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Thursday, June 12, 2008 

Weight Loss - It's All In Your Head

Here is a simple truth: We constantly think about changing our lives. For some of us it is our job, finding someone to love or giving up smoking. For many people it is about losing weight. We think about these things and yet never do them.

For many people who are overweight, they are always thinking about it or trying something new. Yet, a significant amount of them do not lose weight, or keep it off. They almost never get into shape.

There is a myriad number of excuses for the weight loss merry-go-round. We waste time, we start and stop, we procrastinate, we lie and make excuses, we get frustrated and complain and in general, make ourselves miserable.

Successful weight loss is much more than dieting and exercise. Actually, losing weight and improving our health is as much, if not more, an internal process than it is an external process.

If you can successfully reprogram yourself, everything else will simply fall into place.

Most experts concentrate on teaching us about diet and exercise. If it were that simple then the success rate would be much higher. It is very easy to impart information to people. Getting them to do these things consistently is the problem. Our conditions come down to two things. The first is the decisions that we make. The second is the things that we do (or the things that we don't do). When we view the problem in this manner it is easy to deduce that losing weight and getting into shape is more about our minds than our diet and exercise programs.

If you wish to create a permanent change in any aspect of your life, including weight loss, you have to have a significant change in your mind.

Here are some ways to approach getting the most out of your weight loss efforts.

There is a very real relationship between your attitude and the outcome. Enter your weight loss regimen with the best possible attitude. Transforming yourself is more about attitude and commitment than it is about finding the right diet or exercise program. Having the right frame of mind equates with a positive outcome.

It is unbelievable how many people sabotage themselves with a poor attitude. Typically they whine, complain, rationalize and procrastinate. Of course, they end up where they started. Conversely, many are successful and maintain their results simply because they manage to get their head into the right place.

Also, once you lose weight you obviously wish to keep it off. This is a lifetime program, not an event. It is not uncommon for people to devote their efforts to losing weight for a specific event. The problem with this is they gain it all back, and then some. Maintaining your weight is a lifetime goal.

Make up your mind. Come face to face with the tough decisions that you have avoided all this time. Instead of focusing on this weeks diet or joining a gym, consider implements a series of healthy lifestyle changes. Break your bad habits by creating and replacing them with good habits.

Finish what you start. Every single day, thousands, if not millions of people begin programs that they will never maintain. They start a new diet, but cheat. They join a health club but do not go regularly. Maybe they start running and quit within the week. Do not be one of them. Be realistic and sensible. Do not try to undo years of bad habits by next week.

Do not procrastinate. The right time never comes. Do not make excuses. If you want something bad enough you will find a way to do it.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/fatburnerreviews/herbal_fat_burners.html where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

What people do not know is that weight loss surgery is especially generated to help obese people live longer, healthier, and better.Weight Loss Surgery Dallas

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