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Friday, May 9, 2008 

Tips to Achieve Your Optimal Weight Loss and Body Shape

A few simple changes can make all the difference to the long-term health of your body. Here are some tips and suggestions to assist with weight loss and to improve your body and your health.

Food Choices

What you eat and drink gives your body the fuel and energy to carry out all the physical and mental activities that you do every day. Some foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables provide excellent fuel for the body, with lots of beneficial nutrients.

Other foods provide poor quality fuel. These include high sugar content foods and junk foods. What percentage of your current diet is giving you energy efficient, nutrient rich food? Try keeping a diary for a week then analyse where your major energy and body fuel comes from.

Healthy Choices

Choose meals and snacks that are kind to your body. These are natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, salads, grains and pulses. These are living foods. Avoid foods that are over processed, stored too long, high is sugar or fats. These are dead foods with little to offer nutritionally. Variety is also vital, helping you obtain the broad range of nutrients your body requires.


Your body needs between 18-35 gms of fibre a day. Fibre, together with water, is essential for proper digestion. Fibre provides the food for friendly bacteria in the colon, which manufactures various essential vitamins. One cup of the following is equal to 10gms of fibre: - oats, peas, dried apricots, peanuts, prunes and sunflower seeds. Half a cup of wheat bran or almonds also equals 10 gm of fibre.

Water Your body is 70% water and it needs a fresh daily supply to ensure cells are hydrated and energized. Water is essential for the digestion of food. Keep your body properly hydrated by drinking 6-8 large glasses a day.

Less is more

Eating large meals puts a great strain on the digestive tract. Choose smaller, more frequent meals. This will keep your fuel tank topped up through out the day. Remember the more you eat the more your body has to either burn off, or store as fat. So eat to live dont live to eat! Slow down eating and enjoy your food. Chewing is essential to assist the digestive process. Eating food quickly, or while stressed, disrupts digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

Get Active

You need enough activity to keep all your moving parts in good working order. Choose the form or exercise that suits you best. Remember to incorporate warming up and cooling down exercises to avoid pulling or straining any muscles.


Find time every day to relax. Take time out once or twice a day for at least 15 minutes. Sit or lie comfortably, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly. Listen to some relaxation music. No interruptions just focus your attention on your health, happiness and abundance of all you need.


Love makes everything workable. For complete harmony of mind, body and spirit surround yourself with people you love and who love you. Follow these steps and watch your body reach its optimal potential.

Cheryl Haining has a successful home business. She is a skin care, body shape and weight loss coach. Her mission statement is to ensure everyone reaches their optimum body shape, size and condition. Contact Cheryl at http://www.uloseweight.net To learn how to make extra money from home visit http://www.keybusinesstips.info

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