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Wednesday, May 21, 2008 

Build A Rock Hard Chest With Pushups

You no longer need to go to the gym to get that rock hard body, you need to look no farther then using our own bodyweight as resistance.

Building a rock hard chest is easier than you think and you don't or never did have to spend an hour in the gym; all you need is one simple exercise, the exercise is the pushup.

Despite what most people think- the pushup will not only build a big hard chest but will also strengthen the whole body and this means you will get better results in a shorter period of time.

If you didn't know just the act of holding the pushup position works the chest and the entire body and you don't even have to move, that's how great the pushup is.

If you are training hard in the gym and are not getting the results try the simple pushup for a little change and get the rewards of a hard fit body.

There are more different kinds of pushups then there is bench presses so this means you can work more muscles in a short period of time and the results will be great- and you will never look at the pushup the same way.

The pushup is not going anywhere anytime, an exercise that has been around as long as the pushup it means it works and always has worked that's why we still do it yet most prefer the bench press.

Show me someone who does alot of different pushups and I will show you someone with a strong core; find me someone who benches 300 to 400lbs and I will show you someone with a weak core.

A pushup that has been used for years and has been done by almost all fitness icons is the Atlas pushup and this is a great exercise for building strength and endurance.

What if you were to do the Atlas pushup a little different; Charles Atlas shows himself doing pushups using 2 chairs with his feet on the ground if you do enough of these you know they will build a nice chest.

This is a great exercise but to make this exercise even greater try it with your hands on chairs and your feet on a swiss ball now you will get a strength building workout as well as an unbelievable core workout.

Want to make it even harder put your hands on 2 basketballs and put your feet on a swiss ball and do pushups; if you are weak in any area these types of exercises will show you.

Try different types of pushups and build a big heaving chest using your own bodyweight as your tool.

John Grube is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training He has over 25 years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual , The New Expanded version The Wildman Training Course and The Super Strength Playground Training Manual.For more info http://www.wildmantraining.com