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Thursday, May 15, 2008 

Boost Your Afternoon Energy & Lose Weight

Do you feel tired in the afternoon after lunch? Here's how to beat that slump and boost your energy and metabolism, while helping your weight loss program at the same time. So in order to have a productive afternoon, you have to set the scene in the morning.

Now after your high-protein, no-sugar, alertness-improving lunch...

Step 1 - Schedule the right tasks for after lunch

If you have the luxury, make sure that you are doing the right mental taks at the right mental time.

If your energy is naturally low after lunch (and not because you ate poorly), then use this time for correspondence (phone calls, emails). If your energy and mental alertness are high, then tackle your major projects after lunch.

Step 2 - Water & Creativity

Boost your creativity with the sound of running water. Another expert chimes in...

"There's research showing the sound of water does increase creativity. I listen to this website on my computer while I work." Stephen Holt, ACE personal traine of the year, 2003

Step 3 - Take more breaks from your desk

Day after day I see men and women that have been chained (figuratively, of course!) to their desk for 2, 5, 10, and even 20 years.

With each additional year, their postures worsen, they tighten up more and more, and they lose their mobility. Just look at ourselves, hunched over our keyboards, and clenched forward in our driver's seats. Tight. Tense. Tired.

We need to move.

So get up at regular intervals and move around. Once per hour. 1 minute is all it takes. You'll feel more energized.

And even if you are really getting the afternoon energy slumps, and you're tempted to reach for sugar, caffeine, or both, stop!

Hold off from these energy-suckers, and give some bodyweight exercises a try. A little exercise will get your blood flowing and help you with your concentration. I need this when I'm researching through journals. My favorite, of course, is the Y-squat, but the prisoner squat will also work.

Step 4 - Late Afternoon Nutrition

Keep your mind sharp by snacking on protein, healthy fats, fiber, and anti-oxidant rich berries. Some nuts, a protein shake, some berries, and a cup of Green Tea will keep you racing ahead in the mental marathon, while those that rely on caffeine and sugar will be miles behind due to mental cramping and crashing.

Step 5 - Instant Stress Relief

If you're having one of those days, or just had a bad phone call, or disastrous meeting, then use exercise and breathing exercises to bring calm to your stressed out mind and body. A great exercise to release some tension from the upper back is the "Stick up". Stand against the wall and slide your arms up and down in a "stick-up" motion. 10 reps and you'll be ready to go again.

Step 7 - Dinner

You've made it this far, so continue to stick to the plan. Make your dinner from energy-supporting foods like lean proteins, fiber-rich fruits, and nutrient-rich vegetables.

Step 8 - Quality time

This is what it is all about, isn't it? Spending quality time with your friends and family. Healthy relationships are essential to your health. Don't turn on the TV, it will just fire you up and stress you out, leading to poor sleep. Find a way to relax. Yoga and other forms of meditation might help you. Check them out.

Step 9 - Your workout

I'm mentioning this now only because I know how much variation there is among workout times between y'all.

Some exercise first thing in the AM, some at lunch, others after work, and even others still just before bed after the kids are asleep.

So while there is no best time to workout, you can be sure that there is a best frequency...and that is consistently. No matter when you train, your workouts should leave you healthier, more energized, and more productive.

Step 10 - Sleep

The quality and duration of your sleep tonight is essential to your productivity tomorrow. If you are having problems sleeping, fix them! If it is light, noise, stress, or worries, fix these as soon as possible. If you can't pin down your sleep problems to one factor, then keep a sleep journal just like you keep a training journal. This will help you identify your sleep-stealers.

Dedicated to improving your life,


Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

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