Thursday, June 12, 2008 

Weight Loss Scams Revealed

Wouldnt it be nice to lose weight quickly, with minimal effort or fuss? Of cause you would! I for one would love to just sit back do nothing and the weight will just fall off.

Whether its a Low Carb, Low GI Diet, A choice of diet pills or natural weight loss pills, diet shakes, or exercise equipment, weve all seen the fantastic claims people including celebrities make about losing tons of weight AND how they can show you how to do the same thing.

I can tell you right now that 99% of these people are total frauds. You may have even fallen prey to one of these scam artists, selling you their latest weight loss program. Me too!

In the past Ive brought so many of these programs that I cant even recall how many. I dont know why, but I tend to find the good in people, and I was sold by these marketing schemes time and time again, even after being scammed by another. Finally, after so many disappointments, I got FED UP. I decided to get to the bottom of this fascination we have with Weight Loss Programs and find out if there really were any LEGITIMATE programs for Weight Loss.

Legitimate as in not only dealing with LOSING WEIGHT but also what caused the Weight Gain in the first place.

The American Heart Association has several tips to that helps guide you to identify a Fad Diet or Program if it is recommended.

Magic or miracle foods that burn fat. Foods dont burn fat they create fat when we eat more than we need.

Bizarre quantities of only one food or type of food such as eating only cabbage or tomatoes. These foods are fine as part of an overall healthy diet, but eating large quantities of them could lead to unpleasant side effects.

Rigid Menus. Many diets set out a very limited selection of foods to be eaten at a specific time and day, exactly as written. Often these limited diets dont address the widely varied taste preferences of our diverse population.

Specific food combinations. Some foods taste good together, like the classic soup and sandwich, but theres no scientific evidence that eating foods in certain sequences or combinations has any medical benefit.

Rapid weight loss of more than two pounds a week.

No warning given to people with diabetes or high blood pressure to seek advice from the physician or healthcare provider. Some fad diets could raise blood pressure or blood glucose even if you loss weight.

No increase physical activity. Simple physical activities, like walking or riding a bike, are one of the most important ways to lose weight and maintain weight loss. Yet many fad diets dont emphasis these easy changes.

Now dont be discouraged, which weight loss program is the right one for you, which one isnt just a fad diet. In my research I have found a few programs that not only deal with losing weight but also the cause of why you got fat in the first place (which by the way, is ultimately the main reason why we end up putting the weight back on) and also adding in successful, simple strategies to increase exercising.

Whatever you do, I wish you a healthy year for you and yours

Author Bio: Gillian Tarawhiti BSc, Dip BM, Dip Ed, is Founder and CEO of Community Training Centre & Gain Back Your Life Centre, A registered EFT Practitioner, Member of AAMET and Online Training and Support to the new and not so new netpreneurs. Gillian is also the author of eBay Billion Dollar Goldmine, and the creator of NO DIET WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM(TM) and the Multiple Ripple Effect System 2004. Permission is granted to reprint this article in print or on your web site so long as the paragraph above is included and contact information is provided to


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Weight Loss - It's All In Your Head

Here is a simple truth: We constantly think about changing our lives. For some of us it is our job, finding someone to love or giving up smoking. For many people it is about losing weight. We think about these things and yet never do them.

For many people who are overweight, they are always thinking about it or trying something new. Yet, a significant amount of them do not lose weight, or keep it off. They almost never get into shape.

There is a myriad number of excuses for the weight loss merry-go-round. We waste time, we start and stop, we procrastinate, we lie and make excuses, we get frustrated and complain and in general, make ourselves miserable.

Successful weight loss is much more than dieting and exercise. Actually, losing weight and improving our health is as much, if not more, an internal process than it is an external process.

If you can successfully reprogram yourself, everything else will simply fall into place.

Most experts concentrate on teaching us about diet and exercise. If it were that simple then the success rate would be much higher. It is very easy to impart information to people. Getting them to do these things consistently is the problem. Our conditions come down to two things. The first is the decisions that we make. The second is the things that we do (or the things that we don't do). When we view the problem in this manner it is easy to deduce that losing weight and getting into shape is more about our minds than our diet and exercise programs.

If you wish to create a permanent change in any aspect of your life, including weight loss, you have to have a significant change in your mind.

Here are some ways to approach getting the most out of your weight loss efforts.

There is a very real relationship between your attitude and the outcome. Enter your weight loss regimen with the best possible attitude. Transforming yourself is more about attitude and commitment than it is about finding the right diet or exercise program. Having the right frame of mind equates with a positive outcome.

It is unbelievable how many people sabotage themselves with a poor attitude. Typically they whine, complain, rationalize and procrastinate. Of course, they end up where they started. Conversely, many are successful and maintain their results simply because they manage to get their head into the right place.

Also, once you lose weight you obviously wish to keep it off. This is a lifetime program, not an event. It is not uncommon for people to devote their efforts to losing weight for a specific event. The problem with this is they gain it all back, and then some. Maintaining your weight is a lifetime goal.

Make up your mind. Come face to face with the tough decisions that you have avoided all this time. Instead of focusing on this weeks diet or joining a gym, consider implements a series of healthy lifestyle changes. Break your bad habits by creating and replacing them with good habits.

Finish what you start. Every single day, thousands, if not millions of people begin programs that they will never maintain. They start a new diet, but cheat. They join a health club but do not go regularly. Maybe they start running and quit within the week. Do not be one of them. Be realistic and sensible. Do not try to undo years of bad habits by next week.

Do not procrastinate. The right time never comes. Do not make excuses. If you want something bad enough you will find a way to do it.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss


Diets DO Work for Weight Loss

Its so easy to screw up your weight loss plan with a bad diet.

I know, there are too many diets, but I believe some of them work. Why can't the experts agree on just one nutrition program?"

Well, first, let me say that I believe diets DO work, and that there are so many of them because we all have such different personalities and likes and dislikes for foods, that it really shouldn't come as a huge surprise that a bunch of different diets can work.

That said, I'm not a huge fan of extreme diets. I don't think you have to restrict yourself of carbohydrates. After all, that's never going to work if you've been raised to eat an apple and a banana everyday.

You can eat apples and bananas and oranges and still lose weight. Almost all foods can be incorporated into a healthy fat loss plan.

So I'm about to give you my preferred nutrition plan. It's not extreme. It's not crazy. It's not about denying you any healthy foods. You can eat meat, carbohydrates, and healthy fats on this program.

It's really all about eating whole, natural foods. In fact, I sometimes joke that my plan should be called the "dental floss diet", because almost every food in the plan requires you to floss after eating it (apples, nuts, meat, oranges, broccoli, etc., etc.).

So live a healthy lifestyle, eat whole, natural foods, and avoid fast food. Its that easy.

After all, there's a saying in the fitness industry, "you can't out-train a bad diet", and that hold's true almost 100% of the time (and especially as you get older).

Fortunately, I also believe that good nutrition for fat loss is very simple. And here are my 5 steps to building a fast fat burning diet.

1) Find out how much you are eating now. Use

2) If you are not losing weight, eat less.

3) Eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and good protein sources. No more processed foods.

4) Give yourself one treat meal per week to look forward to - not a treat day, just a treat meal.

5) Plan ahead. On Saturday or Sunday, go to the store, buy all your food, and then cook it and freeze it for the week. You will avoid bad habits this way. Identify obstacles and come up with solutions to avoid them.

That is it.

Very simple. Most people do pretty well on 1-3 and even 5, but mess up on number 4. People cheat a lot more than they admit to me. You have to be honest with what you are eating. Track it for a few days. It could be shocking.

The little things can add up to big time problems. Record your diet.

And all of this can be avoided if you follow rule #5.

Find a good eating plan and use my workouts to get results.

Get more fat burning workouts in the Turbulence Training membership site.

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