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Friday, May 16, 2008 

Detox Recipe

A man given to too much drinking goes to a doctor. The doctor puts him through various tests and finally pronounces his finding: Sir, the problem seems to be that there is too little blood in your alcohol!

Our style of life, our food habits, negative emotions and sedentary habits seem to contribute to the accumulation of unwanted guests called toxins in our physical system.

The tensions and stresses in our daily life, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the pursuit of palate-tickling food are said to produce certain hormones which leave behind toxins. When they are not expelled from the system, they cause degeneration of cells leading to premature ageing, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, liver failure and so on.

Free Radicals

These toxins are known as free radicals , not to be confused with socialists, anarchists or freewheeling intellectuals. They are molecules in search of a missing electron and, in the process, gobble up neighboring healthy cells. Constant attrition of the healthy cells causes the diseases aforementioned.

Nature itself has designed its own system of detoxification, through secretion of body fluids like sweat, tears, saliva and the excretions through the intestines and the urinary tract. These should be sufficient if only we do not overload the physical system through ingestion of nicotine, caffeine, excessive sugar, salt, vegetable and animal fat, junk food and carbonated beverages.

Unhealthy food habits are not the invention of modern man. The Roman Empire and the Moghul Empire, among many others, came to their end because of their culture of excessive indulgence.

Cows and dogs stop eating the moment they are ill. Being in tune with nature, they wait for Nature to restore the balance in their system by simply fasting.

Detox Techniques

Through the ages, man has evolved different techniques of detoxification. Fasting has been practiced often as a religious obligation rather than its therapeutic value which is great. Bleeding of sick people has been used in Europe to get rid of the poisons in the human body.

The ancient Romans used the Sauna to make them sweat the toxins out. It is still very popular in Spas, hotels and even private homes of the affluent. Incidentally, the Roman baths also were centers of intellectual discussions, political intrigues and discreet liaisons.

Colon cleansing is another old detox method. Many would frown, as it resembles some medieval torture. The ancient system of Ayurveda in India employs massaging with oil literally trying to squeeze out the toxins through the skin. The inevitable purging is prescribed at the end of every course of treatment. This treatment combined with very restricted diet is said to rejuvenate man.. and woman.

In Tune with Nature

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said, Nature cures, not the physician. Most nature cure systems have resorted to drugless and less invasive treatment to restore health. They believe that man can enjoy good health by living in accordance with the laws of nature. Secondly, fever, cold, inflammations and digestive disorders are natures way of getting rid of toxins . Serious illnesses result when these processes are suppressed through drugs.

Water therapy, oil therapy, the Chinese Reflexology and mud therapy are practices related to nature cure systems. But the most effective and practical approach seems to lie through food therapy, the art and science of eating rightly and judiciously in normal times and eating less and fasting more in times of sickness.

Health food advocates, therefore, are not mere faddists when they point the way to wisdom in choosing the right kind of food habits. Lighter the diet, the lighter the body. This leads to lightness of mind. All together, they make for an abiding feeling of good health.

Raw Foods Are Natures Gift

Little John was under a new discipline at home. His parents had introduced a strict diet of no red meat and only fish and vegetables. While eating his dinner, he was surprised to come across a piece of bone. He asked the mother, What shall I do with this? The mother said, Put it away with the thing you are not going to eat. John promptly stuck the bone into the cauliflower on his plate!

Young or old, eating vegetables, fruits and herbs has to be an act of will. The easy way to fall in love with them is to juice them, drink and enjoy the feeling of lightness and health. According to nature cure advocates/practitioners -

Raw foods contain essential nutrients that are mostly destroyed during cooking. Juices of vegetables and fruits are effective in the treatment of a variety of diseases You can make juices out of vegetables like carrot, tomato, cucumber, beet, spinach, radish, celery, and so on. Most fruits lend themselves to juicing. Wheat grass juice is rich in chlorophyll and a complete food in itself. It is an excellent detox agent when taken as a fasting diet. You can grow it at home and cut off the grass with a pair of scissors on the eighth day after sowing.

There are many brands of juicers available in the market. Examples are: Oscar Vital Max, Green Power Hippocrates and Champion 2000. They do a wonderful job of preserving the flavour and the nutrients of fruits and vegetables. But juices lose their properties fast and so it is always better to drink them fresh.

So here is drinking juice to your health!

Caution: Before undertaking any detoxification process, one is advised to take advice from a qualified professional medical practitioner.

http://www.vitality4lifeshop.com.au; http://www.oscar-living-juicer.com; http://www.my-greenpower-juicer.com; http://www.healthhandyoga.com

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