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Tuesday, May 13, 2008 

The Truth About Detox Dieting

Detox dieting is all the rage in the world of health and weight loss. It is all about taking your body to a new level with a clean diet that can clear your mind and give you more energy then ever thought possible. Our body is continually becoming overloaded with toxins from the earth. Even if you eat well, there are many system clogging substances as well that come in a lot of the foods that we eat. With everything we eat or breathe these substances are breaking down our body. A Detox diet can help eliminate these chemicals and help to clean out our bodies.

There are many substances in your body. One major substance is pesticides, additives, and preservatives. This comes from food that sits on the shelf for long periods of time, or produce that comes from other countries. The preservatives make the food look better but they aren't good for your body at all. All of these toxins travel through your liver which is already overused as it is.

Another substance that can hurt your body is trans fat which is the hydrogenated fat that is found in butter, chips, crackers, baked goods, and foods you find in restaurants. It is a fat that you really do not want to have in your body at all. More and more you find foods that are removing the trans fats but it can still be found in many foods on store shelves. It brings on heart problems, obesity, and artery blockage that can kill you.

Sugar is another thing that you do not want in your body. Sugar adds to obesity rates and it can even age your skin before it is ready. Refined sugars especially are bad for the skin and it helps to wrinkle your skin and give it a poor texture that makes you look old well before you are due to. Along the same lines, alcohol in your system also hinders your life expectancy and your body. Again, it taxes the liver which produces weight gain and shorter life spans.

Finally you have caffeine which is one of the most overused drugs in the world. People think that they need their coffee, whereas in reality the body doesn't need any caffeine at all. It can affect your bone density and again, it delivers bad substances to that liver which is what you need to live a long and healthy life.

By starting a diet full of fresh veggies, lean fish and poultry, and complex carbohydrates you can effectively change your life expectancy and help you to leave a much healthier life. You should also be adding a lot more omega-3 fatty acids which help your heart get stronger and help you control your weight much more effectively. It is hard to eat like that all the time though so there are special products on the market will let you "Detox" your body and give you the omega-3 fatty acids that you need. Omega's take the extracts from foods that you need in your body and brings them to you without having to eat many foods that you may not enjoy.

Another product you can try is a HGH releaser which is a supplement to reduce the affects of aging. It also helps to boost your growth hormone levels so that you feel as if you were young again. It speeds up your metabolism and betters your immune system. Obviously by adding water to your diet, it also gives you a purer way of adding much needed fluids. Once you eliminate all the bad foods and high sugar diets and add in the good carbs, good fats, and fiber, you are showing your body that you are taking care of it so that it will last for a long time to come.

For additional information on detox dieting, just click on the detox dieting link in this resource box.

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