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Saturday, May 24, 2008 

Easy Exercises To Burn Fat Faster Than Ever Before

It seem everyone these day is looking for easy exercises to burn fat. In this article I will discuss some very simple exercises which will help you to get into the kind of great shape you deserve. I'll offer tips not only to lose the fat but also to keep it off.

Fat-loss is not only about exercise though, its also about eating the right foods, the right portions of those foods at the right times. I am not going to discuss this essential part of optimal weight-loss here but please be aware that good nutrition will accelerate your progress ten fold when used in conjunction with the easy exercises to burn fat that I offer here. A great diet plan to follow and the one I adhere to is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program which can be found at my website at the bottom of this article.

Before we get started with the exercises let me just say that when we are trying to lose fat it is important to start by getting committed. Losing weight has far more health benefits than just improving your appearance. By losing 10-15% of your body weight you can reduce your risk of heart attack significantly. So how do you start? If you exercise for a few days and then give up you won't notice any improvement at all. It is vital that you commit to regular exercise. With that being said let me give you some examples of easy exercises to burn fat, all the exercises that I offer here can be done at home and are targeted at people who are beginners. Should you be more advanced I thoroughly recommend the Turbulence Training regime which I talk about on my website below.

1) Squats.

* Place your feet shoulder width apart.

* Keep your torso vertical and slightly arch your lower back, begin the movement by bending the knees.

* Go only as far down as you feel comfortable. Move slowly down maintaining a smooth movement.

* Using your legs, push yourself back up to the start position still maintaining smooth movement. You can use a bar or chair for balance if you find it more comfortable.

* Once you get stronger and more confident try to maintain balance yourself without holding anything.

* Should you want to make the exercise harder you can use weight. Two milk jugs or similar can be used. Hold them at your side and squat but make sure both sides are of even weight.

* I suggest completing 3 sets of between 8-12 reps. As you improve you can increase the reps.

2) Wall Push-ups.

* Stand facing a wall with your feet 1 to 2 feet back from it.

* Place your hands on the wall slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

* Bend only at the elbows and lower yourself forward towards the wall then push yourself away from it.

* Keep your body stiff and straight during the movement and make sure to move slowly and smoothly.

* I suggest completing 3 sets of between 8-12 reps. As you improve you can increase the reps.

3) Bench Dips.

* These can be done on the edge of any bench or chair.

* Sit on the side edge of the bench or chair and place your hands on the edge of it beside your bottom, grip the edge.

* Place your feet flat on the floor approximately two feet in front of you with your knees bent.

* Move yourself off the bench so you're supporting yourself on your hands.

* Bend your arms, dipping your body down. Make sure to only go down as far as you feel comfortable.

* Push back up maintaining smooth motion.

* To minimize shoulder stress keep your back close to the bench.

* When finished with the set push yourself back onto the bench. As you improve you can gradually move your feet further from the bench, so eventually they are straight.

* I suggest completing 3 sets of between 8-12 reps. As you improve you can increase the reps.

4) Bicycle Crunch.

* Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground.

* Put your hands beside your head but take care not to place them behind the head as this can cause pulling and stress the neck.

* Bring your knees up to roughly a 45-degree angle and slowly and smoothly go through a bicycle pedal motion.

* Touch your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee etc.

* Breath evenly throughout the exercise.

* I suggest completing 3 sets of between 10-12 reps. As you improve you can increase the reps.

5) Interval Training.

* Start out either walking or jogging so that you are working at approximately a 3/10 intensity level.

* Continue this for 3 minutes to warm up.

* After the 3 minutes is up briskly walk, jog or run depending on your fitness level so that you are working at approximately a 7/10 intensity level.

* Continue this for 1 minute then follow it by working at a 3/10 intensity level for 2 minutes.

* Repeat this sequence three more times.

* Finally warm down at a 3/10 intensity level for 3 minutes.

These 5 easy exercises to burn fat, if you do them properly, will get your heart rate into your targeted range and will increase your metabolism burning fat. Try to exercise at least three to four times a week for 30 minutes to 1 hour. If you commit to several weeks of regular exercise I promise you will notice good results. Try to spread your workouts over the week and aim for a minimum of 3 days exercise - but make sure you have a few days off also - rest is also extremely important for fat-loss as well as maintaining energy levels.

These exercises can be done at anytime, anywhere and without any fancy equipment. Make your exercise fun and you will be able to stick to it for longer, if you enjoy walking, hiking, basketball, cycling, football or whatever feel free to incorporate these into your exercise routines. Think about what you enjoy doing and workout the best exercises for you. Any exercise can burn fat when you get your heart rate up and into the targeted zone.

Keep the intensity high throughout and you will raise your metabolism and burn fat even after training is over. Forget the long and torturous cardio routines - make it quick and snappy and you'll find that weight-loss is not as hard as you may think. The Turbulence Training and Fat Loss 4 Idiots programs found via my website below are the programs I use to maximize my own weight-loss.

Should you wish to get more advice and information on fitness programs, nutrition and other health and wellness related subjects please visit my site at Easy Exercises To Burn Fat where I discuss more advanced routines and diet plans.

Daniel Depp is a health and fitness fanatic. He is a former professional athlete who, since retiring found himself over-eating and piling on weight. He decided that enough was enough and embarked on a mission to gather as much infomation about weight-loss and fitness as he possibly could and then impliment these in his own life. He has since lost over 20 pounds of body fat, lives a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and is committed to helping others do the same. Visit his website at Lose 15 Pounds Fast to get more in depth advice on weight-loss, diets, fitness training and general wellness.