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Thursday, May 22, 2008 

Simple Weight Loss Strategies Part 4

There are many simple weight loss strategies which, when used together, will strengthen your resolve and enable you to reach your goals more quickly.

An important strategy is to set achievable goals and reward yourself when you achieve them. This is particularly true if you have a lot of weight to lose, as you can become very discouraged if you think about having to lose 30 or 40 pounds or more.

Learning to feel good about yourself is an important part of weight loss. So, set small, realistic goals along the way to your final goal, which is your ideal weight.

For example, treat yourself to something, but not something food related, for every 5 pounds you lose. This could be a trip to the cinema, buying and giving yourself time to read a good book. It might be a bottle of perfume or aftershave, or a day out with friends or family.

The loss of 5 pounds will make you feel good and the treat will also create good feelings, which will reinforce your resolve. You could plan your treats in advance, which will give you an extra incentive to reach your next goal. This also adds an element of fun to what might otherwise feel like a very difficult undertaking.

It is also important to make sure that your goals are realistic. On average, you might expect to lose one to two pounds per week, although if you are very overweight you are likely to lose more in the earlier stages of your weight loss programme. So be sure that the goals you choose are ones you can reach within the time you set yourself.

Simple weight loss strategies are easy to integrate into your daily routine, enabling you to move quickly towards your goals.

Waller Jamison 2007

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