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Saturday, May 17, 2008 

The Exercise Prescription

There is a saying that is 100% true. "There is no such thing as a proper diet without exercise."

Most of us have accepted that fact, but still little of us really abide by it. When most if us feel the need to trim down a bit we first look to change what we eat.

While dieting can produce great results alone, diet and exercise and basically double it. Just think about how much faster your waistline would slim down if you not only started cutting out fats and reducing calories, but also went on a jog that burned off 600 more calories.

Now, if you did that you not only benefit from just the loss of calories, but you get the benefit of gaining muscle. Muscle is the fat burning machine in your body. The more lean muscle you have the faster you body can burn that fat off. They go hand in hand.

There are tons of things that are a lot of fun to do that give you great exercise. I can name plenty, but it is up to you to find one that you enjoy. Most importantly, stick with it. If you take up tennis. Play tennis! Play it 2 or 3 times a week if you can. Or play once a week and hit the pool 3 times a week. It does not matter what you do, it only matters that you do it.

That is the key to success. Get it done. Get out there and sweat.

Another thing that I will highly suggest is strength training. Good ole working out with weights. Strength training offers the most muscle building ounce for ounce. It would take me another 10 pages of writing to list all the benefits of strength training.

while many do not like going to the gym going just once or twice a week would still get you results. Once you get results, you will start liking the gym a little more. I can guarantee that.

I did mention diet before and I would like to make just one simple suggestion. There are so many diet fads out there, so ignore them all. You know what is good for you and what is not. You already know that you need protein after a workout. However, there is one tip that I know for a fact will jump start your results.

Cut your fat intake in half and double your fiber.

This does so much for the body and it is a simple rule to follow.

Keep your diet in check and exercise. That is the formula for a proper diet.

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