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Thursday, May 22, 2008 

Workout Programs For Treadmills Involves Introducing New Ways To Enjoy Your Treadmill And Get Fit

When you go to the gym they encourage you to do workout programs that involve interval training. When you work out at home you should look for workout programs for the treadmill that will keep you interested and use your time on the treadmill more effectively.

Workout programs for treadmills involve introducing new ways to enjoy your treadmill. The purpose of interval training is not only to improve the effectiveness of your overall training but also so to reduce boredom.

You can increase the effectiveness of your treadmill exercise by using dumbbells. Depending on your fitness level and strength get a pair of 5-12 lb dumbbells. The more muscles you engage in your workout program while on the treadmill, the more weight you lose.

If you add weights to your treadmill walking, you will also increase the amount of energy you use which means using more calories and your total workout time will be reduced. Warm up on the treadmill for 5 minutes. Move your arms and shoulders to loosen them up. Get steady on the treadmill for 5 more minutes. Step off the treadmill and do some lateral lifts with the dumbbells. Repeat for the first twenty minutes.

The treadmill workout program with dumbbells will increase the fat burning process. You can do your exercises for the first twenty minutes of your treadmill workout. Some treadmills come with workout programs using the programmed workout programs and also increase the energy expenditure and prevent boredom. Once you get to a certain level in your treadmill training, you may want enhance the experience by increasing the slope angle. By changing the incline level by 5% the rate of calories burned increases by 25%

Some of the Work out programs for the treadmill includes:

*The Hill - The treadmill program simulates hills and valleys with each set of programs becoming more difficult. This is a great workout program for the heart. Set the first hill at 70%, then go to 75% on the second hill and then 80% When you are in the valley's you should be at 65%

*Random Choice Program - Choose your own speed and level

*Cardio workout - Adjust the incline to main the heart rate at 80% zone.The great benefits of treadmill workouts on an incline mimics walking up a real hill. Do not hold the handrails. The incline workout is beneficial to the cardiovascular system without requiring any speed. Just utilizing the incline workout will challenge the heart. Some users can not do speed workouts on the treadmill but speed is not necessary when the incline on the treadmill is used. The slow pace on an incline is just as effective as running at max speed.

*Fat Burn Workout - Light workout. Adjusts incline to keep the heart rate at 65% zone. The increase in the angle is important. Most treadmills will have a variety of angles that can go from a flat surface to a steep surface. Each increase of the angle will also increase the rate at which calories are burned.

The great news about treadmills is that are accessible in all types of weather and can get and keep you in shape more efficiently than any other inside machine. Compared to the stationary bike, even the cross country skier the treadmill burns more calories per hour than the other exercise equipment.

For more great workout programs for treadmills try visiting www.treadmill-solutions.com where you will quickly and easily find treadmill reviews and treadmill features basics and advanced models.