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Friday, May 16, 2008 

Heels And Jeans - 3 Tips To Make Your Legs Look Great For The Best Look

If you want your legs to look great to create the best look possible when you wear heels and jeans then consider using some of the techniques which figure competitors employ to sculpt their legs to become as shapely as possible. Assuming that you have picked out appropriate heels and jeans to match your body type and wardrobe, all you have to do is add these few extra steps.

First, consider using compound leg exercises when you weight train. A "compound" exercise is one which uses more than one muscle group at a time and an "isolation" exercise is one which targets only one muscle. For example, the leg press machine is a compound exercise because it targets all the muscles of your legs and your glutes. The leg extension machine is an isolation exercise because it primarily targets your quadriceps muscles on the front of your thighs. If you add at least one compound exercise to your leg training and train with sufficient intensity then you will stimulate your lean muscle growth faster than just using isolation exercises. If you don't weight train you can do body weight squats, hike, backpack, or any other exercise in which you use all of your leg muscles.

Second, make sure that you are drinking adequate amounts of water. There are several studies which show that many women do not drink enough water to meet their daily minimum needs. This is especially true if you happen to drink lots of coffee, tea, or sodas. These drinks tend to dehydrate you due to the caffeine levels in them. Most government websites recommend that you drink at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water throughout the day. While you can get some of the water in the form of watery fruits and vegetables, the majority should come from pure water. Improved muscle in your legs will go a long way to accentuating the look you want in your heels and jeans.

Adequate water levels prevent dehydration. One of the negatives of dehydration is that your body tends to hold onto water under the skin when it is dehydrated as a preventative measure. This stored water (called subcutaneous water) may look like fat to you, especially in traditionally problem areas for women like the hips and back of your thighs. When you are properly hydrated, however, the body will start to release some of that stored water. This means that just by drinking enough water every day you should begin to become slightly leaner. Leaner legs will help you achieve the look you want in your heels and jeans.

Finally, if you know that you cannot stop yourself from eating junk food when you are sad or angry, then make sure that you prepare your comfort food ahead of time. If you love eating a combination of sugar, salt, and crunch when stressed then have fun when you are feeling to good to make some less-damaging choice ahead of time. Try out different recipes and control what goes into your body by choosing tasty, yet healthier alternatives. One example is to bake your own chips and control the amount of salt you put on them; this way you cut down on the calories from the cooking oils and excess salt found in some brands. Reducing excess salt and saturated fat will help you stay leaner.

These three simple steps used by figure competitors can help you improve the look you want when you wear your favorite heels and jeans in just a few short weeks.

If you are frustrated that you can't fit into those jeans hanging in your closet or the ones you saw at the store, don't despair! Learn several, easy-to-use techniques to help you look better in your Heels And Jeans.