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Tuesday, May 13, 2008 

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review - Is It Hype, Fad or Outright Lies

Over the years I've gained and lost hundreds of pounds, I'm a chronic dieter who has difficulty sticking to a diet, and guess what? I'm not alone and I have a lot of company, especially here in America, but around the world also.

I stumbled across the "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" page by accident, the graphics caught my eye and I decided to look at a little deeper. Now let me be honest; I fully expected this to be just another hype filled offer, one I seen (in one form or another) hundreds of time. So with that skepticism in full force I looked the site over. Before I get down the "meat and potatoes" (excuse the pun) let me tell you that I love food, so when I saw the following quote...

"FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the FOOD that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day."

It did cause me to sit up and take notice. I was overweight at the time, needing to lose (at least) 25 pounds. My intention was to go on a low calorie diet...


The next quote that grabbed me was...

"Low Calorie Diets Don't Work"

So what am I going to do then... I love food, but low calories diets don't' work... I was in a real pickle (opps.. another pun). Well they went on to explain something that I already knew, but hadn't thought about; when you deprive your body of calories... it goes into survival mode and instead of giving up the weight (one can only dream) it hangs on tighter to every ounce of food burning less calories per day. Well that wasn't going to do me any good, I needed to burn calories, not store them as fat.

Well it seems that everything I was getting ready to do... this lousy little book said wouldn't work.

Low Fats Diets Do Not Work

And here everytime I go shopping I try to buy low fat milk, butter, lean cuts of beef, low fat all the way... Was I wrong again? It seems I was as weight loss statistics prove it out, overweight people (and I speaking for myself) buy low fat food, mainly so they can feel good about what they are eating, eating, eating. Yep, they simply eat more low fat food and continue to gain weight. Surely there had to be a way to ear right, lose weight and not feel miserable.

Speaking of miserable, I'd tried some of the low carb diets and my friends began not returning my calls. Seems my mood had changed and I was taking it out on them. Okay, I needed a change, I'll admit it and I was at least open to the possibility of what the creators of Fat Loss For Idiots had to say. And say it they did.

They told me that if I'd stick with their plan for eleven days, I could not only lose weight, but feel better and begin releasing "fat burning hormones". Now that sounded pretty neat and I continued to read, it would be wonderful indeed if I could eat, and the food itself did the job of weight loss; maybe this wasn't hype after all. Matter of fact these culinary experts (see I like them now) told me I'd be eating more than three times per day... not less! This I liked and then I learned that "food is not the enemy".

Now I could go on and on, and tell you the secret is "calorie shifting", something one of the diet guru guys figured out I guess. But that's not important, here's what is... IT WORKS! I gave in and bought the fat loss 4 idiots e-book, deciding to give it an honest try. Hey I could give up cake for eleven days... at least I hoped I could.

It was 3 o'clock in the morning when I ordered the book... it's a download so it doesn't matter where you live or what time it is, you can begin immediately. Anyway, I bought the book and decided I'd give it a real try for the next week or eleven days and see what happened.

Fat loss 4 idiots review - the final verdict

Well lo and behold, my pants got looser, and my friends started taking my calls again. I was losing weight, eating multiple times a day and loving it. If you're reading this and wondering if "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" is for you, don't be put off by the title. I'm no idiot, but I bought it, tried it, and I'm living proof that it works just like it says.

Visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review to find out how this program will work for you and how to get a free preview.

http://www.flatabsreviews.com - unbiased diet and fat loss program reviews

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