Three Day Diet
You will find a huge cross section of fast weight loss diets doing the rounds at the moment. All of these weight busting plans have one aim, to make you slimmer. Providing you are sensible and you stick to only one diet at a time, you should succeed and notice some visible results quite quickly. The types of food you are allowed on theses fat busting diets vary from plan to plan. With any fast process there is always sacrifice, this is no exception. All these rapid weight loss plans predominantly use starving techniques.
There are a few lose weight fast plans out there that claim you can lose up to 10 pounds in three days. These plans will more than likely involve no food at all and rely on you just drinking liquid.
Using a three day diet you will be told you can expect to see a weight loss in the region of 5 to 10 pounds. Three day diets have two big problems in my opinion. One, You will probably put the weight straight back on again after your three days. Two, they can cause some health that you will want to take into consideration.
These diets are created to achieve a very rapid weight loss; the weight has to come of your body somewhere. Three day diets target your water retention as water is easily gotten rid of and weight quite a bit. All you would lose after your three days is your body water and no fat lose would occur.
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