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Wednesday, May 21, 2008 

How To Get Maximum Return on Your Workout Effort

Are you trying to lose fat on the treadmill? Do you spend endless hours on the elliptical trainer trying your best to slim down? You need to know the truth about aerobic exercising and fat loss. Cardiovascular exercises may be great for your heart, but it is not the best way to lose fat quickly. According to the latest exercise news, there are new, more efficient ways to lose your gut. But there's a bonus: the rapid approach to fat loss is also fastest way to build muscle.

We have all been taught for years that putting in lots of treadmill time (or doing similar aerobic exercises) was the best way to burn excess body fat. However, this turns out not to be the case.

Cardio exercises still work, but they are an inefficient way to get results. With the tightly scheduled lives that most people lead, there is not much room for inefficient exercising. Plus, it's possible that cardio exercises may actually lose their effectiveness over time. The worst part of it is that you could also exposing yourself to injury and muscle loss.

What is the fastest way to lower body fat and build pure muscles? Turns out that the answer is weight training. Doing the right kind of weight training is absolutely the fastest way to build muscle and slim down at the same time.

Accomplishing body fat loss requires increased metabolism. Research has proven that the best way to increase your metabolism is a consistent program of resistance training. Increased metabolism also helps to burn fat after the workout is over. This means that the benefits of weight training are both immediate and long-lasting.

To get the full benefit of a weight training program, you will need to do more than just add weights to your cardio routine. Spending hours and hours of going through the motions is not going to help you achieve your goals. The real key to success is intensity and targeting a complete set of muscle groups.

The problem with cardio or aerobic exercising for fat loss and muscle building is that cardio is a long period of activity at low to moderate intensity levels. Not only is the intensity lower than optimum, many muscle groups are left out.

If you really want to build muscle, you need to use a program that has a high level of intensity which also targets lots of muscle groups. Then work to the point of fatigue. This program will guarantee you maximum return on your effort. You will begin to build muscle and, at the same time, stoke your fat-burning furnace.

This method is called turbulence. If you have unlimited time and not very much to lose, then my all means stay on that treadmill. But if you need to build muscle and burn fat quickly, then add turbulence to your workout. You can expect to see results right away.

Get out of the workout rut and build the body you've always wanted. Find out the fastest way to build muscle. Visit http://buildpuremuscles.blogspot.com

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