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Friday, May 23, 2008 

The Magic Weight Loss Button

Have you noticed how so many people are looking for "the magic weight loss" button? Something instant. Something magical. Something that produces MASSIVE change with NO time or effort. Whenever I go to the supermarket I always grab the National Inquirer and read it while I'm in line. It usually sparks some fun conversation with the cashier. I use to ridicule these type of magazines, but more recently I began reading (not buying) them with a watchful eye. Here's why: these magazines reflect human behavior in it's rawest most primitive form.

The truth is that these magazines are HUGE sellers. It costs TONS of money to advertise in these magazines and the only way any company is going to advertise in these magazines and CONTINUE to advertise in these magazines is if they're making lots of money. Makes sense right? Well, what kind of weight loss ads will you find in there? Magic button ads. That's what sells right? NO effort, no time, but BIG, life changing results. These are the magazines that the masses of people are buying. And by the way, I don't mean to sound condescending like I'm "too good" for these magazines. Truth is, I think they're kind of funny but I guess we all have a little bit of, shall we say..."curiosity" (nosiness) in us.

HERE'S THE POINT: Look at the bodies of the masses of people. The people who are buying these magazines and buying what's advertised in them. It fascinates me how people well into their 40's and 50's will still blindly purchases these products off of t.v that promise overnight results. Do you want to know what the REAL secret is? It's continued (forever) learning. It's applying that knowledge through action and continuing to change that action until you get a desired outcome.

This is when you begin to KNOW, with absolute certainty, exactly how to be in 100% control of the way your body looks and feels. Look, I'm not implying that losing weight is extremely hard and time consuming. Not at all. But there is no magic button. And if you believe there is (instead of truly educating yourself with the facts - that you KNOW work) then you'll be like the millions who simply continue to deny reality but get no results. It's like continuing to buy get rich quick schemes that promise overnight riches with no work.

Am I being harsh? Maybe.

Am I being honest, because I TRULY want you to breakthrough to the body you deserve?


Look at the show "the Biggest Loser" for example. Are you familiar with it? I really haven't seen too many episodes and quite frankly I think it's actually kind of boring (even though I think the stories are very inspiring.) But, take a look at these people. Are they making these dramatic changes by exercising 7 minutes a day three times a week?

I don't think so.

Here's the best part: once you know EXACTLY what needs to be done to live in your ultimate body, then you can make the journey as fun as enjoyable as possible. You can make the exercise as short as possible. You can make the food taste as good as possible. You can splurge and eat unhealthy as much as possible. Do you understand what I'm saying?

When you know (through personal education) exactly what needs to be done then you know exactly what you can get away with.

And then you're not stressed out in the least. It's like a big game and you already know that your going to win. After all, you know the rules. This is what living life lean is all about. And trust me, it's easier than might you think. And it's a ton of fun.

But you don't get here by pushing a button.

To learn more visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com to sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse and discover how you too can live in a lean, strong and energetic body.