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Saturday, June 7, 2008 

Operation Weight Loss

Motivation high = Success Guaranteed!

Losing weight is easy. All you need to do is use up more energy than you consume. The science behind weight loss may be straight forward; however, keeping your motivation up during this sometimes lengthy process can be the difficult part.

Making the decision to lose weight and become healthier is relatively easy too. But in order to succeed, your motivation must be high from the very beginning, and it must remain so until your goals have been achieved. We have looked at some ways to do this below. Everyone is different and one motivational method is not going to suit everyone. Choose some ways which may work for you, and then have another up your sleeve for when you need it.

Measuring up

Many people like to see their weight loss coming off in cold hard figures. A good way to do this is to weigh and measure yourself on day one of your new eating and exercise plan. Record the figures in a book, and then regularly weigh and measure over the following weeks and months. The longer you leave between measuring the better, as you'll see more results that way. Whatever you do, don't weigh yourself every day, you'll drive yourself crazy.

For many people, this method would do more harm than good. No weight lost, and they feel completely disillusioned and eat because 'there's no point trying'. A loss on the scales and those same people may think, 'this is so easy, I don't need to be so strict with myself, I think I'll have a sausage roll to celebrate'. You will know if this is you. So you can see where this method is headed?

Rather than weigh and measure yourself, you may aim to fit into a pair of your old size 10 jeans, for example. Try them on every few weeks until they fit. Don't be ridiculous with your 'goal garment'. If you are size 22, don't aim to suddenly fit into a size 8 skirt. It will just seem like too much of a mountain to conquer.

Tiny goals

If you have 20 kilos to lose, break it down into two kilo lots. Chip away, bit by bit, rather than overwhelming yourself with the entire task at hand. Just take it a day at a time, and before you know it, you will have reached your ultimate goal.

A journal

Keeping a journal is an excellent source of motivation for almost everyone. Don't fanatically write down every mouthful you eat, but rather your thoughts and wishes for the future. Start by writing down how you feel while overweight and unfit, and why you want to discover a new and improved you. When your motivation is running low, go back and remind yourself why you are on this mission in the first place. Return to centre and carry on.

Buddy up

Most people will know someone who would also like to be leaner and fitter. Pair up with your best friend, sister, wife or neighbour, and act as each others motivators. Arrange to meet on a regular basis. Call each other when you are feeling weak and can't get the thought of doughnuts out of your head. Go walking with each other. Listen to each other, and reach your goals together.

Bribe yourself

Don't forget, there's nothing wrong with a good old fashioned bribe, if that's what it takes to get you trim and healthy. The bribes can be small, for example, when I lose the next two kilos I will treat myself to a facial. The bribes can be huge. When I reach my goal weight and can run five kilometers non stop, I'll treat myself to a week in Tahiti. Use your imagination, and think about what would motivate you. Remember, whatever your bribe is, by the time you have earnt it, you can enjoy it guilt free.

The breakout

Not everyone can be trusted with this technique, but consider whether it would work for you. The breakout is just that, allowing yourself one meal per week, fortnight or month, when you can have what you want. You still need to set some boundaries though. You may allow yourself only one course to break out on, you may allow yourself only good quality food (no drive-throughs) even if it is fattening, you may stipulate you have to go for an extra long walk the day before or after.

For some people, getting back on the straight and narrow after a breakout would be virtually impossible. If you are one of these people, than this method is not for you. Others will feel rewarded and refreshed and ready for the next leg of their journey.


Don't underestimate the power of visualization. Picture yourself how you would like to be - over and over again. Keep this picture in your mind as you are walking, swimming, asking for a tomato juice (when you think you want a sugary soft drink), declining a piece of birthday cake at a party or downing your 10th glass of water for the day. Achieving your goals will require just as much brain power as anything else.

Everyone should talk to their partner, if they have one, about how they can motivate you. That could mean to never mention your new eating and exercise plan, or to act as your drill sergeant throughout the process, or something in between. Either way, it is essential to let them know. The person you love can be a huge help or a massive hindrance if they don't know what you want from them. Remember you can't regain your health and look great, by not doing or eating anything differently. Change requires change.

It's also helpful to remember that you probably didn't pile on a sneaky 25 kilos in a couple of weeks, so don't expect it to be gone in two weeks. It takes time to achieve weight loss If you have any other motivational techniques that you have found work for you, please let us know so we can share them.

Yours in health,

Leisa St Ledger http://www.leisassecret.com

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