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Friday, May 16, 2008 

Fat And Weight Loss Through Getting Rid Of Parasites

Fat And Weight Loss. Why Has It Not Worked?

To lose fat and weight, many of us would have tried our utmost and yet we would not have achieved the desired results. It certainly may not be for want of trying. Often, we try too hard. At times we get the results but it does not last long. We cannot seem to keep off the fat in the long term. If the usual recommendations including exercise, pills, special diet, lotions and so on have not worked for us, perhaps we need to take a totally different approach. It may be appropriate for us to find out what caused the fat in the first place. Could it be due to something in our system that is making it difficult for us to shed off the unwanted fat? Could it be due to some harmful plaque or bacteria in our stomach, intestines and colon that act as parasites that is causing the problem? The Japanese have specially formulated drinks that contain healthy bacteria which have been reported to help our digestive system. Going by the popularity of such drinks, there must be some value in it. The only Japanese to keep away from it would be Sumo wrestlers as they thrive on being fat!

What Harm Can Parasites Do?

How do these parasites get into our bodies? The answer probably lies in the food and water that we consume. It could be due to poorly cooked food and food cooked under unhygienic conditions. Raw or poorly cooked fish especially pickled salmon, trout, white fish etc., contain larvae which after 5-6 weeks mature into adult worms. The worms can lay thousands of eggs and produce chemicals as well as toxins that can even affect our brains particularly the hypothalamus. This is the gland that controls our hunger and thirst. It has been stated that parasites prevent the body from absorbing nutrients from the food we consume. What is even more serious is that these parasites can cause damage even after they die. When they die, they become mineralized like a fossil causing painful swelling and blockages within our body. This has harmful effects particularly on our digestive system and colon. Clogged bowels make it difficult for us to excrete our wastes. As a result, there is plaque build-up which provides fertile conditions for the growth of parasites.

How Do We Get Rid Of The Parasites?

For those of us who have tried everything else but have not succeeded thus far, perhaps we should consider whether parasites are the root cause of our fat and weight problem. Apart from herbal capsules, there are also drugs, health drinks and other remedies which could help to get rid of the parasites. Apple cider vinegar which has been hailed as a natural remedy for a number of ailments may also prove helpful. Before you decide on what is best for you, it would be beneficial if you could get the full details on the parasites that are behind the problem of excess fat and weight that many of us are battling with daily.

In this regard, you may find this site useful.

Getting rid of parasites in the system could be the answer for those who have tried everything else to lose excess fat and weight but failed. How can you get rid of parasites and finally be able to shed the unwanted fat and weight? Learn more here!

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