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Sunday, May 25, 2008 

The Second Secret To Successful Healthy Weight-Loss

It is the power that can make the unsuccessful successful in the battle of life,.., it is the power by which difficulties can be overcome.

The disorder and trouble that afflict us, or the lack that restricts our life, can never be overcome, save by a change of mind, habit of thought, and mental attitude. - Henry Thomas Hamblin

The Power of Thought, YOUR Power to Success.

Do you remember the first secret to healthy weight loss?

Do you know the second secret to successful weight loss?

I shall give you a hint: Action and constructive thinking.

Do you believe you are doomed to be overweight?

Do you believe you must struggle with your weight for the rest of your life?

I dont think so. Actually I know for a fact that it can be completely different.

With the right thought, a constructive and happy thought, we can overcome any obstacle, especially our weight problem.

Do you believe you are not ready to deal with this weight problem?

Would you rather wait to be left with no choice?

Dont wait for the worries and the fears of illness to take the decision for you. You will feel so blessed and powerful if your decision comes from a place of love, the love you have for yourself.

Do something special for yourself, not because you are afraid of some disastrous outcome but because you really want the change in your life.

Because you love yourself, you respect your body.

You deserve a healthy body and a healthy body weight.

You deserve it NOW.

Do you need to change your beliefs and your inner thoughts? Do you need to re-align yourself with belief and thoughts of success, successful weight loss and easy weight management?

You know the saying: Everything starts with a thought in our mind. Why not have our personal thoughts on our side?

By consistently changing your thought of failure to thought of success you can gradually transform anything to success.

For a few minutes everyday, take the time to relax and draw a mental picture of yourself already managing a healthy natural weight.

Draw this image as vividly as you can; everyday.

Add as many details as you can think of: the way you look, your posture, your feelings, your confidence, the clothes you wear.

Write it down. Nothing will make the picture more believable, more real, than writing down all the details you can think of.

Everyday add some more details until you have the whole picture written down.

See how good you feel when you think of successful weight management. Feel the emotion associated with the thought of having finally and permanently managed your weight.

Remember the thought and the emotion; they are your powerful allies.

Read your written picture everyday and have a motivation boost.

Wow, what a great feeling!

To your health and your ideal weight,

Isabelle Epstein
Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style
"3 Easy Steps to Healthy Weight Loss and Healthy Weight management"

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