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Friday, July 4, 2008 

PEOPLES COURT Orthodontist wins case but who paid the bill? download youtube video free

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Alternate titles for this film were "PEOPLES COURT Did orthodontist really tell the judge to SHUT UP?" and "PEOPLES COURT Suing orthodontist wrote Small Claims court book ?" This "Small Claims" Court hearing was filmed November 15, 2007 and aired on April 1, 2008. The television show was 12 minutes and 33 seconds. Since the maximum YouTube film is 10 minutes I edited the film on MS Movie Maker. My son made a DVD the date the show was aired. However, YouTube will accept only a limited number of formats and DVD is not one of them. I was advised to convert it to a form acceptable to YouTube and *.WMV is one of them. Consequently, I found at www.magicdvdripper.com/ a "ripper" program that would make that conversion and it worked without too much frustration for my efforts. You might be surprised to know that when the plaintiff wins as I did the money Judge Milian awards the winner is paid by the producers of the show. Indeed I received payment in less than two weeks from the time the show was filmed. The defendants in this case the Robinson family (Peia the patient, and Nicki the mom) were/ are genuinely fine people. Nevertheless, I work hard and do good work so when the family failed to respond to repeated requests for payment I brought the case to the real Small Claims Court in Brooklyn which is where I learned so much that eventually I had enough material to write the book. See http://drted.com/index.html.bak2/book... . Researches from People's Court routinely comb the court files for interesting cases and send letters to the plaintiff and defendant to ask them if they are interested appearing on People's Court. I knew from the get-go I would win and I believe that the Robinson family knew they would lose (and that if they did the people/s court would foot the bill). It was a win-win game for both of us. Only the producers knew exactly what both our stories were going to be. You would be surprised to see the legal documents that I had to sign before appearing on the show. One of those documents was that I had to acknowledge that even if I lost I could not take the case back to the real small claims court. Judge Milian's verdict was set in stone. You might ask if People's Court resembles the real Small Claims Court. The answer is yes. However, more than 50% of the time it is so difficult to collect when you win that you soon abandon hope of ever collecting. My book focuses on how you collect. I strongly recommend using this court but you should have your evidence ready to present to the judge and be brief in presenting your case. Go to http://drted.com/index.html.bak2/SccG... to share some of the most important factors that will help you win (and collect) when you have your day in court. Dr. Ted Rothstein, Specialist is Orthodontics for Adults and Children and Specialist in Orthodontic Jaw Wiring for weight loss/control, Brooklyn, NY www.drted.com, 718 852 1551.

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