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Wednesday, May 14, 2008 

Dieting Tips - A Good Diet Plan And Tasty Dieting Food

Are you looking for a healthy way to lose unwanted pounds? Are you tired of yo-yo dieting? Do you want dieting tips and some healthy and tasty dieting foods? Low carb dieting got you down?

Dieting is a complex and sometimes confusing topic with information galore provided from every corner of the internet and beyond.

I personally won't provide you with all kinds of statistics but rather some dieting tips that I have picked up over the years of struggling with weight gain and weight loss.

Dieting plans really shouldn't be that complex but for millions of people being overweight can be the difference between becoming ill sooner or living a long healthy life.

Here are some dieting tips that can help put your dieting plan into action fast.

Dieting Tip #1

Recognize your position now.

Take an inventory of where you stand today. Take a picture, get accurate measurements (Medical practitioners can provide accurate measurements and also determine your suitability for a weight management program).

This is important as you can accurately gauge your success by setting a point in time to reference it from. Next, decide what you want to achieve. Again, your medical practitioner would be a great source of advice to determine a healthy weight. BMI (Body Mass Index) is sometimes used to gauge your ideal healthy weight; but it can be misleading and dishearten you. Take the time to see your doctor!

Dieting Tip #2

Clean out all your junk food and decide and confirm that your eating patterns will change.

Throwing out those cookies and ice cream will afford a sense of control over your cravings and also empower you to realize that you ARE in control.

Selecting dieting foods that are healthy and will help you reach your goals is more important than the 3 dollars spent on solidified sugar junk. Throw it out. Better yet - Don't buy it.

Dieting Tip #3

When at the grocery store shopping for your dieting foods - usually you can get all of the necessary (and healthy) foods from around the perimeter of the store. Start by getting those items first. You can then venture into the lanes of temptation and get the other necessities there.

Good healthy diet foods include lots of fruits and vegetables such as:

  • Arugula
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Collard Greens
  • Bok Choy
  • Endive
  • Peppers
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli

Lean Protein:

  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Lean Beef


  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Shrimp

Nuts and Seeds:

  • Almonds
  • Pecans
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Nut butters


  • Flaxseed oil
  • Virgin cold pressed olive oils
  • Coconut oil

Stay away from foods that contain high levels of sugar. For example by simply cutting out soda pop from your daily consumption and switching to a bottle of 'life sustaining water' you can ultimately prevent gaining 15 pounds per year.

These are just a few of the healthy diet foods that you can eat that will help you with dieting plan.

Another excellent diet food that is packed with fiber and also provides a steady source of energy is oatmeal. With a bit of sliced apple or banana it makes a tasty quick breakfast that keeps the cravings away and helps stabilize blood sugar to keep you from crashing before lunch time.

Dieting Tip #4

Eat frequent meals.

Small 200-calorie meals can provide a metabolic boost by continually using calories to digest foods and also keep your overall calorie consumption down by not allowing you to be in starvation mode. When you've gotten to the point where you find yourself starving your body decides that food is 'hard to find'. Your body will store it for when it's really needed. Unfortunately it isn't stored as muscle!

Try to have 5-6 snack-sized meals a day. For example: It can consist of a chicken breast and some quickly made frozen vegetables with a bit of lemon juice to add some zing. This low calorie, high protein meal will satisfy your hunger and not spike your blood sugar like a high carb meal will.

High carb meals will cause fat to be deposited due to a release of insulin, which attempts to balance your blood sugar. Without getting too technical, it is wise to keep blood sugar levels stable as it keeps you feeling good and is good for your body.

Healthy dieting plans must have healthy dieting foods. Plain and simple. There is no magic or secrets here. The reasons diets fail is because we set ourselves up for failure. A healthy dieting plan really should be considered one that enables the individual to maintain that diet plan for indefinitely.

Eating clean as some call it allows for cheat days where you can indulge in the foods that you love. However, eating should consist of healthy foods that nourish and complement the body.

I have lost numerous pounds only to gain them back quickly by entertaining all kinds of hair brained diet plans.

In summary, simply creating a dieting plan and sticking to it is the #1 way to get thin fast and stay that way. Dieting Tip #1 is likely the most important part. If you aren't going to adhere to the plan then what to eat, when to eat it and everything else... is all for nothing.

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