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Friday, May 23, 2008 

Losing Weight For People Over 40

Its a truth universally known that, as we get older our bodies start to lose muscle and our metabolism slows down considerably. Long gone are the days when we could ea pizza and cheese fries without worry.

This is a great time in your life to start taking charge of your fitness and overall health and it doesn't have to be hard or impossible to do! Losing weight after 40 does not have to be a long drawn out process that gets harder and harder as the years past. If you make the decision today to get control of your body you will see results a lot quicker than you ever thought.

Think about your body in high school or in your 20's, were you in shape? What were you doing differently? Chances are, your eating and exercise habits are exactly the same as they were in your younger days. Perhaps they aren't and you really do need to make changes, but regardless the truth is that the reason why it is hard for you to lose weight is because you are eating the wrong types of foods for your age!

You are eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories at the wrong time and patterns each day. Sound confusing? Its not, counting calories and carbs simply does not work. Sure these methods may work for a little while over a short period of time, but for long lasting results you will need to learn a new way of eating.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots will show you what to eat and when. Your body works as an engine and if you continue to feed it the wrong fuel you will only store the food as fat. If you feed your body the right fuel you will burn the food as energy and lose weight. Food is the key to weight loss, not the hours you spend at the gym or the diet pills you buy at the drug store.

Rapid weight loss at any age and fitness range is possible. You will begin shedding inches off your body which will in turn make you look much younger than you actually are. Its true, think about all of the people your age that look young. They don't look that way because they are holding on to extra weight, do they? No, the number on secret to looking younger is by being fit and healthy. It is possible to look better in your 40's than you did in your 20's!

Fat Loss 4 Idiots will show you best tips for getting slim by eating the right foods. In fact, take a look at your calendar. Imagine being 9 pounds thinner in just 11 days? It is really not more complicated than that, long gone are the days where you were a slave to calorie counting and starving yourself to look good. Fat Loss for Idiots is 100% money back guaranteed to make your high school pals jealous!

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is recommended for losing excess weight for people over 40 (and those below 40 as well!)

Other recommendations: yay! Food subscription site & Turbulence Training for exercise.