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Monday, May 19, 2008 

Simple Weight Loss Strategies Part 2

If dieting doesnt work, what other strategies can you adopt for simple weight loss? One possible approach is to design your own weight loss diet and learn to cook.

You know the type of food you enjoy and you know whats good for you and what isnt. It may seem that these are miles apart. However, it is possible to combine the two in a way that will make weight loss easy and keep your taste buds happy at the same time.

This technique will require a little time and effort, but the long term benefits a healthier slimmer you will be well worth it.

Start by making a list of all your favourite dishes, including takeaways and ready meals. Now think what could be added to these to make them healthier. And what could be taken away to make them healthier?

Youve probably written vegetables and perhaps lean meat in answer to the first question and salt, sugar and fat in answer to the second. So lets look at your favourite meals. Fish and chips? Certainly likely if you live in the UK. Try oven chips with baked salmon, with a variety of frozen vegetables youll be cutting out so many calories by getting rid of the batter and deep-fried chips, that you can allow yourself a little ketchup. And this is very easy to cook.

How about sweet and sour pork? Cut out the batter again and use lean meat in a sauce with a little ketchup (I have this from a Chinese chef tomato ketchup is the secret ingredient in sweet and sour sauce! If you can find sugar free ketchup, so much the better), tinned pineapple in juice (not syrup), some balsamic vinegar and a load of vegetables.

If you eat ready meals, read the labels and see if you can come up with a healthier version by omitting some of the unnecessary ingredients, such as wheat and sugar, and cutting down on the fat. Obviously, this wont be possible for all your favourite dishes, but sugar, wheat and excess amounts of fat find their way into so much of what we eat, that its not difficult to make your own diet-conscious alternatives.

Learning to cook is a sure way to know exactly what goes into your mouth and will not only help you control your weight, but will also improve your health. Once youve mastered a few weight loss recipes, you can cook these dishes in bulk and freeze them. This will save time and will mean you always have something tasty on hand for times when you are busy, hungry and need something to eat in a hurry. Try getting the whole family involved if you have kids this will really help them to become independent and what better gift can you give them than the key to a healthy future? And with so many children and teens struggling with obesity, teaching them simple weight loss strategies will help them avoid becoming overweight in the first place.

Waller Jamison 2007

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