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Friday, May 23, 2008 

Diet Tips - Where Do Weight Loss Diets Go Wrong

Eat Less Food For Weight Loss?

What do most people do when they figure out that they have put on a few pounds? The first thing they decide to do is to eat less food than they normally do. It sounds like a reasonable solution does it not? It would seem that it was food that got us overweight in the first place, would this not be a reasonable solution to the problem?

Your Body Automatically Lowers Your Metabolism

Almost all diet and eating plans say pretty much the same thing as this. Unfortunately, for folks that believe lowering their normal daily food intake will aid them in losing weight, this does not work. As one decreases their food intake, the body does an extraordinary thing, the body will actually compensate for the difference in caloric intake by scaling back your metabolism. In other words, your body will lower the amount of energy that it produces and will also limit it's capacity for effort. Your body does this by instinct to thwart starvation. Why do you thing that people can go for a month with only water as their food source? The body conserves energy when there is little or no food.

Best Way To Attain Weight Loss

One of the best ways to attain your weight loss goals is to eat smart instead of eating less. Heavier and overweight people in general eat the same number of calories per day that thinner people. But, overweight people generally eat more fat than thinner people. Thinner people seem to prefer a complex carbohydrate diet, which are more easily metabolized by the body. This seems to be the main difference between these two groups and a good place to begin when planning a change in your eating pattern.

A Good Weight Loss Diet Takes Time

A good diet will always take time to produce results. That extra weight was not put on overnight, why would we think we could take it off overnight? Every day thousands and thousands of people are scouring the internet for a "miracle" diet cure, a pill that will vanquish fat once and for all, a patch that will make them not want to eat, an oral spray that will kill appetite. The list goes on and on. As we discussed above, your appetite is not your problem. What you eat when you have an appetite is.

Lose The Weight For Good

There is only one way to lose weight for good, and that is to avoid eating rich, fatty foods, and to get some exercise on a regular basis. Trying to diet without exercise is almost a pointless exercise in futility. Exercising just makes us feel better, no to mention, by exercising while dieting, the weight will come off much faster than it will without exercise. This is always good for an extra "kick in the pants" about continuing your diet. Remember, losing weight is not about eating less, as much as it is about eating more of the healthy low fat foods.

My name is Charlene Rhodes, I am an avid natural health enthusiast. When I can use natural, that's where I go. I have a lot's of advice and more info on Weight Loss Diets and Weight Loss Goals. You can also find my Weight Loss Product Review here.