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Thursday, May 22, 2008 

Can Exercise Lower Cholesterol

You probably are already aware of the overall benefit to health that exercise has but can exercise lower cholesterol ? You bet! In fact its one of the easiest, cheapest, and non invasive methods of reducing cholesterol. Its too bad so many people turn to drugs rather than exercise which also has the benefit of relaxation.

Only 10% of Americans exercise 3 times a week or more. Thats pretty amazing for that leaves 90% that are exercising too little or not at all. Exercising does not have to be complicated and it does not have to cost you a dime. No need to join a gym or take an aerobic class unless you want to. Why not start with something as basic as a walk. Youll be surprised at the benefits you will feel.

Exercise has all kinds of benefits and reducing cholesterol is one of those. Studies show that an unfit man can reduce his risk of death by 37% just by becoming fit, and women can reduce their risk by 48%. Those are pretty impressive numbers.

Walking is the best way to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease which cholesterol is the main underlying problem. Walking is also the best fat burner. In fact walking burns double the number of calories than running the same distance as the walk. And it reduces bad cholesterol.

You should work towards an easy 30 to 45 minute walk three to four times a week. This is not a race. Just walk at your own pace. If you are within walking distance of work walk to work otherwise park your car further away then normal and walk. Maybe use your lunch time to go for a walk and always use the stairs rather than the elevator. In fact stair climbing is a great work out and it gives you great looking legs.

When you decide to start to exercise its important that you were proper walking shoes. Dont confuse what you need with a running shoe which is too soft. Dont push yourself at first. Start slow and build your strength. The first couple of weeks you might not even be able to walk the 30 minutes and thats okay. Its not a race and you dont need to be anywhere fast.

Its better to exercise before you eat because food in your stomach needs additional energy and can interfere with being able to exercise. Fruit and water are okay. Always stretch before you start to ensure all your muscles are warmed up and you wont strain anything. And finally whats most important is consistency. You cant expect results if you walk once in awhile whenever you get the urge. You wont loose the pounds, wont lower your cholesterol, and wont give your heart the attention it deserves.

Can exercise lower cholesterol ? Absolutely! And all it takes is a walk a day.

About The Author

Morten Hansen has been focused on the health area for several years and is mainly writing about subjects, that make it easier for people to understand and live a more healthy life. For more details about Cholesterol visit our website www.CholesterolTips4you.com

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