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Saturday, May 17, 2008 

Reducing Fat Stomach - 6 Tips to Slash It For Good

Want the best tips to reducing a fat stomach?

Here are the 6 basic tips to get you started -

1. Write down everything you eat - monitor what you're eating and get a clear picture of your eating habits. If for various reasons, you stray one week, you simply review your food intake and adjust where necessary to get you back on track.

2. Use smaller plates: research has found that most of us feel full when out plate is empty, regardless of how much we eat. And when you have 4 to 6 healthy mini meals a day, you will not be hungry. Control the cravings and you will lose the stomach fat.

3. Emotional Eating - Cut out the source of feelings that need feeding and find ways other than food to feed them (such as going for a walk or talking to friends). Also while sugary foods gives a fast emotional fix, research has shown that omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish, pumpkin seeds and nuts such as walnuts, can help life your mood. So eat smart to conquer your moods!

4. Green tea is often used solely to help people lose body fat. However, it is particularly effective when used in conjunction with other fat loss regimes. If you are in search of the best and the most effective method for reducing weight as well as maintaining it for life, you should add green tea to your daily diet as well as to your lifestyle.

5. Snack wisely. Not all snacks are created equal; having an apple or cookie mid afternoon might seem like a treat and a source of energy. However, the energy is short lasting and you will likely find yourself starving by the end of the work day.

6. Enjoy your meals and don't wolf it down. It can cause problems such as indigestion, especially in over-weight people because it takes up to 30 minutes for appetite hormones to reach the brain with the message that you're full. By that time, you could have eaten 3 to 4 times too much!

The key to getting it all together is planning - plan in advance to cook and shop for the groceries. That way you will cut out all the take away foods and junk food from your diet. And remember to stay active and exercise consistently to slash more body fat.

These are the keys to reducing fat stomach.

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