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Friday, May 23, 2008 

How To Burn Belly Fat Fast

Are you ready to burn your belly fat?Have you tried every all new secret solution only to fail?Stop looking for the all new super fad diet pill and exercise machine. 99% of the advertising is total crap. So what's the real solution to burn your belly fat?

Forget about celebrity diets and gym rat fads. You need to finally learn what is true and what is false. Lose your belly fat for good. It's time to learn the truth.

Abs exercises will not burn the fat off your belly. The average person has been misled and spends way too much time doing abs specific exercises. Now don't get me wrong here, your abs muscles may get stronger. That will help with protecting your back from injury. But, I'm sure what your looking for is hot abs that everyone can see. If you continue to do abs specific exercises you are most likely going to rip your shirt off at the beach only to reveal a layer of belly fat hiding your hard work.

Multi-joint exercises are the key to belly fat loss. These full body exercises of the back, legs, and chest will release the fat burning hormones within your body. A good full body workout increases your metabolic rate enough to burn fat.

So when you go to the gym have your workout planned. Do bench presses, squats, dumbbell presses, and other exercises that concentrate on the big three areas - legs, chest and back. Leave the cell phone at home and don't use gym time to socialize. You need to make your workouts intense. Maybe 30 seconds between sets and 2 minutes between exercises.

The goal of your training program should be to enable you to reach your body' potential and maintain and strengthen the most essential and functional muscle groups. What we are looking for here is functional strength. This is how you get a lean muscular body one without unnecessary bulk. Hitting the weight room twice a week for an hour can help prevent or at least slow "middle-aged spread.

Once you get the right workouts down don't forget to eat right. Feeding your body with the proper nutrients will have two results. You will not be adding anymore excess fat to your belly. And you will be giving your body the energy it needs to complete the exercises necessary to lose the belly fat you have.

Looking for the facts about how to burn belly fat? Do you want more information on workouts and nutrition facts that truly get results? Get the true belly reduction strategies at How To Burn Belly Fat Fast

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