an exercise program.

1. Get quality sleep.

Surprise! You didn't expect that to be first on the list! Make sure that you get adequate sleep, meaning go to bed at a reasonable hour and get up at a reasonable hour. Over sleeping and under sleeping disrupt natural biorhythms. Good sleep habits are conducive to exercise, experts point out. If you feel worn out during the day due to lack of sleep, you are less likely to get much physical activity during the day. In addition, there is evidence that people who are tired tend to eat more, using food as a substance for the rest they need.

2. Walk the walk.

This is probably the easiest exercise program of all. In fact, it may be all you ever have to do, according to some professional advice of some health experts. It is a great way to start if you are morbidly obese, but keep in mind to really lose weight you have to sweat! Just strolling down the sidewalk really won't help much. Gradually build up to at least 30 minutes of brisk walking five times a week. Brisk walks themselves have health and psychological benefits that are well worth the while.

3. Or...Walk the treadmill.

When the weather is bad, you might not feel like going outdoors. Great excuse not to exercise, right? But if you have a treadmill with a TV in front of it, you can catch up on your favorite shows while you are doing your daily good turn for your weight-maintenance plan.Most of us watch television anyway, and indoor exercise equipment enables anyone to turn a sedentary activity into a healthy activity.

4. Seize the time.

Excuses aside, lack of time is certainly a limiting factor in most lifestyles. That is why health experts suggest a basic guideline for incorporating exercise into your schedule. Get as much exercise as you can that feels good without letting it interfere with your work or family life. If you need to, remind yourself that you are preventing many health problems when you prevent weight gain; and keeping your health is a gift to your family as well as yourself.

Mary K. Betz, MS RPA-C is a practicing Physician Assistant. For more information visit


Tips For Fast Weight Loss - The 3 Most Powerful Ways To Lose Weight

Three of the best ways to lose weight are through walking, running, and yoga. Walking is great in itself, and I highly recommend you do it wherever you can. Let's go through the two other methods: running and yoga...

A Note on Running:

One major reason most people don't like running is because they're doing it too fast. Slow down, don't get out of breath and you'll realize how fantastic it really is. Running in a fat-burning zone should be just as easy as walking. You should not be out of breath and you should also be able to carry on a conversation.

If your knees are shot and you have other assorted aches and pains, don't run. Just go slowly. Walking is the most efficient exercise out there. Even if you've never exercised before in your life, you know how to do it properly.

A Note on Yoga

Yoga is fantastic because it strengthens, stretches, and burns fat all at the same time. It is an extremely efficient practice for the busy person. It's cheap to do also. Get a $10 mat, a $25 video and you're ready to go.

Let me be frank, if you give me the excuse that you still won't be able to find the time to do it, you need to go back and do a better job of assessing your goals. If you're still thinking that way, your goals are not strong enough.

By chance if you do happen to go out and do one, two or all of these activities and continue to not like them, then do something else. Play soccer, basketball, go rowing, rent a kayak or just keep trying other things until you find something you absolutely enjoy. You are meant to move. Your body naturally agrees with motion. You will find something. Do something-take action-and then decide what works for you.

By now, you should be motivated to get moving. So now it's time for you to actually do something. (if you haven't already!). These activities are so easy that it pains me to tell you that they are really all you need to do to get into shape!

You probably already know that you don't need to do anything dramatic to lose weight, but do you really believe that this is all it takes? I bet you don't. I didn't for years! Here are a few ideas you can use to start up and take action:

  • Go out for some exercise right now
  • Find a local walking, running or hiking club and mark the meeting time in your calendar
  • Visit a local yoga studio
  • Get a new pair of shoes at the local running/walking store
  • Call a friend to see if they want to join you for a walk, run or yoga class.
  • Find a local basketball, tennis, soccer, etc. club.
  • If you don't have time for that walk... do a one minute stretch routine right now. (Touch your toes, roll your neck, and then stand up and twist at your hips)

Ruck Stewart is a professional weight loss trainer with decades of experience. Visit his website right now at Burn The Fat Review to see the best weight loss course on the planet. Go there now --> Guide To Weight Loss.


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