Lose Weight By Simply Walking
Imagine being able to lose weight simply by walking.
It's true. By adding this natural and inexpensive exercise to your agenda, you can lose weight and keep it off. The key is to be persistent, stick to a regular program and make it interesting.
Just this morning, I caught Sanjay Gupta of CNN talking about this very subject. Research has proven that walking as little as once a week is enough to at least keep you from gaining as much weight as you would otherwise.
Do you have a dog? Maybe you should get one.
Sanjay's research revealed that people with dogs are even more likely to lose weight by walking than people who walk without a dog. Not exactly sure why that is, but my suspicion is that an active dog forces you to take that walk whether you want to or not. Besides, dogs make walking a far more interesting and creative adventure.
I've always had dogs, but I didn't walk much with my last one. And guess what? For the first time in my life I gained weight. Since getting my new dog, who happens to be a Belgian Shepherd so you can imagine how active he is, I've shed a few pounds.
Recently, we discovered a new park that actually has exercise stops. That's where you are given various stationary "equipment" and a sign with instructions on how to use them. For instance, you can do chin ups on a raised bar. You can walk the balance beam. You can do step-ups. You can do 10 pushups. You can climb up and over a 4 or 5 foot wall.
Of course, you can do sit-ups, abs crunches, and various stretches, too.
Obviously your dog can't do most of those exercises, but he probably doesn't need to. You do.
There are a number of reasons why it's good to take advantage of those exercise stations.
- They take the boredom out of just walking
- They give you a more complete workout
- They boost your heart rate more so than walking
- They will help sculpt your body
- They help you to lose weight
The best way to exercise to lose weight is to walk in intervals of fast walking and slow walking. You can even add short jogs if you like. You do this by alternating and giving each variation one or two minutes, and repeat the cycle 10-15 times. This type of exercising, called interval training, helps boost your metabolism while giving you a good fitness workout.
When you add in those exercise stations, your magnify your results.
Believe it or not, you will reach the point that you will look forward to taking these walks. On your very first day, you will come back feeling revived and energized. You will breathe easier. Your mind will be clearer.
And you will feel less stressed, which makes walking the perfect end to a day at work.
If you want to learn more weight loss and fitness exercise routines, download your free copy of The Original 4-Week Bodyweight Turbulence Training Workout.