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Saturday, May 24, 2008 

Let's Look At Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Becoming a mother is the most beautiful experience for any woman. However this is also accompanied with the negative side of excessive weight gain during the pregnancy period. Losing weight after pregnancy is not possible but yes, it should be done only at a slower pace. It is not wise to diet and thereby deny your baby essential nutrients. You need to aim at eating in a healthy manner and also work at losing weight. You are likely to put on 25-30 pounds during your pregnancy, out of which about 12-14 pounds are lost after delivery. You are still left with a baggage of 12-20 pounds around your body. This feeling of excess mass can make one feel depressed and disappointed.

It is recommended to start losing weight 2-3 months after delivery. You should feel completely ready for the fitness regime with rigorous exercises. It is right to lose only about 1-1.5 pounds per week.

You need to understand that weight loss is not a miracle that will happen overnight. It is likely to take 6 to 12 months to shed off the excess mass. Only hard work, patience and faith will pay off in the right way.

Tips To Follow

Breast Feeding

One of the best ways to lose mass is to breastfeed. Your extra weight that is stored in you is to give you energy for breastfeeding. Breastfeeding takes about 200-400 calories per day. It is good to combine breastfeed with other programs.


Exercise in general is good for blood circulation, it gives you an energized feeling, lifts your spirits if you are feeling low etc. It is important to wait for six weeks to start exercising even if you have had a normal delivery. Start from light forms like walking, yoga to moderate intensive forms of exercises. Increase your exercising time gradually as a sudden outburst of energy can tire you out very easily. Start initially by working out at home.

Healthy Diet

There should always be a combination of exercise with dieting. The diet should be wholesome packed with nutrients. This diet will not only aid you with weight loss but also provide your baby with the right food while you breastfeed. Crash diets or starvation can deprive you of the required nutrients and their results though quick and fast will only rebound multifold.


This is the best form of exercise as it just requires your time and space and is not dependent on any special place or equipment. It is highly practical and you can even take your baby out in the stroller as you go for a walk.

Eat smaller meals frequently throughout the day. This will keep your energy levels up the whole day.

Be Patient

Don't get disappointed if you find other mothers losing weight faster than you. Have patience, take your time and you will definitely achieve your goal.

Losing pregnancy weight is not impossible. It requires a combination of right planning and advice and following the required tips diligently. This way you will not be far from your goal. So go for it!

After loads of weight gained during pregnancy period, new moms just can't weight to get started on losing weight after pregnancy.

An ideal combination is exercise and a healthy diet to achieve your goal of losing pregnancy weight. Avoid surgery or crash diets. They are not good for you or your baby.

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