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Friday, May 16, 2008 

Getting Rid Of Belly Fat With 5 Popular Diets

If you're wondering on which ways are best when it comes to getting rid of belly fat, then this article will you explain 5 different ways it can be done. In many cases the 5 diets recommended below can help get rid of belly fat within 1-2 weeks depending on how well you do it. Most of them are very easy to implement and require that you just add the "special products" into your daily life. All of them are natural and completely safe. So let's begin!

Method 1: Drink Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is a highly powerful product in helping get rid of belly fat. It contains many nutrients will help speed up digestion, metabolism and fat burning. All that you do is drink it 1-2 times a day with water. It's a very simple product you can find at your local health food store.

Method 2: Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are also a powerful product. They are tiny seeds which you can find in several forms: Seeds, grounded seeds and oil. Generally flaxseed oil gives the best results with grounded flaxseeds at a close second. Flaxseeds, like apple cider vinegar contain many nutritional benefits which also help speed the digestion process and raise metabolism and fat burning. They are very tasty and make great add-ons to meals!

Method 3: Coconut Oil

Don't be fooled. Just because it's an oil DOES not mean it will create belly fat. Coconut oil is actually one of the only HEALTHY oils in this world, containing MANY, MANY nutritional vitamins and minerals which help feed your body, restoring it's functions, increasing metabolism, fat burning and circulation of the blood.

Method 4: Cleansing

Cleansing is a very powerful form of cleaning the body from the inside. It's a very difficult procedure because it requires alot of dedication on your part. HOWEVER it is also the fastest way in getting rid of belly fat, this can be anywhere from 5-10 days. In addition cleansing rejuvinates the body making it healthier, cleaner so you will also greatly improve your health at the same time after finishing a cleanse.

Method 5: Calorie Shifting:

Of all the methods described, calorie shifting is the one which gets the most interest because it is very easy to accomplish. Calorie shifting is basically a special dieting technique that causes a reflex in your body. This reflex makes the body increase metabolism and strike the areas of the body containing fat, burning it away very quickly. Usually people can lose belly fat completely within 10 days. It's also very easy to accomplish if you want fast results and don't want to try cleansing.

If you'd like to learn about calorie shifting, please click here to find out more information...

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