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Tuesday, May 20, 2008 

Action Guided Spokane Weight Loss For Guaranteed Results

Have you gotten going on your quest for a better body and a better life? Have you made any significant amount progress toward your goal?

Or are you going to "wait until next Monday" to start your fitness plan.

There's a story about a frog. Now this frog wasn't particularly smart. On one particular day this frog slipped into that barrel only half full of liquid. He was very close to drowning, and the other frogs were on top of the barrel and taunting him while he was trying to swim.

But this frog was so dumb he thought they were cheering him on, so he paddled faster and faster and faster until he churned the cream into butter, and then he was able to hop back out of the barrel. It's a great story I know!

What does this have to do with weight loss?

Well, maybe your not "ready" to lose weight, you don't know what to do, you don't want to make a fool of yourself, you don't want to....(or any other excuse out there.

No matter what your current fitness level or situation - it doesn't matter!! Just get going.

I certainly know this, if you don't get started, you won't finish. As the saying goes, if you keep doing what you've always done you'll only get what you've already got.

Even if you don't know what to do, the first step is to find out what to do to maximize your weight loss. Maybe that first step is to find a quality personal trainer or fitness coach that can help you achieve your fitness goals in a tenth the time as on your own.

Don't be like a scorpion I read about in South America. In its aggressiveness on himself he will sting itself and die of its own poison.

In other words don't ever quit your quest for fitness. Don't ever quit!! (I said that again for emphasis.)

A torpedo/missile does not "think out" all its errors in advance, and attempt to correct them in advance. It has to get going first - moving toward it's enemy target, correcting errors as it gets closer toward its goal.

That's just like with weight loss. You may not start with the "perfect" plan or that just right regimen. Just get going and adjust as you learn more and find out what works for you.

We need to focus on any and even the smallest improvement toward overall fitness. Not the failures or what it has taken to get those improvements.

Just keep going toward that dream or goal you believe in, if you believe it that's all that counts, you don't need to convince anyone else of your goal for it to be your goal of weight loss and for it to become a reality.

Zach Hunt is a Spokane Weight Loss Coach and owner of Physzique, a personal fitness coaching service helping busy professionals to eliminate fat in the quickest time possible. Go now to: Resource For Fitness Spokane for more fitness tips and resources.

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