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Saturday, May 24, 2008 

Lose 20-30 Pounds In One Month

If you're anything like I was, you're probably looking for a good way to lose 20-30 pounds in one month. For me it was a summertime wedding I was going to attend. I was fortunate that I had my own tuxedo, a gift from my grandfather. The thing is when I went to try it on (and I admit I already suspected I was getting a little "portly"), I could barely get the trousers around my hips. With the wedding date quickly approaching I realized I need to lose 20-30 pounds in one month.

I'd tried all the diets before I was serious about losing 20-30 pounds in one month. I tried the Beach Diet, the No-Carb Diet, Being in some Zone Diet, you name it. Since I wasn't about to listen to some formerly fat actress and pay more money for food I could buy at the Super Shopper, I decided to do my own research.

The problem with these diets is you lose the weight, plateau, and then gust back up in pounds. Here's what I discovered: I was heavy because I was eating the wrong types of foods for weight loss. Not only that, but I was eating the wrong types of foods at the wrong times. Food is very powerful medicine and honestly, sometimes we use it improperly. Here's a big secret-you need to eat more than one meal a day! That was a tough one for me to believe. How can I lose weight by eating more?

What I discovered was a thing called The Shifting Calorie Theory. I learned how to shock my metabolism into losing weight. My body wasn't able to "expect" what type of calories I was going to consume. And believe me I ate enough delicious food to keep myself satisfied. I simply wasn't hungry enough to overeat.

So if you too are looking for a way to lose 20-30 pounds in one month, check out my site in my author box. You've got nothing to lose but the weight!

Steve Estes is a former "heavy guy" and victim of the diet industry. He's now well within his height-to-weight range and enjoys hiking and camping with his family. For more information about weight loss see his site at: Lose20-30PoundsInOneMonth