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Friday, May 16, 2008 

The Secret To Permanent Weight Loss

AND SAVE MONEY IN THE PROCESS. The secret is simple and basic. Just three little words --- DON'T BUY IT! If you don't buy it, you won't eat it. If you don't eat it, you won't get fat. So your problem starts at the store or restaurant.

Since your diet starts at the store, were you ever taught how to shop for food? Probably not. The grocery store can destroy your diet and get into your pocketbook . First you need to check the layout of the store, ---where everything is. Leave the produce for last, so it will be as fresh as you can get it.

REMEMBER: 70% of the products are there just to take your money. Notice how many rows they have of soda, cereal, and snacks. Look what they've done to the potato--instant potatoes, mashed potatoes, french fries, tater tots, shoe string, chips, twice baked. Notice the shelves along the aisles. Everything is conveniently displayed close to your reach--a ploy by the store to buy those products. On the lower shelves are products aimed at kids. Look lower or higher, and you will find the same products--for less. If nature didn't make it, you don't need it. Stay away from processed and imitation foods. Try to stay away from canned food (you never know what's in the can). Stick with the fresh & frozen foods.

Check out the PACKAGES carefully. That box or package may not be full. 1 -Solids are measured by weight-- ounces, pounds. . 2 -Liquids are measured by volume-- gallon, quart, pint. 3- Price -5% of the price for the product is for the product it itself. 95% of the price is for; packaging, manufacturing, transportation, middlemen, salaries, insurance, utilities, etc. Let's say a gallon of milk cost $2.00. The milk is 10 cents, the rest is $1.90.

According to the FDA, LABELS must be specific and truthful. If the label says "Kraft Pasteurized Processed Cheese Food," it is not cheese. If it says "Breakfast Orange Drink"--it is not juice. Check out the nutritional values, particularly fat---stay away from saturated fat. INGREDIENTS must be listed in dominance order. If sugar or water is listed first, it is mostly sugar or water. The last ingredient is least significant. Anything after salt is of little use. Do you know what those ingredients are? Can you pronounce them? And you want to feed this to your family?

COUPONS are a gimmick to get you to buy something you don't need in the first place. Save 50 cents on chips, when you can save $3 if you didn't buy it. Do you ever find coupons for REAL food? Marketers know you need the basics. Nature didn't make snickers, it made nuts. Nature didn't make chips, it made potatoes. Nature didn't make soda pop, it made water and juice. Nature didn't make wieners, it made fish. Nature didn't make Snickers, it made raisins. Nature didn't make fritoes, it made corn. Our society is food oriented. On every corner there is a restaurant, fast food, and everything in between. You are bombarded with ads from the media. Your body knows what it needs. It knows when to stop eating apples, not candy. Once you start eating Mother Nature's diet you can lose weight, and feel much better about yourself Listen to your body.

Add exercise to your lifestyle, and you can add years to your life. Do something every day, even if its walking, climbing stairs, playing with the kids. A good exercise program should include aerobics (running, swimming, jump rope, fast dancing), endurance (working with weights), and flexibility ( calisthenics, yoga). Your body was meant to be used, not abused. You deserve it.

About The Author

Kathy Thompson, Writer, Speaker, Coach with 25 years of researching health and fitness. "The Secret to Permanent Weight Loss" Program is now available to help you live a happier, healthier, and longer life. http://www.words4-u.com/newu.html

To Contact Kathy: healthyu@words4-u.com

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